ON THE FEASIBILITY OF USING ANTIFUSES AS LOW-POWER HEATING / DETECTING ELEMENTS IN PELLISTOR-TYPE GAS SENSORS A.Y. Kovalgin, J. Holleman, A. van den Berg MESA+ Research Institute, University of Twente P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands E-mail: A.Y.Kovalgin@el.utwente.nl Abstract This work is aimed at the novel idea of using the so-called antifuses for gas monitoring. It appears from the numerical modelling that the antifuses can be heated up to the melting point of Si (1415 oC) by absorbing electrical power in the mWatt range. A fewnanometer-scale antifuse is able to maintain a sufficiently high surface temperature for a 50 times larger surface area. A 50-oC increase of the link temperature leads to a 0.9-1.3 k increase of the device resistance. The results of modelling confirm the feasibility of antifuses to perform as low-power heating/detecting elements in gas sensors. Keywords: antifuse, nano-hotspot, gas sensor 1. Introduction Semi-conducting oxide sensors (e.g. Taguchi sensors) [1-2], used nowadays for monitoring of combustive gas mixtures, are extremely slow to provide instantaneous response required for real-time process control in industry. Besides this, the devices are prone to humidity effects limiting the reproducibility. In addition, these sensors as well as Pellistor-type sensors [3] ensure relatively high power consumption. This is a compelling reason to look for alternatives because the improvement of safety in working environments by accurate, real time and low-cost monitoring of the presence of combustive gas mixtures becomes an important issue. The novel idea of using so-called antifuses to maintain the nano-scale heating/sensing centres (hotspots) for gas monitoring is employed in this study. This approach tends to very high-density array integration. The nano-hotspots can be realised by antifuse technology [4], which is fully compatible with silicon technology. The antifuse is a conductive link of 5-50 nm in size caused by electrical breakdown due to tunnelling a constant current stress between two electrodes separated by a dielectric (Fig. 1). Finally, applying a well-defined programming current, which is higher then the initial stressing current, enlarges the link. It appears from our research that as the link is once created at certain value of the programming current, the size and electrical properties of the link cannot be changed under a current stress below the programming value [4]. A ntifuse Elec trodes O x ide st 1 Po lysi lico n nd 2 Pol ysi li con Silicon (sub) Figure 1: Schematic representation of antifuse structure. 2. Experimental electrical properties of bulk-antifuses 5000 -8 2 Applied voltage, V Device resistance, Ohm The change of the antifuse resistance R (mainly the link resistance) via applied electric power reflects a non-trivial mechanism of this process (Fig. 2). At near-zero powers the resistance is high, namely in the range of 12-50 k depending on the value of programming power. A gradual increase of power up to the programming value leads to a sharp decrease of the resistance due to field-related matters, as will be discussed in section 4.1. Once realised R(W) dependence can be multiply repeated, provided that the programming power is not exceeded. Exceeding the programming level causes reprogramming of the link. A gentle rise of power in the range of 15-20 mW, above the programming value, leads to a sharp irreversible increase of the link resistance, as represented by curve 1 in Fig. 2. This effect is probably caused by a change of the link composition, for example, occurring due to re-distribution of oxygen or impurity atoms in the link material at high temperatures. After the resistance jump-up, repeatedly obtained R(W) characteristics exhibit a higher device resistance (see curve 2 in Fig. 2). Further increase of power beyond 20 mW results in an irreversible decrease of the resistance (curve 3 in Fig. 2) and can be attributed to enlarging the link due to its re-melting. The antifuses seem to be reasonably stable in time. The core of the devices depicted in Fig. 3 was at or near melting point of Si (1415 oC). From these data, one can expect only minor instabilities under operating conditions due to thermal degradation. 4000 3000 1 2000 3 1000 0 0.00 -9 Device current, mA -10 -1.65 -4.00 -11 -12 0.02 0.04 0.06 Dissipated power, W 0.08 Figure 2: Experimental dependence of antifuse resistance on dissipated power. 0 1000 2000 Time, sec 3000 4000 Figure 3: Stability of antifuses from the experiment: the devices programmed at –1.65 and –4.00 mA respectively and kept at that current for 1 hour. 3. Newly designed thin-film antifuse structures The following devices were designed in such a way that the conductive link, to minimise the influence on surface temperature, is sufficiently thermally isolated from the bulk of the wafer. Pre-determination of the antifuse location regarding the surface area is the second important issue because the location affects the surface-temperature gradients. Therefore, a spontaneous-in-space formation of antifuses is unacceptable from the point of view of reproducibility of the device characteristics. The proposals regarding pre-determined positioning are made in this study. Based on the computer simulations, two different cylindrically symmetric structures are designed. In Fig. 4 and 5 only half of the cylindrical structure is shown. The axis of the cylinder is at x=0. The process flows, employing standard LOCOS oxidation and CVD technology, are not difficult in practical realisation. To model the process flows, the computer simulations have been carried out using an ATHENA SILVACO code [5]. As one can see in Fig. 4, structure A has a very pre-determined area with the thinnest dielectric, where the antifuse can be formed. For structure B represented in Fig. 5, the link is expected to appear on the narrow tip because of the highest electric field at that point. Regarding the application, the tips can also be used for probing/scanning technique aiming at investigation of a surface. Figure 4: Modelled structure A of the device with a pre-determined breakdown area. Figure 5: Modelled structure B of a tip-shape device with a pre-determined breakdown area and improved thermal isolation from the bulk. 4. Thermo-electrical properties of thin-film antifuses from modelling For the linear antifuses (the same doping of the electrodes) depicted in Figures 4 and 5, the modelling of electrical properties and heat generation characteristics has been carried out using an ATLAS SILVACO computer code [5]. Based on the simulations, we could predict both temperature distributions around the link, changing resistivity of the device with link temperature, and surface-temperature gradients. 4.1. ANTIFUSE RESISTANCE VERSUS APPLIED POWER: ELECTRIC FIELD EFFECT AND HIGH TEMPERATURE INFLUENCE 60 35 30 25 Structure B Structure A 20 Bulk antifuse Device resistance, k Device resistance, k The theoretical R(W) dependencies for a 10-nm link (Fig. 6) partly resemble those obtained from the experiments (Fig. 2). Namely, the very final increase of link resistance in Fig. 6 can be attributed to the metallic behaviour of silicon at high link temperatures. However, the irreversibility obtained from the experiments cannot be modelled because changing the link quality is not taken into account by the software. It appears that Structure B has the highest slope of the curve due to better thermal isolation. Contrary to this, the bulk-antifuse exhibits the lowest response of the resistance on applied power. Concluding, thin-film antifuses allow achieving higher device resistance at lower power consumption, which is beneficial from the sensor sensitivity point of view. 15 10 5 0 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 Dissipated power, W Figure 6: Modelled dependence of device resistance on applied power for a 10-nm antifuse. 0.008 50 2 Gate-substrate link diameter, nm: 4 40 10 30 20 10 0 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 Dissipated power, W Figure 7: Antifuse resistance for different link diameters, plotted versus applied power For the smaller links with the diameters of 4 and 2 nm, the theoretical resistance initially increases via applying near-zero powers (Fig. 7). This also occurs for the majority of our experiments (Fig. 2). Further increase of power results in decreasing resistance, which again fully agrees with the experimental graphs. However, the resistance decrease cannot be explained in terms of a heat enhanced carrier generation in the link material. This is because at a doping level of 10 20 cm-3, the intrinsic carrier density becomes comparable to the impurity carrier concentration at temperatures above 1000 oC. As one can see from the theoretical calculations in Fig. 7, the decrease in the link resistance already starts at near-room temperature. To explain the resistance behaviour at low powers, we have calculated electric field distributions at the links. It appeared, that the electric fields at the link edges could be sufficiently high to control the passage of carriers through the antifuse. The smaller the link the more dramatic the field influence. For the smallest antifuse of 2 nm, the electrons are required to overcome the highest negative barrier and that becomes easier with increasing applied voltage pushing the electrons through. This explains a decrease of the device resistance with increasing power. Additionally, due to the negative electric field, the link area can be depleted with the carriers. For the largest antifuse of 10 nm, the influence of the link edges is less crucial for governing the electric current (Fig. 7). 4.2. HEAT GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS 1100 1000 Structure B 900 Structure A Average surface temperature / Link temperature Average surface temperature within a diameter of 1.0 m, K From the following series of three figures (Fig. 8, 9, and 10) one can obtain the heat generation characteristics of the antifuses. For gas sensing, an important issue is to provide a larger hot surface-area to improve the device sensitivity. Another crucial point is an adjustment of the poly-Si gate thickness to achieve a proper surface-temperature distribution. Unfortunately, accurate experimental verification of the theoretical results cannot be done at this stage of the work. It appears that the link can be heated up to melting point of Si (1415 oC) by absorbing electrical power in the mWatt range (Fig. 8, 9). Because of a short distance between the link and the surface (~30 nm), realised by thin-film CVD technology, the heat generated by the antifuse is transmitted to the surface without an essential loss (Fig. 9). A few-nanometer-scale antifuse can maintain a sufficiently high surface temperature for a 50-100 times larger surface area (Fig. 8). 800 700 600 500 400 300 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 1.2 Structure A 1.0 Structure B 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.000 0.002 The dependence of antifuse resistance on link temperature (Fig. 10) exhibits a possibility for sensing of the external heat generated at the surface due to the combustion of gases. Because of the very thin films, the heat generated by combustion will probably be able to increase the link temperature, which leads to a change of the resistance. As estimated, a 50-oC increase of the link temperature will result in a 0.9-1.3 k increase of the device resistance, which is quite measurable. Concluding, the antifuses are feasible to perform as combined heating/detecting elements. 0.006 Figure 9: Modelled ratio between surface temperature within a diameter of 1 m and link temperature, plotted versus applied power Device resistance, k Figure 8: Modelled average surface temperature within a diameter of 1 m versus applied power. 0.004 Dissipated power, W Dissipated power, W 35 30 Structure B 25 Structure A 20 Bulk antifuse 15 10 5 0 300 550 800 1050 1300 1550 1800 Link temperature, K Figure 10: Modelled device resistance versus link temperature. 4.3. DOPING INFLUENCE 60 Device resistance, k The results of modelling show that doping of the mono-Si tip-electrode (Structure A) underneath the link is very important for good control of the device resistance because of the above-mentioned electric field effect. The electrical characteristics are also strongly influenced by doping of the poly-Si thin-film electrode (Fig. 11). Lower doping results in greater sensitivity to the electric field. So for the application purpose, an accurate choice/control of the doping profiles is needed. Poly-Si gate doping, at/cm-3 50 9E18 9E19 40 30 20 10 0 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 Dissipated power, W Figure 11: Antifuse resistance for different gate doping levels, plotted versus applied power 5. Conclusions Experimental and theoretical results obtained in this work show that, in principle, a high temperature can be generated by means of the nano-scale conductive link called antifuse, which is created due to a dielectric breakdown between two silicon electrodes. The devices are able to maintain a reasonably uniform temperature distribution across the micro-scale electrode surface, at limited power consumption. The results of numerical thermo-electrical modelling (ATLAS SILVACO code) show the feasibility of the antifuses to perform as low-power heating/detecting elements in Pellistor-type sensors. The newly proposed thin-film antifuses have better surface-temperature uniformity and sensitivity characteristics than the bulk antifuses. Experimental verification of the heat generation characteristics remains an important issue for the future work. Practical realisation and characterisation of the thin-film antifuses will be the next step in the coming research. Acknowledgements This work is financially supported by the EU project GRD1-1999-10849. References [1] Azad, A. M., Akbar, S.A., Mhaisalkar, S. G., Birkefeld, L. D., Goto, K. S. (1992) Solid-state gas sensors: a review, J. Electrochem. Soc. 139, 3690-3704. [2] Clifford, P. K. and Tuma, D. T. (1983) Characteristics of semiconductor gas sensors. Parts I and II, Sensors and Actuators 3, pp. 255-81 and 233-54. [3] Gall, M (1991) The Si planar pellistor: a low-power pellistor sensor in Si thin-film technology, Sensors and Actuators B (Chemical) B4, 533-8. [4] Houtsma, V. 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