Emotional Abuse Tool The following is an aid to assist the identification and recognition of emotional abuse CONTENTS No. Title INTRODUCTION 1. HOW TO USE THIS AID 2. CARERS’ LIFESTYLE FACTORS 3. CHILD 4. BEHAVIOURAL FACTORS WHICH MAY INDICATE EMOTIONAL ABUSE 5. ILL TREATMENT MECHANISMS 6. HIGH CRITICISM/LOW WARMTH 7. EXPLANATIONS 8. SUMMARY 9. CONCLUSION This aid is intended as a guide to factors which should be explored when considering the issue of emotional abuse. It is not intended to be prescriptive or exhaustive and professionals should include any other information which may be relevant. Emotional Abuse is difficult to define and identify and is evidenced by detailed observations made and recorded over time. Except in exceptional circumstances it is necessary to have evidence of the persistence of emotionally abusive behaviour. In order to establish this, all the issues identified under the headings given should include information on the frequency, duration and intensity of the acts. It is anticipated that it can be used at 4 stages: For individual professional guidance and monitoring when working with children causing concern with regard to their emotional well-being. To facilitate a child protection referral and aid the investigation process. To assist with any subsequent assessment process. Working with parents and young people, helping them understand the issues of emotional abuse. HOW TO USE THIS AID 1. CARERS FACTORS TO CONSIDER Carer’s history of disrupted and disturbed relationships Mental health issues - mental illness, personality disorders, unresolved bereavement General health issues Carer’s history of abuse Drug/alcohol abuse Conflict/violence in relationships Criminal behaviour Rigidity of beliefs (views of the world and their impact on the child) Volatile temperament - quickly moved to anger/rage Learning difficulties Disability Other Using the above factors as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified (Consider each carer separately) - Use additional sheets if necessary 2. CARERS’ LIFESTYLE FACTORS Housing Nomadic, poor quality, neighbour problems Socially isolated from world Lack of family/friends support Stress of outside world Difficulty sustaining relationships Disability Socially isolated by world Cultural issues, class, gender Rejected by community (immediate and wider) Lifestyle Declines/Abdicates responsibility for childrearing Number of partners/relationships/relationship breakdowns/domestic violence Young person’s needs not sufficiently prioritised Financial stress/debt/poverty Using the above factors as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified Consider each carer separately 3. CHILD This section relates to the child’s individual characteristics, which may create vulnerability Learning difficulties Developmental stage Life events Constitution Psychological health Physical health and well being Coping strategies Disability Other Using the above factors as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified Separate sheet for each child 4. BEHAVIOURAL FACTORS WHICH MAY INDICATE EMOTIONAL ABUSE (Children develop at different rates and you may need to consider factors from more than one of the sections below.) Pre-birth - 1 year Carer’s attitude to pregnancy Unplanned pregnancy Mother’s health during pregnancy Stress factors during pregnancy Parents’ experience of labour and birth Postnatal depression Sleeping difficulties Eating difficulties Carers’ views of child’s physical characteristics which may create negative responses Carers’ views of child’s behaviour which may create negative responses Carers’ views of baby’s responsiveness Carers’ views of infant/child’s health Does the infant have any health problems? Failure to thrive Infant’s level of alertness Infant’s response to close cuddles/physical contact Does the infant appear to be easily comforted? Describe the infant’s demeanour - ie passive/withdrawn etc Does the infant vocalise frequently (gurgles)? Does the mother/father/caregiver respond positively to infant’s vocalisations Does the mother/father/caregiver show positive interest in face to face contact with the infant? Does child respond to interactions initiated by others? ‘Frozen awareness’ Using the above factors as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified Consider each child separately Pre-school (1-5 years) Attention seeking Demanding Whingeing/tearful/miserable Withdrawn/passive/unresponsive Aggressive Low frustration/tolerance Interrupting Anxious Tantrums Inappropriate/indiscriminate interaction with new adults/over-familiar Health problems: (feeding problems, growth problems/failure to thrive) Dependent/wary Soiling/bedwetting Using the above factors as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified 5 years and over Aggressive/violent Lies Steals Arsonist Uncooperative/tests limits Overly compliant Restless/overactive Lazy/apathetic Soiling/bedwetting Obsessions/phobias Slow learning Behavioural problems in school School refusal Poor school attendance Lack of concentration Bullies Bullied Isolated - poor peer relationships Relationships with adults - hostile or constantly approval seeking Poor self-worth Over reaction to criticism Unable to accept responsibility for behaviour Health problems - psychosomatic symptoms Extreme sibling rivalries Running away Using the above factors as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified Adolescent Angry/aggressive outbursts Lies Steals Violent/cruel Arsonist Alcohol/drug use Uncooperative Overly compliant/ passive Promiscuous Psychosomatic symptoms Oppositional Sleeping problems Eating problems Self-harm Restless/overactive Lazy/apathetic Poor hygiene Obsessions/phobias Running away Under-achieving educationally Drop in educational attainment Truancy School Refusal Behaviour problems Poor Concentration Socially isolated Bullied Bullies Positive social behaviours Using the above factors as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified These factors relate to all children at all ages Noisy Noiseless Misery Happiness Rage Aggression Frustration Anger Silence Withdrawal Self-harm Denial of difficulties Unresponsive Depressed Despair Apathy Fear Anxiety Humiliation Distress Enthusiasm Sense of care for others Curiosity Joy Resilience Optimism Sense of self-worth Motivated (educationally) Shows warmth Using the above factors as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified 5. ILL TREATMENT MECHANISMS CARER/YOUNG PERSON INTERACTION STYLE Corrupting/Mis-socialisation Encouraging into criminal activities, drug/alcohol involvement Encouraging hate/abuse of others Encouragement of aggression Encouragement of rejection of school/education Terrorising Covers for young person when he/she has done something wrong Threatens harm or to put out or to leave Rages at young person - allows young Encourages inappropriate sexual activity person to witness violence Denying Isolating Denying emotional availability, responsiveness and appropriate care Isolates young person from other family members, encourages others to scapegoat Lack of interest in young person Restricts life of young person outside home Denying young person appropriate and compared to peers consistent behavioural boundaries Encourages young person to be fearful of Denying young person access to medical outside world treatment/appropriate education Over-protection Denies child’s right to recognition/respect of individuality and psychological boundary Exploiting Expectations inappropriate, rigid and not Encourages young person to remain at home amenable to change. to meet adult’s emotional needs Additional Excessively controls young person’s actions and beliefs Inappropriate or inconsistent developments, expectations and considerations Degrading Alternately indulges and abuses Scapegoats, critical, hostile Failure to attend to the child’s attachment Labels negatively as worthless/unlovable needs by repeated and/or ill planned Threatens dire consequences/future for separation(s) from carers young person Use of humiliation/sarcasm/mockery to control young person Inappropriate discipline Persistent negative misattribution to the child Long and frequent periods of time spent giving advice R Rejecting Rejects young person verbally - appears to dislike young person - sees no good in young person Lack of warmth, lack of encouragement Indifference to child’s emotional experience Using the factors on page 11 as a guide detail the areas of concern you have identified 6. HIGH CRITICISM/LOW WARMTH It is important to consider potential abusive factors within the context of the warmth and nurture provided. High levels of criticism associated with a lack of warmth and affection result in the most significant emotional harm. Identify areas in which the child is perceived to have fun, with whom they are shared. Areas of pride in a child’s life. Identify other significant carers who provide warmth, nurture, caring and emotional support. Identify sources of acceptance/affirmation for the child. Other sources of comfort eg pets, toys. Using the above factors detail the positive emotional experiences of the child. 7. EXPLANATIONS Assumptions are frequently made on the basis of information gathered. To avoid value-laden judgements it is important to acknowledge this and seek to test these against possible explanations. Families have their own understanding of the world and their explanations of their own situation is vitally important. 1. PARENTS’ EXPLANATION OF DIFFICULTIES Detail Below: 2. CHILD’S EXPLANATION OF DIFFICULTIES (ensure child is given the opportunity to express their views independently of the carers) Detail Below: 3. PROFESSIONAL EXPLANATION OF: Identified behaviours and emotions of the child which cause concern Carers’ behaviour Carers’ concern/explanation Detail below: 8. SUMMARY KEY POINTS FROM SECTION 1: SECTION 2: SECTION 3: SECTION 4: SECTION 5: SECTION 6: SECTION 7: CONCLUSION Consider 1. Areas of strengths/protective factors 2. Areas of concern/abusive factors 3. Are this child’s emotional needs being met? 4. Is this child being emotionally abused? 5. What action is required? Use additional sheets if necessary