Historical Fiction Book Report: History Box Project

Historical Fiction Book Report
“History Box”
Due Date_________
The book you have been reading is historical fiction. This genre of
writing merges historical facts and fictional features together to make
historical fiction.
You are to create a “History Box” book report project to be
completed at home as homework. You will need an empty cereal
box. You should have all of your reading logs to help you complete
the project writing. Please follow the directions below carefully to
ensure you earn as much credit as you can. Gather your materials
early so you can finish before the due date. If you need help getting
supplies, please see Mrs. Rath before school. Do not wait until the
week it is due please! You can start your rough draft writing before
getting the box.
1. Cereal box lid: Include your name, period, the book title and
author’s name.
2. Front side: Illustrate two of the main characters. You will
draw what you think they look like from the description given in
the book. Under the character illustrations, list at least 2
character traits you believe they have. Examples of character
traits are: goodhearted, sinister, helpful, and lazy. Be prepared
to defend and explain these traits to me.
3. Back side:
a. On the top half, write a 5-7 sentence summary including
the main characters and main events in sequential (time)
order. Make sure you have a beginning, middle, and end
to your summary.
b. On the bottom half, create a plot pyramid for the book.
Include the following: Exposition, rising action, conflict,
falling action, and resolution. Make sure these can be
easily read and understood.
4. Sides: Fact of Fiction? Label one side of the box FACT and one
side FICTION. List at least 4 things in the story for each side.
For example, the Civil War occurring and young men and
teenagers going off to fight would be listed as a fact. An
example of fiction would be the character going to fight, as the
character is made up.
5. Inside the box: Include 3-5 items that symbolize the time
period from the setting. These items may be illustrated by you,
may be obtained from the computer, or you could include real
items. Be prepared to share these and why they represent the
time period.
6. Oral presentation: You will share your “History Box” in an oral
presentation to the class. The class should be able to get a
detailed idea of the book from your presentation of the outside
of your History Box and the items inside your box. You may use
index cards when you are presenting to help organize your
Effort and neatness count! Please print, write neatly in
cursive, or use the computer to type your work. Please see
the rubric below for grading guidelines. Include this with
your project.
----------------------------------cut here-----------------------------------“History Box” Rubric
Name/per __________________
Title of Book _________________
Includes title and author
Main Character Illustrations (4 pts.
4 character traits
5-7 sentence summary, with
correct: punctuation, grammar,
capitalization, and sentence
Plot pyramid
4 Facts
4 Fiction
Objects relate to time period in
Oral Presentation
Total Points