General Chemistry II – CHEM 2124 Lab #9 – Major Lab 2 Dehydration of t-Butyl Alcohol In this laboratory exercise, you will be performing a simple organic chemistry reaction. This reaction is an acid-catalyzed dehydration of an alcohol. The products of this reaction are an alkene and water. Specifically, you will convert t-butyl alcohol into two alkene products: 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene and 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene. You will be performing two laboratory techniques in this part of the experiment: a reflux and simple distillation. Figure 1 – Dehydration of t-butyl alcohol + H+ + Objectives: 1. Prepare a mixture of two alkene products (2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentent and 2,4,4-trimethyl-2pentene) by dehydrating t-butyl alcohol. 2. Perform some basic analytical techniques commonly utilized in an organic chemistry laboratory: refluxing and distillation. 3. Gain a basic understanding of organic chemistry reaction mechanisms and explain the steps in the mechanism of the reaction described in objective #1. 4. Use the analytical technique of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to analyze the product obtained after performing the reaction described in objective #1. Procedure: 1. In a 50-mL round bottomed flask, place 7 mL of distilled water and add cautiously with swirling 7 mL (12 g, 0.12 mole) of concentrated sulfuric acid. (CAUTION – H2SO4 is extremely corrosive!) 2. Cool the diluted acid to about 50°C. 3. SLOWLY add 5 grams (6.3 mL) of t-butyl alcohol. 4. Attach at once a reflux condenser (figure 2) and boil the material gently for 30 minutes. 5. Remove the reaction vessel from the heat and cool the mixture to room temperature. 6. Transfer the reaction mixture to a separatory funnel (figure 3) and carefully remove the lower aqueous layer into a waste beaker. 7. Wash the remaining hydrocarbon layer with water to remove traces of acid and dry it with about 0.5 gram (a pinch) of anhydrous calcium chloride. Remove the water layer into a waste beaker. 8. Decant the dried liquid into a small flask arranged for distillation. 9. Set up the simple distillation apparatus (figure 4) and distill your sample. 10. Collect the fraction that boils over into the collection flask (a 10-mL graduated cylinder) 11. The yield will be about 1.8-2.0 grams (2.5-3.0 mL) Figure 2 – Reflux apparatus Figure 3 – Separatory funnel Figure 4 – Simple distillation apparatus Introduction to Organic Reaction Mechanisms One of the goals of organic chemistry is to figure out the “mechanism” of reactions. A mechanism is the set of exact steps by which a molecule is converted to another. There are several ways to describe these steps and one way is shown below. It focuses on atom transfers between reactants and the resulting charges and structures that occur. Another way is to follow the flow of electrons, a process sometimes referred to by chemists as “electron pushing.” The atom transfer method and electron pushing method are complementary and result in the same steps and results. A very common pathway (but by no means the only pathway) is for an initial attack to go through a “transition state” to form an intermediate which is then further transformed into the final product. In a general form this looks like: Step 1 A + B [transition state] Step 2 I + C P (final product) I (the intermediate) The details of how these transformations happen are indicated by a series of arrows and dotted lines indicating bond breaking/making activities. The charge formed and importantly their placement reveals a lot about trends in various compound reactivities. A specific example, detailing the steps of the hydrobromination of an alkene compound is shown below. In this particular laboratory exercise, the student performed an acid-catalyzed dimerization via dehydration of isobutyl alcohol. The mechanism of this specific reaction is detailed below: Play by play notes for each step: Initial Alkene Formation Step 1: Protonation of t-butyl alcohol: a reversible equilibrium Concentrated sulfuric acid and refluxing favors the product side Higher concentration of protonated alcohol favors primary carbocation formation and subsequent elimination Step 2: Rate limiting step: Decomposition of the protonated alcohol to a primary carbocation Alkene is more stable than the carbocation but not more stable than the heating is needed..but, the initial alkene is volatile (B.P. of -7°C so gentle heating is needed. Step 3: Proton transfer from primary carbocation to water to form the initial alkene Dimerization of Primary Carbocation with Initial Alkene to form the Pentene Mixture The dimerization here is favored by high concentrations of the primary carbocation and alkene, and the secondary carbocation may further polymerize. Step 4: Secondary attack of carbocation on initial alkene to Form a secondary carbocation Step 5: Final elminiation of hydrogen cation to form two possible alkene products LESS SUBSTITUTED MORE SUBSTITUTED The major product here is determined theoretically by Zaitsev’s Rule, which predicts that the major product will be the one more substituted around the C=C bond. Does this really happen in this reaction? Introduction to Refluxing and Distillation Most organic reactions do not occur quickly at room temperature but require a period of heating. If the reaction were heated in an open container, the solvent and other liquids in the system would soon evaporate; if the system were closed, pressure could build up and it could explode when heated. Chemists have developed a simple method of heating a reaction mixture for extended periods of time without loss of reagents. This process is called refluxing which simply means boiling a solution while continually condensing the vapor by cooling and returning the liquid to the reaction flask. A condenser mounted vertically above the reaction flask provides the means of cooling the vapor so it condenses and flows back into the reaction flask. In a simple distillation, only one or two vaporizations and condensations occur. The condensed liquid is called the distillate or condensate. One purpose of performing a simple distillation is to separate two products with different boiling points. However, simple distillation does not effectively separate a mixture of liquids whose boiling points differ by less than 60-70°C. Thus, organic chemists use simple distillations in two commonly encountered situations: (1) when the last step in the purification of a liquid compound involves simple distillation to obtain a pure product and determine its boiling point; (2) when simple distillation is used to remove a low-boiling solvent from a dissolved organic compound with a high boiling point. Introduction to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) is one of the so-called hyphenated analytical techniques. As the name implies, it is actually two techniques that are combined to form a single method of analyzing mixtures of chemicals. Gas chromatography separates the components of a mixture and mass spectroscopy characterizes each of the components individually. By combining the two techniques, an analytical chemist can both qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate a solution containing a number of chemicals. The uses for GC-MS are numerous. They are used extensively in the medical, pharmacological, environmental, and law enforcement fields. Gas Chromatography In general, chromatography is used to separate mixtures of chemicals into individual components. Once isolated, the components can be evaluated individually. In all chromatography, separation occurs when the sample mixture is introduced (injected) into a mobile phase. In gas chromatography (GC), the mobile phase is an inert gas such as helium. The mobile phase carries the sample mixture through what is referred to as a stationary phase. The stationary phase is a usually chemical that can selectively attract components in a sample mixture. The stationary phase is usually contained in a tube of some sort. This tube is referred to as a column. Columns can be glass or stainless steel of various dimensions. The mixture of compounds in the mobile phase interacts with the stationary phase. Each compound in the mixture interacts at a different rate. Those that interact the fastest will exit (elute from) the column first. Those that interact slowest will exit the column last. By changing characteristics of the mobile phase and the stationary phase, different mixtures of chemicals can be separated. Further refinements to this separation process can be made by changing the temperature of the stationary phase or the pressure of the mobile phase. Our GC has a long, thin column containing a thin interior coating of a solid stationary phase (5% phenyl-, 95% dimethylsiloxane polymer). This 0.25 mm diameter column is referred to as a capillary column. The capillary column is held in an oven that can be programmed to increase the temperature gradually (or in GC terms, ramped). This helps our separation. As the temperature increases, those compounds that have low boiling points elute from the column sooner than those that have higher boiling points. Therefore, there are actually two distinct separating forces, temperature and stationary phase interactions mentioned previously. As the compounds are separated, they elute from the column and enter a detector. The detector is capable of creating an electronic signal whenever the presence of a compound is detected. The greater the concentration in the sample, the bigger the signal will be. The signal is then processed by a computer. The time from when the injection is made (time zero) to when elution occurs is referred to as the retention time (RT). While the instrument runs, the computer generates a graph from the signal. (See figure 1). This graph is called a chromatogram. Each of the peaks in the chromatogram represents the signal created when a compound elutes from the GC column into the detector. The x-axis shows the RT, and the y-axis shows the intensity (abundance) of the signal. In Figure 5, there are several peaks labeled with their RTs. Each peak represents an individual compound that was separated from a sample mixture. The peak at 4.97 minutes is from dodecane, the peak at 6.36 minutes is from biphenyl, the peak at 7.64 minutes is from chlorobiphenyl, and the peak at 9.41 minutes is from hexadecanoic acid methyl ester. Figure 5: Chromatogram generated by a GC. If the GC conditions (oven temperature ramp, column type, etc.) are the same, a given compound will always exit (elute) from the column at nearly the same RT. By knowing the RT for a given compound, we can make some assumptions about the identity of the compound. However, compounds that have similar properties often have the same retention times. Therefore, more information is usually required before an analytic al chemist can make an identification of a compound in a sample containing unknown components. Mass Spectroscopy As the individual compounds elute from the GC column, they enter the electron ionization (mass spec) detector. There, they are bombarded with a stream of electrons causing them to break apart into fragments. These fragments can be large or small pieces of the original molecules. The fragments are actually charged ions with a certain mass. The mass of the fragment divided by the charge is called the mass to charge ratio (M/Z). Since most fragments have a charge of +1, the M/Z usually represents the molecular weight of the fragment. A group of four electromagnets (called a quadrupole) focuses each of the fragments through a slit and into the detector. The quadrupoles are programmed by the computer to direct only certain M/Z fragments through the slit. The rest bounce away. The computer has the quadrupoles cycle through different M/Z's one at a time until a range of M/Z's are covered. This occurs many times per second. Each cycle of ranges is referred to as a scan. The computer records a graph for each scan. The x-axis represents the M/Z ratios. The y-axis represents the signal intensity (abundance) for each of the fragments detected during the scan. This graph is referred to as a mass spectrum (see Figure 6). Figure 6: Mass-spectrum of a hydrocarbon compound. The mass spectrum produced by a given chemical compound is essentially the same every time. Therefore, the mass spectrum is essentially a fingerprint for the molecule. This fingerprint can be used to identify the compound. The mass spectrum in Figure 6 was produced by dodecane. The computer on our GC-MS has a library of spectra that can be used to identify an unknown chemical in the sample mixture. The library compares the mass spectrum from a sample component and compares it to mass spectra in the library. It reports a list of likely identifications along with the statistical probability of the “match.” Notes on Writing up Experiment #9 (Synthesis of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-& 2-pentenes) as a Major Lab DUE FRIDAY, APRIL 20 by 4PM to the brown box on the floor outside of AG 237 (NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED!!!) – 45 points total THEORY In an organic synthesis write-up, the theory amounts to an explanation of the reaction and the mechanism of how the overall reaction is supposed to occur, using your own words. A good theory is a clear and easy-to-read combination of reaction pictures and descriptive language that demonstrates your understanding of how the reaction occurs, and in particular, provides insights into the steps you performed in the actual experiment. A large part of your grade arises from how you do this. Some things to ponder as you write up your THEORY section: 1) What type of reaction did you carry out? (we discussed this in lecture-how do you transform an alcohol into an alkene – what is that type of reaction called)? 2) What are the exact step-by-steps to the elementary reaction mechanism in order as presented in class? I do not expect you to explain all of the details of each step, but I should see a diagram indicating what the five steps are in this reaction mechanism along with a few notes about each step. (see previous pages) 3) What role does the sulfuric acid play? 4) What is a carbocation and where is one formed in this mechanism? (Explain this in the mechanism section) 5) What is refluxing and what does it do in this reaction? You should include a brief discussion on the theory of refluxing (how it works) and a diagram of a reflux condenser here. 6) What is distillation and what role does it play in this type of reaction? You should include a brief discussion on the theory of distillation (how does it work?) and a diagram of a simple distillation apparatus here. 7) Which of the two products should be the major one and which should be the minor one? Why? 8) A brief description of how the tests performed allow you to identify the products formed. Please do not describe gas chromatography and mass spectrometry in detail but display to me that you have a basic knowledge of how you can separate components of a mixture and then identify them through the instrumental analysis performed. This should be no more than 4-6 sentences in length. DO NOT ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN LIST FORM. YOU MUST WRITE SENTENCES AND PARAGRAPHS LABELLED WITH DIAGRAMS!!! You will also need to include a table of pertinent materials data for all of the reactants and products of this reaction like the one shown below. You will need to use an outside source to find the information needed to fill in the table. This should be included within your theory section. Table of Pertinent Materials Data for Synthesis of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1 & 2-pentenes (Copy this table into your paper but note that you must fill in the blanks and note which product is predicted to be major and which is predicted to be minor – Include a title for the table!) Compound MW (g/mol) Density (g/mL) bp (°C) Amount used (g or mL) Moles Used t-butanol Notes Limiting Reagent Catalyst Sulfuric acid 2,4,4-trimethyl-1pentene N/A N/A product 2,4,4-trimethyl 2pentene N/A N/A product RESULTS Unlike the previous major lab report (acids and bases) you will include a section entitled RESULTS. This section will contain details of how you analyzed your final products to ensure that what you actually did obtain is what you wanted to obtain. Specifically, report the following: 1) Chemical Analysis of Product Br2 test for alkenes – describe the results and conclusions of this test. 2) Instrumental Analysis of Product Attach the collected instrumental analysis printouts of your product to the end of your report (GC/MS). Make sure to annotate (HAND WRITE) these with your name and the date. You should also include the instrumental conditions somewhere in this section. See later in this handout for the instrumental conditions you MUST include in your report. Some overall suggestions: - You should write this paper up as if you are actually writing a scientific paper – that is each section should be clearly defined with a heading and should be easy to find. - You should include a title at the top of your report which is the title of this lab (Synthesis of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1 & 2 pentenes from t-Butyl Alcohol) - You will be graded on neatness, general workmanship and evidence of care – that is, did you put an effort into this paper or did you throw it together at the last minute? Check your grammar, spelling and use of punctuation – this will be graded as well. DO NOT COPY THE MATERIAL PRESENTED IN HANDOUTS – YOU WILL RECEIVE A MUCH HIGHER GRADE IF THE WORDS ARE YOUR OWN AND NOT COPIED. This applies specifically to the theory of refluxing, theory of distillation, steps in the reaction mechanism. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO WRITE THIS PAPER—YOU WILL NOT BE HAPPY!!!! Grading rubric for Experiment #9 – 45 Total Points (Synthesis of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1 & 2 pentenes) Theory: (35 points) Descriptive sentence of the type of reaction carried out here (2) Presentation of the exact step-by-step elementary reactions in the reaction mechanism as presented in class – diagrams should be neat, clear and easy to follow in ALL 5 steps and some notes about each step should be present – Make sure you note which step is the rate-limiting step (12) – Max of 5 points if diagrams not included. Explanation of the role of sulfuric acid (1) Definition of a carbocation and what role it plays in this reaction (2) Explanation of what refluxing is – theory and diagram of reflux mechanism we used must be present, clear, neatly drawn and properly labeled (4) Explanation of what distillation is – theory and diagram of distillation apparatus we used must be present, clear, neatly drawn and properly labeled (4) Sentence(s) describing which product is the major one, which is the minor one, and a clear explanation of the rule which determines this in this type of reaction (4) Paragraph describing the role of instrumental analysis in the determination of the identity of various components in a mixture. (6) Results: (5 points) Chemical Analysis of product – you should explain what test(s) you performed and what the results are for your product(s) – Example, why did you add Br2? What color change are you looking for? Did you see this color change? If not, why not? (3) Instrumental Analysis of product – Append the collected GC/MS printouts here. They can be added as pages at the end or you may cut and paste them to you report. Either way, they should be clearly marked. They should be annotated with your name and the date. Also include the instrumental conditions. (2) Overall Presentation: (5 points) You will be graded on proper use of the English language including spelling, grammar, and punctuation You will also be graded on the overall neatness of the report including diagrams and tables General laboratory workmanship and evidence of care also will be included in the final grade GC/MS Conditions for Analysis of Product Instrument Used: Agilent GC/MS 5975MSD Oven Program: 75°C for 1 minute, then 10°C per minute to 130°C for 0.5 minutes, total run time of 8 minutes Injector Temperature: 250°C Flow Rate of Carrier Gas: 189.38 ml/minute Split Ratio: 200:1 Column Type: DB5, 30 meter x 250 µm, 0.25 µm MS Scan Parameters: 30.0 amu (low mass) – 350.0 amu (high mass) MS Source Temperature: 230°C AS A FINAL REMINDER, THIS LAB REPORT IS DUE BY 4PM ON FRIDAY APRIL 20th TO THE BROWN BOX ON THE FLOOR OUTSIDE OF PROFESSOR BENSLEY’S OFFICE (AG 237) – NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AND YOU WILL BE ASSIGNED A GRADE OF ZERO WITHOUT EXCEPTION FOR ANY LATE SUBMISSION.