Resident Thyroid storm module: Created by Kathleen Colleran, MD

Resident Version
Thyroid Storm Module
Created by Dr. Kathleen Colleran
1) Recognize three signs and symptoms of thyroid storm and why they occur
2) Be able to appropriately evaluate a patient with suspected thyroid storm
3) List three treatments for thyroid storm
1. McKeown, N, et al. Hyperthyroidism. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North
23:669-85, 2005.
2. Migneco A, et al. Management of Thyrotoxic Crisis. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci.
9:69-74, 2005.
3. Douglas S Ross, MD, Treatment of Thyroid storm @ 2006 UpToDate .
Discussion Outline:
I. Overview
Thyroid storm is a medical emergency that includes hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular
instability, thermogenic instability, and neurogenic instability. The diagnosis of thyroid
storm is based on signs and symptoms and is a clinical diagnosis. Being able to recognize
the manifestations of thyroid storm is essential to expedite treatment and prevent
morbidity and mortality. Even with appropriate treatment mortality rates for thyroid
storm remain high at 25%.
All forms of hyperthyroidism can culminate in thyroid storm. Table 1 list causes of
hyperthyroidism. Grave’s disease accounts for most cases of thyroid storm because it is
common and severe hyperthyroidism can occur.
Thyroid storm typically occurs in a patient with underlying hyperthyroidism, either
previously known or unknown, who develops a second illness or stressor. The second
stressor results in an acute catecholamine surge. The catecholamine surge in the presence
of hyperthyroidism leads to tachyarthymias, high output cardiac failure and
cardiovascular instability. Elevated catecholamine in the setting of hyperthyroidism
causes hyperthermia leading to thermodynamic instability. The combination also causes
tremors, hyperreflexia, mania, concentration and memory disturbances and culminates in
neuropsychiatric instability.
II. Common precipitants of thyroid storm
Thyroid storm can mimic several conditions including sepsis, pheochromocytoma,
psychosis, adrenal insufficiency, intoxication, and autonomic insufficiency. Common
precipitants of thyroid storm are listed in table 2.
Table 1. Causes of hyperthyroidism
Graves’ Disease
Toxic Multinodular Goiter
Toxic Adenoma
Exogenous Thyroid Hormone
Jod Basedow
TSH Secreting Pituitary Adenoma
Molar Pregnancy
Struma Ovarii
Table 2. Precipitants of Thyroid Storm
Myocardial Infarction
Iodine ( in MNG, Toxic adenoma)
Radioactive Iodine
IV Contrast
III. Clinical Assessment
The diagnosis of thyroid storm is made by clinical suspicion based on patient history,
signs and symptoms and physical exam findings. Waiting for thyroid function tests to
return leads to unnecessary treatment delays and can be catastrophic.
Most patients will report a history of symptoms consistent with hyperthyroidism
including unexplained weight loss, insomnia, heat intolerance, tremors, and palpitations.
They will present with an acute worsening of those symptoms in addition to severe
Significant physical exam findings include agitation and inability to sit still. Temperature
is usually elevated, significant tachycardia is present and blood pressure is labile. Skin is
moist and warm to touch. Eye examination may demonstrate stare, lid lag, or
exopthalmos if Graves’ disease is present. Thyroid exam findings depend on the etiology
of hyperthyroidism (Table 3). Muscle weakness and hyperreflexia may be present.
Additionally, patients perform poorly on the mini mental status exam. Standard
laboratory analysis including a full metabolic profile and CBC is nonspecific.
Table 3.
Graves’ Disease
Toxic Multinodular Goiter
Toxic Adenoma
Exogenous thyroid intake
TSH secreting pituitary tumor
Molar pregnancy
Strumii ovarie
Diffusely enlarged gland  bruit
Nodular goiter
Solitary nodule
 tenderness
Nonpalpable gland
Diffusely enlarged gland
Diffusely enlarged gland
Nonpalpable gland
IV. Treatment
Treatment of thyroid storm is empiric based on clinical suspicion. Patients should be
admitted to an intensive care unit. Treatment is multifactorial and includes supportive
care and pharmacologic intervention. Pharmacologic treatment is aimed at blocking
thyroid hormone synthesis, release, conversion to T3, and action on cells. Figure 1
demonstrates where pharmacologic therapies are acting.
Fluid as patients are volume deplete
Cooling blankets if hyperthermia is present
Beta blockade to minimize catecholamine excess
o Propranolol 20-40 mg q 6 hours to decrease heart rate to < 100 bpm
o Esmolol if concern regarding cardiac output (fast acting/short t ½ life.)
o Propothyouricil (PTU) 150 mg po q 6 hours if patient is able to take p.o.
o Methimazole 10-20 mg pr q 6 hours
SSKI or Lugol's solution: administer 1-2 hours following thionamide
Steroids: Dexamethasone 1 mg q 6-8 hours
Treat underlying precipitating stressor if present
If no response consider emergent thyroidectomy or plasmaphoresis.
Aviod aspirin; it increases free thyroid hormone levels by competing with
binding sites on Thyroid binding globulin
Figure 1.
T3 activity
T-4 release
V. Pharmacology:
PTU has a shorter t ½ and faster onset of action than methimazole.
PTU preferentially blocks conversion of T4 to T3 (active hormone)
PTU is preferred during pregnancy as methimazole may cause congenital defects
Both agents can cause agranulocytosis and hepatitis (<0.1%). These adverse
events are idiosyncratic can occur randomly; therefore monitoring WBC or LFTs
are not useful. Patients should be educated to get a blood test done if they develop
symptoms of neutropenia including: unexplained fever, sore throat, or mouth
sores; or if they develop symptoms of hepatitis including: right upper quadrant
pain, jaundice, or nausea or vomiting.
D.Y. is a 19 yr old male who was involved in a low speed motor vehicle accident. At the
scene, he complained of neck pain. A C-collar was placed and he was transferred by
ambulance to the local Emergency room. On initial presentation he was warm to touch,
anxious with a mild tremor, and tachycardic with a HR of 125. He was tender over the cspine but demonstrated no focal neurological deficits. The remainder of his physical
exam was nonspecific. An XRAY of the C-spine was ordered. Over the course of his ER
stay he became progressively agitated, confused and combative. His HR increased to 160
and temperature rose to 40◦ C. He was visibly shaking and unable to sit still. He required
sedation and restraints. He was intubated for airway protection and respiratory support
and was transferred to a tertiary care center and admitted to an ICU bed. A full metabolic
panel, CBC, blood and urine cultures, and a toxicology screen were ordered. EKG
showed sinus tachycardia, CXR was negative, C-spine was difficult to interpret and a CT
was ordered.
1. What should be initial management step and what further tests should be
2. What would be reasonable treatment for his diagnosis, and what precipitated it?
Review Questions
1. A 64 yr. old male presents to the ED with angina and hyperthyroidism. He is scheduled
to undergo cardiac catheterization.
This procedure will result in a worsening of his hyperthyroidism if he has which of
the following:
a. Viral Thyroiditis
b. Toxic Multinodular Goiter
c. Graves’ Disease
d. Hashimotos Thyroiditis
e. Thyroid Hormone Resistance
2. A 40-yr-old female with Grave’s disease was recently started on methimazole. One
month later she comes to the clinic for a routine follow-up. She reports low grade fevers,
myalgias, arthralgias, and general malaise.
The most important test to order now is which of the following?
a. TSH
b. ALT
c. TSI
d. WBC
e. Radio iodine uptake
Post Module Evaluation
Please place completed evaluation in an interdepartmental mail envelope and address to
Dr. Wendy Gerstein, Department of Medicine, VAMC (111).
1) Topic of module:__________________________
2) On a scale of 1-5, how effective was this module for learning this topic? _________
(1= not effective at all, 5 = extremely effective)
3) Were there any obvious errors, confusing data, or omissions? Please list/comment
4) Was the attending involved in the teaching of this module? Yes/no (please circle).
5) Please provide any further comments/feedback about this module, or the inpatient
curriculum in general:
6) Please circle one:
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Medical student