ANNEXURE – III - Engineering Projects India Ltd.

Work shall be carried out by the party as per the detail working drawings to be
issued to them by EPI in phases. They may visit the site and see layout of the
buildings and ascertain themselves with the approach to the work site etc.
Party shall carry out the works as per Indian safety regulation.
The board specification of the civil work is given below:1.0
Earth Work :
Excavation shall be carried out in all kinds of soil, (soft and hard),
boulder studded seal etc. Excavated pit shall be always kept dry by
pumping out of sub-soil / rain water during construction. In case of
acidic soil, acid pumps shall be used otherwise normal dewatering pump
shall be used. During excavation all underground / over ground facilities
like bables, pipes etc. to be protected with due care. Nearby existing
facilities, foundation must be retained, in case of damage the same shall
be rectified by the Party.
1.1.. During excavation shoring work shall be provided and proper slope to be
kept during cutting. Necessary site plan shall be provided by EPI. If good
soil at designed depth is not found then further excavation shall be done
to reach at strong foundation level.
After completion of foundation, back filling shall be done with good
excavation earth in layer of 150 mm and well-compacted remmed,
watered before next layer is laid.
Surplus excavation earth shall be dumped at allotted place within a lead
of 1 KM inside plant.
2 Concrete :
Plain cement concrete (PCC) grade as per BOQ shall be used at base of
foundation for column, tie beam at ground level, Equipment foundation,
base of trench, brick foundation, underground pipe.
PCC of required thickness as per drawing and grade/proportion as per
BOQ shall be laid below floor with 40 mm/ 20 mm downgraded
aggregate with black trap stone and coarse sand.
Reinforced cement concrete of grade (M20/M25) with 20 mm and down
graded aggregate shall be used for all other places like all foundation,
column, beam, slab and any other RCC work as per drawing.
Cement shall be either ordinary Portland cement 43 grade or Portland
blast furnace slag cement comprising to IS:269-1989. Cement shall be
kept dry and will not contain lump.
All coarse & fine aggregate shall conform to IS:383-1970. Fine aggregate
shall be of approved river bed and coarse aggregate shall be of approved
black trap-stone.
3 D. P. C :
It shall be 40 mm thick with cement concrete(1:1:5:3) with 10 mm &
down graded stone coarse aggregate with approved water proofing
compound mixed in appropriate proportion on all external walls.
4 Reinforcement :
Reinforcing (R/F) bars shall be either cold twisted deformed (CTD) or
thermo mechanically treated (TMT) as per IS:1786-1985. The same will
be supplied by EPI
R/F shall be made
Cover to R/F shall be provided by use of cement sand mortar block (1:4).
Binding wire shall be gauge 16 SWG approved annealed wire.
Dowels shall be of 12 mm dia 75 mm long @ 750 mm c/c.
free from mill scales, rust grease or oil before
5 Shuttering :
5.1 Shuttering work shall conform to IS:456-2000. This shall preferably be
made of steel/Wooden Batton/Plyboard. Maximum use of ply/wooden
shuttering shall be 3(Three) times.
6 Bitumen Painting : All underground Structure like column foundation,
equipment foundation etc. in contact with earth shall be treated with 2
coats of bitumen painting(Salimer or equivalent) of grade 20 / 30 as per
standard over concrete surface.
7 Brickwork :
The brickwork shall be mostly 250 mm thick conforming to IS:22121991. The brick shall be of class 5013 conforming to IS:1077-1992.
Bricks shall be whole, sound, well burnt, free from cracks, well shaped,
uniform in size. The compressive strength shall be 5 N/sq.m (Min). The
cement sand mortar for brick work shall be 1:6.
8 Plastering :
All plastering work shall be carried out as per IS:1961-1972.
Walls (Outside) : 15 mm thick in cement sand mortar 1:6. 1st operation
and 5 mm thick with water proofing compound
varying from 3 to 5% as per manufacturers
Walls (Inside) : 15 mm thick in mortar 1:6.
: 10 mm thick in mortar 1:4.
After plastering wall, it shall be covered by watering for 7 days
9 Flooring :
For building top of floor will be IPSS with 40 mm thick M-15 concrete
cast in panels(1M/1M) having 2 mm thick alluminium metal strip,
divider. Floor should be free from cracks & crevices.
Acid proof tiling work :
Acid resistant non-slippery flooring for all areas handling with acid shall
be provided.
9.3.1 Bitumen Primer :
The bitumen primer coat to be applied on throughout cleaned and dry
concrete and / or masonary surface in the exposed tanks. Pump
foundation etc. shall be heavy grade bitumastic corrosion resistant
primer conforming to IS:158 type II and laying process as per IS:9510
(latest). Primer shall be applied in two layers.
9.3.2 Bitumastic impervious liner :
On the above primer, mastic compound shall be laid as per IS:9510. The
specific gravity of mastic shall be 2 and penetration at 25 deg.C
(100gm/5mm) shall be 1. the liner thickness shall be 15 mm. Test
certificate for the above work shall be submitted to EPI’s Client
9.3.3Tiles :
Sulphuric acid resistant tiles of size 230mm x 114mm x 40mm thick
shall be used in the acid prone area and as per specification in IS:4860
class II.
9.3.4 Bedding & Jointing :
For bedding & jointing of tiles (6 mm thick) as per IS:4832 Part – II
consisting of cement and resin in proportion by approved manufacturers
shall be laid.
10 Door & Windows :
10.1 Process building shall have adequate nos of wooden doors. The doors
shall be wooden single or double leaf. Door frame shall be of teak wood
and shutters shall be of teak wood. All wood shall be well seasoned by a
suitable process and suitable preservative treatment shall be given on it
panel shall be 40 mm thick and frame 125 mm x 75 mm, shutter shall
be 20 mm thick. Paints will be supplied by EPI.
10.2 All windows shall be of wooden frame with glazing as per IS standard. All
glazing shall be made of 6 mm thick wired glass panes. Paints will be
supplied by EPI.
10.3 Wherever utility / non-explosive buildings require steel doors this shall
be made of MS steels fixed on angle frames and bracings. Airtight steel
doors in motor / control room shall be provided.
11 Roof, chajjas and their water proofing and ventilation :
10 years guarantee shall be given by the party on completion of the
The temperature of 32 degree centigrade during summer has been
recorded at the project site. Suitable and adequate ventilation
arrangements shall be provided in all buildings.
Chajjas of adequate size with side drops and front drops shall be
provided to the windows and front door opening to stop rain beat hitting
the fittings.
Cast Iron/PVC rain water pipes shall be provided for all buildings,
wherever required. The rain water pipes shall have grating at top and
shoe at the bottom. The joints shall be jointed with clamp and cement or
mortar. The arrangement should be such that there should be free of
rain water through pipes.
12 Paintings
Steel Structures, after erection shall be clear off rust and scale and given
2 coats of red oxide zinc chromate primer finished by 2 coats of
Synthetic enamel. Equipments shall be given red oxide primer finished
by Synthetic enamel.
All walls of buildings shall be given two coats of colour washes on the
external surface and two coats of lead free paint on internal surface and
Red oxide zinc chromate primer will be in the scope of the Party. EPI will
supply the Paint.
13 Foundation bolts & inserts :
All the materials for foundation bolts, nuts insert shall conform to
IS:1363 (Latest)
14 Drains :
Storm water drainage will be through traperzoidal / Rectangular section
of drain. Min depth will be 200 mm walls to be plastered with using
extra cement 15 mm thick (1:6) wall / base will be made of concrete.
Drain will be in a slope and this will be kept in screeding (M-5) concrete.
Each building drains will be connected to main drain along the road as
per drawing.
In road crossing necessary hume pipe / box dram shall have to be
Main drain will be connected to a existing pit / main drain nearby.
15 Pathway / Gantry :
Pathway / Gantry should having following specification.
From the main roads all the buildings will be connected by pathway /
gantry 3.0 M (minimum) width. However, the width will be fixed as per
layout and width will be maximum of 4.5 M.
Over the compacted earth there will be 150 mm hardcore of broken
stone. There will 100 mm thick RCC laid over stone. Also 80 mm thick
stone kerbs, RCC kerbs either side of the pathway / gantry shall be laid
with suitable gap for draining of rain water.
All pathway / gantry near the buildings shall be leveled. All pathways
shall be constructed first up to WBM level and RCC at the top shall be
laid after erection / movement of heavy machineries for entry in to the
building is over.
Necessary RCC / Hume pipe shall be constructed wherever there is a
crossing of pipes, cables, dram with the pathway road within the plant.
16 Water Supply :
Water supply lines within the battery limit up to the individual building
and inside the building as per requirement shall be planned. The water
mains shall however be designed keeping in view the ultimate
requirements of the plant. The supply system shall be designed by laying
suitable pipe lines considering the present requirement and supply shall
be taken from a point one meter outside the battery limit. Supply line for
drinking water requirements for employees shall also be considered. The
pipe connections for the water supply for process water, fire fighting and
drinking water will be available at one metre outside the battery limit for
connection by the Party.
17 Other Technical requirements :
Site clearance, leveling and area drainage.
Site clearance, leveling grading of the area for construction of the
buildings as and where required, should be done. Depending on the site
condition, areas where these buildings shall be locate, suitable concrete
drains of adequate size for quick and efficient discharge of storm /
surface water is recommended. All buildings shall be provided with
drains and catch pits which shall be suitably connected to effluent
treatment plant.
18 Anti-Termite Treatment :
Provisions for Anti-termite treatment (ATT) for buildings need special
attention. ATT given to the buildings will be as per specification laid
down in the latest version of IS:6313 (Part-II). Ten years guarantee shall
be obtained from the party entrusted with the job of ATT and submitted
to the Purchaser.
19 Levels of buildings and plinth protection :
The general plinth level should be minimum 300 mm above average
ground level. In case of low lying areas / buildings located in
depressions, the plinth level should be suitably raised. In no case the
plinth level of the building shall be below the level of the concrete road
inside the fenced area of the unit. The plinth protection of minimum 750
mm all around the building shall be provided. All process and storage
buildings will be provided with suitable ramp as per building
specification. The slope of ramp will be 1:5.
20 Finishes in Technology / Production Building :
The interior surface of walls and columns shall be perfectly vertical and
even. The interior surface of walls and columns and ceilings and the
flooring shall be finished smooth and shall be free from cracks and
crevices so that no dust settles on it. Internal corners of walls shall be
rounded of to prevent dust accumulation. All internal areas of buildings
shall have minimum 150 mm high skirting of corresponding floor
21 Consumption of water & power :
The water and electricity will be supplied by project authority, from a
suitable taping point against payment.
22 General condition of the contract :
Party’s representative (representative of Indian origin only shall be
permitted to visit the site before placement of order) are advised to visit
the site by making prior appointments with the Sr. Manager giving
suitable time. Party shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all
relevant documents, samples, site conditions etc. before submission of
his tender. Party shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the
site and its surroundings and to have satisfied them selves before
submission their tenders as to eliminate conditions. The firm contour
and nature of site, nature of work and materials necessary for
completion of works the means of across to the site, the accommodation
they may require and in general shall be deemed to have themselves
obtained all necessary information on inspection of site as to risks,
contingencies and offer circumstances which may influence or affect
their rates.
Party shall satisfy himself after visiting this site as to the nature of the
subsoil to be encountered and the bearing pressure as we well as depth
at which the original soil will be encountered for the purpose of
The materials of construction should be suitably selected by the Party
but should confirm to relevant IS specification. Party shall submit
samples / drawings / test reports of the materials to be used to the
project authorities for their approval. The responsibility of quality work
will however be the responsibility of the Party.
All construction materials including cement & steel have to be arranged
by the Party themselves.
Contract labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970)
The executing agency who required to employ more than twenty
workmen on the work under this Contract, shall be bound by the
contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and Rules framed
there under. No tenderer or executing agency can undertake or execute
his work without a License issued by Licensing Officer.
Minimum wages payable to Labour.
Schedule of minimum wages is not enclosed along with the tender but
the executing agency is deemed to have full knowledge regarding the
minimum wages payable to labourers as legally effective. Irrespective of
the fact that Gazette Notification may not have been published or that he
was unaware of the increase in minimum wages. The minimum wages
legally effective referred to above are the minimum wages notified in
Gazette or governed by any local regulations whichever is higher.
Notwithstanding anything mentioned as above and in Annexure, the
executing agency has to abide by statutory rules of the Govt. of India
and Govt. (including Workman’s compensation Act. 1923, Factory Act.
1948, Payment of wages Act. 1936, Apprentices Act. 1961 and rules
framed thereon).