1 Current Thinking in Neuronal Modeling: Does it Embrace Systems Biology? Matthew S. Craig (matt.craig@utoronto.ca) Abstract - Advances in computational power and neuronal modeling techniques in the past decade have led to the development of specialized software to model neurons. Such software (NEURON, GENESIS and others) uses the common techniques of equivalent cylinder modeling and compartmental modeling, which reduce complex neuron structures, which can not be practically modeled, into mathematical idealizations, which can be simulated. This paper will discuss the level of physiological fidelity possible in these two techniques. Intuitively, one might think that models with as much morphological complexity as possible, ie. a systems biology approach, would be best in any situation. However, parameters inherent to the models become increasingly difficult to measure on smaller scales. Moreover, a consideration of the particular behaviour being studied may obviate the need for finer details. Index Terms – systems biology, equivalent cylinder model, compartmental model, dendritic branching, tapering I. INTRODUCTION Systems biology seeks to describe a biological system as a complete set of components; all working interactively, dynamically, and all inter-affecting. System biology’s main premise is that only when we understand this totality of components, causes, and effects can we correctly explain and predict biological outcomes. To understand how this principle applies to the modeling of neurons, we can investigate it on different scales. On a high level, a neuron can be described as a set of dendrites connected to the soma, which is connected to an axon which, in turn, leads to a synapse. At this level, we can only understand the interactions between these components in a very simplistic way: a nerve impulse is inputted into a dendrite, it travels through the soma, is transmitted down the axon, and exits through the synapse. From this portrayal, we cannot relate the binding of neurotransmitter to receptors at the dendrites, nor can we discuss how the action potential travels down the axon, because our high level depiction made no mention of neurotransmitters, receptors or ion channels. Because of its crude description, this model could not predict anything more than the simplest neural responses. Alternately, in an arbitrarily low-level description, the same neuron is described as an infinitely complex collection of molecules, each dynamic and interrelated, each responding to infinitely complex inputs and releasing equally intricate outputs. The sum of all of these relations will then determine the output from the neuron. This definition is clearly a much more systems biology view, because it seeks to consider every possible component and interaction. From this second portrayal, however, we can only explain basic functions of the neuron, such as neurotransmitter release, by understanding fantastically complicated and infinitely numerous molecular interactions. For this reason, this second model is more impractical than the first. It is doubtful that all of the computational power on the Earth combined could process such vast amounts of information, and even the simplest neural impulses would be out of reach. Current neuronal modeling takes place in the region between these two extremes. The level of complexity in the model will depend on the scale of investigation, be it modeling ion channels, modeling the axon, modeling an entire neuron, or modeling assemblies of neurons. So, we must address the questions: Given an experimental scale, how complex a model do we need to accurately describe it? When are systems biology views essential to neuronal modeling? When can they be relaxed? This paper will outline two computational neuronal modeling techniques, and discuss the extent that these techniques follow the principles of systems biology, that is, how well they can represent complicated neuronal structures. Following that will be a discussion showing that the systems biology ideal is not always necessary or practical in this field. The two techniques to be discussed are the multiple equivalent cylinder model and the compartmental model. Both of these models are standards in the field and are recognized as being essential elements in most realistic neuronal modeling [8] [12]. II. THE MULTIPLE EQUIVALENT CYLINDER MODEL The dendritic structure in neurons has been observed to be extremely complex and diverse, leading neurophysiologists to believe that this structure might play an extremely important role in neural signal processing. Van Pelt and Schierwagen [18] were the first to show that morphologically realistic dendrites showed different electronic and functional properties than unrealistic ones. Such unrealistic models typically simplified dendrites into symmetric trees rather than their nonsymmetric, “realistic” partners. In light of systems biology, neurophysiologists wish to incorporate such complex morphology. The problem is that complicated and extensively branching dendrites do not lend themselves to computational modeling and numerical solutions. In 1962, Rall proposed a model of a nerve cell to deal with the intricate structure of the dendritic tree: the totality of branches could be mathematically reduced into a single, 2 equivalent cylinder [13]. The model was later modified to include a shunt at the soma, so that it could reproduce electrical potential decays in neurons that been observed experimentally [4]. The model, although it made an analysis of dendritic structure possible, was markedly unrealistic because the collapsing of many complicated, branching dendrites into a single equivalent cylinder requires very limiting assumptions: a very high symmetry between each dendritic branch, uniform dendritic length, and uniform dendritic diameter (cylindrical shape), to name a few [6]. The multiple equivalent cylinder model is an extension of this, that allows the dendritic trees to be represented by many cylinders. Any number of dendritic trees can be reduced into a smaller number of equivalent cylinders. A fully-branched model represents the extreme and most work intensive version: there is no branch reduction so that each and every branch is represented by a cylinder. Fig 1. multiple equivalent cylinder model through the work of Major et al. [10] and Poznanski [12]. Physiological faithfulness of the multiple cylinder model Continual developments in the equivalent cylinder model make it increasingly realistic while keeping the model simpler than a fully-branched one. The original multiple equivalent cylinder model contained many of the unrealistic assumptions of single-equivalent model such as uniform dendrite length and uniform dendrite diameter. A fully branched model could account for any arbitrary level of complexity by allowing the branch length, l 0, but this would defeat the purpose of the multipleequivalent cylinder model; to simplify computations. The fact remains that a dendrite is simply not a cylinder, and this assumption severely limits the model’s realism. In this regard, much work over the past few years has focused on increasing this realism. Specifically, the improvements try to account for three things that the original did not: 1) non-uniform diameters, 2) non-uniform membrane resistivity, and 3) nonuniform lengths. A) NON-UNIFORM DIAMETER IMPROVEMENTS Non-uniform diameter models, referred to as “tapering”, are models that allow the dendrite diameter to change with distance from the origin. For dendrites, the diameter, in general, gets thinner as you move farther away from the origin. Tapering was first modeled using exponential and linear functions for the taper, and has since been modeled to allow non-uniform cross sections [5]. The type of function to be used for the taper will depend on the type of neuron and its morphology. B) NON-UNIFORM RESISTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS Experiments have shown that dendrites in different parts of the neuron have different electrical resistivities through their membrane, as well as different resistivities than the soma’s membrane. This variation has recently been included to the Fig 1.[12] Various cylindrical model complexities of the same neuron. (A) Typical dendrite physiology. (B) A fully-branched equivalent cylinder model. (C) A multiple-equivalent cylinder model. (D) Rall’s single equivalent cylinder model. C) NON-UNIFORM DENDRITE LENGTH IMPROVEMENTS The uniform dendrite lengths that were required by the single-cylinder model, and early versions of the multiple cylinder model, were shown to give erroneous electronic properties, and overestimate dendrite length [7]. Major et al. [10] were the first to derive equations and solutions allowing arbitrary dendrite lengths. Although the equivalent cylinder model is a useful analytical tool, at its current state it is not appropriate to deal with complex situations such as arbitrarily branching trees, dynamic membrane properties, voltage-dependant conductances and multiple stimulation sites [6]. These problems will undoubtedly be the focus of future research in order to make the model more closely mimic the neuron’s physiology. In the case of arbitrarily branching trees, it is intractable to solve the continuous differential equations generated by the model. The compartmental approach reduces these equations into a set of ordinary differential equations which are more easily numerically solvable. III. THE COMPARTMENTAL MODEL The compartmental model of the neuron seeks to decompose a neuron into a grid of compartments. Each compartment is then treated as an isopotential element, so that a chain of separate compartments can approximate a continuous neuronal structure [15]. This simplifies the math considerably, and it allows individual compartments to have 3 very non-uniform characteristics. Since their conception in the 1960’s, compartmental models have been a backbone in neuronal computation and modeling [12]. The compartmental model is a means of embodying in depth information about the physiology, dynamic interactions, and synaptic input of the neuron. Based on this definition, the model is at the very heart of systems biology: it allows us to take all the information of neuronal structure and interaction and put it into a form that not only explains scientific experimentation, but allows us to explore ideas about current flows, voltage perturbations and input-output relations [15. Because of the mathematical simplifications made in the model, “realistic” computer simulations become feasible, and have spawned the development of specialized neuronal simulation software, such as NEURON, GENESIS and NODUS, three widely-used packages [15]. Physiological faithfulness of the compartmental model The compartmental model allows for almost arbitrarily complex dendritic and axonal structures. To consider such morphology, one needs only to add more compartments. Because each compartment is isopotential, non-uniformities occur between the cells, not inside them. Although the compartmental approach allows for extremely complex structures, it is inherently incapable of dealing with other neuronal morphology, in particular, the branch angles between dendrites. The branch angles are angles between adjacent dendrites taken in all three dimensions. Without these angles, the compartmental model restricts neurons to a single dimension rather than three. In such a model, Costa et al. [2] acknowledge that because the model relies on only the average diameters and lengths of dendrite segments, sets of neurons with completely different shapes can potentially yield identical models. In compartmental models, the soma is usually represented by an isopotential sphere. The myelinated axon is assumed to have a negligible electronic impact on the soma, so it is often left out of such models entirely. The legitimacy of these two assumptions is not yet known, however, and they will require additional study [15]. IV. ISSUES OF MODEL COMPLEXITY From a systems biology standpoint, we would best understand the neuron by accounting for all of its complex morphology. That is, by representing a neuron with as many compartments or equivalent cylinders as possible, while keeping it mathematically and computationally feasible. This reasoning is not wholly practical in light of two considerations: parameter estimation problems, and the scale of investigation. Parameter Estimation The formulation of the compartmental and equivalent cylinder models involves specific, essential parameters, electrical and geometrical, that must be experimentally determined, and very little of this data currently exists. In very detailed models, the number of these parameters is colossal [20]. Such parameters typically include the specific membrane resistivity (Rm), the cytoplasmic resistivity (Ri), and the specific membrane capacitance (Cm) [15]. Informed estimates of these parameters are crucial to any neuronal modeling project, because without them, modeled data cannot be matched to experimental data. To make matters worse, most neuronal models are sensitive to very small changes in these parameters [1]. Current microscopic techniques allow us to get extremely detailed morphological data, and therefore determine some of the geometrical parameters quite well. Other geometrical parameters are not well defined. For example, channel distributions are generally not known and assumed to be uniform. Some channel densities, such as Na+ , can be estimated using benzofuran isophthalate imaging [19], but K+ and Ca2+ channel densities remain out of experimental reach. The electrical parameters are much harder to obtain, particularly in very fine branching structures. Consequently, as modelers increase the level of complexity they are faced with increasingly difficult, and increasingly numerous, parameter estimation. In fact, in many studies, parameters are chosen by trial and error, and are adjusted, after simulations are performed, to match the experimental data [9]. On this topic, Evans [4] remarked that using multi-compartment models to model neuronal complexity introduces too many degrees of freedom, and that it is preferable to reduce these degrees of freedom by building simpler models that rely on key, measurable parameters. Scale of investigation When determining the required complexity in a model, we should also consider the scale of investigation. To show this, we discuss the modeling of low and high scales, specifically, channel dynamics and small neuronal networks. A typical model of ion channel dynamics in a neuron will certainly involve a study of channel densities, spatial distributions, and of channels types. A single-compartment model would be completely inappropriate in this case. None of these three studies could be performed, and all of the channel currents simply sum linearly into a total current through the membrane [9]. To effectively simulate this interplay between channels, the modeler would require many compartments of much smaller size. For example, Destexhe et al. [3] in order to study dendritic currents mapped the dendritic structure to an accuracy of 0.1 micrometers and simulated the neurons with 80 or 200 compartments. Conversely, in biological neural nets, modeling is often based on the assumption that the network’s behaviour is governed mainly by the connections between neurons, not on the interactions within the individual cell, so fewer compartments per neuron are needed, and often only one is used. Never was this tradeoff between compartment number and parameter estimation more clear than in the modeling of guinea pig hippocampal neural networks. In 1991, Traub et al [16] created nineteen compartment models of the cells, using 4 NEURON, to demonstrate various facets of rhythmogenesis. They understood that the success of their model in matching experimental data relied on their estimation of parameters for ion channel densities. The data would match only if the soma and dendrites were given drastically different densities. A few years later, in a simpler model, Pinsky and Rinzel [11] showed that the same behaviour could be demonstrated in a network of cells of only two compartments each: one to represent the soma and proximal dendrites, the other representing the distal dendrites. For the particular behaviour being studied, the second, and much further reduced, model is easier to understand in terms of only a few parameters, and is therefore highly preferred over the first model. A year later, however, while examining different behaviour in the same hippocampal neurons, Migiliore et al. [19], noted that the Traub model was too simplistic to account for the cells’ atypical bursting characteristics and [Ca2+] dynamics. Using the Traub model as a starting point, they modeled the six types of hippocampal neurons with much more complexity: 129 compartments for the simplest, and 385 for the most detailed. V. CONCLUSIONS In the two models discussed, there is much room for more realism and enhancement. In particular, we can expect that the parameter estimation problem will be improved as future experimentation techniques allow us to measure the electrical parameters at levels that are currently out of reach. This will allow us to model single neurons with much more complexity. This will certainly be useful in low level models, but in high level models, it may be unnecessary and only serve to make the models intuitively out of reach, for it is much easier for the human mind to understand neurons with few compartments and a few main parameters, than to understand multi-hundredcompartmental neurons with hundreds of parameters. From a systems biology standpoint, we would strive to describe a system with as much detail as possible. But, as we have seen, this scheme is not always practical in neuron modeling. Currently, there exists no ideal model for a neuron, and no standard method to know how far a model should be reduced in complexity. Some models may be adequate at one level and worthless at another because they are either oversimplified or too complicated for the situation. Hence, it is instructive to devise ways to determine how complex a neural model needs to be. One way to do so is to perform the same simulation at different levels of detail. If we systematically decrease the level of complexity until an essential element of the experimental behaviour is no longer observed, we know that the model is too simple. If we systematically increase the level complexity of the model, the numerical results will eventually converge, telling us that the compartment size and cylinder detail are sufficient [9] [15]. Certainly, a more efficient method of determining how complex such models need to be, for a given situation, would be valuable. References [1] Abbott, L., and Marder, E. (2001), Modeling small networks, from Methods in Numerical Modeling: From Ions to Networks, edited by Christof Koch and Idan Segev, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 171-210 [2] Costa, et al. (1999) Analysis and Synthesis of Morphologically Realistic Neural Networks, from Modeling in the Neurosciences: From Ionic Channels to Neural Networks, edited by Roman R. Pozanski, Overseas Publishers Association, pp. 505 - 528. 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