examination questions for course examination on psychiatry at

1. Psychiatry, the maintenance of concept, its subject and problems. Features of a mental pathology
at the present stage. Value of studying of psychiatry for the doctor of the general structure.
2. the Basic stages of a history of domestic psychiatry. Features of modern psychiatry.
3. Value of proceedings of I.M.Setchenov, I.P.Pavlova, P.K.Anokhin, V.M.Bekhterev for formation of
natural-science bases of domestic psychiatry.
4. Concept about mental norm.
5. the Reasons of occurrence of a mental pathology. Psychotic and not psychotic levels of
6. Value of proceedings of I.M.Balinskogo, S.S.Korsakova, P.B.Gannushkina, V.H.Kandinsky in
development of domestic psychiatry.
7. Concept about the basic concepts of foreign psychiatry: antipsychiatry, a psychoanalysis, the
behiveoral concept.
8. Concept of a sign, a set of symptoms of clinic of mental diseases. Productive and deficiental sets
of symptoms.
9. Clinical displays of maniacal and catatonic exaltation.
10. Forms of psychomotor exaltation. A clinical picture, tactics of the doctor.
11. the Law on the psychiatric help and guarantees of the rights of citizens at its rendering.
12. the Method of clinical research in psychiatry.
13. the Asthenic set of symptoms, clinical examples. A nosological accessory.
14. Affective frustration. Classification. A clinical picture.
15. the Depressive set of symptoms. The clinical characteristic, a systematics; a nosological
16. Delirium. The maintenance of concept. Classification, a clinical picture.
17. the Maniacal set of symptoms. The clinical characteristic; a nosological accessory.
18. Neurosolike sets of symptoms, the clinical characteristic; a nosological accessory.
19. Hallucinatory-dilision sets of symptoms, the clinical characteristic, a systematics
20. Pathological corporal sensations, the maintenance of concept, a systematics. Clinical examples.
Tactics of the doctor.
21. the Toxicomania owing to abusing tranquilizers.
22. the Reasons of mental diseases. A role genetically - genetic and factors of medium in occurrence
of alienations.
23. the Mental trauma and mechanisms of psychological protection. The maintenance of concepts, a
role in a pathogeny of neurosises.
24. Frustration of intelligence: conducting signs, sets of symptoms.
25. Masked depression: a clinical picture, clinical types, therapy.
26. the Kliniko-psychopathologic method in psychiatry (inquiry, observation, studying of creativity of
patients). Value of paraclinic researches.
27. Hallucinations: the maintenance of concept, classification, a clinical picture, a nosological
28. Psychotropic preparations in therapy of mental diseases.
29. Supervaluable ideas and paranoiac delirium. The maintenance of concepts, a clinical picture,
differential diagnostics, a nosological accessory.
30. the Set of symptoms of obsessional conditions.
31. Epileptic paroxysms. Classification. A clinical picture.
32. the Asthenic set of symptoms.
33. the Subject and problems of psychiatry. Methods of research.
34. Alarming frustration. Clinical displays, a systematics, tactics of the doctor.
35. Features of modern psychiatry. Concept of a time and medicinal pathomorphism of mental
36. Panic frustration. A clinical picture. Treatment.
37. Illusions, hallucinations and frustration of sensory synthesis.
38. Dysmnesias, a clinical picture, a systematics, a nosological accessory.
39. the Dementia, its forms, a clinical picture. The reasons of formation of a dementia.
40. Oligophrenias, the maintenance of concept. The reasons of formation, a pathogeny, a
systematics, a clinical picture. Diagnostics.
41. Forms of frustration of inclinations.
42. the General paralysis and a lues of a brain. Kliniko-psychopathologic displays, principles of
43. Alienations at somatopathies. A clinical picture, tactics of the doctor.
44. Alienations at vascular diseases of a brain (an idiopathic hypertensia, a cerebral atherosclerosis).
Clinical examples. Tactics of the doctor.
45. the Nervosism.
46. Korsakovskij syndrom. A clinical picture, a nosological accessory.
47. the Psychoorganic set of symptoms, the maintenance of concept, the reason of formation, clinical
variants. Tactics of the doctor.
48. Diagnostic criteria of the upset consciousness. The characteristic of various forms and degrees of
the switched off consciousness. A nosological accessory.
49. the Alcoholism, the maintenance of concept, an epidemiology, an etiology, a pathogeny.
Questions of labour, military, judicial - psychiatric examination.
50. the Alcoholic abstinent set of symptoms. Clinical displays, conditions of occurrence, diagnostic
value. Tactics of the doctor.
51. Alcoholic psychosises. A systematics, conditions of development, tactics of the doctor. A
tremens. Clinical stages, variants.
52. the Delirium tremens. Therapeutic tactics.
53. the Alcoholism. Clinical stages. Treatment of an alcoholism.
54. Mental infringements at traumatic defeats of a brain. Clinic of the initial and acute periods. Tactics
of the doctor.
55. Clinic of mental infringements in the remote period of a craniocerebral trauma. Tactics of the
56. Narcomanias. The general laws of an etiology and a pathogeny. Classification of narcomanias.
57. Toxicomanias. Classification, a clinical picture, treatment.
58. Specific changes of the person at patients with an epilepsy. An epileptic aphrenia.
59. the Epilepsy. An epidemiology, questions of an etiology and a pathogeny. Classification of forms
of an epilepsy.
60. Neurosises. The maintenance of concept, a pathogeny of neurosises.
61. Classification of epileptic paroxysms, a clinical picture. Tactics of the doctor at the big convulsive
62. the Maniacal - depressive psychosis and a cyclotymia. A clinical picture. Treatment.
63. the Schizophrenia. Laws of current and an outcome. Modern representations about an etiology
and a pathogeny of a schizophrenia.
64. the Schizophrenia. Clinical displays of deficiental (negative) and productive frustration. Clinical
65. Neurosises, their systematics, questions of a pathomorphism at the present stage. A clinical
picture. Treatment.
66. Psychosises of late age. Neurosis tardas. Laws of clinic and current. Clinical examples. Tactics of
the doctor.
67. Psychogenic diseases, the reasons and conditions of their occurrence.
68. Reactive conditions. Clinic of reactive psychosises, conditions of their formation, the forecast.
Questions of labour, military and judicial - psychiatric examination.
69. the Hysterical neurosis. (Conversion frustration).
70. AIDS. Mentality of patients with AIDS, alienations at AIDS. Tactics of the doctor.
71. Psychosomatic frustration. The maintenance of concept. The reasons and mechanisms of
72. Concept of psychiatry of accidents, types of alienations, tactics of the doctor.
73. Treatment of neurosises. A role of a psychotherapy, a psychopharmacotherapy.
74. Principles of diagnostics and treatment of psychosomatic frustration. A clinical picture, stages of
75. the Thebaic narcomania. Tactics of the doctor.
76. the Cyclotymia. A clinical picture, treatment. The psychotropic preparations used for prophylaxis
of affective phases.
77. Oligophrenias. The maintenance of concept, an epidemiology, clinic, a systematics, tactics of the
78. the Alcoholism and a heredity.
79. Treatment of an epilepsy.
80. Illnesses of dependence, classification, laws of development, outcomes.
81. Day time hospitals, medical - labour workshops, their frame and problems.
82. Principles of the organization of the psychiatric help in a countryside.
83. Outside of the hospital psychiatric help. A psychoneurological clinic, his frame and problems.
84. the Insane hospital. Psychiatric branches at hospitals of the general structure.
85. Organizational principles of domestic psychiatry.
86. Treatment of an alcoholism.
87. Neuroleptics, their use in psychiatric and therapeutic practice.
88. Tranquilizers. Their use in psychiatric and therapeutic practice.
89. the Psychotherapy. The maintenance of concept. Value of a psychotherapy at various diseases.
Kinds of a psychotherapy.
90. Nootropy. Their use in psychiatric and therapeutic practice.
91. By-effects and the complications caused by application of psychotropic agents. Tactics of the
doctor and action on elimination.
92. Antidepressants, their use in psychiatric and therapeutic practice.
93. Concept about a psychoanalysis.
94. Value of medicamental treatment at an alcoholism.
95. Frustration of the person. The general concept. Classification. Questions of social adaptation and
an aftertreatment at psychopathies. Labour, military and judicial - psychiatric examination at
96. Methods of paraclinic research of patients in psychiatry, their value. Clinical examples.
97. the Family psychotherapy.
98. Treatment and an aftertreatment of patients with a schizophrenia. Questions of labour, military
and judicial - psychiatric examination at a schizophrenia.
99. Treatment of vascular diseases of the brain proceeding with mental infringements.
the Hypnotherapy and autogennaja training.
the Purposes and problems of labour, military and judicial - psychiatric examination at
mental diseases.
Questions of the organization of the narcological help at the present stage.
Psychopathies. Definition of concept on P.B.Gannushkinu. Clinical dynamics. Principles
of correction.
Nikotinomanija, a clinical picture. Treatment.
Hysterical paroxysms: a clinical picture, types, differential diagnostics, tactics of the
Indications and the order of not voluntary hospitalization in an insane hospital.
the Basic kinds, technics and modern principles of a psychotherapy.
the Organization of treatment and an aftertreatment of narcomaniacs and glue sniffers.
Neuroleptics - retardy.
Small neuroleptics.
Atypical neuroleptics.
Concept about the international classification of illnesses - МКБ-10.
Principles of treatment of alienations at somatopathies.
Veneering of the documentation on the patient with alienations.
Somatoformnye frustration: classification, clinic, the basic approaches to therapy.
Principles of treatment of an epilepsy.
Panic attacks. The differential diagnosis. Tactics of the doctor.
Posttraumatic stressful frustration; clinical displays, principles of treatment.
Frustration of the person with prevalence shizoidnyh fig. Clinic, variants. Main principles
of correction.
Frustration of the person with prevalence isteroidnyh fig. Clinic, variants. Main principles
of correction.
Frustration of the person with prevalence of psychasthenic fig. Clinic, variants. Main
principles of correction.
Antidepressants of group SIOZS.
Antikonvulsanty. The basic indications, principles of purpose.