Ariel Kushmaro and Shimona Geresh. 2002. Encapsulation method

Date (October, 2002)
• Personal Details
Name: Ariel Kushmaro
Date and place of birth: Israel 18/01/1962
Regular military service: 10/1981-4/1996 , Major in the reserves.
Address and telephone number at work: Dept of Biotechnology
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben Gurion University, Beer
Sheva, 84105, Israel. Tel. 972-8-6479024 / Fax 972-8-6472983/
Address and telephone number at home: Dekel 19, Nir-Zvi, Israel.
Tel/Fax: 972-8-9226156
• Education
B.Sc. Biology, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1990.
M.Sc. (Cum Laude) in Microbiology. Department of Molecular
Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel Aviv University, 1992.
Supervisors: Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel Aviv
University, Israel
Name of advisors: Prof. E. Rosenberg and Prof. E. Z. Ron
Title of thesis: Application of bacteria & fertilizer F-1 for treatment of
petroleum contaminated beach sand on the Israeli Mediterranean coast.
Ph.D. (Cum Laude), Departments of Zoology and Microbiology, Tel Aviv
University, Israel, 1999.
Name of advisors: Prof. Y. Loya and Prof. E. Rosenberg
Title of thesis: Interactions between corals and their associated bacteria.
• Employment History (in reverse chronological order, including sabbatical leave)
Name: Ariel Kushmaro
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1990-1992: Teaching Assistant, Department of Molecular
Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel Aviv University:
General Microbiology- course.
1993-1997: Teaching Assistant, Department of Zoology,Tel Aviv
1. Invertebrates- an advanced course.
2. Biology and Ecology of Coral Reefs.
Postdoctoral Fellow, (1999-2000), Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious
and tropical Diseases, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Postdoctoral Fellow, (2000-2001) Harvard University, Department of
Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.
Summer 2002: Visitor scientist at Harvard (Department of Population and
International Health Harvard School of Public Health) and Northeastern
(Department of Biology) universities.
2001- Lecturer at the Dept of Biotechnology Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering Sciences, Ben Gurion University.
• Professional Activities (in reverse chronological order)
(a) Positions in academic administration
(b) Professional functions outside universities/institutions
(c) Significant professional consulting
d) Editor or member of editorial board of scientific or professional journal
Name: Ariel Kushmaro
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(f) Membership in professional/scientific societies
Israel Society for Microbiology
Israel Society for Zoology
International Society for Coral Reef
American Society for microbiology
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
• Educational activities
(a) Courses taught
General Microbiology for Biotechnology (369-1-3041).
Microbiology laboratory for Biotechnology (369-1-1004).
(b) Research students
Name of student: O. Levanon
Degree: M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering
Subject: "Characterization of microorganisms in Activated Sludge
plant to improve performance"
Remarks: In progress, jointly supervised with A. Brenner
(Program of Environmental Engineering).
Name of student: M. Harel
Degree: M.Sc. in Biology
Subject: Coral Microbiology
Remarks: In progress.
Name of student: N. Kuperman
Degree: M.Sc. in Biology
Subject: Coral Microbiology
Remarks: In progress.
• Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships
(a) Honors, Citation Awards (including during studies)
Weizmann Institute of Science, August 1996. Katzir Travel
scholarship for International conference.
Costa award for an outstanding lecture (Annual Meeting of The
Zoological Society of Israel).
The Ashner Prize from the Israeli Society of Microbiology.
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The SICB award for an outstanding lecture (Annual Meeting of The
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology , USA).
(b) Fellowships:
1999-2001 Fulbright Ecology Postdoctoral Fellowship for a Post-doc at
Harvard University (50,000$ US).
Summer 2002: Visitor scientist at Harvard (Department of Population and
International Health Harvard School of Public Health) and Northeastern
(Department of Biology) universities (Fulbright Fellowship).
• Scientific Publications
(a) Authored books
(b) Editorship of collective volumes
(c) Chapters in collective volumes - Conference proceedings, Festschrifte, etc.
(d) Refereed articles and refereed letters in scientific journals - running numbers
Eugene Rosenberg, Rachel Legmann, Ariel Kushmaro, Ran Taube, Ellik Adler &
Eliora Z. Ron.1992. Petroleum bioremediation - a multiphase problem.
Biodegradation 3: 337-350.
Impact factor = 1.11 (72 / 124)
Eugene Rosenberg, Rachel Legmann, Ariel Kushmaro, Ellik Adler, Haim Abir &
Eliora Z. Ron. 1996. Oil bioremediation using insoluble nitrogen source. Journal of
Biotechnology, Vol. 51, pp.273-278.
Impact factor = 1.458 (39 / 124)
A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya, M. Fine and E. Rosenberg. 1996. Bacterial infection and
coral bleaching. Nature:, 380: 396.
Impact factor = 25.81
A. Kushmaro, E. Rosenberg, M. Fine and Y. Loya.1997. Bleaching of the coral
Oculina patagonica by Vibrio AK-1. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 147,
pp. 159-165.
Impact factor = 1.928 (8 / 70)
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A. Kushmaro, G. Henning, D. K. Hofmann and Y.Benayahu . 1997.
Metamorphosis of Heteroxenia fuscescens planulae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) is
inhibited by crude oil: A novel short term toxicity bioassay. Marine environmental
research, Vol. 43. No. 4, pp. 295-302.
Impact factor = 1.423 (30 / 70)
A. Kushmaro, E. Rosenberg, M. Fine, Y. Ben Haim and Y. Loya .1998. Effect of
temperature on bleaching of the coral Oculina patagonica by Vibrio AK-1. Marine
Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 171, pp. 131-137.
Impact factor = 1.928 (8 / 70)
A. Toren, L. Landau, A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya and E. Rosenberg. 1998. Effect of
temperature on the adhesion of Vibrio AK-1 to Oculina patagonica and coral
bleaching. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 64: 1379-1384.
Impact factor = 3.389 (11 / 124)
D. Kelman, A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya, Y. Kashman and Y. Benayahu. 1998.
Antimicrobial activity of Red Sea soft coral Pareythropodium fulvum fulvum:
reproductive and developmental considerations. Marine Ecology Progress Series
169: 87-95.
Impact factor = 1.928 (8 / 70)
E. Rosenberg, A. Kushmaro, Y. Ben-Haim, A. Toren, E. Banin , M. Fine and Y.
Loya. 1999. The effect of temperature on bacterial bleaching of corals.
Microbiology and Infectious Disease, ASM pp. 242-254.
Yael Ben-Haim, Ehud Banim, Ariel Kushmaro, Yossi Loya and Eugene
Rosenberg. 1999. Inhibition of photosynthesis and bleaching of zooxanthellae by
the coral pathogen Vibrio shiloi. Environmental Microbiology Vol. 1 (3): 223-230.
Impact factor = 2.74 (11 / 79)
E. Banin, T. Israely, A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya, E. Orr and E. Rosenberg. 2000.
Penetration of coral-bleaching bacterium Vibrio shiloi into Oculina patagonica.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 66(7): 3031-3036.
Impact factor = 3.389 (11 / 124)
A. Kushmaro, E. Banin, Y. Loya, E. Stackebrandt, and E. Rosenberg .2001.
Vibrio shiloi sp. nov., the causative agent of bleaching of the coral Oculina
patagonica. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2001 51: 1383-1388.
Impact factor = 2.675 (12 / 79)
Name: Ariel Kushmaro
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Published scientific reports and technical papers
1. Brenner, A., A. Abeliovich, A. Kushmaro, and O. Levanon, (2001),
“Characterization of microorganisms in Activated Sludge systems”, Annual Report,
Submitted to Mekorot - Israel Water Works.
2. Abeliovich, A., A. Brenner, A. Kushmaro, and I. Mukmanov, (2002),
“Development of an anaerobic-aerobic process for the biodegradfation of
tetrabromobisphenol-A manufacturing wastes”, Final Report , Submitted to the
USA-Israel Science and Technology Foundation.
Unrefereed professional articles and publications
Classified articles and reports
• Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not
Followed by Published Proceedings
Invited plenary lectures at conferences/meetings
Presentation of papers at conferences/meetings
(oral or poster)
A. Kushmaro, G. Henning, Y. Benayahu, D.K. Hofmann, and E. Rosenberg. 1994.
Settlement and metamorphosis of planulae of Heteroxenia fuscescens are inhibited
by crude oil: A novel short-term toxicity bioassay. Isr. J. Zoology.Vol. 40, no.1.
A. Kushmaro. The bacterial flora of Aplysia californica gut. 1995.
Isr. J. Zoology.Vol. 41, no.1, pp. 96
A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya, M. Fine and E. Rosenberg.1996. The role of bacterial
infection in coral bleaching. Annual meeting of the Israel society for microbiology,
February, 1996, Jerusalem. pp. 31
A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya, M. Fine and E. Rosenberg. 1996. The role of bacterial
infection in coral bleaching. 8th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied
Microbiology, Jerusalem, Israel, August 1996. pp. 26.
A. Kushmaro, E. Rosenberg, M. Fine and Y. Loya.1996. The role of temperature
on bacterial bleaching of corals. 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama,
1996. pp. 111
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E. Rosenberg, A. Kushmaro, M. Fine and Y. Loya. 1996. Bacterial infection and
coral bleaching. International conference on Microbial Ecology and Infectious
Disease. NIH, Maryland, USA.July 1996. pp. 12
A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya, M. Fine and E. Rosenberg. 1997. The effect of seawater
temperature on bacterial bleaching of the stony coral Oculina patagonica .Annual
meeting of the Israel society for microbiolog. April 1997. pp. 13
A. Kushmaro. 1997. The role of seawater temperature on bacterial bleaching of the
stony coral Oculina patagonica . Isr. J. Zoology.Vol. 43, no.1, pp.108-109
A. Kushmaro, E. Rosenberg, M. Fine and Y. Loya.1997. Coral bleaching: The
influence of bacterial infection and seawater temperature change in the
Mediterranean sea. The first international conference "application of
micropaleontology in environmental sciences". Tel-Aviv. June 1997. pp. 76
A. Kushmaro, M. Fine, A. Toren, L. Landau, Y. Ben Haim, E. Rosenberg and Y.
Bleaching in stony corals: The role of bacteria. Annual meeting of
the Israel society for Zoology. Isr. J. Zoology.Vol. 44, pp. 81
A. Kushmaro, E. Rosenberg, M. Fine and Y. Loya.1997. Coral bleaching: The
influence of bacterial infection and seawater temperature change in the
Mediterranean sea. The Third International Conference on the Mediterranean
Coastal Environment, Nov. 11-14,1997. Malta.
A. Kushmaro, M. Fine, A. Toren*, L. Landau*, Y. Ben Haim, E. Rosenberg and Y.
Loya.1998. The role of temperature in bacterial bleaching of corals. American
Zoologist, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp-13A.
E. Rosenberg, A. Kushmaro, Y. Ben-Haim, A. Toren, E. Banin , M. Fine and Y.
Loya.1998. The effect of temperature on bacterial bleaching of corals. Conference
on Microbial Ecology and Infectious Disease. 31/3-3/4,1998. Ma'ale
A. Kushmaro. The role of bacteria in Bleaching of stony corals. The Multidisciplinarity 2020, Jerusalem, Israel. 6-7 May 1998.
A. Kushmaro, M. Fine, A. Toren*, L. Landau*, Y. Ben Haim, E. Rosenberg and
Y. Loya.1998. Bleaching in stony corals: The role of bacteria. CARESS' 98,
Weizmann Instittute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. May 1998. pp. 28.
A. Toren, A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya and E. Rosenberg. 1998. The role of
temperature in bacterial bleaching of corals. The sixth annual meeting of the inst.
for biotechnology, Tel-Aviv univ. June 4-6,1998, Nof-Ginosar, Israel. pp. 17.
Y. Ben-Haim, E. Banin , A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya and E. Rosenberg.1998. Effect of
extracellular products of V. shiloi on Oculina patagonica algae. The sixth annual
meeting of the inst. for biotechnology, Tel-Aviv Univ. June 4-6,1998, NofGinosar, Israel. pp. 15.
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A. Kushmaro, M. Fine, A. Toren, L. Landau, Y. Ben Haim, E. Rosenberg and Y.
Loya.1998. The effect of temperature on "bacterial-induced bleaching". European
meeting of the ISRS, September 1998, Perpignan, France.
A. Kushmaro, E. Rosenberg and Y. Loya.1999. Species-specific properties of the
coral mucus microbial communities. The 7th international conference of The Israel
Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences. Jerusalem, Israel.
E. Rosenberg, Y. Ben-Haim, E. Banin, A. Kushmaro, and Y. Loya.1999. Effect of
environment on bacterial bleaching of corals. The 7th international conference of
The Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences. Jerusalem,
Kelman D., Kashman Y., Rosenberg E., Kushmaro A. and Loya Y. 1999.
Antimicrobial activity of Red Sea corals. Second Euroconference on Marine Natural
Products. Spain.
(c) Presentations at informal international seminars and
(d) Seminar presentations at universities and institutions
2000: Coral bleaching and bacterial infection. Harvard University
• Patents
Ariel Kushmaro and Shimona Geresh. Encapsulation method for isolating and
culturing novel “uncultivable” microorganisms. Patent application no. 151660
(September 2002),
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• Research Grants
Granting Institute: ISF
A. Kushmaro
Subject: “Alternative feeding mechanism in corals: bacterial aggregate
Period of grant: 4 years (started 2001)
Total amount: $ 220,000
Granting Institute: Mekorot - National Water Works
A. Brenner
Co-investigators: Kushmaro A.
Subject: "Characterization of microorganisms in Activated Sludge plants"
Period of grant: 2 years (started 2001)
Total amount: $ 40,000
Granting Institute: USA-Israel Science and Technology Foundation
Abeliovich A., Kushmaro A., A. Brenner
Subject: "Development of an anaerobic-aerobic process for the
biodegradation of tetrabromobisphenol-A manufacturing wastes "
Period of grant: 1 year (started 2001)
Total amount:
$ 120,000
• Synopsis of research, including reference to publications and grants
above lists (Do not exceed three single-spaced pages.)
Research activity includes investigation of the diversity, and distribution of
microorganisms through approaches based on molecular (e.g. 16S rRNA analysis,
FISH and DGGE) and novel culturing techniques. In addition the research work
aimed to understand the structure and function of microbial communities and their
dynamics with regard to the environment. Investigations usually include the
isolation of bacteria and their study under defined conditions in the laboratory.
Characterization of enrichment and pure cultures is often combined with the
analysis of ribosomal nucleic acids. One project is the study of the anaerobic
degradation of long-lived chemical pollutants such as hlogenaited compounds and
microbial-ecology of wastewater.
Furthermore we recently initiated new funded research project following
observation of bacterial aggregates in the mucous and on the surface of a variety of
reef corals. These aggregates are round bodies made up of unique coccoid bacterial
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like bodies. The aggregates are dispersed on the coral surface in a patch like
distribution, with the highest density in the area of the polyp mouth, suggesting that
they are transported toward it. Moreover these bacterial aggregates are abundant in
gastrodermis of regenerating tissues, areas that usually lack endosymbiotic algae
that provide an important carbon and energy source for the coral. These preliminary
results suggest the possibility that the corals utilize these aggregates as an
alternative feeding mechanism and may possibly aid in survival following coral
damage or bleaching episodes. In this research project we currently describing and
identifying the bacteria forming the aggregates using microbial and molecular
• Present Academic Activities
1. Research in progress
Subject: Alternative feeding mechanism in corals: bacterial aggregate
Other participants: Prof. Y. Loya
Expected date of completion: 2006
2. Books and articles to be published In preparation Submitted for
Ariel Kushmaro, L. Lerner, V. Agmon, C. L. Greenblatt and J. Kopelowitz. 2002.
Vibrio cholerae in Israel: Distribution and characterization of O1 and non-O1
strains from human and environmental sources. Epidemiology and Infection
Ariel Kushmaro and Colleen M. Cavanaugh. 2002. Ribosomal RNA operon copy
number in intracellular chemoautotrophic symbiotic bacteria. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology (submitted).
Awerbuch T.E., Kushmaro A. and Levins R. 2002. Mathematical model for West
Nile Virus Transmission and conditions for disease outbreaks (In preparation).
Ariel Kushmaro and Shimona Geresh. 2002. Encapsulation method for isolating
and culturing novel “uncultivable” microorganisms. Patent application no. 151660
(September 2002), and article in preparation.
• Additional Information
Name: Ariel Kushmaro
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Professional Courses
July 1992: Microbial Diversity, Marine Biological Laboratory,
Woods Hole,Mass. USA.