New and Revised SCIS Subject Headings May 2010 This is a detailed list of new and revised SCIS Subject Headings approved by the SCIS Information Services Standards Committee at the teleconference held on 26 May 2010. This list corresponds to the summary list published in Connections issue 74, Term 3 2010. Associations Add NT Non-government organisations BT RT Biology Del RT Evolution Case studies IN Use for works presenting information about an exploration of specific cases or projects involving analysis of a single participant or group from an economic, societal, psychological or medical viewpoint. SEN Use subjects with the subdivision Case studies, e.g. Small business management - Case studies; Geography - Case studies. Evolution Del NT Del RT Associations Societies International agencies International organisation Variation (Biology) Biology Non-governmental organisations USE Non-government organisations Operas Del UF Savoy operas Organisations, Non-government USE Non-government organisations Quangos USE Non-government organisations Savoy operas Delete this Use reference Geography - Case studies SEN Example under Case studies Small business management - Case studies SEN Example under Case studies Gravitation Del NT Matter Social casework Amend SN to read SN Use for works about the work performed by a social worker in dealing with individual clients. For works which are case studies of the provision of services by government and private welfare agencies use Social welfare - Case studies. Del UF Case studies International agencies Add RT Non-government organisations International non-government organisations USE Non-government organisations International organisation Add RT Non-government organisations Matter Add UF Del BT Matter, States of States of matter Gravitation Mechanics Matter, States of USE Matter Mechanics Del NT Matter NGOs USE Non-government organisations Non-government organisations SN Use for works dealing with non-profit organisations, created independently of governments, without statutory ties. UF International non-government organisations NGOs Non-governmental organisations Organisations, Non-government Quangos Social welfare - Case studies SN Use for works which are case studies of the provision of services by government and private welfare agencies. For works about the work performed by a social worker in dealing with individual clients use Social casework. Societies Add NT Non-government organisations States of matter USE Matter Variation (Biology) Del BT Evolution