Lesson Plan Conception

Process of Conception
Achievement Objective(s)
AO. 5.A1: Describe physical, social, emotional, and intellectual processes of growth and relate these features of
adolescent development and effective self management strategies.
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
Assessment and/or Success Criteria
What should the students learn?
How do we know what we have learnt?
Describe the steps of conception from beginning to
Students will be able to describe the process of conception
from the beginning to pregnancy. Students will have
Describe the reproduction story.
gained knowledge of the anatomy and function of the
Apply prior knowledge of anatomy structures to order a
reproduction structures involved in the process of
timeline of conception.
Key Competency Focus
How is this key competency developed in this lesson?
Thinking: Students will have to read and think about the steps from beginning to pregnancy and be able to order them
correctly during the group continuum task. Students will be able to describe the anatomy terms in relation to the
structures involved and their function during conception.
Participating and Contributing: Students will actively participate in group activities to encourage other student’s ideas
to assist in developing their own and other student’s knowledge.
Student Learning Activities
Teacher Activities
Engaging students’ interest
Finding out existing knowledge and skills
Making it relevant
10 mins
5 -7
Question box from last lesson
What causes period pain?
As your body gets ready to break down the extra lining on
the wall of your womb (uterus) it releases hormones called
prostaglandins. These hormones trigger the muscles in your
womb (uterus) to contract and push the lining out of your
body through your vagina.
Does it matter if you use a tampon overnight?
Tampons can be worn for up to eight hours during the day
or night. They give you full protection, and stay in place no
matter how much you flip around when you sleep! One
thing, though, if you usually sleep more than 8 hours, you
should use a pad instead. Make sure you have the correct
absorbency tampon for you flow.
Does it hurt to wear tampons?
When the tampon has been inserted correctly, you should
not feel any discomfort.
Can you get your period while you’re having sex? It is only
a small amount of blood, menstrual blood does not pour
out, on average you lose around ¼ cup of blood during
your period, your partner may not even notice
You may choose to have sexual intercourse with your
partner during your period but it can be a little messy.
How long can tampons be?
Show a tampon to class along with sanitary pad.
Sanitary protection worksheet from last lesson.
Class discussion -answer questions (q. 2-4) from last
Scenario: what could you do to cause the least amount of
embarrassment to the girl in this situation?
ER: Top to put around waist, then discretely tell her.
Why is it important that males have an understanding of the
menstrual cycle?
ER: mood swings, hormones, so they know we are okay, in
future for conception
Why does sanitary protection come in different
ER: For different thicknesses, everyone is different and can
also vary during your period. Eg: light at beginning/end.
Heavier in between.
10 -15
In groups of 3-4 where students are sitting
students to arrange sperm meet egg conception
time line cards in the first step in conception (on
the left) to the last step in conception (on the
Students to allocate one student to come up to
whiteboard to blue tack on next step in
conception timeline.
Other students to agree/disagree with which step
they have popped up
T to hand out conception resource cards 1 pack between 34 students. T to go over timeline on board- blue tack up
steps in order from left to right (beginning to pregnancy). T
to ask someone from each group to come up and pick the
card they think comes next in the timeline.
T to facilitate discussion for agreement/disagreement if
Start of new life worksheet and questions
T to break it down into the sperm’s journey and the
egg/ovum’s journey through conception. T to discuss
journey of egg and sperm as a class then students to work
with their neighbour to complete the questions.
T to discuss with class the answers they have come up with.
5 mins
The reproduction story- Complete the sentences
using the appropriate word in the right hand
column. If the students have time- to complete
this worksheet.
If time permits student’s to watch BBC The
Human Body documentary – New Beginningsfocusing on the visual representation of the
process of conception.
T to discuss the answers to the reproduction story
worksheet if most students are finished new life worksheet.
5 mins
T to monitor where to stop video
If there is no time to watch any of this documentary, watch
at the beginning of next lesson.
Conclusion (wrap up)
Question Box- students to fill in any questions
they have and pop into the confidential question
box to be answered in class next lesson.
Blue tack
http://www.feminax.co.uk/youngAdults/what-cause-period-pain.htm - What causes period pain?
http://www.beinggirl.ie/article/period-tampons-using-tips-menstrual-protection/ - Does it matter if you wear a tampon
http://www.tampax.com/en-US/firstTampon/firstTamponArticle.aspx?ID=tampon-myths-and-misconceptions – Does it
hurt to wear tampons?
Sperm meets eggs timeline resource
New life worksheet
Reproduction story worksheet
BBC The Human Body documentary- New Beginnings
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement – where to next?
Teacher practice – what have I learnt?
what will I change?