Change on Exemption from New Chemical Notification <Present regulation> Chemicals exempted from the new chemicals notification requirement (Article 4 of Presidential Decree of the TCCL) (i) Any chemicals of which the annual import amount is at low volume of 100 kg or less (ii) Any chemical reagents which in small packages to be directly used for testing, research or experiment (iii) Any chemicals that are already contained in a machine or equipment to be imported or chemicals to be imported together with the relevant machinery or equipment for a test operation (iv) Any solid-state chemicals to be imported in a finished form, which consumers can directly use without any additional processes (including chemicals used for stationery or painting) (Note) This exemption is for finished products of consumer use and such consumer products are managed under other laws (the Promotion of Quality Management Law, Public Hygiene Law, etc.) in Korea. TSCA in the US may be exempt. The products defined as “Article” by Stationary such as ink for fountain pens or dyestuffs for students or artists are exempt based on this paragraph of the law though they contain liquids. (v) Dyes or dye intermediates whose annual accumulative weight is 10 tons or less, and is the sole object of export (vi) Other chemicals which the Head of NIER does not require Toxicity Review <Regulation to be amended> Chemicals exempted from the new chemicals notification requirement (Article 8 of Presidential Decree of the TCCL) (i) Any chemicals of which the annual import amount is low volume of 100 kg or less (ii) Any chemicals as used for Research and Development, announced by the Head of National Institute of Environmental Research (iii) Any chemicals that are already contained in a machine or equipment to be imported or chemicals to be imported together with the relevant machinery or equipment for a test operation. (iv) Any chemicals in the finished products state, which are used directly by consumers without any further processes and their shape is not changed during the use. (Note) Under the regulation to be amended, stationary products for students and ink cartridges for ink-jet printers at the liquid or paste state, toners at the powder state would not be exempt. (v) As chemicals at total accumulated amount of 10 ton or less, any chemicals of which total amount are manufactured or imported only for export of such chemicals, or any chemicals which are manufactured or imported only for the manufacture of any chemicals to be exported wholly (vi) Polymers listed on the Existing Chemical Inventory by considering only reactants greater than 2 wt%. (vi) Low concerned polymers which are announced by the Head of National Institute of Environmental Research.