Homework 08: Bingo Game Structural Design

CIS 1057 Sections 1 and 3
Fall, 2008
Homework 08: Bingo Game Structural Design
Due: In class, no later than Wednesday, Nov 19 (Sec 003) or Thursday, Nov 20 (Sec 001)
(Email to ME not the lab assistant. Keep a copy for yourselves. You will need it for all later
stages of the project.)
This assignment relates to the Bingo Game software that we will be writing over the next few
NOTE: Remember, at the beginning of the semester we talked about how there was much more
to learn in this course than just writing C programs. So far during the semester, we stressed the
idea that every program consisted of a model of data (structs, arrays, and primitive data types
such as float, int, and char in the case of C) to be manipulated, and processes (functions in the
case of C) to carry out these manipulations. We worked on the design of a number of simple
problems by identifying the data to be processed and the functions to do this processing.
However, the problems we worked on were small, as were the programs we wrote, so in many
ways, life was good!
Bingo is different. It is a comparatively larger project, requiring far more attention to data and
process modeling than we have done until now. Therefore: I do NOT expect nor want anyone to
be writing any code at this point. We have lots of other things to learn before any code gets
What You Should Learn from the Bingo Project: You will learn 1) more about how to
manipulate data stored in structs, arrays, two-dimensional arrays, 2) how to do external file I/O,
3) how to do detailed input validation; 4) how to manipulate “Boolean” data in C; and 5) how to
define and manipulate data in complex structures with more complex algorithms.
You will also see first hand what a more complex piece of software looks like and how failure to
tend to each and every piece of detail in a program will cause problems later in the life of the
software product. You will also learn a little about writing test drivers for functions before the
functions are inserted into your code. Finally, you will learn a bit about the choices that
programmers and system designers make everyday when it comes time to decide exactly how
they will represent data in the computer and how they will process this data. You will see how
some choices are better than others, and how the data representation choices almost always affect
the processing that has to be carried out as well.
In the end, this is all about modeling. Your program has to model the data and the processes
(steps) involved in playing the game of BINGO and required to produce a Bingo Game program.
The hard part of course, is to be able to document, step-by-step, detail-by-detail the algorithms
you need to use in designing your game simulation program.
Oh Yes, One Other Thing You Will Learn: The Bingo game is a large project compared to
all the other work you have done thus far. It therefore requires special attention to the details of
problem analysis and decomposition. We have seen some examples of such decomposition for
smaller problems such as the Simple Statistics Problem and Lab08R, both of which involved
functional decomposition – a software design approach in which functions are used as the basic
decomposition component of a larger software project.
In our view, the Bingo Game is a larger, more complex, and more challenging project – one that
can benefit from a somewhat different approach. Specifically, we focus first on a data-driven
decomposition, partitioning the program into 5 components, four of which are primarily based on
the important data abstractions required. Our goal is to provide abstract models for each of these
data entities and implement these models in separate C components called Modules, which
contain both the data stores and constants required for each model plus a set of methods
(functions) that operate on these data stores, modifying them in some cases, and in others, simply
examining the current content (state) of these stores.
For our Bingo Game, we have selected four abstract entities to model:
1. The Bingo Board (or card) itself
2. A list of Called Numbers (used to actually carry out the call of the next letter and
number) in a “pseudo” random manner and to keep track of numbers called so as to avoid
3. A Random Number Generator which actually produces “random” values to be used in
initializing Bingo cards and in playing the game.
4. A Block Character entity which is used to store and display in block form each actual
letter and number that is generated
These four components, combined with a main program, form the partition of the Bingo program
into smaller, more easily managed components.
We will give you the code for the Random Number Generator and the Block Character
components (you have seen most of them already). You have also written part of the main
program. We will also give you the data stores to be used for each component and a list of the
methods (functions) required to implement each component. You will be asked to use what we
give you as the basis for the development of your Single Card Bingo Game. I am afraid that time
will not permit us to work with multiple cards, although that would be a logical extension of the
work you will do.
The code you will need will be posted on the Board for your class. For Stage 3 of this project,
the Implementation Phase, you will need to use this code and complete the project. However, for
the first two stages of this project, you just need to READ this code and write out appropriate
comments. No coding is required or desired. Instead, we will work diligently on design.
1. First, the design of the overall structure of the program and its data stores and functions
2. Second, on the design of the algorithms required to carry out the processing required for
each data abstraction
Homework Assignment (Stage I – Structural Design):
Examine the code that is on the Board. You will find all the .h files needed for this project as
well as some of the .c files. We will review some aspects of the main program as well as most of
the Block Characters and Random Number Generator .h and .c modules. After examining the .h
files for the Board and the Called Numbers modules, complete the documentation for the
prototypes of the methods (functions) listed in these files. If you are not completely sure what
each method is to do and what its arguments are about, you need to ask now. You should not be
writing any of these functions if you cannot clearly document the prototypes.
Your documentation for each function should look something like this:
* Function Name: printBlock
* Parameters:
char - the letter to be printed (either B, I, N, G, or O)
int - the number representing the tens digit (numbers 0 - 9)
int - the number representing the ones digit (numbers 0 - 9)
* Returns: void
This function will print out a single character (a letter) followed by 5
spaces and then the number for a bingo space. The number is broken up
into two numbers, the tens digit and the ones digit.
void printBlock(char letter, int tens, int ones);
Note that the argument names may or may not be attached to the prototypes.