Odyssey Project: “The Children’s Book” due ________ Each person in class will be assigned a different book (chapter) from The Odyssey. Create a children’s book of 8-12 pages plus a title page based on your book. Make sure you include actual characters and accurate events from your book so that it will help readers review for the final test on The Odyssey. Come up with a creative theme for your book. Examples of themes: farm animals, watercolors, Simpson’s characters, photos of Barbie and stuffed animals, celebrities, Seuss-esque diction, scratch and sniff… 20=A+ 18=A- 16=B 14=C 12=D 10 and below=F My Book #_____ Title Page and Theme Writing Text Illustrations 1=Unsatisfactory Children’s book has no title page, really lame or incomplete title page, no apparent theme, or is based on the incorrect book from The Odyssey. 3=Satisfactory Children’s book has a satisfactory title page (including creative title, book number, author name, and illustration) and theme and is based on the correct book from The Odyssey. Children’s book is Children’s book of less than eight pages at least eight pages long and/or does not describes accurate describe accurate events and events and characters from a characters from a book in The book in The Odyssey. Odyssey. Some pages lack at Each page has at least one line of least one line of text text, text is sloppy, that is neatly typed written in pencil, or printed in ink and/or has multiple with few conventions errors. conventions errors. Some pages are Each page has at lacking illustrations; least one illustration illustrations are or graphic that sloppy, and/or corresponds to the inappropriate. text. 5=Excellent Children’s book has a cool title page (including creative title, book number, author name, and illustration), creative theme, and is based on the correct book from The Odyssey. Entertaining children’s book of at least twelve pages describes accurate events and characters from a book in The Odyssey. Each page has at least one line of interesting text that is neatly typed with no conventions errors. Each page has at least one neat and colorful illustration or graphic that adds meaning to the text.