Kitty Hawk Aviation B-6: Use Case Narrative Diagram Abstract This document contains feature highlights for the Advanced Project Management Systems (KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC.) General Aviation Pilot Management tools (GAPM). KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. is seeking venture capital funding for the new GAPM tools. The features were established according to requests learned from engineering requirements gathered by Team Two, which included market research, and interviews from stakeholders such as the experienced project management teams of KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC.. The document complies with the User Requirements Document (URD) from the Software Engineering Standard. 1. Table of Contents Introduction Definitions General Description Product Description from Users View Features: Functional Requirements General Aviation Pilot Management Role Based Access Time management Cost management Scope management Communication management Integration (portfolio) management Non Functional Requirements Usability Security Availability Performance Maintainability 2. Introduction The User Requirement Document (URD) provides an overview of what the system will do, focused on essential features of the system. The supporting text and the Use Cases describe what users can do with the system. This incorporates both the existing functionality of the system and agreed user suggestions as documented in the Concept of Operations document written by Team Two in February 2009. The intended audience of this document is those involved the KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. GAPM project, but this early version of the URD is in response to requests for further information by venture capitalists. This URD contains a product description of many features needed in the market today. KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. will be able to deliver these features to the market within 12 months. The early capturing of the market will establish KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. as the new General Aviation industry leader. 3. Acronyms and Definitions 3.1. User Requirement Document is used to communicate, to the customer, the level of understanding the project team has of the customer’s requirements. 3.2. Features are capabilities the system will have based on the functional requirements and quality attributes stated by the customer. 3.3. Use Case is a pictorial story that’s used to describe how a feature would be used in the customer’s business environment. 3.4. General Aviation Pilot Management (GAPM) 4. General Description KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. is a key player in GAPM market because of its ability to capitalize on key features that set it apart from its competitors. 4.1. KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. product differentiates from JEPPENSON in the following areas: KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. has a strong history that emphasizes the quality of our products, including the quality of support after the sale Small to midsize company project market that aren’t willing to pay for JEPPENSON high priced and find JEPPENSON products difficult to integrate work across Time and Cost management products 4.2. KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. product differentiates from Microsoft in the following areas: KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. GAPM products offer, the highly technical based customers, a higher quality graphic and intuitive reporting capability than Microsoft Midsize company project market that aren’t supported by only Microsoft desk top product suite 4.3. KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. product differentiates from Primavera in the following areas: KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. GAPM products offered on distributed platforms to global market customers Target General Aviation markets that need to conduct business to a global market in native languages and companies demanding responsive technology integration Target midsize companies that require a ‘personal and responsive’ General Aviation Pilot Management relationship, require secure access to its technology breakthroughs such as: educational materials high tech navigation flight simulators Pilot Bio Feedback monitoring 5. Features (functional and non-functional requirements) Essential Functional Requirements 5.1. Feature: General Aviation Pilot Management offers the capability able to share all aviation information with general aviation members located all over the world. KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. offers this capability through “Collaboration Anywheretm” patented technology. Gives team members the capability to be working anywhere in the world, using any function of the system to instantly communicate and collaborate with any person(s), anywhere around the globe. 5.1.1. Actor: Program Manager, Project Manager, Lead Technician, Financial Manager 5.1.2. Actor Goals: General Aviation Pilot Management The KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. will be used to address the needs of the NASA ECOFuel Systems Modernization (EFSM). The EFSM will provide new and modernized computer environmental, navigation and communication technology. EFSM will provide 4 scheduled releases within a 12 month period as well as any unscheduled point releases which may be required by the Department of Defense. The EFSM team is a group of 400 team members. The KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. must be capable of supporting daily activity performed by the 12 Project Managers, 2 Financial Managers, and the Program Manager. Each have the responsibility to review, assess and communicate project task progress for 400 resources and 150 individual project schedules that make up this Program. 5.1.3. Use Case “Collaboration Anywheretm” Review and Assess Daily Task Progress Lead Technician(s) Project Manager Determine Weekly Project Level Earned Value for Project ‘n’ Report Weekly Program Level Earned Value Project Planner Financial Manager Project Manager Program Manager 5.2. Feature: Role Based Access offers secure access to information to those who need it and when they need it. Providing the capability to define a specific role or set of roles to perform a task or group of tasks ensures management controls are in place to adhere to government and business regulations. Patented “Just a Click Away tm” (JACAtm) also provides ease of use navigation and improves project visibility from a ‘role based’ perspective. 5.2.1. Actor: Program Manager, Financial Manager, Project Manager 5.2.2. Actor Goals: Secure Role Based Access The KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. will be used to address the needs of the NASA ECOFuel Systems Modernization (EFSM). The EFSM will provide new and modernized computer environmental, navigation and communication technology. EFSM will provide 4 scheduled releases within a 12 month period as well as any unscheduled point releases which may be required by the Department of Defense. The EFSM team is a group of 400 team members. The KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. must be capable of allowing access to authorized users based on ‘their need to know’ information. With Role Based Access, Project Managers will define the necessary roles for a project or program. Program and project managers will define the level of access a role should have and through their project security team, create the access for project users. 5.2.3. Use Case Role Based Access Identify and Create User Roles NSSM Security Technical Lead Project Manager Determine Access Requirement for Role Create User Access NSSM Security Administrator Program Manager Notify User Program Manager 5.3. Feature: Schedule Alerts will provide the capability to deliver activity timelines and deadlines for programs, projects, tasks and assignments. The project tasks are tracked based on assigned resource(s), estimated completion date and percentage of task complete. The capability to ‘alert’ the primary and/or secondary resource assigned to the task is necessary to support their timely task completion. The capability to ‘alert’ the identified project manager is necessary to support their timely oversight of all tasks for a given project or program. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. Actor: Program Manager, Team Members Actor Goals: Time Management support The aviation company, Air Bus, is developing nano technology to fight pilot disorientation. They have had success in laboratory animals and have gained permission by the World Health Organization to start human trials in fourteen countries. They need a project management application that can integrate all aspects of the clinical trails. There are very strict schedules for all activities to meet international compliance for successful completion. General Aviation Pilot Management tools (GAPM) needs to deliver a time management component that will trigger alerts for all team members so that pilot status is consistently updated. 5.3.3. Use Case: Schedule Alerts <includes> Alerted to Task Deadlines/ Changes Reviews Schedule & Updates Update Task Status <includes> Project Manager Team Member 5.4. Feature: Manage Costs will track resource (and other) costs as well as facilitates chargeback or billing of project expenses, such as those associated with time, travel, equipment and other material. It will ensure that the current industry financial standards are adhered to. Ensuring the customers’ business is in compliance with governmental regulations for reporting. It will also ensure common terminology is used to understand the information being reported. 5.4.1. Actor: Project Manager, Financial Manager, Team Members 5.4.2. Actor Goals: Cost management support The aviation company, Air Bus, is developing nano technology to fight pilot disorientation. They have had success in laboratory animals and have gained permission by the World Health Organization to start human trials in fourteen countries. They need a General Aviation Pilot Management application that can integrate all aspects of the clinical trials. Cost and resources need to be tracked according industry and governmental regulations. Detailed review of the budget to actuals is needed to provide oversight and to ensure the project is able to complete within budget over the five year period the trail conducted. 5.4.3. Use Case: Costs Management <includes> Submit Hours to Cost Centers Reviews Buget & Actuals Submit Expense Team Member <includes> Project Manager <includes> Update Actual Financial Manager 5.5. Feature: Automated metrics provide the capability to produce on-demand and scheduled metrics for a project. It ensure a project’s scope is managed based on preliminary requirements planning, including definition of project deliverables; may include tracking proposals or estimates against actual costs Metrics can be established unique to a projects needs or metrics can be selected from a predefined set of common project management practices i.e. ‘days since task last updated’ The capability to define the enterprise goal(s) relative to a project. The capability to measure a projects ability to achieve the enterprise goal(s) on time, within budget and meeting a % of quality criteria. Data Mining capability of enterprise level data will ensure that the customers in charge of a project(s) scope have the capability to access all project information to produce business decision reporting. This allows the customer to report their business needs to the goals of the enterprise. 5.5.1. 5.5.2. Actor: Project Manager, Financial Manager Actor Goals: Scope Management The aviation company, Air Bus, is developing nano technology to fight pilot disorientation. They have had success in laboratory animals and have gained permission by the World Health Organization to start human trials in fourteen countries. They need a project management application that can integrate all aspects of the clinical trails. The project has the requirement to provide on going status of the trials progress and to make sure it is adhering to the strategic mission of the project. 5.5.3. Use Case: Scope Management <includes> Update Actuals Produces Metrics Financial Manager <includes> Update Task Status Data Mining Enterprise Goals Project Manager <includes> Update Enterprise Goals Team Member 5.6. Feature: “Talk with Metm’ offers the user the capability to work any aspect of the system in their native language. This feature enables project users to communicate effectively around the globe. These features will offer the communication tools necessary to manage all knowledge sharing and perform workflow management in native languages and support collaboration and reporting of data and information in native languages. 5.6.1. 5.6.2. Actor: Mechanical Engineer, System Architects, System Analysts Actor Goals: Communication Management support of Native Languages. The KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. will be used to address the needs of the NASA ECOFuel Systems Modernization (EFSM). The EFSM will provide new and modernized computer environmental, navigation and communication technology. EFSM will provide 4 scheduled releases within a 12 month period as well as any unscheduled point releases which may be required by the Department of Defense. The EFSM team is a group of 400 team members. Lead Technicians for the projects are based in 10 different countries and only speak their native language. This has offered NASA a great deal of partnership collaboration, diversified funding and goodwill. To support these efforts KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. “Talk with Me” feature ensures the removal of barriers that once existed and prohibited clear and effective communication. 5.6.3. Use Case: Automatic “Talk with Me” Determine Project Dependancies Lead Technician Project 2 Determine Dependant Milestones Lead Technician Project 1 Determine Dependant Tasks Lead Technician Project 3 Lead Technician Project 2 5.7. Feature: ‘Voice and Video integration’ will ensure all users have the capability to provide input and that various types of input are accepted by the KITTY HAWK AERONAUTICS, INC. system. This capability supports integration management at the lowest level of service to the highest level of strategic alignment. 5.7.1. Actor: Project level System Integration Analysts 5.7.2. Actor Goals: Integration Management of voice, video and keyed data The aviation company, Air Bus, is developing nano technology to fight pilot disorientation. They have had success in laboratory animals and have gained permission by the World Health Organization to start human trials in fourteen countries. They need a general aviation pilot management application that can integrate all aspects of the clinical trails captured through voice, video and keyed methods. The technicians supply the data in one of these methods and integrated reporting based on task, project or program is necessary. 5.7.3. Use Case: Voice and Video Input Task Status by Video Technician1 Input Task Status by Voice Input Task Status by Keyboard Technician4 Report Integrated Status Technician2 Technician3 Project Planner Quality Attributes 5.8. Feature: Usability 5.8.1. Actor: Doctor: The majority of project data input is accomplished by Physicians which require hands free operations mode. The Physicians may be involved in procedures or exams (while data recording occurs) which justify the need for a hands free operation mode. This provides more accurate capture of data if input is immediate rather that compilation of notes or recall from memory. 5.8.2. Goal: The goal is to provide “hands free” mode which may be activated anywhere in the project time line which provides full hands free capability. Artifact: System input of data Actor1 Source: Physicians use of hands free mode 5.8.3. Environment: Hands Free Mode Response : System records witihn hands free mode System captures data in1 second orless Actor: Data technicians will be required to manipulate and categorize data input by Doctors and use cases. The data technicians need time effective control and have requested radio buttons for 10 topics and 20 Physicians. 5.8.4. Goal: The goal will provide quick input by selection of a radio button for category and a radio button defining the designated Physician. Artifact: UI with radio buttons Actor1 Source: Data Input Tech manipulate data Environment: Report Generation Mode Response : System provides elements by radio buttons Response Measure: quick selection of data element within a list of many with 1 selection 5.9. Feature: Security 5.9.1. Actor: Security Administrator (SA) requires the capability to authenticate users and secure all data transmissions. Stimulus: SA must ensure identified access by all users regardless of network type Local Area Network (LAN) or Virtual Private network (VPN). The SA must be capable of tracking all successful and unsuccessful authentications. 5.9.2. Goal: The SA must be capable of ensuring secure data transmission with encryption. Artifact: Network Actor1 Source: Correctly Identify Individual Tries to access System not authorized Environment: approved secutity policy Response : System contrains access network Response Measure: Unauthorized access attempt recorded in 1 second to event log. 5.9.3. Actor: Program Manager requires high security to financial and program sensitive reports. Not all users should have views of all reports. Some information and reports should be accessible only to Project and Program management. 5.9.4. Goal: User access to application and reports will be controlled based on user and group permissions. Artifact: Data within the system Actor1 Source: Correctly Identify Individual Tries to access info not authorized Environment: Under normal conditions Response : System contrains access to data Access granted only to authenticated users at indicated level 5.10. Feature: Availability 5.10.1. Actor: Hacker. Stimulus is an unanticipated message within normal operation. The system is capable of informing the operator and application progress without downtime. 5.10.2. Goal: No system downtime. Artifact: Process No Downtime unanticipated message Actor1 Environment: Normal Operation Source: External user Response : Inform operatorcontinue to operate 5.10.3. Actor: Developer. There are required changes the UI, within a software update release. The architecture should allow modifications without impact to additional modules. 5.10.4. Goal: The modification should take no more than 3 hours. Artifact: Code Actor1 Source: Developer modify UI Environment: At Design time Response : modificati on is made with no side effects Response Measure: In 3 hours 5.10.5. Actor: System Admin. Stimulus is an unexpected power outage during normal operating hours. The system must be able to restore data from the last transaction or restore point. 5.10.6. Goal: System utilizes the transient logging to restore data input at time of outage without loss within 1 hour. Artifact: system power outage Actor1 Environment: restart Source: Admin Response: check transient log for status and sync database with trans not recorded Correct data restored within 1 hour with userr access 5.11. Feature: Performance 5.11.1. Actor: Project manager. Stimulus is request from project sponsor for adhoc Earned Value reports. The system is able to communicate the requirement for immediate status from all project team members and generate the required information for display online or via printed report 5.11.2. Goal: Adhoc query response to entire project team with immediate response. Query and report generation process Actor1 Adhoc reporting request Environment: Normal Operations Earned Value reporting immediatedly Response: All user request for update Source: Project Sponsor 5.11.3. Actor: End User (Pilots). Stimulus receives request from project manager for immediate update of all status to support adhoc Earned Value reporting request. 5.11.4. Goal: 3-5 second response time for all users up to 10,000 Real time response updates from all users Actor1 End User Adhoc reporting request Environment: Normal Operations Response: Quick update to project status with 35 second response time Quality measure: 3-5 second response time 5.12. Maintainability Actor: System administrator Stimulus is next release of system updates ready for deployment Goal: Uninterrupted operations while new system software is deployed Artifact: All users updated Actor1 System Administrator New software release Environment: Maintenance operations Response: Updates deployed Response Measure: No interruption to user operations