CL……. OUTCOMES ATTACHMENT 1 MINUTES OF THE HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD IN COMMITTEE ROOM NO. 1, LEVEL 4, COUNCIL CHAMBER BUILDING, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA, ON WEDNESDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2003 AT 5.36 PM __________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT Professor C Liston in the Chair, Ms O Beverley, Ms J Brown, Mrs S Brown, Councillor J E Haines OAM (arrived 6.35 pm), Mr B McGuirk and Mr D Shakespeare. IN ATTENDANCE Mr G Davies (Committee Secretary), Mr S Kerr (Senior Project Manager – Integrated Planning) (retired 6.25 pm) and Ms Luci-Anne Kreller (Project Officer – Integrated Planning). WELCOME Carol Liston welcomed everyone to the meeting and suggested that members provide a brief advice on their backgrounds. Similarly, Mr Stephen Kerr and Ms Luci-Anne Kreller provided advice on their role within the Integrated Planning Section of the Outcomes Group and the reasons for the delay in the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting. Stephen Kerr particularly referred to his desire to utilise the Committee to provide advice on policy matters. Carol Liston advised that the Committee had previously looked at development applications, however, this was not occurring at the time the Committee broke up. In addition, the Committee had given consideration to REP/LEP issues, however, upon the adoption of these instruments, the Committee had little on its agendas and had an increasingly unclear role. Mr Kerr added that a review of the REP would be held in the second half of this year and the Committee’s input would be needed. Shylie Brown felt that the Committee was wasting its time if it did not have input into DA’s. Mrs Brown also referred to the development of a number of key sites such as the corner of Palmer and Church Streets, where archaeological digs should have been required. 1/03 Report of Meeting – 17 April 2002 A copy of the report of the meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee held on 17 April 2002 had previously been forwarded to each member. Recommendation (Beverley/McGuirk) The report be taken as read and be confirmed as a true record of the meeting. D:\116101370.doc CL……. OUTCOMES ATTACHMENT 1 BUSINESS ARISING 2/03 Archaeological Digs Ms Kreller advised that the Parramatta Historical Archaeological Landscape Management Study (PHALMS) is being placed on Council’s GIS system and can be viewed by Council officers when giving consideration to development applications. Ms Kreller added that information in this regard can also be obtained from the Heritage Office website. Carol Liston referred to the discrepancy that occurs where a site in, say, Westmead will be “flagged” for an archaeological dig as no digs have been carried out in the area. An important site in Parramatta, such as Palmer Street, will not be “flagged” however, as digs have been carried out on nearby sites. Ms Liston suggested that a watching brief should be carried out on the methodology of archaeological digs. Ms Kreller advised that an appropriately advertised and promoted dig will be carried out in the vicinity of Hambledon Cottage in association with the Harris Park Cultural Master Plan. Mr Shakespeare suggested that local schools should be approached to participate. Ms Kreller added that the Heritage Landscape Consultant has provided a design for Hambledon Cottage that will raise the presentation of the property. The design is currently with the Heritage Office. Shylie Brown expressed her concern in relation to the site at the rear of the Masonic Club. 3/03 Draft Parramatta Aboriginal Heritage Study Ms Kreller referred to Minute No. 14/02 of the previous meeting and advised that the subject study is in draft form at this stage and requires further work. It is hoped that the Study will be finished by the end of the year. Ms Kreller further advised that the study would incorporate flagging mechanisms for relevant sites and added that Mr Michael Wells would be having input into the document. 4/03 Memorial Stone Carol Liston provided background information on the Memorial Stone for the Convict Barracks and the Memorial Stone for Bond House. Shylie Brown stressed that it was vital that the stones be located. Shylie indicated that Mr Wells had been advised that the stones were located at the Heritage Centre and upon investigation, had been further advised that the builder associated with D:\116101370.doc CL……. OUTCOMES ATTACHMENT 1 renovation works on “Riverbank” was in possession of the stones. Mrs Brown added that the DA consent for the “Riverbank” site might also contain some reference to the stones. Ms Kreller indicated that she would follow up the matter. 5/03 Heritage Week Ms Kreller advised that Council would not be taking any direct approach to Heritage Week but Council’s Events Officer, Mr Richard Old, had advised that Council would be supporting two (2) events to be run by the National Trust and the Parramatta Park Trust. Ms Kreller added that Judith Dunn would be carrying out guided tours during the week. 6/03 Heritage Awards Ms Kreller advised that she is currently preparing an award to recognise efforts that contribute to heritage in Parramatta. The presentation for the awards will be held in the Oak Tree TeaHouse at Hambledon Cottage from 5.00pm to 8.00pm on 8 April 2003. Ms Kreller welcomed input from the Committee in relation to criteria for the awards and on any suggested nominations. Ms Kreller added that assistance would also be required from the Committee in regard to the judging of the entries received for the Heritage Awards and also for applications received under the Community Development Grants scheme. Carol Liston requested that Ms Kreller forward the awards proposal, when completed, to members and that members contact Ms Kreller with any input. Carol added that members should be mindful that if an application form is too complicated, people would not enter. 7/03 Applications for Local Heritage Fund Ms Kreller tabled applications received under the Local Heritage Fund for consideration by the Committee as follows: (1) 102 The Trongate, Granville – Applicant – R & C Jenson – Removal of tiled verandah roof and replacement of roof and supports with concave curved iron. Ms Kreller advised that the application met all required criteria. Recommendation (Shylie Brown/Liston) Funds in the amount of $1000 be approved under the Local Heritage Fund. (2) 100 The Trongate, Granville – Applicant – R & C Jenson – Demolition of existing verandah and enclosure. Installation of new curved profile, iron verandah roof. D:\116101370.doc CL……. OUTCOMES ATTACHMENT 1 Ms Kreller advised that the application met all required criteria. Recommendation (Shylie Brown/Liston) Funds in the amount of $1000 be approved under the Local Heritage Fund. (3) 8 Mary Street, Granville – Applicant – Vietnam Veterans Association NSW Inc -Urgent repairs to verandah. Recommendation (Liston/June Brown) Consideration of this matter be deferred to the next meeting pending provision of further information including relevant photographs. (4) 8 Oak Street, Rosehill – Gavin Herbert – Full renovation of inside of the house. Councillor Haines was impressed with the photographs submitted with the application and suggested that the provision of photos be made a prerequisite for future applications. Mr McGuirk suggested that the applicant also be approached in relation to the proposed Heritage Awards. A general discussion was also held on whether works carried out under this fund should be visible to the general public. Shylie Brown added that the Heritage Study should be brought along to future meetings to assist in determinations. Recommendation (Liston/Shakespeare) Subject to appropriate receipts having been provided for work on floor boards or for termite treatments, funds in the amount of $1000 be approved under the Local Heritage Fund. (5) 73 Eleanor Street, Rosehill – Applicant – Lisa Helmrich – Providing further information on maintenance works including termite treatment. It was noted that the Committee had previously considered and deferred this application pending the provision of the information, which had now been supplied. It was also noted that the premises had now been sold. The Committee recognised, however, that the requested information had been provided before the property had been sold. Further, the delay in considering the further information had been as a result of the Heritage Advisory Committee not meeting and had been no fault of the applicant. Recommendation (Shylie Brown/Liston) D:\116101370.doc CL……. OUTCOMES ATTACHMENT 1 Funds in the amount of $1000 be approved under the Local Heritage Fund. 8/03 Election of Chairperson Carol Liston advised that the nomination of the Chairperson for Heritage Advisory Meetings had generally been carried out on an ad hoc basis and felt that this method was appropriate, especially as the chairperson had no input into the setting of the agenda. Recommendation (June Brown/Shakespeare) The Committee continue to have a revolving Chair dependant on those members present at any future meeting. GENERAL BUSINESS 9/03 Rising of Toongabbie Convicts at Vinegar Hill Mr McGuirk advised that a celebration into the rising of the Toongabbie Convicts at Vinegar Hill would be held in 2004. Councillor Haines advised that Council had agreed to participate in the celebration and would be meeting with Baulkham Hills Council in this regard. Mr Shakespeare indicated that local schools, especially Northmead High School, should be approached to be involved in the celebrations. Councillor Haines suggested that two (2) members from the Heritage Advisory Committee should be involved in any discussions on this issue. Recommendation (McGuirk/June Brown) Ms Kreller provide an update at the next meeting of the Committee in relation to Council’s involvement in the celebrations for the Rising of Convicts at Vinegar Hill. 10/03 Foundation Week Mr Shakespeare requested that the Committee be provided with advice on Council’s plans for Foundation Week. Recommendation (Shakespeare/Liston) Ms Kreller provide an update on Council’s proposal for Foundation Week at the next meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee. 11/03 Upcoming Events Mr Shakespeare advised that Parramatta Historical Society turns 90 this year, as does Parramatta High School. June Brown added that the Parramatta Historical Society hoped to hold a celebratory event at Hambledon Cottage, such celebrations to coincide with the completion of the restoration works at the Cottage. D:\116101370.doc CL……. OUTCOMES ATTACHMENT 1 Carol Liston added that 190 years had passed since the opening of the Orphan School and suggested that the Committee hold a future meeting on site at the School. Councillor Haines advised that the Granville Community Centre would be opening soon and advised that honour boards would be retained on site. Carol Liston responded that she is in possession of the memorial board for Rydalmere Hospital. Councillor Haines added that a grant might be able to be obtained from the Department of Veteran Affairs for any restoration works required for the memorial board. 12/03 Mortimer Lewis Court House Shylie Brown advised that the front facade of the Mortimer Lewis Court House was owned by Bill Mathews and was previously located opposite Hambledon Cottage. Shylie suggested that Mr Mathews be contacted to ascertain the present location of the facade. Shylie further questioned the current location of the sandstone fence for Bond House that had previously been located in Tintern Avenue. Carol Liston expressed the need for a register of movable heritage items. Recommendation (Shylie Brown/Liston) (a) Shylie Brown provide details to Ms Kreller in relation to the facade of the Mortimer Lewis Court House with a view to its present whereabouts being located. (b) Ms Kreller visit Council’s depot and document any heritage items currently being stored on site. 13/03 Next Meeting Ms Kreller advised that the Committee will need to give consideration to applications received under the Community Development Grants Program. Accordingly, it will be necessary for the Committee to meet in the week commencing 28 April 2003, possibly on Wednesday, 30 April 2003. Ms Kreller added that she would clarify the meeting date with members. The meeting terminated at 7.12pm. D:\116101370.doc