1 Text S1. 2 Scaling FPAR for the RPVB-case 3 In SiB2, FPAR is derived from satellite observed normalized difference vegetation index 4 and is vegetation type dependent. It varies between zero and one, with higher values 5 corresponding to a denser canopy. In the C, RP, and RPV cases, FPAR is prescribed 6 from satellite observations; it then affects the components of the surface energy, water 7 and carbon balances but does not respond to them. In the RPV-case, the carbon 8 assimilation rates calculated for each grid point of the C and RP-cases were averaged 9 over the last 10 years of simulations and their ratios (gpp_C/gpp_RP) were applied 10 directly to the maximum photosynthetic capacity Vmax to reduce its values at every grid 11 point and simulate a large scale down-regulation effect [Sellers et al. 1996]. An 12 assessment of the Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments indicates that the effects 13 of elevated CO2 on plants and ecosystems grown under natural conditions increase light- 14 saturated carbon uptake, diurnal cycle carbon assimilation and growth. It also indicates 15 that trees were more responsive than other functional types and that C4 vegetation 16 showed little response. The magnitude of the photosynthetic acclimation was different 17 among different C3 functional types and Vmax values were shown to be reduced to a 18 greater extent in grasses and shrubs than in trees [Ainsworth and Long, 2005, see also 19 Leakey et al. 2009]. 20 In the RPVB case, we developed a method that allows FPAR to respond to changes in 21 atmospheric CO2 and the precipitation generated by the increase in CO2 concentration. 22 The method rests on the idea that in an increased atmospheric CO2 concentration, 23 terrestrial vegetation down- regulates its physiological activity per unit leaf area but then 1 24 grows more biomass and redistributes photosynthetic capacity to a greater number of 25 leaves in the canopy. The modeling consists in “down-regulating” the Vmax but at the 26 same time scaling up FPAR. The effect of temperature on Vmax is neglected in this 27 study [Leakey et al., 2009; Ainsworth and Long 2005]. Thus, at each grid point, the 28 maximum photosynthetic capacity vmax was reduced by, 29 30 V max new V max{ fpar max* gpp _ C (1 fpar max)} gpp _ RP (1) 31 32 We hypothesize that the excess photosynthetic capacity following the reduction in Vmax 33 will increase FPAR such that total carbon uptake within each grid cell approaches that of 34 the RP-case. 35 The ratios (gpp_RP/gpp_C) were applied to the RPVB-case, which incorporates down 36 regulation; to increase FPAR proportionally. The scalar for FPAR was then obtained as: 37 38 scale fpar max* gpp _ RP wstress _ C (1 fpar max) * gpp _ C wtress _ RP (2) 39 40 Where fparmax is the maximum value for FPAR observed at each grid cell for the entire 41 annual cycle; wstress_RP and wstress_C represent the water stress functions obtained in 42 the RP and C cases, respectively. 43 fraction in the model’s root zone. It inhibits carbon assimilation rates and conductance if 44 the root zone’s water level is low. The increase of FPAR was modulated by the ratio of 45 water stress between the C and RP runs (C/RP) to ensure that FPAR is allowed to The water stress function is a measure of the water 2 46 increase only over grid cells where water availability was not limiting photosynthesis and 47 evapotranspiration in the RP-case. 48 compensates for the down-regulation, and the second part augments FPAR in the absence 49 of water stress in the RP-case. This water stress restriction is put in place to avoid 50 situation where vegetation growth is not corroborated by the modeled root zone water 51 content. 52 Finally in the RPVB-simulation, scaled values of FPAR were obtained by multiplying the 53 value of the original FPAR by the scaling function at each grid cell as: The first part of the right hand side of (eq. 2) 54 55 fparnew scale * fpar (3) 56 57 The newly computed value fparnew was bound by a maximum allowable value 58 fpar_max_a, as: 59 60 0.001 fparnew fpar _ max_ a (4) 61 62 Where fpar_max_a is obtained using fparmax, its corresponding value of maximum 63 greenness fraction, greenmax, and the leaf area index maximum range corresponding to 64 the grid cell’s vegetation type, zltmax. Zltmax is the value of LAI defining the structural 65 limitation and is restricted to a maximum value that represents an FPAR of 0.95 (Sellers 66 et al., 1996b). 67 68 fpar _ max_ a 1.0 e park max* zlt max green max (5) 3 69 70 Using the new values of FPAR for all grid cells, global fields of vegetation cover 71 fractions, leaf area index (LAI) and greenness fractions were obtained at all grid cells. 72 These fields, along with the modified Vmax fields were used as boundary conditions for 73 the land surface model, SiB2, to run the RPVB-case forward. 74 75 The scaling procedure led to an overland average increase of about 25.3 % in FPAR and 76 of 58.3 % in LAI. Over the forest-dominated eastern regions of the United States, FPAR 77 was increased by 24.3% and LAI by 54.8%. 78 79 References 80 Leakey, A.D.B. et al. (2009). Elevated CO2 Effects on Plant Carbon, Nitrogen and Water 81 Relations: Six Important Lessons From FACE. Journal of Experimental Botany. 82 60(10):2859-2876 83 84 Ainsworth EA, Long SP, 2005, what have we learned form 15 years of fee-air CO2 85 enrichment (FACE)? A meta-analytic review of the responses of photosynthesis, canopy 86 properties and plant production to rising CO2. New Phytologist, 165, 351-372 87 88 Sellers P.J. L. Bounoua, G. J. Collatz, D. A. Randall, D. A. Dazlich, S. O. Los, J. A. 89 Berry, I. Fung, C. J. Tucker, C. B. Field, T. G. Jensen (1996) Comparison of Radiative 90 and Physiological Effects of Doubled CO2 on Climate. Science, 271, 1402-1408. 91 4 92 Sellers P.J., S. O. Los, C. J. Tucker, C. O. Justice, D. A. Dazlich, G. J. Collatz, and D. A. 93 Randall, 1996b: A revised land surface parameterization (SiB2) for atmospheric GCMs. 94 Part II: The generation of global fields of terrestrial biophysical parameters from satellite 95 data. J. Climate, 9, 706–737. 96 97 5