Template resolution for banning Styrofoam

Native Village of ______________
Resolution No. ____ Environmental Health and Safety
Styrofoam Ban
WHEREAS: The health and welfare of the village members is the responsibility of this
WHEREAS: Styrofoam, the chemical polystyrene, migrates into food and beverages
from polystyrene food containers;
WHEREAS: Studies suggest that styrene mimics estrogen in the body and can therefore
disrupt normal hormone functions, possibly contributing to thyroid problems, menstrual
irregularities, and other hormone-related problems, as well as breast cancer and prostate
cancer; and
WHEREAS: Styrofoam does not break down in the environment but piles up in the
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we recognize it is necessary to protect
the health and welfare of the village members by the following:
Banning the use and importation of all Styrofoam containers, and containers made from
polystyrene, from this village.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Tribal staff will provide for posters, fact sheets and
signs consistent with this resolution.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that persons found to be in violation of this resolution
will be visited by the staff and provided with the above information and given an
opportunity to understand the reasons why the action is necessary to respect our
community. If this action is ineffective, then the Council will address the matter in public
session to determine further action.
CERTIFICATION Passed this _____ day of _________________20__ by a quorum
vote of __ for __ against ___ abstaining ___ absent.
SIGNED: ____________________________ ATTEST __________________________