Version: 3/2015 Saint Louis University Institutional Review Board (IRB) GUIDELINES FOR STUDIES INVOLVING NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING SUBJECTS A. Introduction When investigators enroll non-English speaking (or limited English proficiency) subjects, and materials are being distributed to those subjects in their native language (non-English), the IRB requires that both an English version and the non-English versions of materials be submitted to the IRB for review. Materials may include, but are not limited to: Questionnaires Recruitment Materials (Flyers, Newspaper Ads, Brochures, etc.) Consent Documents Federal regulations1 require that informed consent information be presented “in a language that is understandable to the subject.” The consent process involves all communication with the subject about their participation in a research study. Communication with subjects should be conducted by a translator (who agrees to serve in this capacity) or a member of the research team who is fluent in both English and the non-English language native to the subject. B. Submission to the IRB 1. How and when to submit translated materials to the IRB Study materials translated into the non-English language of the subject(s) must be submitted to the IRB. In most cases, it is in the best interest of the investigator to submit these materials after the English version receives IRB approval. The protocol should note that non-English study materials will be translated from IRB approved English versions of study materials. Please note that if the IRB requests modifications to the original submissions, the translated materials may also be affected (i.e., it will be necessary to verify that the changes have been made in the translated materials). If a non-English speaking subject population is being added, or the materials are submitted after the English versions are approved, materials must be submitted with an Amendment in eIRB. The submission to the IRB must specify who will be available to offer verbal translations to the non-English speaking subjects at the time of consent to participate in the study and any study visits. For further explanation see section C below. 1 DHHS 45CFR46.116-117 and FDA 21CFR50.20 1 Version: 3/2015 2. To obtain IRB approval of non-English consent forms and study materials a. All English study materials (those distributed to subjects) must be translated to non-English language of the subject population. b. The materials must be translated by a certified or qualified translator (i.e. a person native to the language of the subject, spoken non-English language for X years, or teaches the language, etc.). The qualifications and contact information of the translator should be included in the consent section of the eIRB application. NOTE: If a professional (paid service) is used for original translation of materials, step c (the verification process) may be waived. Please attach a copy of the documentation from the paid service to confirm the translation. c. The non-English study materials must be reviewed and verified by a second person (the verifier) prior to IRB submission if not originally translated by a professional or paid service. The verifier can not be the same person who provided original translation. The verifier should check for consistency between both non-English and English versions of study materials. The verifier does not have to do a “word for word” back translation. The verifier must complete and sign the verification form (see sample in Appendix 1). The translated documents must be approved by the IRB before they are used for the study. NOTE: If the research team cannot identify a verifier, the IRB may be able to identify a service or individual who may provide this service. See section D below, Local Resources. 3. Modification to study materials after the study has received initial IRB approval If modifications are needed to study materials being distributed to non-English speaking subjects (e.g. consent form), an Amendment in eIRB must be submitted to the IRB along with the revised copy of both English and NonEnglish versions of the document. Only the changes to the materials need to be verified by a translator, and the verification form along with revised study materials should be completed and submitted to the IRB. C. Obtaining and Documenting the Consent Process The IRB also requires that an individual fluent in the subject’s non-English language be available to verbally translate during study activities. This individual may or may not be a part of the research team. The application to the IRB must explain who will be available to interpret if a non-English speaking subject is 2 Version: 3/2015 involved in study activities (see examples below). A detailed explanation should be provided on the consent tab of the application and other sections where appropriate. These activities may include, but are not limited to: Obtaining and documenting consent Answering questions about the study Follow-up interactions with the subjects Re-consenting of subjects if necessary When obtaining informed consent from a non-English speaking subject, there are two options for documenting the informed consent. 1. IRB Approved Translated Consent Form - If non-English speaking subjects are expected to be involved in research activities, then a full translated consent form should be used. The process for IRB approval of translated study materials is explained in section B above. 2. Short Form with a Written Summary- If a non-English subject is encountered and qualifies to be enrolled in the study, and the investigator does not have ample time to have a translation of the full consent form completed, a short form may be used. A short form2 is permitted for use with a written summary that meets the required elements of the informed consent*or an oral translation of the full consent form. The short form states that the required elements of informed consent have been presented orally (See English Short Form Version). The short form must be written in the native language of the subject. A witness to the oral presentation is required. The witness must be fluent in both English and the language of the subject. The IRB shall approve a written summary of what is to be said to the subject or the representative. *Note: the IRB approved English version of the consent document may serve as the summary. At the time of obtaining informed consent using a short form, a. The short form document should be signed by the subject (or the subject’s legally authorized representative). b. The summary (e.g. the English consent document) should be signed by the person obtaining consent as authorized under the IRB approved protocol. 2 OHRP requirements –; FDA requirements - 3 Version: 3/2015 c. When the person obtaining consent is assisted by a translator, the translator may serve as the witness. d. The witness shall sign both the short form and the summary (e.g. the English consent document). e. The subject must be signed given copies of the short form document and the written summary of what was presented orally. 3. The IRB has several translated short form consents available here. D. Local Resources: Translation and Interpreter Services Below is a list of service providers located in the St. Louis area. This is not an exhaustive list, and some may be out of date. The IRB is not responsible for the quality of these services. Preferred Vendor – Interpreter Services International Language Center* 1416 S. Big Bend Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63117 * Vendor has 2015 agreement in place with SLU to provide interpreter services. SLU IRB has a copy of the services agreement on file. Other local vendors Language Solutions Inc 699 West Woodbine Ave. St. Louis, MO 63122 International Institute St. Louis The Language Access Metro Project (LAMP) If you are unsuccessful locating a translation service, the IRB may be able to assist you with locating a translator. Some SLU affiliates may be able to do translation verifications. Please contact the IRB if you need a referral. The IRB cannot guarantee that these individuals will be available. 4 Version: 3/2015 APPENDIX 1 Verification Form- Cut and paste the following template on your department letterhead. This form should be completed by the verifier and attached with submission to the IRB. SAMPLE VERIFICATION OF TRANSLATED MATERIALS DATE: __________________________ IRB#: ___ ___________________ TO: _____[verifier]______________ PI: _______________________ __________________________ FROM: [PI or study personnel] __________________________ Dear Foreign Language Reviewer: Enclosed are copies of materials in both English and [name language]. The Saint Louis University Institutional Review Board (IRB), the Board that is responsible for protecting the welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in research, requires review of these materials to verify that the foreign language corresponds with the English wording. If you have comments or suggestions for changes to the translated materials, please note them on the attached materials. If you have any questions, please contact the Principal Investigator of this study at [enter PI’s phone number and email] If you have any questions for the IRB, please call the IRB office at 314-977-7744 or email Thank you for your assistance! Please respond within 1 week from the date above. If you need additional time, please contact our office. I have reviewed the enclosed materials and (please check one of the following): ______ I believe the materials presented in the foreign language correspond with the English version. ______ I have comments or suggestions for changes to the translated materials. See attached. ________________________________ Signature of reviewer (verifier) _______________ Date 5