CG Discussion guide #2 for The Catalysts...Faith sereis

Relationships That Will Grow Your Faith
The Catalysts That Build Faith #2
Community Group Lesson #2
A. Opening questions for community building.
1. If this is a new group (1 to 6 meetings) please choose one of the two questions listed below and share your
a. What was the best gift you ever received or gave?
b. While you were in High School, what did your father or mother do for a living and how did that influence
c. If this is your first meeting please review the “Community Group Guidelines” and discuss them before
continuing on.
2. If your group has been meeting for 6 or more times, please go directly to the discussion questions.
B. Discussion Questions.
Please respond to the following questions that relate to you.
1. What does the statement “your faith is really your world view” mean to you?
2. A universal principle of relationships is the power of association. It is known as routine relationships over
time equals change. If you were trying to explain the power of association to someone who didn’t
understand this principle how would you describe this principle?
3. What is the difference between walking with the wise and he who learns from the wise?
“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)
4. What does the statement “who we associate with will impact our faith” say to you?
5. There are two key elements of this principle, people plus time. Have you had someone in your life that has
influenced you for good? Please give an example of how this influence worked in your life?
6. Please describe how this principle is all about leverage and what does that mean to you?
7. God wants to use other people in your life to grow your faith, but the only way he can do that is if you will
allow someone to have leverage in your life that will help grow your faith. So who do you think God wants
you to move closer to and or possibly move away from?
8. From the message, is there a principle, idea, or statement that you are struggling with that you would like to
discuss so you can understand it better.
9. What have you learned from the message and this time together in you community group that was helpful to
C. Prayer and care time – two choices
Choice #1: All who are willing, pray your praises and/or pray your requests. Suggestion, you can write the
prayer request down on your paper as it is being prayed, and if you feel led go ahead and pray for
that request as well.
Choice #2: Share your prayer request around your circle and then lift them up in prayer.
D. Fellowship time.