116101369 Step A- Topic/ Outline Check with Research Question We will begin looking at possible thesis topics (3). Identify the key elements (names, dates, events, etc.) related to your potential topics by using text, encyclopedia, etc. To determine the viability of your ideas seek out sources related to each of your potential topics. Do not hesitate to ask the librarians for assistance. You must begin immediately. If you have difficulty, speak to me and we will set up an appointment. What should be completed by 10/24: 1. Thesis paper folder. Create a research folder using Noodletools Dashboard. Folder should be titled: YOURLASTNAME, USI THESIS 2. Inside the folder should be information for your topic. At least 5 sources need to be briefly summarized (in the Annotations) to explain what value they have to your research. 3. Each individual source must include all relevant bibliographic information. 4. Share your research folder with me via Noodletools. 5. A (preliminary) research question should be typed into your folder. 6. A proposed thesis statement must be typed into your folder. 7. A working outline that includes 6-8 subsections IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE ABOVE COMPLETED IN CLASS ON THE DAY IT IS DUE, YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THIS STEP AND CANNOT MOVE ON TO THE NEXT STEP. USI 116101369 Step B- Note Check #1 with Working Outline At this point you have compiled and summarized 5 sources related to your topic. It is important for you to realize that not all sources will be useful in your final work. Therefore it is important that you continue your research by gathering and annotating more sources. It is also critical that you continue reading your sources. Start to get a feel for your topic. You will need to have a clear and complete understanding of your topic and sources related to it. Read all your sources thoroughly and begin thinking about an overall theme for your Note cards must include: topic. This will eventually become your thesis 1. All relevant bibliographic information. statement. 2. Direct Quotation o You must now take a stand on your 3. Paraphrase topic based on the information you 4. My Ideas have gathered. Any note card that does not contain all 4 parts is not o Your thesis statement will lead and complete. push your paper. o The purpose of your work is to prove the thesis statement by using all the sources you have accumulated At least 20 complete note cards. As you are reading your source begin using the note card function in NoodleTools. What I need to have on 11/21 1. Thesis paper folder. 2. Material from 5 different sources that you have read and annotated. All material must be relevant to your topic and should not be redundant. *Please note: Print documents must be retyped or scanned into the Noodletools note card section. You must use the note cards to submit your documents. 3. A preliminary thesis statement typed into your folder. 4. Each individual source must include all relevant bibliographic information. 5. At least 20 complete note cards. 6. Working outline which includes 6-8 subtopics. Use the outline function of NoodleTools for your outline. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE ABOVE COMPLETED ON THE DAY IT IS DUE, YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THIS STEP AND CANNOT MOVE ON TO THE NEXT STEP. Do not hesitate to ask the librarians for assistance OUTLINE FORMAT AS BELOW: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Introduction First heading to your paper A. Sub heading one B. Sub heading two Second heading A. Sub one i. Detail 1 a. Sub Detail 1 b. Sub Detail 2 ii. Detail 2 B. Sub two ETC… (…) ETC… (…) ETC… (…) USI 116101369 Step C- Note Check #2 with Formal Outline Create a thesis statement. You have AT LEAST 7 sources related to your topic and have read them thoroughly. You must now take a stand on your topic based on the information you have gathered. Your thesis statement will lead and push your paper. The purpose of your work is to prove the thesis statement by using all the sources you have accumulated A thesis statement is: a single sentence that formulates both your topic and your point of view based on the information you have gathered. If you need help writing your thesis statement you may want to use the link below: How to Generate a Thesis Statement if the Topic is Not Assigned http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/thesis_statement.shtml What I need to have on 12/5 Thesis statement typed in the research folder. Minimum of 3 note cards for 5 of your sources. Total of 40 note cards (20 original plus 20 more) Outline with page estimates included. o Create an outline that frames your paper using the outline function. ESTIMATE THE LENGTH OF EACH HEADING IN YOUR PAPER AND INCLUDE THE APPROXIMATE PAGE NUMBERS. See the example below. Insert the note cards you have created in the proper section of your outline using the tabletop and outline function of NoodleTools. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE ABOVE COMPLETED ON THE DAY IT IS DUE. YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THIS STEP AND CANNOT MOVE ON TO THE NEXT STEP. OUTLINE WITH PAGE ESTIMATES FORMAT AS BELOW: I. Introduction II. First heading to your paper (Number of pages this heading will cover) A. Sub heading one B. Sub heading two III. Second heading (Number of pages this heading will cover) C. Sub one i. Detail 1 a. Sub Detail 1 b. Sub Detail 2 ii. Detail 2 D. Sub two IV. etc… (…) Remember thesis statements must: 1. Take some sort of stand 2. Justify discussion 3. Express one main idea 4. Be specific Questions? Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher or a librarian. USI 116101369 Step D- Rough Draft Due Date: 1/9/15 THE PURPOSE OF YOUR PAPER IS TO PROVE YOUR THESIS STATEMENT BY USING AT LEAST 5 DIFFERENT AUTHORITATIVE SOURCES. YOU WILL NOW COMPLETE A ROUGH DRAFT ROUGH DRAFT: Please keep the following in mind while you are writing: 1. This is a formal paper you do not include personal references. Your opinions and beliefs are expressed through the sources you choose to use. Never “I believe… I think… etc.” 2. EVERY SOURCE USED IN THE PAPER MUST BE DOCUMENTED. Keep track of your source work you utilize by putting the authors name or a designated number in the rough draft that will make it easier to include the full bibliographic reference later on. 3. Include a works cited page at the end which includes all sources used in this portion of your paper. Points of Emphasis: NONE of the paper is your original research. You have simply gathered the work of others and unified it to suit your thesis statement. Because you have borrowed so much from others you must by law give them proper credit within the body of your paper. This is DOCUMENTATION. (As a general rule of thumb – ANY information that is not “common knowledge” and is included in your paper MUST BE CITED!) Follow the guidelines for MLA parenthetical citation in your work including the rough draft. You should have many citations. Most likely at least one in each paragraph. I will be checking for technical problems in your paper: margins, citations, etc. A classmate will read and provide feedback on your writing through peer-editing. What I need to have on 1/9 Rough Draft 90% of paper written. o Thesis statement must be included in rough draft. o Citations must be included. o Works cited page. o Title page must be included. o Typed outline. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE ABOVE COMPLETED IN CLASS ON THE DAY IT IS DUE. YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THIS STEP AND CANNOT MOVE ON TO THE NEXT STEP. USI 116101369 Step E – Final Draft What I need to have on 1/23 Final Draft o Typed copy using the following format: Times New Roman 12 point font 1 inch margins Double-spaced o Includes the following pages (in this order) Title page Outline Paper (using guidelines above) Works cited page Signed letter from parent o An electronic copy must be sent to Mr. Arnold carnold@npsdnj.org Thesis Paper Final Checklist 1. 4-5 pages in length 2. At least five (5) different sources used in the paper 3. All corrections made from previous drafts 4. Margins: 1” 5. Times New Roman Font 12 pt. (this is an example) 6. Proper citations for the work of others 7. Title page 8. Outline (does not need note cards) 9. Works Cited Page 10. Parental Draft with signed and completed 11. An electronic copy has been sent. USI 116101369 Step F – Parental Notification and Thesis Paper Critique Copy Due with Final Draft Dear Parent, As you know your child has been working on a thesis driven paper. This paper will comprise of a major portion of the grade for the second semester. They have researched a topic, created a thesis statement, and completed a final draft of the paper. In order to finalize the process, I am asking parents to take the objective role of critiquing their child’s paper. This will provide another set of objective “eyes” to review the finished work. There is no need for you to be an expert in the material. The task is simply to determine if the paper proves the thesis statement in a clear and logical fashion. Below you will find a checklist to guide your critique, and space to provide feedback on the paper. We appreciate the time you take to actively participate in the educational process. Your child has spent approximately 12 weeks on this paper and represents a significant amount of work and effort. I applaud this effort and cannot wait to see the finished product. Objective: Create a paper that logically and clearly supports and proves the thesis using a diverse group of sources (at least 5) in the body of the paper. The paper should include both an introduction and conclusion that brackets the work in the body. Y N 1) The paper reads well from beginning to end. Y N 2) The introduction is brief and leads logically into the body. Y N 3) The body of the paper works to prove the thesis by providing clear and well selected information. Y N 4) Ideas within the paper flow logically from point to point. Y N 5) The writer has not included personal opinion that is not substantiated, nor written in the first person. Y N 6) The writer has convincingly proven their thesis. Y N 7) The writer has used a multitude of sources and does not rely on any one particular source. Y N 8) The conclusion sums up the proof offered in the body. What did you like about the paper? What could make this paper better? Note: Thesis papers are not accepted late under any circumstances. Students should make sure their computers and printers are functioning normally. Those who do not turn in their final work on time risk receiving a zero for the project. Students who fail to turn in an acceptable project by the end of the year must repeat the course. FINAL DUE DATE: January 23, 2015. Parent’s Signature Date USI