03.24.09 - Milton-Union Exempted Village Schools

School Board Meeting
Board Room
Special Meeting
A special meeting of the Milton-Union Exempted Village Board of Education was called to order
by President Minneman, on March 24, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Present: Mr. Dehus, Mr. Huffman, Mr. Long, Mrs. Minneman and Mrs. Swigart
Absent: None
Visitors: Bill Ginn
Administrative Employment
A motion was presented by Mr. Dehus and seconded by Mr. Huffman to employ Heather
Wheatley as School Psychologist, effective July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011. Her
employment is for 203 days per year with an annual salary of $73,500.
In response to a question from Mr. Dehus, Superintendent Rammel replied that School
Psychologists have a minimum of Masters Degree plus 24 graduate hours.
Vote: Mr. Dehus, Mr. Huffman, Mr. Long, Mrs. Minneman, and Mrs. Swigart
Nays: None
President Minneman declared the motion passed by a vote of 5 for and 0 against
Team Management
A motion was presented by Mr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Long to enter Team Management
Work Session.
Vote: Mr. Huffman, Mr. Long, Mrs. Minneman, Mrs. Swigart, and Mr. Dehus
Nays: None
President Minneman declared the motion passed by a vote of 5 for and 0 against
Roof Presentation
Architect Mark Ruetschle presented two renderings of the building. Each rendering had a
slightly different roof configuration. The first had sloped roofs on the core buildings, barrel roof
on the elementary entries, pediments on the MS and HS entries, a barrel roof on the HS gym and
a sloped roof on the EL/MS gym. The second rendering had sloped roofs on the core areas,
pediments on the core entries and barrel roofs on the HS gym and the EL/MS gym. Both
renderings had modified sloped roof over some areas such as the media center, Cafetorium and
common area classrooms. The core areas could be roofed with metal or asphalt shingle, the
barrel roofs would have to be roofed with metal or possibly Modified Bitumen, and the modified
slope roofs could be roof with Build-Up Roof (BUR) or Modified Bitumen. The preference
would be metal if the budget will allow it. The board voice approval of the second rendering
with the barrel roofs on the gyms. Mr. Dehus asked if the roof design is relatively simple which
would hopefully lead to cost savings in the bidding. Mr. Ruetschle responded that the
Construction Manager will be providing cost estimate after each phase of the design process.
However, the actual bidding will determine the cost. Business Manager Johnson added that the
board will have to be making priority decisions along the way. In his opinion the two most
important upgrades are roofing and flooring. Of the two, roofing is his top priority because as
they say “water always wins.”
Traffic Pattern Update
Superintendent Rammel reviewed the work done with the Traffic Consultant. The school plan
has two entrances, east and west of the core buildings. There is also a one way exit for parents
and visitors going back into West Milton. For the HS, buses will enter the east entrance and pull
to the rear of the common building and let students out into the Cafeterium. Student drivers,
staff, and parents dropping off students will enter the west entrance. At the end of the day, bus
riders will board the busses by the Cafetorium and drivers and walkers will be released after the
buses leave the parking lot. In the Elementary, buses will enter the east entrance and drop off
students at the east entrance of the building. Parents dropping students off will enter the west
entrance, drop students off in front of the building and then loop around the front parking lot and
exit through the one way exit if going to West Milton or drive on to the west entrance if exiting
to the west. Walkers will have dedicated walks and the parking lot will have gates to keep
parents from driving in the walking areas.
Other building items discussed included the possibility of columns on the front of the building
and a report that the new soccer fields will be seeded around April 15th.
Finally, Treasurer Klein reported that the April 6th Team Management Board Meeting is being
cancelled due to spring break. There will be a community meeting on April 14th to review the
roof selection and traffic pattern update.
A motion was presented by Mr. Long and seconded by Mr. Huffman to adjourn.
President Minneman declared the meeting adjourned at 6:04 p.m.