How to Plan a CME Event at NYM To plan a “One-time CME Activity” or “Regularly Scheduled Series”, including a visiting professor activity, grand rounds, M&M, or symposium, please follow the guidelines below: I. Be prepared to identify and use sources to determine gaps/needs of your learners (What are the gaps/needs you plan to address? How do you know they exist? As a program director, how are you planning to close it) New York Methodist is now being more explicit about the components and basis of need. The ACCME accreditation system has evolved and the previous requirement of “multiple sources” was a way to get closer to the “practice based” needs. However, needs assessment is now about understanding the basis for a “professional practice gap” – The emphasis now is on the CME provider knowing the “educational needs that underlie the professional practice gaps of their own learners.” Closing the gap occurs through modifications to one, or more, of physicians’ knowledge, competence, or performance. CME providers are expected to analyze the gaps in order to understand the causes so as to determine the best or most appropriate educational intervention. Needs assessment data provides the basis for developing learner objectives for the CME activity. Determination of source of need: Knowledge of subject (knowledge and scholarly) Performance of test/treatment/intervention (competence and performance) Knowledge of compounding factors (knowledge and competence) Knowledge of community issues (performance and knowledge) Mention source of information (Q.A. Reports (Departmental or Hospital-wide, NYPort, Event Reports, New Developments) II. Form a program committee with definable leadership III. Chaired by program director The program committee must include a CME Committee Member Two members from relevant disciplines Other members who have significant roles and are knowledgeable of staff needs Be prepared to choose a program structure from the following: Hands-on workshops Open discussion with faculty (case presentation) Multisubject activity (repeated lectures – a course) Expert faculty lecture Small group discussions Patient interaction (eg. interviews with patients for patient satisfaction) Review of journals, peer review articles System Programs Other (Please specify) IV. Complete the following CME forms and submit electronically: Application for CME Accreditation (Be sure to authorize electronic signature) CME Activity Letter of Agreement (Must be signed) Planning Committee Meeting Minutes Format (Be sure to answer all questions and be sure a CME Committee Member is present) CME Disclosure Forms (Must be completed by everyone engaged in content development, planning or presentation) Sample Flyer Template (Announcement of Event) (All flyers must indicate program director’s name, department, date/time, venue, statement of need, educational objectives, targeted audience, acknowledgement of sponsorship and accreditation statement (please note the revised accreditation statement – on page 3). If you intend to develop a brochure for your activity, the Director of CME must approve all brochures, prior to printing. Be sure to submit a rough draft for review. (Include all the information found on the Sample Flyer Template (Announcement of Event). Program Schedule of Activities (Please feel free to customize your own format, however, be sure to include all the information found on the Sample Flyer Template (Announcement of Event). If you anticipate the receipt of an unrestricted grant, please be certain to submit an Agreement For Commercial Support for CME Programs (Must be signed and completed by all parties involved, including amount and type of grant). Appropriate budget forms must be completed with details of itemized expenses: For Regularly Scheduled Series: Preliminary Budget for Regularly Scheduled Series (Must be submitted along with initial application) and Final Budget for Regularly Scheduled Series (Must be submitted at the conclusion of the program) For One-time CME Activities: Preliminary Budget for One-time CME Activity (Must be submitted along with initial application and Final Budget for One-time CME Activity (Must be submitted at the conclusion of the program) At the conclusion of the program, a CME Program Outcome Summary Form must be completed by program director. Submit a list of all new attendings, residents, PAs, nursing and/or techs for attendance swipe cards (Attendance is recorded by an electronic swipe system. Credits will NOT be granted to anyone who does not swipe in) Note: Hours will be granted to non-MDs who attend programs An evaluation must be completed by ALL participants at the conclusion of each program (Forms are available for pick-up in the CME Office – Room M9 – Minor Pavilion Basement) The Steering Committee Members will review ALL above forms once successfully completed and electronically submitted. Please expect an answer in about one week. CME Staff will review program and advise program director if any changes are needed or if program is satisfactory. Steering Committee Members will review program and award credits upon final completion. Please note: Under special circumstances, the review will be conducted by CME Program Director within 48 hours and will then advise on approval. CME Committee approval follows but a provisional approval by Steering Committee is enough to proceed with final plans. The application will be reviewed for: a. Appropriateness (gaps/needs identified and sources recognized, objectiveness and evidence to improve performance, competence and patient outcomes) b. Feasibility (timing, planned space, planning committee, targeted audience, objectives, program outline, planned budget, speakers, disclosures, sponsorship and accredited hours determined) c. Budget review (unrestricted grants, appropriate documentation) d. Evaluation method The CME Staff and Steering Committee Members will provide guidance to the program committee on any changes that may need to be made to the program in order receive approval. V. Program announcement (if applicable) At this time and once the rough draft has been approved, the program director should contact Lyn Hill at ext. 3301 to help develop a brochure for the event. Please note: Whether you are using a brochure or not, be sure to include a sample flyer utilizing all required fields on the Sample Flyer Template (Announcement of Event). Accreditation Statement For Sponsored Activities New York Methodist Hospital is accredited by the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. New York Methodist Hospital designates this (please choose from and include one of the types of activities below) for a maximum of (number of credits) AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. For Jointly Sponsored Activities – Contact CME Office for appropriate statement Disclosure Statement Policies and standards of the Medical Society of the State of New York and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education require that speakers and planners for continuing medical education activities disclose any relevant financial relationships they may have with commercial interests whose products, devices or services may be discussed in the content of a CME activity. Please choose one The following speakers and planners have no relevant financial relationships to disclose: (insert names of speakers and planners) The following speakers and planners asked us to disclose information about their financial relationships: (insert names of speakers and planners along with the name of the commercial interest(s) and the nature of the relationship(s) FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - DO NOTE INCLUDE ON FLYER What is the type of activity? (live activity, enduring activity, journal-based CME, Test Item Writing, Manuscript review (for journals), Performance Improvement CME, Internet Point of Care) AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM – must stand out (italicize or bold) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit all electronic forms to: Jeanine Castellano at If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the CME Office at 347-442-4615 Checklist: Planning a CME Event at NYM _____ Application For CME Accreditation _____ CME Activity Letter of Agreement _____ Planning Committee Meeting Minutes (Include member of CME Committee) _____ CME Disclosure Form/s (Include for any person involved in Program) _____ Agreement For Commercial Support for CME Programs (Only complete if support is granted – direct or inkind) _____ Sample of Flyer (Announcement of Events) Template - _____ Brochures (if applicable) ______ Program Schedule of Activities (Be certain schedule includes Program Title, Department, Name of Program Director, Venue, Dates/Time, Speakers, Presentation Titles and Accreditation Statement) _____ List of new physicians, residents, PAs, nursing, and/or techs for attendance (Attendance is recorded by an electronic swipe system, therefore, credits can not be granted to anyone who does not swipe in) Note: Hours will be granted to non-MDs who attend programs _____ Preliminary Budget Planner (Submit at the beginning of Program for either RSS or One-time CME Activity) _____ Final Budget Form (Submit at the conclusion of the Program for either RSS or One-time CME Activity) _____ Outcome Summary Form (Submit at the conclusion of the Program) _____ Evaluations must be completed by ALL participants at the conclusion of each Program Please accept our appreciation for participating in NYM CME Program.