A mathematical model for estimating anaerobic synthesis rate constants for Escherichia coli proteins. Tijdens dit bachelorproject werd een wiskundig model ontwikkeld om de synthese constanten van eiwitten in de bacterie Escherichia coli onder anaerobe omstandigheden te kunnen schatten. Dit model gebruikt experimenteel verkregen waarden als startpunt van de rekenmethode. De startwaarden zijn verkregen gedurende een pulse-chase experiment waarin eiwitten werden gelabelled. Met behulp van moderne analytische technieken zijn deze eiwitten geïdentificeerd en zijn een tweetal ratio's bepaald: de Rnew, welke het aantal nieuw gesynthetiseerde eiwitten weergeeft en de Rtotaal, welke het totaal aantal eiwitten weergeeft. Deze twee ratio's worden door het model als startpunt gebruikt. Het model werd ontwikkeld met behulp van het computerprogramma MATLAB en gebruikt diverse functies en algoritmes om differentiaalvergelijkingen op te lossen welke de Rnew en de Rtotaal definiëren. Centraal in dit model staat de ∆R formule; deze formule beschrijft de relatie tussen de gemeten ratio's van Rnew en Rtotaal en de voorspelde waarden welke door het model worden bepaald. De ratio's zijn opgebouwd uit een drietal parameters; kdeg (de degradatieconstante) ksyn,aerobic (de aerobe synthese constante) en de ksyn,anaerobic (de anaerobe synthese constante. De eerste twee parameters zijn vooraf gedefinieerd waardoor alleen de ksyn,anaerobic een variabele is. Met behulp van het model kan deze laatste variabele worden geschat. Wouter W. Woud (5974003) Bio-Exact 4-07-2012 Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C. G. de Koster Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences 0 Index Introduction...................................................................................................... Page 2 Experimental and Theoretical background...................................................... Page 4 The Model........................................................................................................ Page 9 Results.............................................................................................................. Page 16 Conclusion........................................................................................................ Page 21 APPENDIX…………………………………………………………………… Page 22 - The Source Code…………………………………………………... Page 22 - Proteomic Data Set……………………………………………….... Page 27 References.......................................................................................................... Page 31 1 Introduction Many structural and functional properties of all living cells are defined by proteins. They are responsible for executing many different tasks within the cells, as specified in the cell’s DNA1. Because of this key functionality, proteins make up a large part of a cell’s constituents. For example, half of the dry mass of an Escherichia coli cell is made up by proteins. The other half consists mostly of DNA and RNA2. Important insights about cellular functionality can be gained by studying protein activity and interactions within the cell. As such, protein research is an active research field. Classic methods of study mostly consist of protein isolation and/ or labelling. A number of techniques have been developed to isolate proteins from cells. Most noticeably various types of chromatography can be used to isolate proteins based on different properties such as molecular weight, charge or binding affinity3. Labelling techniques such as the radioactive isotope pulse-chase labelling with 35S-methionine or the use of Fluorescent Proteins (FP) can be used to make proteins inside the cell visible under a microscope4,5. These techniques are commonly used by scientists for various research purposes. Protein isolation and labelling have helped to gain useful information about a wide range of proteins. The information gained using these techniques mostly concerns protein structure or functionality. Another part of the research field is more interested in the total ensemble of proteins present in a cell at certain points in time. These studies generate huge data sets, and form the field of proteomics, named after the related field of genomics, which handles large data sets of genetic information. Important techniques in proteomics that are able to deal with large amounts of proteins are 2D electrophoresis6 and mass-spectrometry7 . Using 2D electrophoresis thousands of proteins can be separated simultaneously in one separation procedure whereas mass-spectrometry allows proteome wide high-throughput sequencing of peptides and identification of proteins. 2D electrophoresis enables the separation of complex mixtures of proteins according to isoelectric point (pl), molecular mass (Mr), solubility and relative abundance. Furthermore, it delivers a map of intact proteins which reflects changes in protein expression level, isoforms or posttranslational modifications. This is in contrast to mass-spectrometry based methods which perform analysis on peptides where Mr and pl information is lost and where stable isotope labelling is required for quantitative analysis. The huge amounts of data generated using these and other techniques find its application in the computational systems biology. This relatively new field aims to develop and use efficient algorithms, data structures and visualization and communication tools with the goal of computational modeling of biological systems8 . More specifically, protein data acquired through, for example, mass-spectrometry of whole cells can be used to create computer models that can predict protein characteristics in these cells. Characteristics of interest may include rates of protein synthesis and degradation and related to the latter the protein half-life, which is the time it takes for half of a given protein population to degrade. When compared to experimental data an attempt can be made to link these predicted characteristics to protein functionality in the living cell. The basis of such a predictive computer model is formed by a set of mathematical equations that describe the behavior of proteins in the organism of interest. To simplify these equations certain assumption concerning this behavior can, and sometimes must be made, as is also shown later in this paper. Arguments for such assumption must be obtained from experimental research. By optimizing model parameters such as reaction rate constants to 2 match experimental results a valid descriptive and predictive model can be created for the biological system of interest. In the case of whole cell proteomics an ideal model would for example be able to estimate both synthesis and degradation constants as well as half-lives for a variety of proteins. If experimental research provides errors for measurements, e.g. standard deviations, the model should be able to process these as well when estimating synthesis and degradation constants. Ultimately this model should be usable to gain useful insights in the proteome dynamics of the organism of interest. 3 Experimental and theoretical background The aim of our research is to build a mathematical model which can be used to estimate reaction rate constants of both synthesis and degradation as well as half-lifes of given proteins. Our mathematical model has been created using the computer program MatLab® and uses a proteomic data set as input. This proteomic data set was generated during a pulsechase labelling experiment using the methionine analog azidohomoalanine (abbreviated as ‘azhal’)9. Whilst our model can be used to estimate both reaction rate constants and half-lifes, this paper will only discuss the part of the model which estimates the anaerobic reaction rate constants. The proteomic data set was generated during a pulse-chase labelling experiment. This experiment was used to identify and quantify several hundreds of newly synthesized proteins in Escherichia coli upon pulse labelling with the methionine analogue azidohomoalanine (azhal). For the first 30 minutes after inoculation, a methionine-auxotrophic E. coli strain grows equally well on azhal as on methionine under aerobic conditions. Upon a pulse of 10 minutes with the methionine analogue azidohomoalanine (azhal), a change in environmental conditions by switching from aerobic to anaerobic circumstances and digestion of total protein, newly synthesized azhal labelled peptides are isolated by a retention time shift between two reversed chromatographic runs. The retention time shift is induced by a reaction selective for the azido group in labelled peptides using tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine. Selectively modified peptides are identified by reversed phase liquid chromatography and online tandem in mass spectrometry. As methionine is the more dominant competitor over azhal, the medium should be purged of methionine before labelling for maximum incorporation10. Thus, by using this pulse-chase experimental setup, newly synthesized proteins can be identified because of their incorporation of the methionine analogue azhal. Furthermore, this strategy allows us to identify changes in total protein levels on the same time scale as new protein synthesis. Using these values for total protein level and newly synthesized proteins two different ratios were obtained. These ratios will be explained shortly. Model During the exponential growth phase of E. coli cells, we assume that the number of proteins increases proportional to cellular mass and that protein synthesis and degradation are firstorder with the number of proteins. At the beginning of the experiment (t = 0), environmental conditions are altered from aerobic to anaerobic and only non-labeled proteins are present in E. coli. These unlabelled proteins are named Pold as they solely exist as pre-existing material, and thus only methionine containing peptides are present. After 10 minutes of Azhal labelling under anaerobic conditions the unlabelled proteins have been partly degraded and new proteins which contain the azhal label have been synthesized. These labeled proteins are named Pnew. The degradation of Pold is given by the following differential equation: 4 Pold k deg * Pold (1) t We assume that protein synthesis is of the first-order with the total amount of protein present in the cell. Therefore, Pnew is being formed with a first-order rate constant ksyn and degraded by kdeg. We assume that kdeg has the same value for both labelled and unlabelled proteins, as well as for aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Arguments for this assumption can be found in the supplementary data of the publication ‘Proteome-wide alterations in Escherichia coli translation rates upon anaerobiosis’, Kramer et al9. As such, the rate of change of azhal containing peptides (Pnew) is defined by the following differential equation: Pnew k syn * Pold (k syn k deg ) Pnew t ( 2) The term ksyn*Pold seems a little strange at first, but recall that we assume that protein synthesis is of the first-order with the total amount of protein present in the cell. Therefore, the concentration of newly formed proteins depends on both the pre-existing amount of protein (unlabelled, Pold) and the newly synthesized amount of protein (labelled, Pnew). Integration of both differential equations is straightforward and yields the time-dependant functions Pold(t) and Pnew(t): Pold (t ) Pold (0) * e kdegt Pnew (t ) Pold (0) * [e (3) ( k syn kdeg ) t e kdegt ] (4) After summation of Pold(t) and Pnew(t) the term Ptotal(t) is acquired. This term reflects the total amount of protein present at any given time and is defined by the following equation: Ptotal (t ) Pold Pnew Pold (0) * e ( ksyn kdeg ) t (5) As described earlier our model uses data derived from a proteomic data set as input. This experimentally acquired data is being used to create two different ratio’s named Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured which are consequently being used as input entry in our model. How exactly are the ratios of Rnew and Rtotal defined? The first ratio is the number of newly synthesized proteins during the pulse labelling time interval upon transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions. The ratio of newly synthesized proteins (Rnew) under anaerobiosis (Pnew, anaerobic) and aerobiosis (Pnew, aerobic) is defined as: Rnew Pnew, anaerobic(t ) Pnew, aerobic (t ) Pold , anaerobic(0) * [e Pold , aerobic (0) * [e 5 ( k syn, anaerobic k deg ) t ( k syn, aerobic k deg ) t e e k deg t k deg t ] ] (6) Please note that these parameters strongly represent equation 4. Equation 7 can be reduced to an easier form by replacing the subtractions made with -1, thus obtaining equation 8. This substitution can be made as in both the dividend and the divisor the same value is being subtracted. Pold , anaerobic(0) e ksyn, anaerobic t 1 Rnew * (7 ) Pold , aerobic(0) e ksyn, aerobic t 1 The second ratio is the copy number of total protein level at the end of the labelling time between the two environmental conditions. This ratio is derived from the ratios of peptides that do not contain methionine or azhal. Azhal peptides are excluded since these represent exclusively newly synthesized material, while methionine peptides are excluded because they represent only pre-existing material. The non azhal/methionine-containing peptide copy number equals in the kinetic model the summation of Pold(t) and Pnew(t), as described in equation 5. (k k ) t ( Pold (t ) Pnew (t )) anaerobic Pold , anaerobic(0) e syn, anaerobic deg Rtotal * (8) ( Pold (t ) Pnew (t )) aerobic Pold , aerobic (0) e ( ksyn, aerobic kdeg )t This total protein ratio reflects the overall protein expression between the two environmental states. In our model these two experimental ratios (Rnew & Rtotal) are predicted by three different reaction rate constants (ksyn, anaerobic, ksyn, aerobic and kdeg). To compare the predicted ratios of Rnew and Rtotal with the measured ratios (as is the ultimate goal, as can be seen in equation 13) several assumptions are made. First of all, as stated before the aerobic culture is in the exponential growth phase. Thus, the whole of metabolic, proteomic and genomic activities within the E. coli cells are set for reproduction. When the environmental conditions are altered (form aerobic to anaerobic) a growth arrest of approximately 10 minutes occurs within the E. coli cells. During these 10 minutes, the E. coli cells are altering their transcriptome and proteome in response to the changed environmental conditions. Secondly, to estimate protein half-lifes from the proteomics data set the value of kdeg is being varied. More information on how this variation in kdeg occurs can be found in “ A mathematical model for estimating protein half-lifes in Eschericia coli” by Tom Boer. From literature it is known that there are approximately two different protein populations with regard to protein degradation rates within E. coli: a small rapidly degrading population with half-lifes lower than 10 minutes and a more slowly degrading population with half-lifes ranging between several hours up to 23 hours11,12. The degradation rate constant kdeg is inversely connected to protein half-life by the following equation: k deg ln 2 (9) As kdeg has been defined, the next step would be the estimation of ksyn, aerobiosis. During the ten minutes labelling time (tp) the optical density (O.D.600 nm) of the E. coli culture increases with a factor P(tp) divided by P(t0). This implies that biomass increases with the same factor and 6 using the assumption that total protein content scales linearly with biomass the increase of protein mass also equals P(tp) divided by P(t0). Furthermore, the relative protein composition does not change during steady state aerobic growth. This means that the increase in copy number for each protein is also P(tp) divided by P(t0). For each protein, ksyn, aerobiosis is related to its kdeg during steady state aerobic conditions via: k syn,aerobiosis 1 P(t p ) ln k deg r k deg (10) t p P (t 0 ) And is related to protein half-life as: k syn,aerobiosis r ln 2 (11) The E. coli cells used to generate the data set were exponentially growing and P(tp)/P(t0) yielded a value of 1.0625. This value was named ‘growth’ in our model. The ‘r’ value as notated in the equations above was calculated using the pulse time and the growth value, as described in equation 13. Using this equation, the ‘r’ value thus yields a fixed value of 0.0026. Note that the ‘r’ value is the same for all proteins. r 1 * log( growth) (12) pulsetime Thus, all of the parameters needed to calculate values of Rnew,calculated and Rtotal,calculated are now defined. Please notice the difference between Rnew,measured / Rtotal,measured and Rnew,calculated / Rtotal,calculated, the first being the ratio’s our model uses as input from the proteomic data set and the later being the ratio’s which will be used to estimate the anaerobic synthesis constant ksyn,anaerobic. The anaerobic synthesis constant is being estimated by using the following formula: R Rnew,calculated Rnew,measured Rtotal,calculated Rtotal,measured (13) Equation 13 can be seen as the summation of the absolute values of a variable minus a fixed value. As both Rnew, measured and Rtotal,measured are fixed values (inputted directly from the proteomic data set) and ∆R is being minimized as much as possible to ascertain our model matches reality as much as possible, we are able to find a value of ksyn,anaerobic. For example, let's set ∆R = 0, and use the Rnew, measured and Rtotal,measured values of aldehydealcohol dehydrogenase (ADHE) from the proteomic data set. When both Rnew,calculated and Rtotal,calculated would be written as equations 7 and 8, equation 13 would look like this: Pold , anaerobic(0) e ksyn, anaerobic t 1 Pold , anaerobic(0) e( ksyn, anaerobic kdeg )t 0 * ksyn, aerobic t 10,26 * ( ksyn, aerobic kdeg )t 2,59 Pold , aerobic(0) e Pold , aerobic(0) e 1 7 (14) As stated before, Rnew,calculated and Rtotal,calculated consist of 3 different parameters: kdeg, ksyn,aerobic and ksyn,anaerobic. As both kdeg and ksyn,aerobic have been defined only one parameter is subject to change: the ksyn,anaerobic. Thus, the Rnew,calculated and Rtotal,calculated values can be used, in combination with the minimization of ∆R, to obtain values for ksyn,anaerobic. How the estimation of ksyn,anaerobic occurs exactly will be explained in great detail in chapter 3, ‘The Model’. 8 The Model Our model runs in various stages, which are presented schematically in figure 1. The first step is the extraction of data from the proteomic data set. Secondly, normally distributed random numbers are generated over the extracted data. After those numbers have been generated, a set of 4 differential equations will be solved in combination with a least square function called lsqnonlin. The last steps are the calculation of the anaerobic synthesis constant ksyn,anaerobic and the' re-writing' of the calculated data into the proteomic data set. Figure 1: A schematic overview of the model. The various steps of the model described above will be discussed in great detail within this chapter. We begin this chapter with an introduction to the differential equations. Our model uses a set of 4 differential equations in order to estimate the anaerobic synthesis constants ksyn,anaerobic from E. coli proteins. These four different differential equations (equation 14) represent the amount of unlabelled protein present under aerobic conditions (differential equation 1, Pold, aerobic), the amount of labelled protein present under aerobic conditions (differential equation 2, Pnew,aerobic), the amount of unlabelled protein present under anaerobic conditions (differential equation 3, Pold,anaerobic) and the amount of labelled protein present under anaerobic conditions (differential equation 4, Pnew,anaerobic). As we can see these differential equations show strong similarities with equations 1 & 2 from the previous chapter. 9 dy1 dt dy 2 dt dy3 dt dy 4 dt k deg * y1 dt k syn,aerobic * k deg * y1 y2 (k syn,aerobic k deg ) * dt dt y3 dt k syn,anaerobic * y3 y4 (k syn,anaerobic k deg ) * dt dt Paerobic y1 y 2 Panaerobic y3 y 4 y4 (15) y2 P anaerobic Paerobic Rnew, calculated Rtotal, calculated The equations described above (equation 14) are being combined in the same ways as described in the previous chapter (equation 5). By adding dy1 and dy2 a new equation can be dt dt obtained which represents the total amount of protein present under aerobic conditions. This adding process can be repeated for dy3 and dt dy4 which dt returns a function representing the total amount of protein present under anaerobic conditions. By dividing equation 4 with equation 2 the parameter Rnew, calculated is being obtained. Rtotal,calculated is being obtained by dividing the total amount of protein present under anaerobic conditions (Panaerobic) through the total amount of protein present under aerobic conditions (Paerobic). As stated before, the aim of our research is to build a mathematical model which can estimate the anaerobic synthesis constants ksyn,anaerobic of various proteins from E. coli. For this purpose a mathematical model was build using the computer program MatLab®, the MathWorks. This model heavily relies on the series of equations described thus far, and will be discussed in great detail within this chapter. Both the source code of the model and the excel file containing the Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured values derived from the proteomic data set can be found in the appendix ‘Proteomic Data Set’, page 26. Data extraction Our model starts with the extraction of the Rnew, measured and Rtotal,measured values from the proteomic data set. The data in the first column of the proteomic data set represents the protein number, which allows us to easily find the number of proteins our model will use when operating. The second column represents the protein acesion number, a code with wich the protein can ben identified. The third column represents the protein names, e.g. ADHE for aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase. The fourth, fith, sixth and seventh columns of the proteomic data set represent the measured values of Rnew and Rtotal and their corresponding standarddeviations. The other columns represent the outputted data; more information provided at the end of this chapter. The data extraction has been automated in such way that when running the model a pop-up screen appears which will ask the user to select an excel file of choice. The codes for this feature are shown below: 10 % read excel data [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.*','Select data file'); path = [pathname,filename]; [num, txt, raw] = xlsread(path); [lcol, lrow] = size(num); Matlab automatically separates text and numerical values from the extracted data. Numerical values are returned in the array num and text will be returned in the array txt. If a cell contains both numerical values and text it is considered as raw data and will be stored in the array raw . This feature is extremely handy as it solves the problem of separating text and numerical values manually and thus saves a lot of time. Also, the size of the numerical array is being determined. As our proteomic data set has its proteins listed from top to bottom, the array lcol is a direct indication of the amount of proteins extracted from the excel file. However, as can be seen in the appendix 'Proteomic Dataset' our model does not use all numerical values provided by the excel file: the first numerical value encountered, the 'protein number', has no value for the estimation of the anaerobic synthesis constants. Only the values of Rnew, measured and Rtotal, measured and their corresponding standard deviations are needed for our calculations. The standard deviations have been obtained by conducting the pulse-chase experiment several times. Creating normally distributed values of Rnew & Rtotal The standard deviations are being used by the following code line to generate a number of normally distributed values of Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured around the given means of both values. % create n normally distributed randoms around Rnew randoms(:,1) = random('norm',num(g,4),num(g,5),[n 1]); % create n normally distributed randoms around Rtotal randoms(:,2) = random('norm',num(g,6),num(g,7),[n 1]); These codes have a two folded functional character and operate as follows: the first position after random is specified for the type of distribution one would like to create. In our model, we wanted the values of Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured to be distributed normally and therefore the options have been set to 'norm'. The second and third positions specify the mean and standard deviation respectively. As can be seen, these values are being extracted from the num array which was created previously. For example, the code num(g,4)implies that the numerical value of row g and colomn 4 are being used as input for the mean value of Rnew,measured. Since every g represents a protein in our model this code ensures that normally distributed randomly generated values of both Rnew, measured and Rtotal, measured are being created for all proteins. The last position, [n 1], determines the size of the array in which the randomly created values of Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured are being stored. This array has the size of a matrix with n rows and 1 column. Because the n parameter has been set to a value of 300, a [300 1] matrix will be created, thus resulting in 300 randomly generated normally distributed values of both Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured. Since the n parameter has been defined at the start of the model (appendix: ‘The Source Code’) the number of randoms generated can easily be adjusted by changing the value of this parameter. The two folded functional character of these codes are due to the fact that they both generate random numbers as well as extract the correct data from the num arrays created by the 11 xlsread function. The random numbers generated are stored in the arrays Rnewmeasured and Rtotalmeasured by the following command line: % optimize ksynanaerobic for all randoms for p = 1:n Rnewmeasured = randoms(p,1); Rtotalmeasured = randoms(p,2); Note that the random values have changed from an n index to a p index. Calculation of ksyn,anaerobic The randomly generated Rnew, measured and Rtotal,measured values are being used as input entry for the ∆R formula (equation 13, chapter 2 ‘Experimental and theoretical background’). Equation 13 can be seen as the summation of the absolute values of a variable minus a fixed value. That is, every randomly generated value for Rnew, measured and Rtotal,measured represents a fixed value. In the specific case of the protein aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHE), the first protein in the proteomic data set, equation 13 can be written in the following form: R ADHE Rnew,calculated 10,26 Rtotal,calculated 2,59 (16) Please note that the values of Rnew, measured and Rtotal,measured in this formula represent the standard values as can be found in the appendix ‘Proteomic Data Set’, and not values which have been randomly generated. The parameters Rnew,calculated and Rtotal,calculated consist of three variables from which two have been defined previously (ksyn,aerobic and kdeg), resulting in only one variable left for estimation. This last variable, ksyn,anaerobic (denoted x in our model), is being estimated by Matlab using an optimization routine function called ‘lsqnonlin’. This function solves nonlinear leastsquares problems, including nonlinear data-fitting problems. The function lsqnonlin in our model is being called on by the following command lines: [x,resnorm] = lsqnonlin(@diff,x0,lb,ub,options); options = optimset ('Display','off','Largescale','off','Algorithm','levenberg-marquardt'); The function lsqnonlin is designed, as stated before, to solve non-linear least-square problems. Since the ∆R value has to be as small as possible for our model to reflect reality, our model faces a non-linear least square problem and thus the lsqnonlin function is being used. However, before the operation of the lsqnonlin function can be explained we first have to address the problem of solving the differential equations as described in equation 15. If we take a closer look at the lsqnonlin command line one can see that the function tries to find a minimum in the sum of squares of the functions described in diff. Its starting value for x (denoted as x0) is set to 0, and both the upper and lower bounds are empty (lb = [] & ub = []) implying no limits for lsqnonlin to find values of x which result in a minimum of ∆R. These values for x0,lb,ub are set at the first section of the source code (% define lsqnonlin parameters). 12 The command lines for the diff function are depicted below. As one can see the diff section is a rather large part in our model, and will therefore be discussed step by step. function deltaR = diff(x) % solve the ode as described in the function 'kinetics' options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-4); [t,sol] = ode45(@kinetics,tspan,y0,options,x); The first step within the diff function is solving the differential equations described in equation 14. This solving process is carried out by the function ode45, a solver that integrates ordinary differential equations. The differential equations which are to be solved are situated in the function kinetics (@kinetics), which can be found at the end of the source code. The interval of integration is set by tspan and equals the duration of the pulse-chase experiment, which was ten minutes in our model. Thus, tspan = [0 pulsetime]. The starting values for the differential equations are set by y0 and are 100, 0, 106.25 and 0 respectively. Recall that the first and third differential equations represent the amount of unlabelled protein present under aerobic conditions and the amount of unlabelled protein present under anaerobic conditions respectively, and thus will only decrease over time. The options only contain a function that controls the number of digits in all solution components, assuring all outputted entries have the same length. The only variable in here is x, and all solutions are stored in a matrix of size [t,sol]. While using this solving routine, problems were encountered in the form of NaN errors. This problem was solved by removing the solving values at t=0 from the [t,sol] matrices. % remove y0 from data to prevent NaN errors sol(1,:)=[]; The next step is to extract the y vectors from the matrices and to assure all vectors have the same length. These objectives are achieved by the following command lines: % extract y vectors from the sol matrix y1 = sol(:,1); y2 = sol(:,2); y3 = sol(:,3); y4 = sol(:,4); % fix ny1 = ny2 = ny3 = ny4 = y vector length to prevent matrix dimension errors y1(1:z); y2(1:z); y3(1:z); y4(1:z); The vector lengths are being set by parameter z, which is set to the value of 56. This number was empirically found the highest value for which our model would operate without any errors (vector length mismatch). The last step occurring in diff is the actual calculation of ∆R. The values calculated by the ode45 function are being combined in the same ways as described in equation 14, resulting in values of Razhal and Rtotal, also known as Rnew,calculated and Rtotal, calculated. By using equation 13 our model now is able to calculate ∆R. 13 % calculate the difference between measured en predicted data Paeroob = ny1 + ny2; Panaeroob = ny3 + ny4; Razhal = ny4 ./ ny2; Rtotal = Panaeroob ./ Paeroob; deltaR = abs(Razhal- Rnewmeasured)+abs(Rtotal-Rtotalmeasured); deltaR = deltaR(z); end Since we are only interested in the final value of ∆R (that is, the value of ∆R after ten minutes of labelling), the 56th entry is being taken as the final value of ∆R (deltaR = deltaR(z)). Thus, the function lsqnonlin solves the differential equations in such way that the ∆R value becomes a minimum, making our model reflect reality as good as possible. The anaerobic synthesis constant ksyn,anaerobic is the x value for which the minimum is achieved, and is being extracted by the following command line: ksynanaerobic(p) = x; Please note the p index and recall that the values of Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured in reality consist of 300 randomly generated normally distributed values. This means that there are 300 different values of ksyn,anaerobic as well. The final value of ksyn,anaerobic as well as its standard deviation are being calculated by taking the mean of all 300 values of ksyn,anaerobic and using n the formula n i 1 ( xi ) 2 respectively. n These calculations are being achieved by the following codes: ksynanaer(g) = mean(ksynanaerobic); ksynanaersd(g) = sqrt((sum((ksynanaerobic-mean(ksynanaerobic)).^2))/n); Returning data to excel file The final step in our model is the transfer of the calculated data back to the proteomic dataset. This is being achieved by the following command lines: % write data to Excel disp('Writing...') xlswrite(path, {'ksynanaer'}, 1, 'K1') xlswrite(path, ksynanaer', 1, 'K2') xlswrite(path, {'sd'}, 1, 'L1') xlswrite(path, ksynanaersd', 1, 'L2') Recall that during the data extraction, the first step in our model, an excel file was chosen and stored in the array path. The code lines described above use this same path (first entry after xlswrite) to write both the ksyn,anaerobic and their standard deviations into the proteomic data set. The second entry defines the outputted data, and the third and fourth entries define the sheet and range respectively. Note that the second entry contains either {'ksynanaer'} / {'sd'} or ksynanaer' / ksynanaersd'; the first one (purple) can be seen as a title for the outputted data whereas the second line represents the actual matrix containing the calculated data. 14 Additional features Our model uses a set of codes to help us monitor its calculation progress. This set of codes represents a timer function, enabling us to monitor the time our model needed to complete its calculation procedure. These codes use the tic/toc combination and are depicted below: tic ‘Calculation Zone’ Elapsedtime = toc/60; str = ['Elapsed time: ', num2str(Elapsedtime), ' minutes']; disp(str) The tic code starts a stopwatch timer which runs in seconds, and the toc code stops this timer. The tic code should be placed at the very start of the model, that is, just before the model takes its first action. As the first action of our model is the extraction of data from the proteomic data set, tic should be placed just before the % read excel data codes. Just as tic should be placed at the start of the model, toc should be placed at the end of it. As our model ends with the transfer of the calculated data back to the proteomic data set, toc should be placed right after these codes. Thus, the ‘Calculation Zone’ represents all the function and codes in our model which play a role in estimating the anaerobic synthesis constants. In the codes above, the value of toc is being divided by 60 to acquire the time in minutes. The calculation time then is being displayed by disp(str), which displays ‘Elapsed time: (calculation time) minutes’. 15 Results Effect of the randoms on the ksyn,anaerobic In order to describe the effect of the number of normally distributed Rnew and Rtotal values generated by our program on the estimation of ksyn, anaerobic and to find out what the minimal value of n required is, a computational experiment was done by running our model with a varying number of randoms whilst estimating the anaerobic synthesis rate constant for 1 protein only. The protein we selected for this experiment was aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHE). We ran our model using n = 1, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 numbers of randoms over the values of Rnew, measured and Rtotal, measured. A total of ten simulations for each random number value (n) were done, and the outcomes of the values of ksyn,anaerobic were plotted against the number of randoms used to calculate them. Note, the ksyn,anaerobic values calculated this way are avaraged; e.g. generating 300 values of Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured still lead to one value of ksyn,anaerobic per simulation. The results of this experiment are shown in figure 2. Figure 2: Effect of the n value on the ksyn, anaerobic Obviously, using only 1 random number leads to a wide variety in ksyn, anaerobic values (values ranging between 0.087 and 0.178), whereas n values ranging from 50 to 300 all lead to a very uniform distribution of ksyn, anaerobic values. Thus, the minimum number of randoms needed to obtain an accurate value of ksyn, anaerobic could be set to 50. However, if we exclude the date from n =1 and take the mean of all estimated ksyn,anaerobic values per n, we obtain a new graph which shows the variation in ksyn, anaerobic for the n values from 50 to 300 in great detail (figure 3). The error bars represent the standard deviation within the meaned estimated values of ksyn,anaerobic and do not represent the standard deviations calculated by our model. 16 Figure 3: The effect of the n value on the ksyn, anaerobic, meaned values. This new graph shows us that the higher the n value used, the smaller the variation in ksyn, anaerobic becomes; n values exceeding 300 will probably lead to even further narrowing of the variation. However, we found that the higher the n value becomes the longer it takes for our model to complete its calculations. Calculation Time To see whether we could compose a formula which could estimate the calculation time of our model in advance we ran our model for the ADHE protein with n values ranging from 1 to 400, intervals of 20 and recorded the time needed for our model to complete its calculations. The results of this experiment are depicted below. Figure 4: The effect of the n value on calculation time, 1 protein calculated. 17 As we see the time needed for our model to complete its calculation procedure scales linearly with the number of randoms used. To gain insight in how the calculation time scales with an increase of proteins, the experiment was repeated for 2 proteins. Results of this experiment are depicted below: Figure 5: The effect of the n value on calculation time, 2 proteins calculated. As we see the time needed for our model to complete its calculation procedure scales linearly with the number of randoms used, regardless whether only 1 protein is being estimated or 2. By comparing both trend line formulas we observe that the trend line formula for 2 proteins is roughly twice as large as the trend line formula for 1 protein. With this information we were able to compose a formula which roughly estimates calculation time in advance: (t ) g * (0.0049 * n) (1.0018 * g ) In this formula, t stands for time in minutes, g stands for the number of proteins used and n stands for the number of randoms used. To verify whether this formula also holds for 3 or more proteins, we conducted a series of runs with our model. In these runs, both the number of proteins (g) and the number of randoms (n) were being varied: Parameter settings Estimated Calculation Time True Calculation Time g=5 & n = 250 11,34 minutes 10,81 minutes g=8 & n = 140 13,50 minutes 12,81 minutes g=3 & n = 360 8,29 minutes 7,75 minutes g = 10 & n = 80 13,94 minutes 13,49 minutes g = 15 & n = 120 23,85 minutes 23,06 minutes 18 Tabel 1: Estimated Calculation Time compared with True Calculation Time. Note: Parameter values chosen at random. We conclude that our formula is able to roughly estimate the calculation time needed by our model. Verifying the distribution of the randomly generated values So far we have discussed the effect of the number of randoms on the estimation of ksyn,anaerobic and its calculation time, but it is still unknown whether all estimated values of ksyn, anaerobic by fitting of our kinetic model are normally distributed. To verify whether these values are distributed normally, a simulation for ADHE was done using an n value of 10.000 (calculation time: over 50 minutes). After the simulation was complete, we plotted all 10.000 different values of ksyn, anaerobic in a histogram using the following order of functions: x = min(ksynanaeroob):.005:max(ksynanaeroob); hist(ksynanaeroob,x) title('Random distribution of Ksyn,anaerobic for ADHE') The first line specifies the location on the x-axis and the number of the bins by taking the lowest value and the highest value out of the 10.000 estimated ksyn, anaerobic values and divides that space in steps of 0.005. So the 1st bin in the histogram has the lowest ksyn,anaerobic value on the left side, and the right side of this bin basically is the minimum value + 0.005. So the width of every bin is 0.005. The second line creates the histogram by using the 10.000 values of ksyn, anaerobic and the value set by ‘x’ (thus over how many bins the 10.000 ksyn,anaerobic data should be distributed). The third line obviously adds a title to the graph. The results of this simulation can be found in figure 6. Random distribution of Ksyn,anaerobic for ADHE 1000 900 Bin Count: 926 800 Bin Center: 0.133 Bin Edges: [0.13, 0.135] 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Figure 6: Random distribution of ksyn,anaerobic for alcohol-aldehyde dehydrogenase (ADHE) 19 As we created random values for Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured by using a normal distribution (chapter 3: ‘The Model’, Creating normally distributed values of Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured) we expected a curve that would look like a Gaussian distribution / bell shaped curve. However, figure 6 seems to be skewed to the left and thus does not have the characteristics of a normal distribution. Also, the mean of the distribution in figure 6 is situated at 0.133, whereas the calculated mean, that is, the mean outputted by our model, has a value of 0.126. This skewness can be explained due to the fact that the randomly generated values of Rnew,measured and Rtotal,measured enter the differential equations as depicted in equation 15. Since these differential equations are not linear, skewness may appear. The Proteomic Data Set The complete list of all estimated ksyn,anaerobic values and corresponding standard deviations per protein can be found in the appendix ‘Proteomic Data Set’. Please note that both the anaerobic synthesis constants as well as the half-lifes are presented within the proteomic data set. For information on how the half-life values were obtained please read the paper “A mathematical model for estimating protein half-lifes in Eschericia coli” by Tom Boer. 20 Conclusion The aim of our project was to build a model which could predict values of anaerobic synthesis rate constants of proteins in E. coli under anaerobic conditions. In order to achieve this goal the software program MATLAB was used as described in the previous chapters, and a list of anaerobic synthesis constants (denoted as ksyn, anaerobic) and their corresponding standard deviation was outputted. This complete list can be found in the appendix (Proteomic Data Set). In order to output reasonably accurate values an n-value ranging between 50 and 300 should be used. All values in the appendix were calculated using an n-value of 300. Using n-values exceeding 300 will lead to more narrowed-down values for the anaerobic synthesis constants. However, this will lead to an increase in calculation time. While our model does output values for ksyn, anaerobic we cannot state that the values which are being outputted are correct as referential material is scarce. We believe our model can be used to calculate synthesis constants for other organisms as well as for aerobic conditions by using different sets of differential equations and by adjusting the Azhal pulse labelling experiment. 21 APPENDIX The Source Code function [HL,HLsd,ksynanaer,ksynanaersd] = omegatau % define differential equation parameters pulsetime = 10; growth = 1.0625; % define lsqnonlin parameters x0 = 0; lb = []; ub = []; % define ode solver parameters y0 = [100; 0; 106.25; 0]; % read excel data [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.*','Select data file'); path = [pathname,filename]; %#ok<NASGU> suppressed 'unused variable' underline. [num, txt, raw] = xlsread(path); %#ok<NASGU> [lcol, lrow] = size(num); %initiate program runtime timer tic disp('Reading...') % define randoms and ode restriction parameters n = 300; z = 56; % preallocate matrices for speed and cleaner m-file HL = zeros(1,lcol); HLsd = zeros(1,lcol); ksynanaer = zeros(1,lcol); ksynanaersd = zeros(1,lcol); ksynanaerobic = zeros(1,n); deltaR4 = zeros(lcol,11); deltaR5 = zeros(lcol,n); % initiate progressbar progressbar('Protein','Randoms','Total HL progress','Calculating HL'); for g = 1:lcol Rnewmeasured = num(g,4); Rtotalmeasured = num(g,6); % progressbar parameter 22 b=1; % HL optimum is narrowed down using intervals to reduce calculation time hlrange = 1:100:10001; deltaR = calcdeltaR; [minvalue,position] = min(deltaR); HLtemp = hlrange(position); hlright = HLtemp+100; hlleft = HLtemp-100; if hlleft <= 0 hlleft = 1; hlright = hlright+1; end b=2; hlrange = hlleft:10:hlright; deltaR = calcdeltaR; [minvalue,position] = min(deltaR); HLtemp = hlrange(position); hlright = HLtemp+10; hlleft = HLtemp-10; if hlleft <= 0 hlleft = 1; end b=3; % run final 20 HL's to find optimal HL hlrange = hlleft:hlright; deltaR = calcdeltaR; [minvalue,position] = min(deltaR); HL(g) = hlrange(position); p = 0.5; % add a decimal point to HL for h = (HL(g)-p):0.1:(HL(g)+p) halflife = h; r = (1 / pulsetime)*log(growth); kdeg = log(2) / halflife; ksyn = r + kdeg; options = optimset('Display','off','Largescale','off','Algorithm','levenbergmarquardt'); [x,resnorm] = lsqnonlin(@diff,x0,lb,ub,options); i = (HL(g)-p):0.1:(HL(g)+p); [a,b] = size(i); fv = find(i==h); deltaR4(g,fv) = diff(x); 23 progressbar([],[],3/4,fv/b); end [minvalue,position] = min(deltaR4(g,:)); HL(g) = i(position); halflife = HL(g); r = (1 / pulsetime)*log(growth); kdeg = log(2) / halflife; ksyn = r + kdeg; % create n normally distributed randoms around Rnew randoms(:,1) = random('norm',num(g,4),num(g,5),[n 1]); % create n normally distributed randoms around Rtotal randoms(:,2) = random('norm',num(g,6),num(g,7),[n 1]); % optimize ksynanaerobic for all randoms for p = 1:n Rnewmeasured = randoms(p,1); Rtotalmeasured = randoms(p,2); options = optimset('Display','off','Largescale','off','Algorithm','levenbergmarquardt'); [x,resnorm] = lsqnonlin(@diff,x0,lb,ub,options); ksynanaerobic(p) = x; deltaR5(g,p) = diff(x); progressbar([],p/n,4/4,[]); end ksynanaer(g) = mean(ksynanaerobic); ksynanaersd(g) = sqrt((sum((ksynanaerobic-mean(ksynanaerobic)).^2))/n); HLsd(g) = sqrt((sum((deltaR5(g,:)-mean(deltaR5(g,:))).^2))/n); progressbar(g/lcol,0,0,0); end % optimalization routine function deltaR = calcdeltaR % indexing parameter i=0; for hl = hlrange i = i+1; % define differential equation parameters halflife = hl; % " r = (1 / pulsetime)*log(growth); % " kdeg = log(2) / halflife; % " 24 ksyn = r + kdeg; options = optimset('Display','off','Largescale','off','Algorithm','levenbergmarquardt'); %#ok<SETNU> optimize differential equations as found in the "kinetics" function for x [x,resnorm] = lsqnonlin(@diff,x0,lb,ub,options); %#ok<AGROW> re-enter x in diff(x) to output(deltaR) deltaR(i) = diff(x); % update progress bars if b==1 progressbar([],[],[],hl/10001); % " elseif b==2 [d,e] = size(hlleft:10:hlright); progressbar([],[],1/4,i/e); % " elseif b==3 [d,e] = size(hlleft:hlright); progressbar([],[],2/4,i/e); end end end % write data to Excel disp('Writing...') xlswrite(path, {'Half-life'}, 1, 'I1') xlswrite(path, HL', 1, 'I2') xlswrite(path, {'sd'}, 1, 'J1') xlswrite(path, HLsd', 1, 'J2') xlswrite(path, {'ksynanaer'}, 1, 'K1') xlswrite(path, ksynanaer', 1, 'K2') xlswrite(path, {'sd'}, 1, 'L1') xlswrite(path, ksynanaersd', 1, 'L2') disp('Done!') beep % stop and display runtime timer Elapsedtime = toc/60; str = ['Elapsed time: ', num2str(Elapsedtime), ' minutes']; disp(str) function deltaR = diff(x) % solve the ode as described in the function 'kinetics' options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-4); [t,sol] = ode45(@kinetics,tspan,y0,options,x); 25 % remove y0 from data to prevent NaN errors sol(1,:)=[]; % extract y vectors from the sol matrix y1 = sol(:,1); y2 = sol(:,2); y3 = sol(:,3); y4 = sol(:,4); % fix ny1 = ny2 = ny3 = ny4 = y vector lenght to prevent matrix dimension errors y1(1:z); y2(1:z); y3(1:z); y4(1:z); % calculate the difference between measured en predicted data Paeroob = ny1 + ny2; Panaeroob = ny3 + ny4; Razhal = ny4 ./ ny2; Rtotaal = Panaeroob ./ Paeroob; deltaR = abs(Razhal- Rnewmeasured)+abs(Rtotaal-Rtotalmeasured); deltaR = deltaR(z); end %#ok<INUSL> used by ODE solver function dydt = kinetics(t,y,x) % define differential equations k = [kdeg; ksyn; kdeg; x]; dydt = [ -k(1)*y(1) k(2)*y(1) + (k(2)-k(1))*y(2) -k(3)*y(3) k(4)*y(3) + (k(4)-k(3))*y(4) ]; 26 Proteomic Dataset protein no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 acession no. P0A9Q7 P09373 P0AED0 P68066 P0A796 P0AET8 P37689 P0ABJ9 P0A799 P21599 P0A6T1 P0A8M6 P08839 P0A9B2 P0A6P9 P0AB71 P0A8M3 P08506 P32176 P23843 P69783 P77804 P0A707 P0A6Y8 P23893 P0ABH9 P0AD61 P17169 P0A9A6 protein name ADHE PFLB USPA GRCA K6PF1 HDHA GPMI CYDA PGK KPYK2 G6PI YEEX PT1 G3P1 ENO ALF SYT DACC FDOG OPPA PTGA YDGA IF3 DNAK GSA CLPA KPYK1 GLMS FTSZ Rnew* 10,26 7,76 6,43 6,31 5,15 4,96 4,31 3,38 3,16 3,12 3,01 2,61 2,54 2,46 2,38 2,06 2 1,93 1,93 1,84 1,81 1,77 1,75 1,66 1,63 1,61 1,61 1,57 1,52 S.D. 2,93 4,59 1,85 2,75 1,47 0,61 1,02 0,59 0,94 0,87 0,43 0,25 0,55 0,64 0,8 0,14 0,32 0,12 0,21 0,44 0,4 0,33 0,47 0,42 0,19 0,17 0,1 0,52 0,24 Rtotal** 2,59 2,28 1,5 5,45 1,81 0,95 1,41 1,72 1,34 1,22 1,21 1,37 1,07 1,21 1,14 1,12 1,07 0,94 1,32 1,14 1 0,99 0,76 1,04 1,03 1,62 1,13 1,05 1,28 S.D. 0,68 0,73 0,17 1,55 0,27 0,07 0,1 0,24 0,21 0,38 0,13 0,3 0,13 0,16 0,21 0,13 0,18 0,07 0,24 0,17 0,16 0,1 0,09 0,22 0,06 0,08 0,16 0,1 0,51 Half-life 44,3 38,9 203,1 3 39,4 10000 108 20,8 73,2 287,9 301,6 36,6 10000 118,4 3564,2 10000 10000 10000 20,2 139,1 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 1,2 88,3 10000 9,9 S.D. 0,51 0,66 0,13 1,61 0,22 0,08 0,09 0,17 0,15 0,22 0,07 0,19 0,08 0,09 0,13 0,07 0,11 0,07 0,15 0,10 0,11 0,08 0,09 0,13 0,05 0,11 0,10 0,07 0,33 ksynanaer 0,123 0,103 0,046 0,433 0,085 0,026 0,044 0,096 0,040 0,023 0,022 0,053 0,014 0,025 0,013 0,012 0,011 0,011 0,065 0,018 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,009 0,650 0,020 0,009 0,098 S.D. 0,025 0,061 0,012 0,134 0,019 0,003 0,009 0,012 0,010 0,006 0,003 0,004 0,003 0,006 0,004 0,001 0,002 0,001 0,005 0,004 0,002 0,002 0,002 0,002 0,001 0,016 0,001 0,003 0,010 protein no. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 acession no. P0AFH8 P0A6H1 P0ABT2 P09169 P0A9X4 P23836 P0A817 P0A905 P0A910 P0C0S1 P06959 P0AEP3 P00509 P0A953 P61714 P0A870 P25665 P69776 P0A825 P0ACF8 P00956 P00562 P0AFG8 P00350 P0ABB4 P0A9P0 P0AEG4 P0AEK4 P0AES4 P0A705 P07813 P23721 P0A8M0 P68919 protein name OSMY CLPX DPS OMPT MREB PHOP METK SLYB OMPA MSCS ODP2 GALU AAT FABB RISB TALB METE LPP GLYA HNS SYI AK2H ODP1 6PGD ATPB DLDH DSBA FABI GYRA IF2 SYL SERC SYN RL25 Rnew* 1,46 1,42 1,4 1,35 1,3 1,3 1,26 1,12 1,11 1,07 1,04 1,04 1,01 0,97 0,96 0,95 0,95 0,95 0,91 0,9 0,87 0,86 0,84 0,82 0,77 0,77 0,77 0,76 0,76 0,74 0,73 0,72 0,71 0,66 S.D. 0,24 0,37 0,29 0,35 0,47 0,21 0,37 0,23 0,36 0,15 0,39 0,11 0,12 0,26 0,15 0,11 0,3 0,14 0,41 0,21 0,13 0,17 0,23 0,1 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,11 0,07 0,1 0,4 0,1 0,16 0,37 Rtotal** 1,07 0,93 1,38 0,91 0,92 1,03 0,88 0,95 0,99 0,99 1 1,05 1,02 0,99 0,94 0,93 0,6 0,79 1,05 1,08 0,84 0,75 0,98 0,98 1,02 0,97 1,1 0,96 0,93 0,91 1,01 1,12 0,88 0,98 S.D. 0,12 0,15 0,22 0,26 0,14 0,21 0,04 0,13 0,15 0,1 0,14 0,07 0,12 0,07 0,08 0,13 0,04 0,13 0,16 0,26 0,15 0,02 0,16 0,17 0,15 0,16 0,27 0,07 0,1 0,16 0,23 0,23 0,15 0,13 Half-life 10000 10000 1,9 9982,3 10000 10000 10000 9981,2 9930,9 9940,9 1,2 7,8 3,5 3,9 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 278,4 10000 1,2 1,2 15,2 17,4 67,4 19,7 10000 17,6 11,6 10,2 58,1 10000 8,8 37,8 S.D. 0,07 0,13 0,21 0,17 0,11 0,12 0,04 0,10 0,11 0,07 0,23 0,06 0,10 0,14 0,10 0,10 0,25 0,15 0,10 0,15 0,11 0,11 0,12 0,11 0,08 0,10 0,15 0,05 0,06 0,10 0,15 0,15 0,11 0,10 ksynanaer 0,008 0,008 0,399 0,008 0,008 0,007 0,007 0,006 0,006 0,006 0,567 0,094 0,198 0,173 0,566 0,565 0,563 0,567 0,007 0,005 0,551 0,545 0,041 0,037 0,012 0,031 0,005 0,034 0,051 0,056 0,012 0,004 0,062 0,016 S.D. 0,001 0,002 0,028 0,002 0,003 0,001 0,002 0,001 0,002 0,001 0,074 0,007 0,012 0,027 0,024 0,018 0,059 0,025 0,003 0,001 0,023 0,033 0,010 0,004 0,002 0,004 0,001 0,004 0,004 0,006 0,007 0,001 0,011 0,009 protein no. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 acession no. P0ABB0 P0AFG0 P0AEU7 P13029 P0AE08 P0A8T7 P0A6N1 P30750 P0A6P1 P0AG30 P0ABJ1 P45577 P0A850 P0A7D7 P0A6M8 P0A7V0 P0A8V2 P0AG48 P0A7W1 P05055 P0A6Q3 P62399 P35340 P0AG44 P60438 P0AG67 P0A7X3 P0A7R1 P0AA10 P0AG55 P0A912 P0A7L0 P0A7U7 P02359 protein name ATPA NUSG SKP KATG AHPC RPOC EFTU METN EFTS RHO CYOA PROQ TIG PUR7 EFG RS2 RPOB RL21 RS5 PNP FABA RL5 AHPF RL17 RL3 RS1 RS9 RL9 RL13 RL6 PAL RL1 RS20 RS7 Rnew* 0,66 0,66 0,66 0,64 0,64 0,61 0,59 0,58 0,58 0,58 0,55 0,55 0,53 0,53 0,5 0,47 0,45 0,44 0,43 0,43 0,42 0,39 0,37 0,36 0,35 0,35 0,34 0,34 0,32 0,31 0,31 0,31 0,3 0,3 S.D. 0,1 0,04 0,12 0,19 0,46 0,19 0,1 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,05 0,04 0,16 0,09 0,11 0,04 0,07 0,04 0,2 0,11 0,06 0,15 0,16 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,07 0,03 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,09 0,04 0,01 Rtotal** 0,99 0,93 0,95 0,67 0,62 0,97 0,94 0,62 0,94 0,97 1,16 0,81 0,94 0,94 0,97 0,93 0,96 0,9 0,9 0,75 0,93 0,9 0,49 0,83 0,85 1,02 0,92 0,93 0,95 0,94 0,74 0,89 0,83 0,98 S.D. 0,17 0,02 0,08 0,09 0,2 0,19 0,15 0,03 0,11 0,07 0,29 0,08 0,12 0,18 0,15 0,13 0,15 0,26 0,12 0,17 0,1 0,11 0,14 0,11 0,15 0,2 0,18 0,16 0,11 0,08 0,13 0,15 0,17 0,17 Half-life 46,5 18,4 23,7 2,1 1,2 38 26,5 2,2 27,3 42 10000 9,6 31,7 31,7 54,2 33,1 52,6 26,2 26,8 9,5 37,5 29,4 3,3 18,2 21,5 7898,4 40,2 45,2 62,5 55,1 12 31,8 20,8 124,7 S.D. 0,10 0,01 0,05 0,12 0,26 0,12 0,10 0,04 0,06 0,04 0,18 0,05 0,08 0,11 0,08 0,07 0,09 0,15 0,08 0,11 0,06 0,07 0,10 0,07 0,08 0,11 0,11 0,09 0,06 0,05 0,07 0,08 0,10 0,10 ksynanaer 0,013 0,029 0,023 0,268 0,406 0,014 0,019 0,250 0,018 0,013 0,003 0,047 0,015 0,015 0,009 0,013 0,009 0,015 0,014 0,038 0,010 0,012 0,115 0,017 0,014 0,002 0,008 0,007 0,005 0,006 0,023 0,009 0,013 0,003 S.D. 0,002 0,002 0,004 0,037 0,309 0,004 0,003 0,014 0,002 0,003 0,000 0,003 0,004 0,002 0,002 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,006 0,009 0,001 0,004 0,034 0,003 0,002 0,000 0,002 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,004 0,002 0,002 0,000 protein no. acession no. protein name Rnew* S.D. Rtotal** S.D. Half-life S.D. ksynanaer 98 P0ABK5 CYSK 0,29 0,02 0,51 0,08 4,8 0,05 0,062 99 P60422 RL2 0,28 0,1 0,86 0,13 26,5 0,08 0,010 100 P0A7R5 RS10 0,26 0,07 0,92 0,17 47,6 0,11 0,005 101 P0A7W7 RS8 0,26 0,01 0,91 0,07 42,6 0,05 0,006 102 P60723 RL4 0,26 0,05 0,86 0,13 27,6 0,08 0,008 103 P0A7J7 RL11 0,21 0,06 0,95 0,27 81 0,16 0,003 * ratio of newly synthesized proteins made during the pulse with azhal, ** ratio of protein level changes following a switch to an anaerobic environment S.D. 0,003 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,002 0,001 References 1 Lodish, H., Berk, A., Matsudaira, P., Kaiser, C.A., Krieger, M., Scott, M.P., Zipurksy, S.L., Darnell, J. , (2004) Molecular Cell Biology 2 Branden, C. and Tooze, J., (1999) Introduction to Protein Structure 3 Murray et al., (2009) Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 4 Stepanenko, O.V., Verkhusha , V.V., Kuznetsova, I.M., Uversky, V.N., Turoverov, K.K. 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