Miss Emma Moodie - Acting Head Teacher School Improvement Plan 2013 – 2014 Aims 1. Continue to promote a healthy, environmentally friendly lifestyle through learning outdoors 2. Review teaching approach to Reading to promote an enjoyment of reading and raise attainment. 3. Implement planning and tracking formats in terms of Curriculum for Excellence 4. Review and set a consistent approach to Self Evaluation to improve learning and teaching. Main Priorities 1. 2. 3. 4. Continue to develop and use the outdoor learning environment Review current approach to teaching Reading Embed planning and tracking procedures. Self Evaluation Learning for Life 1 PRIORITY SCHOOL AIM QI’s Continue to develop and use the outdoor learning environment Continue to promote a healthy, environmentally friendly lifestyle through learning outdoors 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2 OUTCOMES Children using outdoor areas safely and are able to risk assess activities and identify the benefits of learning in the outdoor environment. Improved awareness of healthy and environmentally friendly living. Children are more imaginative during their outdoor play. Children are more aware of their local environment. Learning for Life 2 Staff involvement AHT Actions Teachers/ EYW Support Staff Pupils Parents Resources Achieved Evidence Visit other schools to research outdoor areas Meet with Cath Diamond/Alastair Tait to review outdoor area in preparation for Scrapstore Playpod, Risk assess Scrapstore Lead staff meeting on introduction of Scrapstore. Playpod website RSPB Oct 2013 AHT met with Cath Diamond and Alastair Tait to review outdoor area. Scrapstore to be introduced to shed in the school playpark. AHT risk assessed shed and acted on areas for development. AHT consulted with staff on introduction of scrapstore. AHT invited Cath Diamond and Alastair Tait to parent council meeting on 27/9/13. Scrapstore introduced on 2/10/13 Research outdoor education and ways to develop outdoor area Review rules for outdoor play to ensure pupils are safe Personal research On-going Rules display On-going Janitor prepared shed ready for scrap, eg. Padlock, reinforce glass, door hooks. Cath Diamond advised staff on their responsibilities when using the Scrapstore. On-going Pupils spread topsoil with grass seed around the wildlife pond. Pupils hold Eco schools meetings to identify areas for development. Pupils explored new Scrapstore equipment and help risk assess the equipment and how it is used. P6 pupils take responsibility for placing equipment back in the shed. On-going Parents applied for Awards for All funding to purchase new resources for the outdoor environment – new goal nets, benches, bins, fence around wildlife pond. Parents attended parent council meeting on Scrapstore and shared their ideas and opinions. Plan engaging learning experiences using the outdoor environment. EYW use Scrapstore training to help lead the introduction of the Scrapstore Updating teaching staff on issues occurring at playtimes Review rules for outdoor play to ensure pupils are safe Janitor use Scrapstore training to help lead the introduction of the Scrapstore Supervise Scrapstore Opportunity to input into planning use of outdoor environment Input into choice of equipment for outdoor learning Create mural on storage shed Collect wildflower seeds Benefit from choice of outdoor activities available. Input into planning outdoor area and possible after school club Open afternoon to explore outdoor learning developments Apply for funding for outdoor equipment. Learning for Life 3 PRIORITY SCHOOL AIM QI’s Review current approach to teaching Reading Review teaching approach to Reading to promote and enjoyment of reading and raise attainment 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 OUTCOMES Children enjoy reading and reading activities. Children can transfer reading skills across the curriculum. Children develop a range of reading skills. Learning for Life 4 Resp AHT Actions Achieved Evidence Review current approach to teaching Reading in P1-3 and P4-6. Discuss approaches to teaching and learning in Reading with colleagues from other schools. Hold staff meeting to review practice and ensure continuity throughout the school. Ongoing Use a range of teaching resources to ensure learning is active and engaging, meeting the needs of all pupils. Inform parents of new approaches and provide support to parents to engage with reading at home. Use tracking to track progress and identify next steps in learning for each individual. Ongoing New group novels purchased for P4-6 – chosen by pupils. New Book Detectives approach introduced to P4-6 with new task cards encouraging children to engage with tasks at their own level. P4-6 have daily ERIC time to read a book of their choice, pupils complete a book review to display in the library to inform others about the book. P1-3 using reading scheme books in school to develop reading skills and book bags with books and activities at home to encourage an engagement with reading at home. Help organise resources Ongoing New novels introduced to the school library. Share opinion of Reading and how they feel their learning is progressing. Choose new books for the school. Choose own library books Set learning targets in Reading. Ongoing Pupils chose new novels for reading groups to ensure enjoyment and choice in reading. Pupils assess their reading in their groups and identify their areas for development. Pupils choose their own ERIC book and books from the library van each month. Read and discuss with pupils at home. Discuss learning and teaching approaches with class teachers and children. Ongoing Teachers/ EYW Resources Support Staff Pupils Parents Learning for Life 5 PRIORITY SCHOOL AIM QI’s Embed planning and tracking procedures. Implement planning and tracking formats in terms of Curriculum for Excellence 1.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, OUTCOMES Learning is well planned and tracked to ensure progression for all learners. Next steps identified for all learners. Tracking procedures inform transition. Planning and tracking meet the requirements of CfE. Pupils involved in the planning process – Personalisation and choice. Learning for Life 6 Resp AHT Teachers/ EYW Actions Resources Achieved Review previous planning and tracking procedures Trial interdisciplinary planning format Trial new tracking format. SEEMIS website CfE Tracking format Cross curricular planning format On-going Certificates CfE Tracking format Cross curricular planning format On-going Sharing Nursery Record Keeping with rest of staff Update Learning blogs CfE well done certificates Use new tracking format New cross curricular project planning format Planning from Es&Os and prior learning CfE well done certificates Certificates On-going Identify next steps and set learning targets. Act on feedback Attending Parent Council Accessing learning blogs Attend parents meetings Share thoughts through homework diaries Evidence Support Staff Pupils Parents On-going Learning blogs Learning for Life On-going 7 PRIORITY SCHOOL AIM Self Evaluation Review and set a consistent approach to Self Evaluation to improve learning and teaching. QI’s 3.1, 5.9, 6.3, 7.3 OUTCOMES Rousay Community School has a consistent and rigorous approach to self evaluation. Rousay Community School has an ethos of constant improvement for the benefit of the school and its community. Areas for development are identified and acted upon. Rousay Primary School as a supportive ethos where all are supported to do their best. Learning for Life 8 Resp AHT Actions Draw up a monitoring yearly timetable. Hold staff meeting – share timetable and consult on formats for classroom observations, CPD reviews (links to new standards) and evaluation of classroom practice. Set high standards. Carry out Staff reviews, identify areas for development and support staff. Complete SIP and SQR and share with staff, parents and pupils. Read new GTCS standards. Complete ethos survey. Attend and contribute to staff meetings. Attend relevant CPD opportunities and review impact on practice. Carryout classroom observations within Rousay school and other schools. Review own classroom practice and identify areas for development. Complete staff review with AHT. Complete ethos survey Attend and contribute to relevant staff meetings. Attend relevant training sessions. Complete staff review with AHT. Update school website. Act on feedback given. Learning intentions Success criteria Peer assessment Self Assessment Complete ethos survey Complete ethos survey Feedback on the work of the school. Attend parent council meetings. Teachers/ EYW Support Staff Pupils Parents Resources Achieved GTCS standards Class observation, CPD review, review of classroom practice formats Ongoing GTCS standards Class observation, CPD review, review of classroom practice formats Ongoing Evidence Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Learning for Life 9