IMPACT OF THE TSUNAMI DISASTER ON TREE-CROPS SURVIVAL AND MARKETING ASSESSMENT: THE ECOLOGICAL RECOVERY IN ACEH BARAT AND NAGAN RAYA DISTRICTS, NAD PROVINCE A. Background The Tsunami’s greatest impact has been on rural coastal communities. Before the tsunami, the men, women, and children in these communities were highly dependent on coastal fisheries, agriculture, aquaculture and agroforestry. But the natural resources supporting these livelihoods were already severely depleted due to unsustainable practices. ICRAF – as the part of CGIAR Centre – planned for helping these community through recovering the ecological constraints and enhancement livelihood. In first step, ICRAF conducted a survey to assess the impact of tsunami disaster on tree-crops survival and also to appraise the skills and awereness of local community and local government regarding to tree-crop selection and uses, tree nursery activities, tree system establishment and management, tree product production, and marketing linkages based on pre-tsunami disaster, current environment and opportunities. In implementing the survey, ICRAF collaborated with local government and local-International NGOs – who already existed in Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya districts – for sharing data and information regarding to rehabilitation and reconstruction program. Especially with some International NGOs – who working with agricultural livelihood recovery program, ICRAF shared roles for agroforestry recovery and rehabilitation of farmer’s livelihood. B. Objectives To assess the impact of tsunami disaster on tree-crops survival differentiated by tree-crops species, landscape position, and soil salinity To appraise the skills and awareness of local community, local government, and market agents regarding to tree-crop selection and uses, tree nursery activities, tree system establishment and management, tree product production, and marketing linkages based on pre-tsunami disaster, current environment and opportunities To recover the ecological constraints through availability of extension programs and planting materials C. Methodology The survey implemented during two weeks (May 14-27, 2005) at the sites which were flooded during the tsunami disaster. There are three sub-districts (kecamatans) in Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya districts covered the survey that is Samatiga, Johan Pahlawan, and Kuala. Rapid assessment for salinity concentrate (Electrical Conductivity – EC) in the soils was measured by the Dinas Pertanian officers (that already trained by the Centre of Soil Research team). Measurement salinity sediment was implemented in under tree-crops stands, to assess salinity concentrate after five months of Tsunami disaster. The PRA method and/or simple interview were used for appraising the perceptions of local community and local government regarding to tree-crop selection and uses, tree nursery activities, tree system establishment and management, tree product production, and marketing linkages based on pre-tsunami disaster, current environment and opportunities. To understand the marketing linkages system for the agroforestry products based on pre-tsunami disaster, current environment and opportunities, we interviewed market channels who leaved in Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya districts. D. Landfarming Degraded in Post-Tsunami FAO (2005) mentioned that landfarming degraded (annual crops and horticulture) was caused by Tsunami disaster achieved 61,816 Ha (included wet-land and dry-land) in NAD province. Landfarming degraded in western-part of NAD (45,755 Ha) was more in serious condition compared to the eastern-part (16,061 Ha). In eastern-part, there are 50% of 16,061 Ha was light degraded and 1 50% was medium degraded. In western-part, 10% (4,575.5 Ha) of 45,755 Ha was light degraded, 20% (9,151 Ha) was medium degraded, 60% (27,453 Ha) was serious degraded, and 10% (5,575.5 Ha) was permanent flooded. E. Tree-crops Survival and Soil Salinity in Post-Tsunami The tree crops have generally suffered little damage: coconuts as well as other palms (traditionally: sago, pinang palm; more recent: oil palm) are productive (above normal) in as far as they were not uprooted and washed out. Tree species such as akasia, asam jawa, jengkol, leban and cemara laut have suffered little damage, too. Rubber lost leaves but is generally resprouting. Only a number of fruit trees (especially rambutan, but also durian and jambu) appeared to have died after inundation. Cacao, kweni, kapuk, sukun, jeruk, nangka, kedondong appears to recover and resprouting. Tree-crops survival concerning on Tsunami disaster was very influenced by the treecrops species performance. Rainfall intensity, drainage density, flooded time-period have influenced salinity concentrate in the soil sediment. Salinity measurement that conducted in May 21, 2005 shows salinity concentrate in soil sediment becoming lowest (< 0.7 mS/cm or average 0.24 mS/cm). Village (Kecamatan) Seneubouk (Johan Pahlawan) Suak Raya (Johan Pahlawan) Cot Darat (Samatiga) Reusak (Samatiga) Suak Timah (Samatiga) (27/4) Suak Timah (Samatiga) (21/5) Krung Tinggai (Samatiga) Suak Timah (Samatiga) Flooded Period (hours) 1-2 No flooded 2 No flooded 1-2 Girth (cm) Rambutan Rambutan 46.5 72.8 Dead Live 0.68 - 1.24 0.00 6 - Rubber 73.0 0.02 0.20 Rubber 165.0 0.56 Rubber 33.0 Rubber 15.0 Rubber Rubber Maize 120.0 140.0 - Defoliated & resprouting (2.5 ms ago) Defoliated & resprouting Defoliated & resprouting Defoliated & resprouting Live 36 Tree & Crops Condition Dead Sediment Depth (cm) 8 Plantation 6 6 9 - Plantation Plantation 6 5 24 Rubber p.swamp 1.07 7 7 11 Rubber p.swamp - 0.00 - 5 - Growing rapidly 0.09 0.68 6 7 - Rubber p.swamp Ex paddy field 0.03 0.23 6 6 6 Ex paddy field - 0.00 - 7 - Paddy field 0.04 0.00 6 6 3 - 0.00 - 6 - Evacuee camp (all jambu & durian trees was dead) Home Garden 0.06 0.09 7 7 2 Home Garden 0.08 0.48 7 7 3 Home Garden 1-2 Maize - Growing rapidly No flooded 2 Paddy - Live Reusak (Samatiga) No flooded Kuala Baru (Kuala) 1-2 Langkak (Kuala) Tree & Crops Species Mangga 2 Jambu Bol Sukun 145.0 161.0 Durian 194.0 Durian Kweni Kelapa Cacao 94.0 102.0 98.0 30.0 Cacao 32.0 Cacao 46.0 Cacao Cacao Cacao 37.0 47.0 27.0 Durian Pinang Pinang Cacao 36.0 17.7 48.0 24.0 Dead Defoliated & resprouting Dead Live Defoliated & resprouting Defoliated & resprouting Defoliated & resprouting Dead Dead Defoliated & resprouting Dead No affected No affected Uprooted & dead EC (mS/cm) Sediment Original (20 cm) 0.45 1.26 pH Sediment Original (20 cm) 6 6 Location Situation 2 Leung Tekuben (Kuala) No flooded Cacao 29.0 Cacao 36.0 Cacao 17.0 Cacao Cacao Cacao Cacao 34.0 33.0 30.0 31.0 Uprooted & dead Uprooted & dead Uprooted & dead Live Live Live Live - 0.00 - 6 - Home Garden According to the Centre for Soil and Agroclimates Research Bogor (Djaenudin et al, 2000) mentioned that the Land Suitability Class for S1 (very suitable) class have lowest of salinity concentrate limited, when we compared to S2 (sufficient suitable), S3 (margin suitable) and N (no suitable). Based on the reference, salinity concentrate in the soil sediment was under the limit that have accepted by all tree-crops species. Means all tree-crops species in the tsunami area able growing rapidly with very suitable (S1) soil condition. Salinity - EC (mS/cm) < 0.5 <1 <2 <3 <4 <5 <6 < 12 S1 (very suitable) Tree and Annual crops Species Rubber, kopi arabika, Buncis, kacang panjang, kacang hijau, cacao, kopi robusta, Paddy, cassava, bawang merah, bawang putih, nenas, pepaya, banana, kelapa sawit, tembakau, Cabai, avocado, jeruk, Kacang tanah, mentimun, pare, petai, semangka, melon, belimbing, cempedak, duku, durian, jambu biji, mangga, manggis, nangka, rambutan, sawo, sukun, kapok, kencur, kunyit, lengkuas, Terung, tomat, sirsak, melinjo, tebu, jahe, kapulaga, lada, pala Kedelai Kelapa F. Land Use Types 1. Rubber Peat Swamp System - Tree density highest (± 900 trees per Ha) - Basic on rubber tree and almost monoculture - Extractive - traditional management (low inputs: fertilizer, germplasm, trainings) 2. Home Garden (including annual crops) - Kapuk, kweni (Mangifera sp), rambutan, nangka, kedondong, langsat and rambe (Lansium sp), durian, coffee, manggis, bamboo, rumbai (sagu) are tree species that used for subsistance oriented and a part was for sale - Cacao, pinang, coconut are tree species that used for commercial oriented - Kacang panjang, kacang tanah, gambas, terung, timun, maize, semangka and labu are annual crops that use for commercial oriented. - Extractive - traditional management (low inputs: fertilizer, germplasm, trainings) 3. Padi Ladang Tadah Hujan (intercropping with annual crops) - Paddy – paddy – annual crops (or paddy – paddy – paddy) - Paddy – bera (no activity) 4. Oil Palm Plantation and Rambutan Plantation - Owned by private sectors - Commercial oriented 5. Secondary Forest (fallow system) - Dominated by Leban trees (Vitex pubescens) - Some of old rubber trees and enau trees are secondary forest components - Existed in peat swamp area 3 G. Tree-crops Uses and Livelihood Resources Utilizing of tree-crops products have not difference in the pre and post tsunami disaster periods. Local community in Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya districts have used the paddy for food security. In the Nagan Raya district, paddy was a main income resource. Permanent irrigation system that established in Nagan Raya district have supported the NAD province for the food secure. In Aceh Barat district, rubber peat swamp system have produced latex that function as the main income resource until 40 to 60% of total farmer’s incomes. But in Nagan Raya district, rubber peat swamp system provided only 5% of total farmer’s incomes. Below is the table of percentage (%) of livelihood resources estimated. District Aceh Barat Aceh Barat Aceh Barat Nagan Raya Desa (Kecamatan) Cot Seulamat – Samatiga Padang rubek – Meureubo Padang rubek – Meureubo - Rice field 20 Annual crops - Rubber peat swamp system 60 Home garden (cacao – coconut) 15 Livestock and fishing 2 Shared labour 3 20 20 - 50 - 10 20 20 40 - - 20 70 - 5 20 5 - Home garden system provided income to smallholders until 15 to 50% of total farmer’s incomes in Aceh Barat district, but only 20% of total farmer’s incomes in Nagan Raya district. In both of the districts, fruit products from home garden system function as social incomes, means the products have used for meets subsistance need of the farmer and neighbours firstly, then another part of the products for sale to local trader. Most of the fruit products from home garden system function as the social bundle in between farmer and his neighbours. Durian, rambutan, coconut, pinang, and langsat are fruit tree species that was consumed by farmer and neighbour in limited number, and then a big part of these parts have sold by the owner to the local traders. But most of nangka and kweni fruits was consumed by farmer and neighbours as the social bundle. Cacao trees that most planted in under of coconut trees was function as the supplementary income in after order of latex product. Timber products from meranti merah, meranti putih, and leban tree – that most have grown in peat swamp area – used by farmer for meets construction subsistance need. Annual crops, like watermelon, chili, soybeans, peanuts, cucumber, and maize are most for sale to the local market and Meulaboh. At the same time, raise chickens and ducks have used to add the main income. Considering to the rise in prices of the latex and fruit products during last five years, so farmer predicted that latex and fruit products of rubber, cacao, pinang, coconut, rambutan, durian, chili, watermelon, soybeans, and pineapple have very potential to develop for commercial incomes in smallholder level for next 5 to 10 years. Because of that, farmer will priority to utilize the rubber and fruit trees for improvement their income. Species priority Main product Subsistance Karet Durian Cacao Rambutan Kelapa Pinang Nangka Langsat Kweni Meranti merah Meranti putih Leban latex fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit timber timber timber √ √ √ √√ √ √√ √√ √√ √√ Paddy Semangka Chili K. panjang K. tanah Timun Jagung fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit √√ √ √ √ √ √ √ Notes: √ Sale Firewoods Tree species √√ √√ √√ √√ √√ √√ √ √√ √ √ √ √ Annual crops √ √√ √√ √√ √√ √√ √√ √√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Construction √ √ √√ √√ √√ Sale to local trader local trader local trader local trader local trader local trader local trader local trader local trader local trader local trader local trader local local local local local local market market market market market market -√ less portion and √√ high portion 4 H. Nurseries and Development Options Since 1990 nursery activities were conducted by KPPKP (Agricultural Extension and Food Security Office – Agriculture Agency) in Aceh Barat district. Nursery activity was established with mango (golek, gedong, indramayu, apel, gedonggincu, arum manis) and rambutan (binjei dan riau) seedlings that came from Medan. In 1995, the nursery was extended until 3 Ha with adding some fruit species like durian (12 varieties – sitokong, simas, tembaga, caney, etc), sawo medan, manggis, melinjo in Meurebo subdistrict. Mother trees of these fruit seedlings were came from Medan and Lampung. When tsunami disaster happened, all of the mother trees and seedlings in the nursery damaged and dead. The Agriculture Agency and the Plantation and Forestry Agency in Aceh Barat district found obstacles during nurseries activities as following: availability of high quality of germplasm (mother trees) were limited nurseries location sandy and easy to flooded - high pig and buffalo demaged; fence supplying was limited - planning, budgeting support, continuing facilitation process of the government agencies for nursery activities were limited - political conflicts between the GAM – TNI - coordination and communication between the commercial nursery in Aceh Barat and the Agriculture Agency for high quality germplasm supplying and reforestation program were limited. The KPPKP organized nursery and tree propagation workshops for the three farmer groups (Suak Pandan, Geumpang Cot, dan Ujung Drin) in first 2004. The workshops were attended by 20 participants who have motivation on enhancement kowledge and skills in mango and durian nursery and grafting propagation practices. The farmer groups hired the PPL in the amount of Rp, 100,000.per participant. Subjects of workshop as following: - land selection and preparing - determine mother tree criterias and high quality of germplasm - root stock preparing - seeds management practice - determine vegetative propagation techniques based on fruit species characteristics The Plantation and Forestry Agency in Aceh Barat district organized the rubber nursery and grafting propagation workshop for some of members of the three farmer groups (Pintu Rimba, Amanah, Kelompok Wanita Tani) during one week in 2004. The obstacles that found in the workshop as followwing: - number of participants was limited - no continuing facilitation process that conducted by the Plantation and Forestry Agency - grafting tools supplying was limited that came from the Plantation and Forestry Agency - farmer have not capital to purchase the grafting tools - availability of germplasm high quality (entress sources) was limited in farmer group level - lack of information regarding to demand, prices, and standard quality of seeds and seedlings in Aceh Barat market. Farmers have high interest and need the rubber nursery and grafting propagation training course. They also need the rubber clonal for entress resources. Most of the farmer mentioned that the nursery and grafting propagation practices are the new technology for them. They will get three main advantages from the knowledge and skills of nursery and grafting propagation practices as following: - rubber and fruit clonal have high quality of germplasm (high productivity) - harvesting period of rubber and fruit clonal have shorter than the trees that came from natural generative - the nursery able to meet subsistance need of the farmer and commercial oriented Durian, rambutan, rubber, cacao, coconut, pinang, and oil palm are the main comodities in Aceh barat and Nagan Raya districts. Except oil palm; durian, rambutan, rubber, cacao, coconut, pinang are maintained by smallholder. According to the farmers in Cot Selamat village (Samatiga subdistrict) mentioned that rubber, cacao, durian, and rambutan have market potential and to extend for nursery and grafting propagation practices. I. Tree Garden Management and Development Options Generally, land holding of the farmer is 1 Ha to 2 Ha with consist of paddy field (± 0.5 Ha), home garden system (± 0.5 Ha), and rubber peat swamp system (± 1 Ha). Home garden system and 5 rubber peat swamp system were established traditionally. The management of tree garden types have traditionally and also extractive management for latex, fruit, and timber. Lack of knowledge and skills of farmer in utilizing of high quality of germplasm, tree maintaining, and organic and chemical fertilizing given impact on tree garden productivity. Harvesting is the main activity in the tree garden types compared to maintaining activities in yearly. Harvesting latex have 52 times per year (excluded raining days), but harvesting cacao have done per week during August to March. Rambutan and nangka have harvested for twice a year, but durian only once a year. Harvesting coconut and annual crops have done in 4 times per year. Maintaining actiivities such as weeding, organic fertilizing, tree pruning and thinning were almost never done in home garden system, but weeding activity in rubber peat swamp system have done for 2 to 3 times per year. Most of the planting, weeding, organic fertilizing activities have done for annual crops. Species Annual crops Karet Kelapa Cacao Durian Rambutan Nangka Sawo Planting Weeding 2-4 2-3 Organic fertilizing 1 - 2-3 - - Chemical fertilizing - Pesticide application <1 Tree management - - - - crops 4 Harvesting fruit timber latex 52 4 32 1 2 2 2 Fruit tree species dominated in home garden system than timber tree species. A few number of timber tree species was found in home garden system. Compotition of the fruit tree species and number of fruit tree have been affected by smallholder strategy, that is for maintained the continuing of fruit productivity and incomes. The strategy given impact on increasing of fruit tree species and number of fruit tree ownership. Fruit species priority in home garden system as following: durian, cacao, coconut, pinang, rambutan, sawo, kweni, rambe, nangka, and pala. But in rubber peat swamp system, rubber tree was dominant with highest tree density (± 900 trees per Ha) and low latex productivity. Meranti rawa (Shorea sp.), bakau rawa, and leban (Vitex pubescens) have found in the rubber peat swamp system with a few number. Utilizing germplasm have still limited on local germplasm with low productivity. Except the durian Bubon tree in Samatiga subdistrict have high quality of germplasm and able produced around 500 fruits per harvest season. Improvement germplasm have done by farmer through replacement activity with using natural regenerated seedlings and grafted seedlings. They bought the grafted seedlings such as rambutan, durian, sawo, and cacao from Medan. White root disease is the main disease for rubber trees in rubber peat swamp system. High humidity and flooded yearly caused the disease attacked intensively. Beside that, pig is the main pest for annual crops and paddy. Species priority Tree number (per Ha) Karet 500-900 Durian Kelapa Cacao 5 30-50 50-100 Kweni Nangka Rambutan Paddy & annual crops 15 25 10 Pest – disease Germplasm problems * quality * Tree Species √√ √ White root disease √ √ √ √ √ √√ Hama penggerek batang √ √ √ √ √ √ Annual Crops √√ √√ Pig damage Extension involved * Reforestation program * √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √√ Notes: *√ less and √√ good (intensively) Extension for improvement tree garden management (rubber peat swamp system and home garden system) have never accepted by farmer from the Agriculture Agency and the Plantation and Forestry Agency. In post tsunami period, farmers in Cot Selamat village (Samatiga subdistrict) have high interest and need for the improvement tree garden management. They need to replace the rubber trees with rubber clonal which produced high latex, adapted with peat swamp area, and also 6 produce rubber timber. Another alternative that farmer needed is species diversification in rubber peat swamp system through substitution of the unproductive rubber tree with meranti rawa (Shorea sp.), manau (rattans), and leban (Vitex pubescens). White root disease management and tapping improvement training courses are needed by smallholder, too. Innovation agroforestry for the home garden system have addressed to germplasm improvement. Germplasm improvement have implemented through nursery and grafting propagation practices. Beside that, product diversification for the fruit products (tempoyak, sirup, keripik, manisan, etc) needs to consider. But before promoting the ‘value-added processing’ option need to make sure that there is a market, that the farmers can provide a steady (reliable) supply to meet demand and that the farmers can provide the necessary quality. To reduce the impact of tsunami disaster on farmer and their properties, preferable in a long of coastal – that already existed with the coconut trees – need to establish the Green Belt area that function as the protector. In the green belt area will be planted with a various tree species that priority for the farmer’s livelihood and also appears to recover and resprouting when the tsunami disaster finished, as following: cacao, pala, kweni, sawo, sukun, nangka, kapuk, akasia, asam jawa, and pinang J. Marketing and Development Options Generally marketing channels for the agroforestry products in Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya districts consist of farmer (producers), local trader, collector (home industry), regional trader, and industry in Medan that shows by the matrix below. The matrix shows that a big difference prices between farmer and collector (home industry). The collector with his home industry able to sale the higher price of agroforestry products than the farmer. In the home industry, the collector makes drying processing for the cacao, coffee, pinang, and coconut products; and also crumbing processing for the latex product. COMMODITY Farmer Cacao Rubber Local Trader Rp 6.000/kg Pinang Rp 4.250/kg Industry (Medan) Rp 500/fruit Rp 21.000/kg Rp 3.200/kg Rp 10.000/kg Rp 10.000/kg Rp 350/kg Coconut (local) Regional Trader Rp 10.000/kg Rp 12.000/kg Rp 7.000/kg Rp 17.000/kg Rp 3.800/kg Coffee Market Channel Collector (Home Industry) Rp 1.000/fruit or Rp 3.000/ bottle Lack of knowledge and skills of farmer in utilizing of germplasm high quality, nursery and grafting propagation practices, composs uses, and tree maintaining have given impact on the productivity of home garden system and rubber peat swamp system that becoming low. Beside of that, lack of knowledge and skills of farmer in post-harvesting and marketing for agroforestry products caused decreasing motivation and ability of the farmer to improve the productivity of home garden system and rubber peat swamp system. Marketing problems for smallholder agroforestry products level as following: - information of price of the agroforestry product was limited in each market channel level - information of product specification of the market demand was limited - no difference on price for the product with different quality - list information of trader who will collect smallholder agroforestry products was limited - difference perceptions between farmer regarding to marketing group - the IJON system 7 high transportation cost caused by political conflicts between GAM – TNI Farmer realized that the IJON system could be vanished and replece it with a Cooperative Enterprise (soft-loan service) – Koperasi Simpan Pinjam. In the Cooperative Enterprise, all members of farmer group have united in marketing group activity for latex, cacao, pinang, coconut, coffee products. The important thing is all members have got opportunities for soft-loan service from the Cooperative Enterprise. - 8