TITLE FOR WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT PLAN By Enter First and Last Name Management plan prepared for Name of Ranch Landowner Name TYPE DATE TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I: Introduction (3-PAGE LIMIT) .................................................................................. 1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................ 1 Owner Information...................................................................................................................... 1 Property Description ................................................................................................................... 1 Target Species ............................................................................................................................. 1 Goal and Objectives .................................................................................................................... 1 Landowner Goal...................................................................................................................... 1 Management Objectives.......................................................................................................... 1 General Locator Map .............................................................................................................. 2 Vegetation Cover Map ............................................................................................................ 3 Vegetation Cover Map ............................................................................................................ 3 Section II: Management Analysis (1.5 PAGE LIMIT) .............................................................. 4 Feasibility Assessment ................................................................................................................ 4 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 4 Proposed Target Areas ................................................................................................................ 4 Proposed Area Map................................................................................................................. 5 Section III: Final Recommendations, Budget and Timeline (1-PAGE LIMIT)...................... 6 Final Recommendations.............................................................................................................. 6 Budget ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Timeline ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Literature Cited ............................................................................................................................ 8 i SECTION I: INTRODUCTION (3-PAGE LIMIT) Purpose This section briefly introduces the reader to the purpose of the plan. Answers the question "Why are we doing this plan?" Owner Information Provide information about property owner/client. Property Description Provide information about property location/legal description, size of area, historical/current land use, biological description (soils, topography, cover type, flora, fauna, etc.). Include a (1) general locator map and (2) a vegetation cover map. Recommended sections include (1) physical description, (2) flora/fauna, and (3) historic/current land uses. Target Species Identify species targeted for management. Normally, species are stated within the landowner’s objective. Goal and Objectives Landowner Goal Goal is specified by the landowner (what the property is to look like). Each management plan will have 1 goal. Summarize goal in a short paragraph. Management Objectives Objectives will be used to address each goal as follows: 1. Conduct a feasibility assessment to identify 1 or more viable management practices. 2. Recommend practice(s) to the landowner that would best achieve her goals. In a legal management plan for meeting Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) guidelines, each plan should include a minimum of 3 different practices each year (required to receive the taxexemption). However for the purpose of this course we only require that you include 1 practice per year. 1 General Locator Map INSERT MAP HERE AND RESIZE TO FIT WITHIN THIS PAGE. Figure 1: General Location of Ranch, Located in City, Texas, 2010. 2 Vegetation Cover Map INSERT MAP HERE AND RESIZE TO FIT WITHIN THIS PAGE Figure 2: Vegetation Cover Types on Ranch, City, Texas, 2010. 3 SECTION II: MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS (1.5 PAGE LIMIT) Feasibility Assessment Briefly review species requirements and environmental constraints that will serve to frame or "bound" your management recommendations. This section should describe feasible options for consideration by the landowner. Recommendations Outline your proposed management activities referring to your feasibility assessment (i.e., species requirement, constraints, etc.) to support your recommendations. Texas Parks and Wildlife guidelines may be useful in determining recommendations, and should include at least 1 qualifying management practice. In this section, 1 practice (wood duck boxes = supplemental shelter) is proposed. The intensity levels (i.e., number of acres, etc.) should be mentioned. Proposed Target Areas Identify the area where the proposed management activities are to occur or could occur. You should include a map in this section identifying those areas. 4 Proposed Area Map INSERT MAP HERE AND RESIZE TO FIT WITHIN THIS PAGE Figure 3: Proposed Area Map, City, Texas, 2010. 5 SECTION III: FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS, BUDGET AND TIMELINE (1-PAGE LIMIT) Final Recommendations Summarize your management recommendations for the landowner. Identify qualifying wildlife management practice to be implemented on the property during the coming year that will support and achieve management goal. Include a schedule of events (i.e., time line) outlining all proposed activities and necessary steps to implement your plan. Provide final statement to landowner why your plan should be selected for final implementation. The recommendations given the goal above will involve qualifying management practices: habitat control (prescribed fire, restoration of native grasslands), providing shelter (construction and maintenance of wood duck boxes), and population censusing (annual bird counts). The implementation of the recommended practice in this plan would have a positive impact on target wildlife species. 6 Budget Table 1. Estimated annual costs and benefits for the Rising Star Ranch Wildlife Management Plan by management practice, Bellville, Texas, 2004. Qualifying Practice Area Treated Total Cost Benefit Activity (acres) ($) Providing Shelter Wood duck boxes XX XX Nest sites for wood ducks Annual Cost $ XX* Timeline Table 2. Time schedule for proposed management activity on the Rising Star Ranch, Bellville, Texas, 2004. Qualifying Practice Fall Winter Spring Summer Activity Providing Shelter Wood duck boxes – Install XX XX XX XX Wood duck boxes – Clean and repair XX XX XX XX 7 LITERATURE CITED List References Here 8