print references in computer ethics

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Print References in Computer Ethics
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
Books: Ethics and Technology Herman Tavani Wiley
Readings in Cyberethics, Spinello and Tavani., 2nd edition Jones and Bartlett, 2004.
Codes of Conduct and Practice
Huff C and Finholt T eds (1994). Social Issues in
Computing. McGraw Hill.
Association of Computing Machinery (1992). ACM Code
of Ethics and Professional Conduct in Kling R ed.,
Computerisation and Controversy. Academic Press
1995 (for draft new code see:
Anderson R et al (1993). Using the New ACM Code of
Ethics in Decision Making. CACM, 36, 1, Feb 1993.
Anderson R (1994). The ACM Code of Ethics: History,
Process and Implications. in Huff C and Finholt T
eds, Social Issues in Computing. McGraw Hill.
Gotterbarn D, Miller K, Rogerson S (1997). Software
Engineering Code of Ethics, in CACM, Vol 40 No
11: 110-118.
Martin C and Martin D (1990). Professional Codes of
Conduct and Computer Ethics Education.
Computers and Society, Vol 20, No 1, June 1990.
Bott F et al (1995). Professional issues in Software
Engineering. 2nd ed. UCL Press.
Myers C ed (1995). Professional Awareness in Software
Engineering. McGraw-Hill.
Shapiro S (1994). Boundaries and Quandries:
Establishing a Professional Context for IT.
Information Technologies & People, 1: 48-68.
British Computer Society (1992). BCS Code of Conduct,
BCS Code of Practice (see BCS web pages,
Engineering Council (1992). Code of Professional
Practice: Engineers and risk issues (see also IEE,
IEEE, ACM, etc).
Kling R ed (1995). Computerisation and
Controversy. Academic Press.
Bynum Y (1996). Computer Ethics. NCC Blackwell.
Ethics Center for Engineering and science, Case
Western Reserve University
Forester T and Morrison P (1995). Computer Ethics:
Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in
Computing. 2nd ed. MIT Press.
Gotterbarn D, ed., (1992). Special Issue on Computer
Ethics, The Journal of Systems and Software. Vol
17 No 1 Jan 1992.
Johnson D (2001). Computer Ethics 3rd ed. Prentice
Kallman E and Grillo J (1996). Ethical Decision making
and Information Technology: An Introduction and
Cases 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill.
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Langford D (1995). Practical Computer Ethics. McGrawHill.
Laudon K C (1995). Ethical concepts and information
technology, CACM, Vol 38 No 12: 33-39.
Myers C et al (1997). The Responsible Software
Engineer: Selected Readings in IT Professionalism,
Oz E (1994). Ethics for the Information Age. Wm C
Brown Communications.
Parker D et al (1990). Ethical Conflicts in Information
and Computer Science, Technology and Business.
QED Information Sciences.
Oz E (1994). When Professional Standards are lax: The
Confirm failure and its lessons. CACM, 37(10): 2936.
Page D, Williams P, Boyd D (1993). Report of the Public
Inquiry into the London Ambulance Service. South
West Thames RHA.
Sauer C (1993). Why Information Systems Fail: A Case
Study Approach. Alfred Waller. Henley-on-Thames.
Safe systems
Bennett P ed (1993). Safety aspects of computer
control. Butterworth-Heineman.
Rogerson S, ed., (1997). Focus: Information Ethics,
special edition of Business Ethics: A European
Review, Vol 6, No 2, 1997.
Fox J (1993). Decision-support systems as safetycritical components: towards a safety culture for
medical informatics. Method s of Information in
Medicine 1993, 32: 345-8.
Legal Issues
Geake E (1992). Did ambulance chiefs specify safety
software? New Scientist, 136 (7): 5, 1992.
Bainbridge D (1996). Introduction to Computer Law 3rd
ed. Pitman Publishing.
Bainbridge D (1994). Intellectual Property 2nd ed.,
Pitman Publishing.
Institution of Electrical Engineers (1992). Safety related
systems - professional brief.
Joyce E (1987). Software bugs: a matter of life and
liability. Datamation May 5, 1987, 33, 88-92.
Bainbridge D (1997). Software Copyright Law 3rd ed.
Leveson N G (1995). Safeware: System Safety and
Computers. Addison Wesley.
Burnett R (1996). IT Business Management and the
Law. NCC Blackwell.
Coleman A (1994). Intellectual Property Law. Longman.
Leveson N (1986). Software safety: why, what & how.
Computing Surveys, 18(2), 125-53.
Redmill and Anderson eds (1993). Directions in safetycritical systems. Springer-Verlag.
Elbra T (1990). A Practical Guide to the Computer
Misuse Act 1990, NCC Blackwell.
Morgan R and Steadman G (1991). Computer Contracts
4th ed. Longman.
VDUs: an easy guide to the Regulations. HSE Books.
Misuse, Security and Privacy
Reed C (1993). Computer Law 2nd ed. Blackstone
Saxby S ed. Encyclopaedia of Information Technology
Law 2nd ed. Sweet and Marshall.
Cheswick W and Bellovin S (1994). Firewalls and
Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker.
Addison Wesley.
Data Protection Registrar. Annual reports. HMSO.
Tapper C. Computer Law 4th ed. Longman.
Davies D and Price W (1987). Security for Computer
Networks. Wiley.
Brooks F (1987). No silver bullet: Essence and
Accidents of Software Engineering, IEEE Computer,
April, 10-19.
Lyttinen K and Wall A (1992). Information System
Failures: a survey and classification of the empirical
literature. Oxford Surveys in Information
Technology Vol. 4: 257-309.
Elbra T (1990). A Practical Guide to the Computer
Misuse Act 1990. NCC Blackwell.
Encyclopaedia of Data Protection. Sweet and Maxwell
Garfinkel S (1995). PGP: Pretty Good Privacy. O'Reilly
& Associates.
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Humphreys E (1996). Security and the Internet. NCC
Humphreys E (1996). Handbook of Information Systems
Security. NCC Blackwell.
Levy S (1994). Hackers. Penguin.
Stoll C (1990). The Cuckoo's Egg. Pan.
Equal Opportunities
Bradshaw D (1991). Opportunity is knocking. Financial
Times 16th August 1991.
Hakim C (1993). The myth of rising female employment.
Work, Employment and Society 7(1).
Kriefe J, Cronon T (1998). How men and women view
ethics, CACM, Vol 41 No 9: 70-76.
Lovegrove G (1995). Women in Computing in Myers C
ed (1995) Professional Awareness in Software
Engineering. McGraw-Hill.
Miller P (1987). The wage effect of the occupational
segregation of women in Britain. Economic Journal
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