OHSP Attachment #3: CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL INFORMATION SIGNIFICANT BIOLOGICAL AGENT OR ANIMAL CONTACT HEALTH SURVEILLANCE QUESTIONNAIRE Revision 12.12.2014 Grinnell College Student Health and Counseling Services Date: ________________ P-Card #: _________________ Name: ________________________________________ Birthday: _________________ Email: ___________________________ Principal Investigator/Supervisor: _______________________________________________ Status: Animal Handler Investigator Research Technician Other: ___________________________ What species of animals or types of biological agents will you be handling? Allergy/Medical History Please list any medications that you are currently taking: Are you allergic to any medications? __________ If yes, please list allergies and type of reaction: Do you have any allergies to any of the following (Check all that apply)? Dog Guinea Pig Cat Latex Bird (feathers) Trees Rabbit Grasses Rat or mice Alfalfa Other Allergies ______________________________ 1 Do you currently deal with any of the following medical conditions (Check all that apply)? Chronic cough Hay fever Recurrent Bronchitis Rheumatic Fever Diabetes Cancer Seizures Asthma Itchy, irritated eyes Skin rash Pneumonia Tuberculosis Heart Disease Heart murmur & Valve Disease Kidney Disease Liver Disease Loss of Consciousness Gastrointestinal Disorder Arthritis Chronic Back or Joint Pain Do you deal with any other type of chronic medical condition? If yes, explain. Have you been told by a physician that you have an immune compromising medical condition or are you taking medications that impair your immune system (steroids, immunosuppressive drugs, or chemotherapy)?________ If yes, explain Women Only: Are you pregnant, or planning to be pregnant in the next year? Yes, No If so, do you work with infectious agents or cats? Yes, No Immunizations Date of last tetanus booster: _______________ (If not within the last 5 years, SHACS will revaccinate you) Please call and make an appointment to see one of the nursing staff at SHACS #641-2693230. They will then help you complete the process and provide documentation that you are cleared to participate in your animal handling/research. You are not cleared to participate until this last step has been taken. 2