Family & Consumer Sciences - Anne Arundel County Public Schools


Family & Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences courses prepare students for family life and for careers. All courses are part of the elective offerings and are open to all students.

Courses that address family life concerns provide opportunities to demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes essential to ethical interaction between family members and between family and society.

Courses that prepare students for careers fall into one of the following categories:



Required courses that are part of a prescribed sequence for a career completer program

Elective courses that are highly recommended as part of various career completer programs

The Early Childhood Completer Program

This completer program is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the field of early childhood. Focusing on skills of childcare providers and early childhood teachers, the program is designed to provide performance-based training and assessment for career preparation. Some courses in the completer program have an articulation agreement with Anne Arundel Community College. A senior year Work-based

Learning or internship is required.

The Nutrition and Food Science Completer Program

This completer program is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in food service, culinary arts or nutrition professions. Some courses in the completer program have an articulation agreement with

Anne Arundel Community College. A senior year Work-based Learning or internship is recommended.


Applied Nutrition I

Learn the basics of nutrition through class, computer and laboratory experiences and apply them in your daily life. May not be taken if credit has been earned for Sports Nutrition. Lab fee charged.

One Semester


1/2 Credit


Meets the Basic Technology credit


Applied Nutrition II

Continue the study of nutrition by exploring diet and disease and contributions of culinary heritage. Study regional American areas east of the Mississippi. Lab fee charged.

One Semester 1/2 Credit

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Applied Nutrition I or

Sports Nutrition

Meets the Basic Technology credit


Applied Nutrition III

Complete the study of culinary heritage by exploring regional areas west of the Mississippi. Also, explore international influences. Lab fee charged.

One Semester


1/2 Credit

Successful completion of Applied Nutrition II

Meets the Basic Technology credit


 Child Development I

Learn about children ages three to six and work with preschoolers in the lab. Study the stages of growth and development, the role of play in children’s learning, and positive guidance practices and techniques.

Two Semesters


1 Credit



 Child Development II

Study preschoolers in greater depth and learn the developmental milestones for school age children from ages five to six. Learn how to implement learning activities by planning lessons and teaching in the lab.

Two Semesters


1 Credit

Grade of C or better in Child Development I

*#H22000 (Honors)

 Child Development III

Learn about the growth and development of children from birth to age six. This course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the early childhood professions. While continuing to teach in the preschool, the student will learn about the administrative responsibilities of operating a child care center.

Two Semesters 1 Credit

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in Child Development II

 Since participation in these courses involves working with young children, students in child development will be required to sign a behavior contract.


Clothing Construction I

Develop creative sewing skills to produce personal and home products that promote positive self-esteem. Lab fee charged.

One Semester


1/2 Credit


Meets the Basic Technology credit


Clothing Construction II

Learn advanced clothing construction techniques, building and refining sewing skills. Special attention will be given to finishing techniques and decorative stitching. Lab fee charged.

One Semester


1/2 Credit

Clothing Construction I

Meets the Basic Technology credit


Decisions for Responsible Parenthood

Learn about one of the most important jobs you will ever have – being a parent. Learn about parenting from the prenatal stage through adolescence. Recommended for Grades 10-12 only.

One Semester


1/2 Credit



Early Childhood Career Internship

Seniors who desire a non-paid experience to fulfill the requirements of the Early Childhood completer program may apply for an internship to prepare for post-secondary education, gainful employment, or both in a setting outside the school. Students seeking an Early Childhood Career

Internship must have excellent attendance and the child development teacher’s recommendation.

One Semester

Two Semesters


1 Credit

2 Credits

Child Development III,

Approved curricular goals and outcomes and

*H98000 the permission of the administration and the child development teacher

Family and Consumer Sciences

Independent Study

Students who have successfully completed courses of study in a particular area may arrange with an individual teacher to study that area in greater detail. With teacher’s guidance, student will be responsible for developing a plan of study and evaluation criteria.

One Semester


1/2 Credit

Course of Study and Teacher Recommendation


Family and Consumer Sciences Work-based Learning

Seniors who have successfully completed all prerequisites may enroll in the Family and Consumer Sciences Work-based Learning Program. In this program, students attend class part of the school day and are employed in business during the remainder of the day. Early Childhood Completers must be employed in a licensed childcare center.

One Semester

Two Semesters

1-1/2 Credits

3 Credits


Fashion Merchandising

Explore the history and scope of the fashion industry, including buying and selling, fashion cycles and fashion coordination.

One Semester


1/2 Credit


Meets the Basic Technology credit


Independent and Family Living

Learn about managing time, money and energy and develop a plan for attaining goals while juggling multiple roles as an adult. Recommended for Grades 10-12 only.

One Semester


1/2 Credit



Nutrition and Food Science Internship

Seniors who desire an experience to prepare for post-secondary education, gainful employment, or both in a setting outside the school may apply for an internship. Students seeking an internship must have excellent attendance and the recommendation of the nutrition teacher.

One Semester

Two semesters

1 Credit

2 credits

Prerequisites: Applied Nutrition II and Nutrition Science

Approved curricular goals and outcomes and recommendation of the nutrition teacher. lJ H73000 P 2,3

Nutrition Science

Learn scientific principles of nutrition. Also, develop a practical understanding of nutrition and its relationship to health and disease through the application of biology and chemistry concepts and skills in a laboratory setting. Recommended for grades 11-12. Lab fee charged.

1 Semester: 1/2 Credit

Prerequisites: One credit in C26000, Biology

Meets the Science credit or Advanced Technology credit


Parenthood Today: A Course for Teen Parents

Develop good parenting attitudes and skills. In addition to the study of children and parenting styles, explore the effects of parenting on your future and develop a plan to reach personal, interpersonal and career goals. Meade High School only.

Each Semester


1/2 Credit



Preparation for Parenthood:

A Course for Expectant Parents

Understand the effects and responsibilities of pregnancy. The student will explore how pregnancy will change lifestyle and learn how to make responsible decisions about the future. Meade High School only

One Semester


1/2 Credit



Sports Nutrition

(See Applied Nutrition I description) This course is designed for the athlete. Added topics include making adjustments to achieve athletic goals and discriminate between food facts and fads. May not be taken if credit has been earned for Applied Nutrition I. Lab fee charged.

One Semester


1/2 Credit


Meets the Basic Technology credit
