Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – Laboratory Design General Requirements for Design of Laboratories 1. The contract documents must contain an equipment and furnishings schedule that includes necessary product identification, function descriptions, handling, mechanical and electrical equipment/accessories, hardware indications, installation accessories and finishes. 2. Laboratories must meet the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101, “Code for Safety to Life From Fire in Buildings and Structures.” Occupancy classification must depend upon the building in which the laboratory is located and the nature of the work performed in the laboratory. Laboratories must be classified as one of the following occupancies: A. Business B. Healthcare C. Industrial 3. Laboratories must conform to one of the following NFPA standards: A. NFPA 45: Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals B. NFPA 99: Standard for Health Care Facilities 4. Biohazard containment facilities must comply with guidelines published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, “Biological Safety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.” 5. Biohazard Containment Facilities and Devices 5.1. PROHIBITED: Volatile hazardous chemicals (including natural gas) in biohazard cabinetry, unless the cabinet is entirely exhausted to the outside. Biohazard cabinets must comply with NSF/ANSI Biological Standard 49 for Class II Biohazard Cabinetry. 5.2 Minimal use of alcohol and other disinfectants to clean the inside of the cabinet is permissible in cabinets that are not entirely exhausted to the outside. More than minimal/incidental use of chemicals requires a risk assessment (contact Environmental Health and Safety). T he type of cabinet (non exhausted, partially exhausted or fully exhausted) and ducting system selected will depend upon a thorough risk assessment of the organisms, chemicals and processes intended to be used. See guidance from the Centers for Disease Control for further information ( 5.3. Laminar flow clean air devices such as clean benches must comply with Institute of Environmental Sciences (IES) Standard IES-RP-CC002. Since laminar flow clean benches provide only product particle protection, not operator or environmental protection, hazardous physical, chemical or biological agents cannot be safely used in these devices. 5.4 To start the design process for a Biosafety Level 3 facility, complete the checklist in Appendix – BSL3 Checklist to facilitate communication between project team members, university staff and outside agencies. Each project team needs to create a project-specific checklist by reviewing the generic checklist to identify the items that pertain to that specific project and add or amend items as needed. 6. Compartmentalization of each laboratory unit must be achieved by providing it with at least: A. One-hour fire-rated separation from adjacent laboratories or other areas B. Self-closing fire doors with at least a 20-minute fire rating C. Class A interior finishes D. Class I floor finishes E. Doors to corridors from laboratories that swing in the direction of exit 7. Provide a minimum of two exits in laboratories larger than 200 square feet, where hazardous materials are used. 8. Aisles serving a single work area must be a minimum of 36 inches wide. Double aisles must be a minimum of 60 inches wide. Avoid aisles longer than 20 feet. Arrange furniture for easy access to an exit from any point in the laboratory. 9. Faucets, to which a hose or similar device may be attached, must be providedwith an approved vacuum breaker. Alternately, a special laboratory water supply equipped with an RPZ back flow device to separate it from the potable water maybe provided. If a laboratory water system is provided, all connected outlets must be labeled “Not Potable.” 10. A safety shower and eyewash must be provided in each lab area equipped with a fume hood. In other laboratories using chemicals, eyewash must be required. If feasible, control the water supply to a temperature between 60 degrees F and 95 degrees F. Refer to Appendix S - Emergency Eyewash and Safety Shower Installation. All rooms where Biosafety Level 2 and above organisms are manipulated require an eyewash and a hand wash sink. 11. Provide a single shut-off valve for each laboratory in accessible locations or central supply of flammable, combustible or oxidizing gases. Valves must be outside of the areas in which the gases are used. These shut-off valves are in addition to those at the points of supply and use. They may be located adjacent to the corridor exit from the lab or, if security is not a problem, in the corridor. 12. Storage and supply systems for compressed and liquefied gases mustcomply with requirements of NFPA and ANSI. Consult the following standards: A. NFPA 50, Standard for Bulk Oxygen Systems at Consumer Sites B. NFPA 50A, Standard for Gaseous Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites C. NFPA 50B, Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites D. NFPA 51, Design and Installation of Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Cutting and Welding E. NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code F. NFPA 55, Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders G. NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases H. NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities Chapter 3 - Use of Inhalation Anesthetics (flammable and non-flammable) Chapter 4 - Use of Inhalation Anesthetics in Ambulatory Care Facilities Chapter 5 - Respiratory Therapy I. ANSI B31.1.0, Power Piping, including Addenda B31.1.0(a), B31.1.1.0(c) and B31.1.1.0(d) J. ANSI B31.2, Fuel Gas Piping K. ANSI B31.3, Petroleum Refinery Piping 13. Systems for other gases must comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations. "The Handbook of Compressed Gases" by the Compressed Gas Association and the "Matheson Gas Data Book" by Matheson Gas Products may be consulted as a reference standard. 14. Controls for air, gas and other utilities must be color-coded and labeled in accordance with the Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association (SEFA) 7 as follows: Number Service Color Code Color of Letter 1 Cold Water Dark Green CW White 2 Chilled Water Brown CH White 3 Hot Water Red HW White 4 Steam Black STM White 5 Air Orange AIR Black 6 Gas Dark Blue GAS White 7 Vacuum Yellow VAC Black 8 Distilled Water White DW Black 9 Oxygen Light Green OXY White 10 Hydrogen Pink H Black 11 Nitrogen Gray N Black 12 All Other Rare Gases Light Blue Chemical Symbol Black 14. Provide fire extinguishers based on the basis of the area protected and hazard class. Refer to NFPA 10. Provide an UL-listed, 5 pound multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguisher with at least a 1A20BC rating mounted near an exit for each laboratory unit. 15. Laboratories Using Hazardous Chemicals 15.1. PROHIBITED: Recirculation of exhaust air from laboratories, except in a clean room with an air lock. 15.2. PROHIBITED: Returned air from corridors in laboratory areas. Supply air to the corridor only. 15.3. Laboratories using hazardous chemicals must be under .01 inches WG (2 PA) negative pressure with respect to adjacent areas. 16. Provide at least 30 percent pre-filter and an 80 percent filter meeting ASHRAE 5276 dust spot efficiency filters in the air supply. Air filters must be located downstream of the fan. 17. Humidifiers must be located downstream of fans and filters. Indirect clean steam humidifying is required. 18. Labs where hazardous chemicals are used in closed systems or in a fume hood must have between six and 12 air changes per hour. Where open use of hazardous chemicals is planned, 10 or more air changes per hour must be necessary. 19. Special purpose exhaust devices must be designed with reference to the latest edition of "Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice by the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists." 20. Reagent grade 3 water is adequate for central building distribution. Reagent grade 3 water, as specified by the College of American Pathologists or the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, is resistive at 25 degrees C of 0.1 megohms/centimeter and a pH between 5 and 8. If needed, higher-grade water can be generated at the point of use. Refer to Division 15, Section 15400 Plumbing, item 3. High Purity Water Systems for more information. 21. Outlets must be provided for fixed appliances, and one duplex must be provided for each 3 feet of bench length or more often if required by the program. Identify emergency power outlets in accordance with Division 16, Section 16140 - Wiring Devices. 22. Provide ground fault circuit interrupters (GFIs) on electrical outlets within 6 feet of all sinks. 23. To facilitate long-term maintenance and remain flexible about reusing casework, metal casework must be provided. The following items are preferred in chemical laboratories and may be required when appropriate: A. Metal laboratory furniture with stainless or 1-inch epoxy resin bench top B. Wall cabinets with a continuous enclosed front plane to the ceiling C. Chemical-resistant waste lines D. A glassware cleaning sink at least 12 inches deep 24. Laboratory floors, walls and doors require the following items: 24.1. Floors must be covered with a smooth, non-porous, seamless sheet that is resistant to a wide range of chemicals. The sheet must have a cove along walls and permanently placed furnishings. Floor openings must be sealed watertight. 24.2. Walls and doors must be constructed or painted with a smooth, non-absorbent, washable material. 24.3. Lighting fixtures must be flush-mounted with the ceiling and have removable, easily cleaned diffusers. 25. When infectious agents, human body fluids and general microbiology products are generated, an autoclave must be designated to handle decontamination. It must be provided with a dedicated exhaust to control odors. The exhaust system must include a canopy over the door to the autoclave. 26. Provide adequate storage volume for research chemicals and waste. Chemical resistant storage trays must be furnished to contain a spill of free liquid in the storage unit. Refer to Appendix - Laboratory Casework. Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – Fume Hoods 1. Provide fume hoods that safely capture hazardous, flammable, corrosive or toxic chemicals, and that allow for changes in laboratory function and fume hood use. 2. Governing Regulations 2.1. See Appendix – Laboratory Design for a list of governing regulations and reference standards. 2.2. University of Minnesota Standards and Procedures for Construction must be reviewed for specific specifications on material and equipment. These are general standards for typical research uses. In special circumstances, different standards may apply. 3. General Features 3.1. PROHIBITED: Installing heated drying base cabinets under fume hoods. 3.2. Fume hoods in research laboratories must comply with ANSI/AIHA Z9.5 Class A performance standards. Capture efficiency as installed and used must be at least 4 AUO.1 per ANSI/ASHRAE. 3.3. Locate fume hoods in distal corners of a laboratory and away from high traffic areas to avoid high turbulence and blocking an exit if there is an emergency. 3.4. Provide 2 lineal feet of storage space for each lineal foot of fume hood width. Refer to Division 12, Section 12345 - Laboratory Casework. Ventilate half of this space. Provide sufficient storage space to protect new and waste chemicals. Without adequate storage space, containers of waste chemicals are often boxed and stacked on the floor where they might be broken and cause injury. 4. Laboratory Ventilation Systems 4.1. Laboratory ventilation systems shall be addressed with the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS), Facilities Management and the code officials during the program phase of the design process. 4.2. Ensure that the laboratory is under negative pressure and has at least four air changes per hour. Labs where hazardous chemicals are used in closed systems or in a fume hood shall have between six and 12 air changes per hour. Where open use of hazardous chemicals is planned, 10 or more air changes per hour shall be necessary. 4.3. Noise from the laboratory ventilation system shall not exceed NC 45 throughout the laboratory. 5. Supply Air Requirements 5.1. PROHIBITED: Auxiliary air supply hoods. 5.2. PROHIBITED: Cross drafts in rooms. 5.3. To ventilate efficiently and minimize turbulence, diffuse supply air from behind the operator. Consider technology that diffuses air in a radial manner with high volume and low velocity, or pattern-control technology. 6. Exhaust System Requirements 6.1. PROHIBITED: Modulating or controlling fume hood exhaust volumes to balance air requirements for air conditioning or heating. 6.2. PROHIBITED: Fire or smoke dampers in any chemical fume exhaust duct. 6.3. Systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 91, Standard for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems. 6.4. High duct velocity results in high noise levels, excessive leakage and high power consumption. Therefore, air velocity on the suction of the fan shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet per minute (fpm) and shall not exceed 2,000 fpm under any circumstances. A velocity of 1,200 fpm is recommended. 6.5. The average fume hood face velocity shall be 100 +/- 10 fpm with the vertical-sliding sash at 18 inches above the work surface. Also, on hoods wider than 4 feet, the safety shield must be in place. Readings shall be measured in the center of several square grids measured in the plane of the face opening. In addition, individual face velocities shall not exceed 20 percent of the open-face velocity average. 6.6. Fume hoods shall run continuously to minimize potential hazards when the fume hoods are off. Only the maintenance staff shall control the on/off switches. 6.7. General-purpose fume hood ductwork shall be 304 stainless steel. The fan and housing shall be corrosion resistant. Special purpose hoods may be constructed of other materials only after thorough review with DEHS and the user. 6.8. Ductwork shall be round to ensure uniform airflow. 6.9. Laboratory units shall have a one-hour, fire-resistance rating. Sheet metal ductwork usually provides one-hour fire separation. Where more than one-hour, fire-rated separation is required or if the use of combustible ductwork materials is proposed, a ductwork enclosure may be needed to meet the required fire rating. 6.10. General-purpose fume hoods shall be ducted individually. However, up to four hoods in the same room may be connected to a common exhaust duct leading from that room to an exhaust fan. If more than one hood is connected to an exhaust duct, a balanced, drop without a damper must be engineered or blast gate dampers must be provided. Fume hoods provided with filter enclosures always shall be individually ducted. 6.11. Fume hood exhaust systems shall function independently of the general building HVAC system. 6.12. Provide an independent exhaust system for associated equipment in the same room such as flammable liquid storage cabinets, biological safety cabinets and atomic absorption units. In exceptional circumstances, associated equipment may be exhausted into the fume hood ductwork. On hoods with filter enclosures, associated equipment shall be connected between the hood and the filter enclosure. 7. Exhaust Filter Enclosures 7.1. PROHIBITED: Proprietary or custom-sized filters and pre-filters. 7.2. Exhaust filters are not normally required or even recommended. However, if a filter is necessary, comply with the following provisions: 7.2.1. The filter enclosure must be airtight and constructed of stainless steel. 7.2.2. When a filter enclosure is required, it shall be easily accessible from the outside of the hood. The filter enclosure shall provide bag-in/bag-out of filters, so the maintenance staff is not exposed to collected material. 7.2.3. Provide an indicator on hoods with a filter enclosure that is clearly visible and indicates when the pressure drops across the filter. 7.2.4. Use a standard-size pre-filter and charcoal and/or HEPA filter on the filter enclosure. 7.2.5. To allow for filter loading, the initial, average face velocity of the fume hood shall be 120 fpm with the sash at 18 inches and a clean filter. 8. Fans and Discharge 8.1. PROHIBITED: Square to round fabric connectors. 8.2. PROHIBITED: Radial-blade, paddle-wheel type centrifugal fans. 8.3. Use forward or backward curved industrial duty fans for fume hood systems. Select fans that have a chemical resistant coating and meet selected noise criteria. 8.4. Discharge ducts and fan housing shall be airtight when fans are installed in an equipment room. Fan shafts shall be sealed with a stuffing box shaft seal or equivalent device. Alternatively, install a fan with wheel back plate fins that pull air into the fan from the shaft opening. Seamless welded ductwork shall be installed on the discharge side of the fan. Transition fittings between the fan housing and discharge ductwork shall be factory fabricated with round connections. Flexible connectors shall have flanged ends and shall be factory fabricated. 8.5. Provide rain protection that does not increase discharge air pressure or deflect air downward. 8.6. Stack-design and discharge velocity shall distribute contaminants outside the eddy current envelope of the building. On structures with roof areas at more than one level, discharge ducts within 30 feet of a higher level shall terminate at a point at least 10 feet above the elevation of the higher level. 8.7. Consider clustering discharge ductwork or inducing outside air to help dilute discharge and increase the mass of the air column. Doing so raises the height of the column stack. 8.8. Maintain the maximum distance from fresh air intakes on the building and on adjacent buildings. Maintain at least 100 feet between fume hood exhausts and fresh air intakes. 8.9. Ventilate the equipment room where fume hood exhaust fans are located. 9. Fume Hood Construction 9.1. Non-combustible, corrosion-resistant construction is required. 9.2. Use an airfoil design to minimize air turbulence entering the hood. 9.3. Provide a vertical sliding safety glass sash that is balanced and counterweighted so it can be raised or lowered with one hand from any point along the bottom. 9.4. The vertical sliding safety glass sash shall have a positive steel mechanical latch 18 inches above the work surface. The latch prevents the operator from opening the sash above 18 inches without intervention. The operator shall be able to handle the latch with one hand and close it from any position. 9.5. Provide an 11-inch wide to 12-inch wide horizontal sliding safety-glass shield on hoods that are 4 feet and longer. The shield shall be suspended on bearings or slide in an easily cleaned channel. It must be supported so pressure is not displaced and the user cannot remove it. 9.6. A removable safety shield is permitted on hoods that are 4 feet or shorter. When a removable shield is provided, do not consider the area of the shield when calculating the exhaust volume of the fume hood. 9.7. Provide an air by-pass so that the face velocity of the hood does not exceed 200 fpm as the sash is lowered. 9.8. Locate electrical outlets on the exterior of the fume hood. 9.9. Locate utility controls for gas, water and vacuum on the exterior of the hood with utility outlets mounted on the interior sidewall. Label and color-code controls. 9.10. Provide a liquid-tight work surface built to contain at least 3/8-inches of liquid. 9.11. Mount cup sinks on a raised lip to partly contain a spill before the liquid flows into the sink. The cup sinks shall be 1/16 of an inch lower than the surrounding raised margins of the work surface. 9.12. Provide an electronic airflow indicator with an audible alarm in a conspicuous location so that the user can see the status of the airflow. Set the low airflow alarm at 80 fpm. 9.13. Interior lighting shall be vapor-sealed and covered with a safety glass lens. Bulbs shall be changeable from the exterior of the hood. Illumination levels at the working surface shall be at least 80 foot-candles. 10. Additional Requirements: Radioisotope Fume Hoods 10.1. Contact DEHS for construction requirements pertinent to the user’s license. 10.2. The interior lining and baffles of the fume hood shall be smooth, polished, type 304 stainless steel. The need for seamless welded construction depends upon NRC license requirements. Usually, seamless welded construction is not required. 10.3. The work surface shall be capable of supporting up to 200 pounds per square foot of shielding material. 10.4. Work surface corners shall be smooth, seamless stainless steel with 1/2-inch radius. 10.5. An exhaust filter enclosure with a pre-filter and a HEPA and/or charcoal filter usually is not required for radioisotope hoods. If required, however, the enclosure must meet the specifications detailed in item 7. Exhaust Filter Enclosures of this appendix. 11. Additional Requirements: Perchloric Acid Fume Hoods 11.1. PROHIBITED: Connecting perchloric acid hood ductwork to other exhaust equipment. 11.2. Hoods and exhaust ductwork shall be constructed of acid-resistant, nonreactive, impervious materials. All duct work seams and joints shall be welded and watertight. 11.3. Ductwork shall be installed in the shortest and straightest path to the outside. Provide positive drainage back to the hood. 11.4. A water spray system shall be provided to wash down the entire exhaust system from the hood interior behind the baffle, through the fan, and up to the roofline. The hood work surface shall be watertight with a minimum depression of 1/2 inch at the front and sides. An integral trough shall be provided at the rear of the hood to collect wash down water and direct it to a drain. The baffle shall be removable for cleaning. Provide a hose bib within 40 feet of the discharge stack to allow for manual wash down. 11.5. Provide controls so that the user can easily wash down the system. Also provide an automatic wash down cycle. The duration of the automatic cycle depends on the configuration of the ductwork. Because wash down of a contaminated hood requires up to 24 hours of continuous washing, provide manual override of the automatic cycle. 11.6. Provide an easily readable placard on the face of the hood that states: “Wash down often. Perchloric acid (HClO4) can violently decompose on contact with organic compounds such as acetic acid, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, dialkyl sulfoxides, paper, wood, grease and oils. Perchlorate compounds formed by reaction with heavy metals, alkali metals, ammonium or some organic materials can be shock sensitive explosives.” 11.7. Provide an easily readable placard on the exhaust fan in the penthouse and on the discharge stack above the roof that states: “Perchloric acid exhaust system - EXPLOSION HAZARD - verify system has been decontaminated before performing any maintenance work.” Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – Emergency Showers and Eyewashes 1. Intent: Provide an effective method of flushing corrosive or irritating materials out of the eyes or off the body. 2. Governing Regulations: See Appendix – Laboratory Design for a list of governing regulations and reference standards. 3. General Requirements 3.1. Locate eyewashes and safety showers in areas where the eyes or body may be exposed to corrosive chemicals such as laboratories, battery operations and corrosive dip tanks. 3.2. Locate eyewashes and safety showers so that the maximum distance from the hazard does not exceed 100 feet and so that they can be reached within 10 seconds. Occupants must not pass through a doorway or weave through equipment to reach the eyewash and safety shower. 3.3. Locate eyewashes and safety showers in the normal path of egress. For example, in a laboratory, the eyewash and safety shower shall be near a corridor door. 3.4. If it is feasible, water supplied to eyewashes and safety showers shall be tempered at 60 degrees F to 95 degrees F. 3.5. Use potable water to supply eyewashes and safety showers. 3.6. To provide consistency to building occupants, the activation device for the eyewash and safety shower must be uniform throughout the building. 4. Eyewash and Face Wash Performance Standard 4.1. Eyewashes shall provide a curtain of water over the entire facial area. Streams of water shall be simultaneously released from two sides to clean foreign particles or liquids from both the eyes and facial area. The discharge pressure of the stream must be less than 25 psi. 4.2. Eyewashes shall have a flow rate of at least three gallons per minute. 4.3. The eyewash control shall be the paddle type with dimensions approximately 4 inches by 4 inches. The control shall require no more than 10 ounces of force for activation. The valve shall remain activated until intentionally shut off. 4.4. The maximum distance from the floor to the eyewash jets shall be 36 inches. 4.5. Drain eyewash fixtures directly into the sanitary sewer in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code. 5. Safety Shower Performance Standard 5.1. Safety showers shall be deluge types with a continuous flow valve. The valve shall remain activated until intentionally shut off. 5.2. Safety showers may be installed in combination with an eyewash fixture. The supply lines and connections of combination units shall not create obstructions for persons using the laboratory. 5.3. Provide a head discharge of at least 30 gallons per minute for safety showers. 5.4. The distance from the floor to the shower shall be 82 inches to 96 inches. 5.5. Wall cord, ring and chain, or pull bar, located no higher than 48 inches from the floor may activate the shower. To prevent accidental discharge, locate the activating device so that it is not in the way of normal occupant activity. Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – Laboratory Furnishings This appendix includes specifications for all items of furnishings such as window treatment, fabrics, furniture, rugs, seating and similar items. The A/E shall develop specific standards for furnishings in cooperation with the owner's representative as required for each project. Consider user requirements and concerns for ergonomics, durability, serviceability and maintainability, as well as appearance when selecting and specifying furnishings. Consult the ergonomic requirements and established contracts for the proper application. 1. Governing Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Storage Cabinets A. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Regulations MR Chapter 7045 B. Minnesota Uniform Building Code MR Chapter 1300 C. Minnesota Uniform Fire Code MR Chapter 7510 D. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 45 or NFPA 99 E. Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories 29 CFR 1910.1450 2. Metal laboratory casework and accessories shall comply with Appendix Laboratory Design as required for complete installation. The casework shall be manufactured, delivered and installed by and under the direct supervision of a single manufacturer to ensure a single source of responsibility. All related work is subject to compliance with university standards. Fisher-Hamilton and Kewaunee are acceptable manufacturers. 3. Metal laboratory casework countertops shall be either 1-inch epoxy resin or stainless steel. 4. Provide at least 2 lineal feet of base cabinet storage for each lineal foot of fume hood width. Storage under a fume hood may account for half of the required storage. Ventilate the chemical storage cabinets located under a fume hood. Chemical resistant storage trays shall be furnished to contain a spill of free liquid in the storage unit. Sufficient protected storage must be provided to accommodate new chemicals and packaged waste. Without adequate storage space, containers of waste chemicals that are stacked on the floor may be subject to breakage. Contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS) to determine adequate storage for the intended use. 5. Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets 5.1. Flammable storage cabinet top, bottom, sides and doors shall not be less than 18-gauge steel, double-walled construction with 1-1/2 inches of space for air between the walls. Cabinets also may be constructed from 1-inch exterior grade plywood with rabbet joints fastened in two directions by wood screws and painted with intumescent paint. Cabinet doors shall be equipped with a three-point latch system. A liquid tight pan that can hold 2 inches of liquid shall be provided. 5.2. When installed under a fume hood, a cabinet shall be ventilated at a rate of at least 5 cfm to maintain air pressure by a duct penetrating behind the baffle to at least 1 inch above the work surface. Make up air supply for the cabinet shall be taken from the pipe space behind the cabinet. Supply vents shall not be placed on the front or side of the cabinet to avoid drawing hot gases from the laboratory fire into the cabinet. Flame arrestors shall be provided on all flammable storage cabinet vents (inlets and outlets). 5.3. When the cabinet is free standing, it may not be necessary to ventilate it. 5.4. The front of the storage cabinet shall be labeled "FLAMMABLE-KEEP FIRE AWAY" with at least 1-inch high, 1/4-inch stroke red letters against a contrasting background. 6. Corrosive Chemical Storage Cabinets 6.1. Corrosive chemical storage base cabinets shall be constructed from a complete corrosion-resistant liner. The cabinet must be ventilated at the rate of at least five cfm. 6.2. When installed under a fume hood, vent pipes shall extend above the work surface and behind the fume baffle to at least 1 inch above the work surface. Flame arrestors are not required. Relief air vents may be provided in the cabinet door. 6.3. The cabinet shall be provided with a removable, corrosion-resistant, liquid-tight pan that can hold 2 inches of liquid. Cabinets shall be labeled "ACID STORAGE" with at least 1-inch high, 1/4-inch stroke letters. 7. Gas Cabinets: Gas cabinets shall be constructed on not less than 12-gauge steel. To access and view controls, cabinets may be provided with self-closing, limited access ports that also may have a safety glass window. Gas cabinets shall be exhausted. Cabinets may be ducted to a fume hood or general exhaust. If provided with an access port, the average face velocity across the open port must be at least 200 fpm. 8. Seating: 8.1 Chairs shall be chosen from those that the university has approved as having adequate ergonomic features. Contact University Purchasing for more information. Also refer to the DEHS Web site for more information on ergonomic issues: 8.2 Laboratory chairs shall be constructed of material that can be easily wiped clean and decontaminated in the event of chemical, biological or radioactive spills. 8.3. Knee hole space for computer workstations in laboratories shall not have drawers. Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – BSL3 Checklist This document consists of a list of BSL-3 elements that are required (R), optional but recommended (OR), or not applicable (NA) depending on the intended use of the facility. The source indicates the document or entity that requires the element. BMBL = CDC/NIH publication Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories 5th Edition, UM = University of Minnesota BSL 3 Task Force, DEHS = Department of Environmental Health and Safety R/ BSL-3 Elements Required For ALL Facilities OR / Source NA 1 2 3 4 5 6 Access to the laboratory is restricted to entry by a series of two self-closing doors. The laboratory must be separated from areas that are open to unrestricted traffic flow within the building. A clothes change/Personal Protective Equipment area is included in the in the entryway to the facility. Hand washing sinks must operate hands-free (foot pedal or automatic) Sink(s) must be located near the exit door(s), if the laboratory is segregated into different laboratories, a sink must also be available for hand washing in each zone. Metal furniture should be rust resistant and tolerant of corrosive disinfectants R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R UM R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL Floors must be slip resistant, impervious to liquids, and resistant to chemicals. 7 Floors should be seamless, sealed, resilient or poured floor with integral cove bases. 8 9 10 11 Walls should be constructed to produce a sealed smooth finish that can be easily cleaned and decontaminated. Ceilings should be constructed, sealed, and finished in the same general manner as walls. Spaces between benches, cabinets, and equipment must be accessible for cleaning. Bench tops must be impervious to water and resistant to heat, organic sovents, acids, alkalis, and other chemicals. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Cabinets must have impervious surfaces Chairs must be covered with a non-porous material that can be easily cleaned and decontaminated. All windows in the laboratory must be sealed Viewing window(s) should be provided to observe operations within the lab, window(s) can be within a door or a wall. Autoclave required within facility (pass-through preferred when possible) Exhaust capture hood above autoclave door (Depends on type of autoclave installation.) Bioseal between the autoclave and the wall/floor for pass-thru autoclaves Eyewash in each room where biohazardous material is handled (eyewashes to be in compliance with UM construction standard). HEPA filter all exhaust from BSL 3 containment facility including plumbing and sterilizer vents. Laboratory exhaust air must not re-circulate to any other area of the building. R UM R BMBL R BMBL O UM R BMBL R UM R BMBL R BMBL R UM R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R UM R UM O/R UM O/R UM Ventilation system must provide sustained directional airflow by drawing air into the 22 laboratory from the "clean" areas toward "potentially contaminated" areas. The laboratory shall be designed such that under ventilation failure conditions the airflow will not be reversed. 23 24 A visual monitoring device which confirms directional air flow must be provided at the lab entry. (Between ante-room and lab.) Audible and light alarm to notify workers if the exhaust system fails - Light alarm only in animal areas Lighting fixtures should be gasketed or otherwise sealed to alllow for gas 25 decontamination and to prevent contaminated air from being drawn into light fixture as it cools. 26 27 Consider placing ballasts outside the containment area. Place mechanics for any temperature controlled rooms outside the containment area. 28 Seal all electric outlets R BMBL 29 Circuits should be equipped with GFCI devices as required by building codes R UM 30 31 All utility pipe, duct penetrations and ceiling diffusers should be sealed Spaces around doors and ventilaton openings should be capable of being sealed to facilitate space decontamination. R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R UM R UM R/O DEHS Biological safety cabinets are required for all handling of BSL 3 material. Non32 vented Class II A cabinets are acceptable if no work is to be done with volatile chemicals. All work with volatile chemicals requires a hard-ducted Class II B2 cabinet. Biological safety cabinets must be installed so that fluctuations of the room air 33 supply and exhaust do not interfere with proper operaton of cabinets. Cabinets should be located away from doors, heavily traveled laboratory areas, and other possible airflow disruptions. 34 Room supply air must be provided in such a manner that prevents positive pressurization of biosafety cabinets. Emergency power sufficient to maintain negative pressure, continued operation of 35 critical equipment, maintain security, and provide lights for safe containment of biohazardous materials and exit of facility. 36 37 Central Security System designed in conjunction with facility risk assessment and Department of Central Security Fire suppresion system designed in conjunction with facility design and SOPs to reduce risk of contaminated water leaving the facility 38 Utility equipment and control panels to be outside the containment area O/R UM 39 All plumbing leaving the containment area should be identified with labels/tags R UM 40 Fixtures and pipes should be resistant to the corrosive actions of disinfectants R UM 41 Plumbing back-flow preventers included. R UM 42 No house vacuum, use portable vacuum pumps R UM R BMBL R UM O/R UM Facility design consideration should be given to means of decontaminating large 43 pieces of equipment before removal from laboratory. (One means would be to have a separate suply/equipment access vestibule that could be used for gas decontamination.) 44 45 Effluent treatment to be managed in conjunction with risk assessment for organisms to be used. Document effluent handling and justify method. Gases such as CO2 to be piped in so tanks do not need to be moved in and out of containment area. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Include supply and exhaust dampers that are gas-tight and closable from outside the containment area/room. Provide an electronic means (computer, FAX machine) to transfer data out of the lab Hands free communication between inside and outside of the lab (if intercom system is provided there must still be a phone to call for outside help -911) Interlock supply and exhaust fans to maintain negative pressure if there is a failure in a ventilation system component Audible and visual fire alarms - light alarm only in animal areas Gas-tight exhaust ductwork that can be leak tested and sealed for gas decontamination Duct work to have ports to instill vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) . HEPA filter housings with gas-tight isolation dampers, decontamination ports, and access for testing and decontamination of filters while in place. R DEHS R UM O/R UM R U of M R U of M R U of M O/R U of M R U of M R U of M R U of M O/R DEHS R U of M R U of M Pre-filters upstream of all exhaust HEPA filters. Two pre-filters for aniaml rooms. 54 (30% pre-filters or improved efficiency low- resistance filters as technolgy develops) 55 56 57 58 Primary HVAC control systems external to the containment area - per system design and as appropriate. Room ports for gas decontamination Designate which components/equipment need to be alarmed. Designate which alarms need to go to BSAC and include in design. Include reduced pressure back-flow prevention wate system. BSL-3 Elements Required For Animal Facilities In Addition To Above Elements Required For All BSL 3 Facilities R/ OR / Source NA The animal facility must be separated from areas that are open to unrestricted 1 traffic flow within the building. External facility doors must be self-closing and self- R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL locking. 2 3 Entry into the containment area is via a double-door entry which constitutes an anteroom/airlock and a change room. (Showers are based on risk assessment.) Visual monitoring device that indicates and confirms directional inward airflow must be provided at the animal room entry. 4 5 6 7 Provide visual alarm inside animal and procedure rooms to notify personnel of ventilation and HVAC system failure. (No audible alarms, disturbing to animals.) Doors to areas where infectious materials and/or animal are housed open inward and are self-closing. Animal room ventilation must be in accordance with the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. An additonal double-door access anteroom or double-doored autoclave may be provided for movement of supplies and wastes into and out of the facility. R UM R BMBL R BMBL O/R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R BMBL R UM R UM R BMBL A hand washing sink must be located at the exit of the areas where infectious 8 materials and/or animals are housed or are manipulated. Sinks should be handsfree or automatically operated. If the animal facility has multiple segregated areas where infectious materials 9 and/or animals are housed or are manipulated, a sink must also be available for hand washing at the exit from each segregated area. 10 Interior surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings) must be water resistant. Walls, floors, and ceilings should form a sealed and sanitizable surface. Floors must be slip resistant, impervious to liquids, and resistant to chemicals. 11 Floors should be seamless, sealed, resilient or poured floor with integral cove bases. Penetrations in floors, walls and ceiling surfaces must be sealed, including 12 openings around ducts, doors and door frames, to facilitate pest control, proper cleaning, and decontamination. Cabinetts and bench tops must be impervious to water and resistant to heat, 13 organic sovents, acids, alkalis, and other chemicals. Spaces between benches, cabinets, and equipment should be accessible for cleaning. 14 15 16 External windows are not recommended; if present must be sealed and resistant to breakage. HEPA filtered Animal transfer stations Individually ventilated cage (IVC) systems or other animal containment system in accordance with risk assessment. Light fixtures, air ducts, utility pipes, etc. in animal rooms should be arranged in 17 order to provide the minimum horizontal surface areas, to facilitate cleaning and to minimize the accumulation of debris or fomites. Include biosafety cabinet or other physical containment devices in animal holding 18 rooms and animal procedure rooms for all handling of infectious materials and animals. (This should be placed and installed as indicated in the above elements R BMBL R UM for all BSL 3 facilities.) 19 Eyewashes to be provided in all rooms were infectious materials are handled. R/ BSL-3 Elements Required For Plant Facilities OR / Source NA 1 Entrance to the containment area must be via an airlock with a pair of self-closing doors lockable doors R APHIS 2 Containment areas should not be adjacent to unrestricted public traffic areas R APHIS 3 Metal furniture should be rust resistant and tolerant of corrosive disinfectants R APHIS 4 A clothes change/Personal Protective Equipment area in the entryway to the suite R APHIS 5 Entrance/exit via a clothing change room and shower R APHIS 6 Walls, floors and ceilings must be water resistant and easily cleanable R APHIS R APHIS R APHIS R APHIS OR UM R APHIS R U of M 7 8 9 10 11 12 All walls and ceilings should be finished with a a material that will withstand frequent decontamination and cleaning Coved, slip resistant floor - continuous floor system or seamless sheet vinyl Bench tops, cabinets, and furniture must be impervious to water, rust resistant, tolerant of corrosive disinfectants, and resistant to common chemicals Separate lab access for staff and samples/equipment Windows in the laboratory, interior or exterior, must be fixed and permanently sealed Viewing safety window(s) should be provided to observe operations within the lab Viewing window may be in either a wall or a door. 13 Autoclave (Required to be available for all BSL 3, pass-through preferred) R APHIS 14 HEPA filter exhaust air for all BSL 3 facilities R UM 15 Exhaust air is not recirculated to any other area of the building R UM 16 17 18 19 Exhaust capture hood above autoclave door (Depends on type of autoclave installation.) Bioseal between the autoclave and the wall/floor (only pertains to pass-thru autoclaves) Eyewash in each room where biohazardous/chemical material is handled Lighting fixtures should be gasketed or otherwise sealed as deemed necessary by a risk assesment OR UM R APHIS R UM OR UM 20 Fixtures should be designed for easy cleaning and decontamination R APHIS 21 Waterproof electric outlets as deemed necessary by a risk assesment OR UM R APHIS R UM R APHIS R APHIS R APHIS 22 23 24 25 26 Seal all electric outlets that are resessed withing the containment wall or surface mount all electricl outlets Circuits should be equipped with GFCI devices as required by building codes All utility pipe, duct penetrations and ceiling diffusers should be sealed between containment and non-containment walls Spaces between doors and frames should be capable of being temporarily sealed for gas decontaimination Air handling maintains negative pressure with airflow moving from outside containment area through the anteroom(s) and into BSL-3 facility. Biological safety cabinets are required for all handling of BSL 3 material. Non- 27 vented Class II A cabinets are acceptable if no work is to be done with volatile chemicals. All work with volatile chemicals requires a hard-ducted exhaust Class II APHIS R UM B2 cabinet. Emergency power sufficient to maintain negative pressure, continued operation of 28 critical equipment, maintain security, and provide lights for safe containment of APHIS R biohazardous/chemical materials and exit of facility. 29 30 31 Central Security System designed in conjunction with facility risk assessment Fire suppresion system designed in conjunction with facility design and SOPs to reduce risk of contaminated water leaving the facility Utility equipment and control panels to be outside the containment area when possible & & UM R UM OR DEHS OR UM 32 All plumbing leaving the containment area should be identified with labels/tags R UM 33 Plumbing fixtures and pipes should be resistant to the corrosive actions of R UM disinfectants 34 Plumbing back-flow preventers included. R UM 35 No centailized laboratory vaccum, use portable vacuum pumps R UM 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Effluent treatment to be managed in conjunction with risk assessment for organisms to be used. Include gas-tight supply and exhaust dampers for decontamination Provide an electronic means (computer, FAX machine) to transfer data out of the lab Hands free communication between inside and outside of the lab (if intercom system is provided there must still be a phone to call for outside help -911) A visual monitoring device that indicates and confirms directional inward airflow should be provided in all anterooms Interlock supply and exhaust fans to maintain negative pressure if there is a failure in a ventilation system component Audible and light alarm to notify workers if the exhaust system fails Gas-tight exhaust ductwork that can be leak tested and sealed for gas decontamination Duct work to have ports to instill vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) HEPA filter housings with gas-tight isolation dampers, decontamination ports, and access for testing and decontamination of filters while in place. APHIS R & UM R DEHS APHIS R & UM OR UM APHIS R & UM R UM R UM R UM OR UM R UM R UM R UM R UM R UM Pre-filters upstream of all exhaust HEPA filters. Two pre-filters for aniaml rooms. 46 (30% pre-filters or improved efficiency low- resistance filters as technolgy develops) 47 48 49 Primary HVAC control systems external to the containment area - per system design and as appropriate Designate which components/equipment need to be alarmed. Designate which alarms need to go to BSAC and include in design. Include reduced pressure back-flow prevention wate system. Additional BSL-3 Elements That May Be Required If Indicated By Risk Assessment R/ OR / Source NA 1 Additional sinks as determined by risk assessment O BMBL 2 Separate lab access for , samples, equipment or animals from staff entry. O BMBL 3 Decontamination area for large pieces of equipment. O/R DEHS 4 Waterproof electric outlets according to use of space O UM 5 Dunk tank or other means of removing samples from facility per risk assessment O UM 6 Shower out per agent summary sheet or faciity use risk assessment O BMBL 7 Effluent decontamination per risk assessment (Steam treatment preferred.) O BMBL R UM 8 Include respiratory protection SOPs if it is not possible to contain all work in biosafety cabinet or other primary containment device.