6th Grade Health Lesson Plan; #17 Fertilization, Conception, and Reproduction NOTE: Males and females are separated for this lesson. Standards: 5.ICR.2 Analyze the changes and influences that occur during puberty and adolescence. 5.ICR.2.3: Summarize the functions of the male and female reproductive systems. 6.ICR.3 Understand the changes that occur during puberty and adolescence. 6.ICR.3.2 Summarize the relationship between conception and the menstrual cycle. Materials Needed: Salt Black paper BrainPop video on Reproduction Ovulation, Menstruation, and Conception PPT. The Reproduction System video from Discovery Education Class sets of appendixes 3a,b and c and appendix 4 from lesson 6ICR.3.2 Objective: Students will be able to describe the functions of both the male and female reproductive systems, and explain the process of fertilization through sexual intercourse. Focus: Ask students to gather around a table at the front of the room. Shake some salt onto the dark cloth and ask each student to pick up just one grain of salt and go back to their seats. Teacher explains to the students, “The grain of salt represents the size of an ovum (or egg from the mother). We all began life the size of a grain of salt. The ovum was fertilized by a sperm (a cell from the father). Today we will begin talking about human reproduction and the body parts in males and females which are part of the process.” Teacher Input: Teacher says, “The body is comprised of several systems such as the digestive system, the skeletal system, and the circulatory system. A system is made up of organs which work together to perform a vital function. The reproductive system works to make it possible for a man and woman to conceive a child. The act which might result in a baby developing in the mother is called sexual intercourse. If a baby is conceived, the woman becomes pregnant and the baby is born about nine months later.” Watch BrainPop video on Reproduction as a brief introduction and review of the human anatomy. Teach key concepts using the Ovulation, Menstruation, and Conception PPT. Watch The Reproduction System video from Discovery Education(16:49 min) Student Practice: Students work as a team to correctly sequence the O-M Cycle. Directions: For this activity create colorful signs from sequencing the O-M Cycle (Appendix 3a, b, and c). Distribute them to six students and ask them to post them in the proper sequence on the board in the front of the room. Ask remaining students if the sequence is correct. Use teacher key (Appendix 4) to check responses. Clear up any misconceptions. Note: If time allows, this can be done in small groups as well. Closer: Teacher says, “Human reproduction is a process which is quite miraculous. Men and women are born with organs which will develop and eventually function to create a human life. The responsibility of being a parent begins with being as healthy as possible during childhood and adolescence. That means eating nutritiously and avoiding harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. It also means waiting until one is mature, physically and emotionally, and until one is self-sufficient and responsible.” Notes for next time: