Cool! Version 3.14 Background In this activity we will create a mathematical model from a simple scientific principle – Newton’s Law of Cooling. In the early 1700s, Sir Isaac Newton stated a very basic assumption that concisely captures some of the basics of heat transfer. Imagine a cup of hot coffee sitting on a desk top. Further, imagine how the coffee cools over time. 1. What physical characteristics affect how the coffee cools? 2. Does the coffee keep cooling indefinitely? Explain. 3. Think about the coffee as it is first set out and after it has been sitting out about 20 minutes. How might the rate of cooling be different at these two different periods of time? 4. Produce a possible graph of the temperature of the coffee over time. Is it linear? Why or why not? Newton Newton said (probably in Latin): the rate of heat loss of a body is proportional to the difference in temperatures between the body and its surroundings. [When Newton used the word “body”, he was probably referring to any generic heated object. However, you might have seen various crime shows in which the time of death of a murder victim is estimated by the temperature of the actual “body”.] While this statement is very powerful, it is also pretty much just common sense. A hot object in a hot room will not cool very quickly. A hot object in a cool room (say a refrigerator) will cool very quickly (at least initially). Notice that the rate of change of the temperature of the cooling object does not depend explicitly on either the temperature of the object nor the temperature of the room, but rather the difference between these two temperatures. Let’s see how we can use this simple assumption to develop a mathematical description (formula) of a hot object cooling in a room. The Model Let’s say we are modeling the temperature of a cup of coffee sitting in a classroom. There are three different temperatures that we need to keep track of, so a little notation needs to be developed. Let A represent the room temperature (often referred to the ambient temperature). We will assume that this value remains constant. T represent the temperature of the coffee. This will change over time so we can use a subscript to denote the coffee temperature at different times: T0 , T1 , T2 , D represent the difference between the temperature of the coffee and the classroom. This will also change over time and we will have formulas like: D0 T0 A and Dn Tn A . Now we need to figure out how to use Newton’s law of cooling to help us calculate how the coffee temperature changes over time. Newton claimed that the rate of heat loss (i.e. the amount the coffee temperature changes) is proportional to the difference in temperatures (for us, that is D). Thus, we can interpret this mathematically to mean: Change in coffee temperature = kD where k is a proportionality constant. The value of this constant depends on the insulatory properties of the coffee cup (stainless steel, Styrofoam, paper, etc.). Let’s see how this might work is a typical scenario. Let’s Calculate Let’s start with a 178°F cup of coffee sitting in a 70°F room. Using our notation from above we have: A = 70 T0 178 D0 T0 A 108 All we are missing is a value for k. 5. Should k be positive or negative? Explain. Let’s use k = -0.025 and assume that each time step refers to one minute. So after one minute our model would predict that the new temperature of the coffee would be: T1 T0 (temperature change) So, T1 178 (0.025)(108) 175.3 6. Calculate the new temperature difference, D1 . 7. Calculate the temperature of the coffee over the next 10 minutes and graph your results. 8. Does this graph resemble the graph you created in question 4 above. Point out any similarities or differences. 9. Compare the change in coffee temperature during the first one minute interval and the last one minute interval. Does this agree with your intuition from question 3 above? Explain. 10. How easy would it be to calculate the temperature of the coffee after one hour? Finalizing the Model Our current understanding of this model requires us to know the temperature of the coffee (and hence the difference between the coffee temperature and the room temperature) at a particular time in order to calculate the temperature one minute later. So we would have to be able to calculate the temperature of the coffee at each of the previous 59 minutes if we wanted to know what the temperature of the coffee would be after an hour of sitting in the room. Even worse, if we wanted to know how long it took for the coffee to reach a particular temperature, say 77°F, we would just have to plug and chug until we reached that temperature. In other words, the current form of our model is not very powerful. However, a little thought and some algebra can help us turn this into a more useful calculating tool. Our first step in this process will be to focus our attention solely on the values D n , the temperature differences. We’ll worry about the actual coffee temperatures later. 11. Using the starting values above (initial coffee temperature of 178°F, room temperature of 70°F, and k=-0.025), what is D0 ? 12. What is D1 ? Hint: D changes by the same amount as the coffee. 13. Develop a simple formula for D1 of the form D1 = r D0 . How are r and k related? 14. Using your answer from above, develop a simple formula for D2 that depends only on r and D0 . 15. Find a general formula for D n that depends only on r and D0 . 16. Use this formula for D n to help you determine a simple formula for the temperature of the coffee at any time, Tn . 17. Use this formula to calculate the temperature of the coffee every ten minutes for two hours and produce a graph showing the cooling of the coffee over time. Reality Check How does our mathematical model compare to a real life situation. If you have access to accurate temperature probes you can collect your own data and see how this real data compares to our mathematical model. You will be able to easily calculate the initial temperature of the coffee, the ambient temperature (room temperature), and the initial difference, D0 . The only hard part will be in determining the value of k that best represents the physical properties of the particular object that is cooling. Remember that different objects will have different k-values, depending on how well the object conducts heat. The following questions will guide you though a process that will show you how to fit Newton’s Cooling Model to a set of real data. A cup of coffee is placed in a room and its temperature is recorded at various times. Here is the resulting data: Time (minutes) 0 6 12 18 24 30 40 51 140 165 177 Coffee Temperature 178 156 141 132 124 113 107 100 75 72 71 After nearly three hours, the temperature of the coffee is 71°F, so we can probably safely assume that this represents the temperature of the room. Thus, we have A=71. 18. What are T0 and D0 in this example? 19. Now we need to determine k. Using your formula from question 15 above, show D how the ratio 2 can be used to determine k. D1 D 20. What if you used the ratio 4 instead? D3 Basically, any successive ratios of the Ds can be used to calculate k. Let’s try this technique on our temperature data. Before we can quickly do this there are some obstacles: The temperature of the coffee was not taken every minute and We are not given the values for D n . In our previous work, there was nothing crucial in having n represent the number of minutes that the coffee had been cooling. It could have represented any equal increment of time. In the coffee temperature dataset, notice that initially the temperature of the coffee was taken every six minutes. So, let’s just assume that each “time step” represents six minutes. That is T0 = initial coffee temperature T1 = temperature after six minutes T2 = temperature after twelve minutes Etc. Since we are assuming that room temperature is 71°F, it should be easy to calculate the first several differences. 21. Add a third column to the data table representing the temperature difference, D and fill in the first six values (representing D0 through D5 ). We can’t calculate D7 or higher since the time interval has changed again. Dn 1 . Dn 23. Use this information to deduce a plausible value for k? Explain your reasoning. 24. Use this value of k in your mathematical model and use your formula from question 16 to calculate the predicted value of the coffee temperature for three hours. Careful! Each time step represents six minutes of real time!. 25. Graphically compare the actual coffee temperature with the temperature predicted by the model. Comment on the validity of the model. 22. Add a fourth column to the data table representing successive ratios of Extensions There was nothing special about cups of coffee in the mathematics above. You can use Newton’s Law of Cooling to model the rate of cooling of any object placed in a room of constant temperature. To make predictions, one just needs the values of k for different objects. These values can be estimated experimentally as we have seen. For instance, the value of k you found above can always be used when you are using that particular cup of coffee, even if the room temperature is different or the coffee starts out at a different temperature. Once you know k you know it all! If a crime scene investigator wanted to use body temperature to estimate the time of death of an individual, they would just need to have a value of k to use. Most likely such investigators have lots of past data to estimate the k value associated with a human body. Of course, if the body was outside then the ambient temperature would not remain constant. You may try to repeat some of the above calculations in such a scenario. For instance you might get some temperature data for a particular night at a specific location. Now, whenever you calculate the change in temperature just remember that the ambient temperature is different at each “time step”.