68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 CALENDER OF NEXT SLBC MEETINGS DURING THE CALENDER YEAR 2012 Sr. No. 1. Quarter Ended September 2012 Date of Meeting 14/11/2012 ****** 1 Cut Off Date for Receipt of Data at SLBC Department 15/10/2012 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 KEY INDICATORS (Rs. in crore) S.NO. ITEMS 1. DEPOSITS 546054.85 590312.08 582344.59 2. A) ADVANCES 482937.99 555821.08 542710.53 605.36 2798.70 602.71 88.44 88.55 94.16 94.63 93.19 93.30 63572.47 65623.35 64136.44 13.16 11.81 11.82 13162.35 13415.70 12213.45 2.73 2.41 2.25 31398.54 33428.63 32996.34 49.39 50.94 51.45 6.50 6.01 6.08 3775.24 3738.30 3803.68 5.94 5.70 5.93 13.20 16.64 16.75 0.002 0.003 0.003 7847.88 7259.50 8297.20 12.34 11.06 12.94 3620.28 4261.25 4441.16 5.69 6.49 6.92 107 116 120 75 47 42 METROPOLITAN 2187 2381 2390 TOTAL BRANCHES 2369 2544 2552 JUNE 2011 B) INVESTMENTS 3. A) CD RATIO B) C+I:D RATIO 4. PRIORITY SECTOR ADVANCES (PSA) 5. % PSA TO TOTAL ADVANCES 6. AGRI. ADVANCES 7. % AGRI.ADVS. TO TOTAL ADVS. 8. MICRO & SMALL ENTERPRISES 9. %AGE OF MSE ADVS. TO PSA ADVANCES (MSE) %AGE OF MSE ADVS. TO TOTAL ADVS. 10. ADVANCES TO WEAKER SECTION 11. % WEAKER SECTION ADVS. TO TOTAL PSA 12. 13. DRI PSA ADVANCES % DRI ADVANCES TO TOTAL ADVANCES 14. ADVANCES TO WOMEN 15. %WOMEN ADVANCES TO PSA 16. ADVANCES TO MINORITIES 17. % MINORITIES ADVANCES IN PSA 18. BRANCH NET WORK RURAL SEMI URBAN 2 MARCH 2012 JUNE 2012 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 1 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE 67th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 2012 HELD ON 14TH MAY 2012 MINUTES OF THE MEETING The 67th SLBC Meeting of Delhi State, for the quarter ended March 2012, was held on 14th May, 2012 at Hotel 'Le-Meridian', New Delhi. The meeting was chaired by Shri S. C. Sinha, Executive Director, Oriental Bank of Commerce and attended by the representatives of Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Reserve Bank of India, NABARD, NHB and member banks as per the list placed at Annexure-1. Smt. Vidyavati Rudra, General Manager, Oriental Bank of Commerce welcomed Shri S.C. Sinha, Executive Director, OBC, Shri Chandan Sinha, Regional Director, RBI, Dr. Tarsem Chand, Director, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India, Ms. Sonali Sen Gupta, General Manager, RBI, Shri R.K. Ahuja, Dy. Secretary(Finance), Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Ms. Joan R. Blah, AGM, NABARD and other officials from various departments and member banks. Smt. Rudra informed the House that she has recently joined New Delhi Regional Office of OBC as Regional Head and after transfer of Sh. Atul Gautam, she has taken over as SLBC Convenor. Smt. Rudra stated that CD ratio of the State has gone up to 93.41%, witnessing an increase by 626 bps over March, 2011 with a growth in both deposits and advances. CD Ratio of Delhi Rural has increased from 71.51% as on March, 2011 to 126.60% as on March, 2012. The Priority Sector Advances have increased by Rs. 2350 crores during this period. However, their percentage to Total Advances has decreased from 14.49% as on March, 2011 to 12.61% as on March, 2012. During 2011-12, advances under MSE Sector have increased by Rs. 7397 crores and advances under MSME Sector have increased by Rs. 10657 crores. As regards Financial Inclusion Plan 107 villages out of allotted 110 villages have been covered as on 31st March, 2012. Smt. Rudra concluded her address by requesting Shri S.C. Sinha, Executive Director, Oriental Bank of Commerce to preside over the Meeting and deliver Key Note Address. ADDRESS BY SH. S.C. SINHA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OBC Shri S.C. Sinha welcomed Shri Chandan Sinha, Regional Director, RBI, Dr. Tarsem Chand, Director, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, officials of the State Govt., RBI, NABARD, fellow bankers and all present and stated that this is the second meeting after OBC took over the responsibility as a convener bank of SLBC, Delhi. Shri Sinha 3 conveyed sincere thanks on behalf of SLBC forum for the contributions made by Shri Nagesh Pydah, Ex-Chairman, OBC for successfully holding 66th SLBC meeting of Delhi State. He conveyed special thanks to all the member banks for supplying required data in time and requested them to ensure timely submission of correct data in future also. Shri Sinha introduced Shri B. N. Jha, DGM, Oriental Bank of Commerce and informed the House that Shri Jha has recently joined SLBC Cell in Delhi. Shri Sinha stated that this meeting is being held in the back drop of reduction of 50 basis points in the Repo Rate by Reserve Bank of India in Monetary Policy on 17 th April, 2012 in order to revive economic growth. Home sales, on a declining path for many quarters in key markets such as the National Capital Region (NCR) and Mumbai, are expected to get a boost after the Central Bank’s cut of Repo Rates by 50 basis points. The Governor, RBI has projected aggregate deposits of Schedule Commercial Banks to grow by 16% and non- food credit of Schedule Commercial Banks to grow by 17% during 2012-13. Shri Sinha informed the House that the number of bank branches in Delhi has increased to 2544 as on 31.03.12 from 2473 as on 31.12.2011. The total business of the banks has increased to Rs.11,38,683 crores from Rs. 10,43,437 crores during the same period indicating an increase of 9.13% on quarter to quarter basis whereas year to year growth in business is 14.68%. CD ratio of the State has gone up to 93.41%. However, the lending to Priority Sector has lagged and is only 12.61% of Total Advances against the norm of 40%, Shri Sinha urged all the banks to take pro-active steps to augment lending under the segments of national importance. Shri Sinha stated that Delhi has various industrial clusters predominantly for Micro, Small & Medium industries which are source of livelihood for a large number of populace. There is an urgent need to extend financial help to micro enterprises, particularly in service sector which provide good potential for Priority Sector Lending. Other areas which provide ample opportunity for Priority Sector Lending are housing loans to eligible customers and education loans to students. Shri Sinha requested that all the banks should make use of the available opportunities and ensure that Priority Sector Advances show remarkable increase. Shri Sinha mentioned that there are a number of self-employed persons engaged in unorganised sector who are located in close proximity of the branches of the banks. Shri Sinha called upon to ensure that all such persons are provided financial services adequately. Shri Sinha stated that there are a large number of migrant labourers who are in need of savings accounts and cost effective remittance services. He appealed to all the banks to voluntarily adopt clusters of such labourers for financial inclusion to provide formal remittance structure. Shri Sinha stated that budget under ACP should be achieved each quarter to ensure sustained economic growth in the State. Mentioning that there was low achievement of 65.13 % under ACP 2011-12, he stated that it requires renewed efforts on the part of all of us to expedite credit dispensation as per the Credit Plan for 2012-13. He requested all the banks to make efforts to achieve targets . 4 Shri Sinha expressed pleasure that out of 110 villages identified for coverage under financial inclusion plan, 109 have been provided banking services as on date. He further advised IDBI Bank to ensure that the lone left village, Nithari, is provided banking services immediately so that coverage is 100 per cent in Delhi. He further stated that BCAs should be equipped to carry out all functions, including offering micro insurance and asset insurance so as to use them as Business Facilitators. Shri Sinha expressed confidence that all the banks are following guidelines of Government of India on setting up of Ultra Small Branches and an officer from the base branch is visiting the allotted village on a predetermined time and day in true spirit. Shri Sinha informed the House that Hon'ble Finance Minister in his budget speech announced extending "Swabhiman" campaign to habitations with population of more than 1000 in North Eastern & hilly States and to other habitations which have crossed population of 2000 as per census 2011. These villages are to be provided Banking Services in 2012-13. He requested the Lead Bank to hasten the process of identifying and allot such villages at the earliest among member banks and urged banks to initiate immediate actions to cover additional villages which have crossed population of 2000 as above so that banking services can be extended in these villages well before stipulated time line. Shri Sinha further informed the House that Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance in coordination with National Informatics Centre has developed a web based software to capture information like number of bank branches, ATMs, Business Correspondents, Clearing Houses, Currency Chests etc. in the State, District, Sub District, Village/Town. The information is being captured to make a comprehensive information pool of Bank Details accessible through GIS to enable decision makers in planning for expansion of e-infrastructure of the banks by highlighting the pockets of the hinterland which are yet to have access to these facilities. The responsibility of entering the information has been laid upon Lead Bank. He requested all the member banks to provide required information on urgent basis. Shri Sinha observed that public awareness camps on banking services go a long way in educating masses and bringing about financial inclusion and requested all the banks to launch such awareness camps in every village/wards/ labour camps. He also requested FLCCs operating in Delhi area to make use of their offices and spread financial literacy among rural and urban masses on a campaign basis. Noticing that implementation of PMEGP and SJSRY Schemes is beset with two hurdles, high rejection rate and high pendency of applications, Shri Sinha requested that 144 applications under PMEGP and 151 under SJSRY pending with banks since previous fiscal be disposed of immediately. Shri Sinha opined that special categories of borrowers like women, minority communities, SCs/STs, weaker sections and physically challenged persons deserve preferential treatment. Stating that there is a big gap in mandated share of lending to each of these categories, he requested to adopt mission mode to finance such beneficiaries in order to ensure that these special/disadvantaged group of customers receive their mandated share in total credit. 5 Shri Sinha informed the House that a Scheme for relief, revival and rehabilitation of Handloom Sector has been implemented by the Govt. He requested all the banks to identify the eligible beneficiaries under the Scheme and extend the package of relief as per guidelines and provide further finance to the beneficiaries. Shri Sinha mentioned that DFS has taken initiative to promote e-payment in 32 Govt. Schemes. He requested both, banks and the State Govt, to switch over to e-payment for distribution of benefits under various social benefit Schemes as it brings transparency and benefits exchequer as well as target groups. He also requested banks to create awareness among masses for e-remittances like NEFT/RTGS. He further brought to the notice of the State Govt. representative that a draft Recovery Act for Delhi was submitted by SLBC forum in August 2010 which awaits its promulgation. He requested for expediting the matter. Shri Sinha concluded his speech by thanking all for sparing their valuable time and for being present in the meeting to deliberate on various issues. He acknowledged contribution made by all the banks towards economic growth of the State. ADDRESS BY DR. TARSEM CHAND, DIRECTOR, DFS, MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GOVT. OF INDIA Dr. Tarsem initiated his address by wishing all and thanking Shri S.C. Sinha for his opening remarks and for presenting overview of position of banking in Delhi. Dr. Tarsem stated that SLBC is a unique mechanism where Bankers, RBI, State Govt., Union Govt., NABARD and other agencies come together to resolve various banking issues, deliberate on the future agenda, in order to know the pitfalls and remove the difficulties encountered in the business. He informed the House that in order to review the implementation of Government’s Financial Inclusion Plan, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance alongwith Oriental Bank of Commerce conducted two special SLBC meetings in the State in the office of Oriental Bank of Commerce, which was attended by all SLBC member Banks and message for achievement of various targets as per the timeline was given in the meetings. Dr. Tarsem further informed that a proforma was devised and circulated among all the banks by the Government of India which required furnishing of information like total number of villages under FIP which were to be covered. He praised the banks for covering 109 out of 110 allotted villages. Dr. Chand stated that it must be ensured that Bank Officers have been earmarked for visiting the designated places and officers have started visiting the villages as per the defined schedule. Dr. Chand touched upon the issue of Electronic Fund Transfer and stated that EBT implementation is an important issue and the Government has already decided that 32 Schemes are to be covered through EBT. He further informed the House that Oriental Bank of Commerce has written to Govt. of NCT of Delhi regarding implementation of EBT on 3rd March, 2012 and requested the representative from Govt. of NCT of Delhi to inform the House about status of the same. 6 Dr. Tarsem observed that Private Banks have shown zero percent performance in ACP and requested that they should explain the reason for same. There is a sharp decline of 10% in percentage of Agriculture Advances to Priority Sector Advances. Dr. Chand concluded his speech by advising that clear cut timelines should be decided for implementation of Schemes like EBT and the same should be informed to SLBC and Government of India in order to get positive and timely result. ADDRESS BY SH. CHANDAN SINHA, REGIONAL DIRECTOR, RBI Shri Sinha started his speech by wishing Shri S.C. Sinha, Executive Director, OBC Dr. Tarsem Chand, Director, DFS, Ministry of Finance, Govt. officials, fellow bankers and other functionaries. Shri Sinha expressed happiness on starting on a positive note that data from all the member banks have been received in time and no repetition of data has been made. He hoped that it will continue in future also. He stressed upon the importance of system based extraction of data and stated that it will not only help in monitoring the performance by SLBC but also in the area like sick units. He further stated that the movement to system based identification will result in automatic and painless generation of data of better quality and integrity. Shri Sinha hoped that EBT implementation in Delhi will not be a challenge considering the wide banking coverage available here. Shri Sinha expressed concern on performance under ACP and stated that the targets for the current financial year are less as compared to previous financial year. Shri Sinha stated that as the landscape changes we have to redraw our strategies. He said that there is ample scope for advances to MSE sector in Delhi. He further noted that two FLCCs are performing in Delhi and there is commitment from Union Bank of India and SBI for opening of new FLCCs. He suggested that OBC being a SLBC convenor Bank and a dominant bank in Delhi should also consider opening one FLCC. Shri Sinha stated that performance in Priority Sector is low in the State and it is difficult to understand how a large banking system in the State fails to achieve the target. Reviewing the performance of KCC, Shri Sinha desired that NABARD should provide some sort of input regarding total potential of KCC . This will help in setting targets and then progressively we could break it down to yearly targets and achieve it in a year or two. He hoped that NABARD is having data on the number of farmers who are engaged in agricultural activities in Delhi. Shri Sinha further stated that now there will be one more area where SLBC will have new responsibility and that is with regards to counterfeit notes. For counterfeit notes there are other committees especially the State level security committee which actually reviews the position. The procedure of filling FIR has already been rationalized and 7 nodal police station has been identified for around 30 banks. Smaller banks are also being covered in current year. He expressed deep concern on high detection and seizure of fake currency notes in Delhi after Maharashtra notwithstanding the fact that it is not a border State. Shri Sinha expressed concern on the fact that detection and reporting of fake notes seem to happen in only few banks which means that other banks are not impounding the fake notes on detection and it is not being reported. He re-iterated that machines should be installed in the branches and all notes which are received should be got processed through it so that suspected notes are found separately. He stated categorically that the forged note can not go back to the system and its impounding by the branch and reporting the same to RBI is mandatory. Shri Sinha further stated that banks should also ensure that only sorted notes are fed in the ATMs. Shri Sinha concluded his speech with this. MS. SONALI SEN GUPTA, GM, RBI Ms. Sonali Sen Gupta informed the House that during the DCC meeting held on 7 th. May, 2012, ACP targets for the year have been decided in consultation with the banks. She expressed hope that since the targets have been accepted by the banks, the achievement under ACP would be better during the current financial year. She further stated that since almost villages have been covered under FIP, banks should concentrate on increasing number of No-Frills accounts and offering other banking services to these villages. Ms. Sonali further informed that banks are required to submit the region wise Financial Inclusion data, which has been received from only three banks. She requested remaining banks to respond to the issue within next 15 days. She advised the banks to inform RBI about all the awareness drives that are being undertaken by them. Ms. Sonali Sen Gupta appreciated the efforts of Oriental Bank of Commerce for timely collection and compilation of data and its quality. She requested all banks to proactively provide the data in time. Ms. Gupta concluded her speech with this. MS. JOAN R. BLAH , AGM, NABARD Ms. Blah informed the House that during a recent study by NABARD it has been observed that agriculture is being done at good scale in Alipur and Najafgarh blocks of Delhi but farmers are not aware of KCC and there is problem in land records. She suggested that SLBC should request the Govt. of NCT of Delhi for computerization of land records. Ms. Blah further requested all the banks to inform SLBC about formation of JLGs by them. Ms Blah informed the House that Govt. of India has set Dec, 2012 as deadline for completion of all the works related to revival of Handloom sector. 8 Ms Blah apprised the House of Integrated Handloom Development Scheme and informed that communication regarding the same has been sent to all the banks. SH. R K AHUJA, DY. SECRETARY, GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI Sh Ahuja wished all present and informed the House that during a meeting of Govt. officials of NCT of Delhi held on 01st March,2012, it was decided that till the time decision is taken on proposed Recovery of Monies Bill Act, the present Recovery of Monies Bill Act may be used by the banks for recovery of their advances and the difficulties faced may be informed to Revenue Department of Govt. of NCT of Delhi, which shall provide all possible assistance. He further stated that the thinking on the proposed Recovery of Monies Bill Act is going on. As regard automation of State Treasuries Sh. Ahuja stated that the Govt. of NCT of Delhi is already having all electronic facilities, its offices are electronically linked and they are working on Integrated Accounting Management Plan which will be completed within six months period and it will further make more interface with the banks. Speaking on Electronic Benefit Transfer Scheme, Sh. Ahuja informed the House that all disbursements of Govt. of NCT of Delhi are being done through banks and they are using smart cards and no money is being given in cash. He further informed that every department of NCT of Delhi has a specific Scheme to cater to the need of the respective category. So he proposed a meeting between different departments of Govt. of Delhi and banks for finalization of modalities of One District-One Leader Bank- Many Banks approach. SH. B. N. JHA, DGM, ORIENTAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Shri Jha welcomed all present and informed the House that he has recently joined SLBC Cell of OBC. He informed that data from all the banks has been received and there is no repetition of data in the Agenda Book. He congratulated all member banks for the same and requested that data is to be provided accurately and within time limit. He requested all the Controlling Heads present in the meeting to ensure the same in future also. Shri Jha reviewed the performance of SLBC Member Banks for the quarter ended March 2012 and covered the following points: AGENDA WISE DISCUSSION CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF 66TH SLBC MEETING. Sh. Jha stated that the minutes of 66th SLBC meeting were already sent to all concerned. Since no suggestions were received, the minutes are taken as confirmed. 9 ACTION POINTS OF 66TH SLBC MEETING. Sh. Jha informed the House Action Points that emerged in 66 th Meeting and Action Taken on the same. He informed that House that the matter of Enactment of Public Monies Recovery Act is still pending. He requested Govt. of NCT of Delhi to expedite the same. All SLBC Member Banks were requested to increase Priority Sector Lending and IDBI Bank was requested to cover the only remaining village “Nithari” under FIP immediately. C D RATIO: (BENCH MARK 60%) Sh. Jha informed the House that CD Ratio of all banks taken together has increased from 87% as on 31/03/2011 to 93% as on 31/03/2012. CD Ratio of Delhi Rural has increased from 72% to 127% during the same period. Shri Jha requested all the banks to further improve the same. FINANCIAL INCLUSION (FI) Sh. Jha informed that: 110 villages were to be covered in Delhi State under FIP by 31/03/2012. 107 villages were covered by concerned banks up to 31/03/2012. 2 villages have been covered by DSCB in April, 2012. Only one village is now left for coverage under FIP. IDBI Bank assured to cover the village by June, 2012. Ultra Small Branches As per Government guidelines Ultra Small Branches are to be opened in all villages which are covered by BCAs and where opening of regular brick and mortar branch is not feasible presently. Shri Jha requested all the member banks to open Ultra Small Branches at the earliest. Visits to Allotted Villages Shri Jha requested all the banks to inform SLBC the name and designation of the officials designated for visiting the allotted villages alongwith day and time specified for the visits. Geographical Information System Shri Jha requested all the banks to send the information as desired by the Lead District Manager immediately and LDM to expedite the work. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Scheme Shri Jha requested Delhi Govt. to designate some officials for implementation of the Scheme and inform contact details of such officials to SLBC Convenor. ACHIEVEMENT UNDER ANNUAL CREDIT PLAN DURING 2011-12 Shri Jha informed the House that only 65.13% of overall ACP targets have been achieved and stated that the ACP targets for the financial year 2012-13 have been fixed keeping in view the potential in the State. He requested all concerned banks to ensure 100% achievement of targets. 10 Representative from HDFC Bank informed the House that since all the processing for advances is done centrally in his bank, the figures for ACP achievement of HDFC Bank in Delhi State could not be reported. Ms. Sonali Sen Gupta advised representative from HDFC Bank to ensure to provide the figures within time to SLBC as ample time is given to banks for submission of data. She further suggested that some other banks were also facing similar problem earlier but they developed some system to overcome the issue and HDFC Bank should follow the same. PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING Sh. Jha informed the House that the Priority Sector Advances have increased by Rs. 2350.42 crores during the year 2012-13 and by Rs. 8095.91 crores over the last quarter. However, due to comparatively higher increase in Total Advances, the percentage of Priority Sector Advances to Total Advances has decreased to 12.61% as on 31/03/2012 as compared to 14.49% as on 31/03/2011. 8 banks have reported decline of more than 500 crores. These banks have reported that the repayment in big Priority Sector Loan Accounts has been the main reason of decline. One Bank has reported re-classification of advances by RBI to be one of the reasons of decline in Priority Sector Advances. The advances under Education Loan Scheme have decreased by Rs. 27.29 crores over the year. However, advances to SC/STs have increased by Rs. 242.51 crores over the year. All the banks were requested to increase Priority Sector Advances. AGRICULTURAL ADVANCES Total Agriculture Advances have decreased by Rs.6300.72 crores during the year 201213 and increased by Rs. 3477.17 crores as on 31/03/2012 over the last quarter. Agriculture Advances stood at 2.83% of Total Advances as on 31/03/2012 as compared to 4.72% as on 31/03/2011. The major decline in Agriculture Advances has been reported by Allahabad Bank, Central Bank of India, Indian Bank, Union Bank of India and HDFC Bank. The reason of decline has been informed to be repayment in big Agriculture Loan Accounts MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSME) ADVANCES : Sh. Jha informed the House that Advances under MSE Sector have increased by Rs.7396.80 crores over the year. Advances under MSME Sector have increased by Rs.10657 crores over the year. Amount under CGTMSE Scheme has increased by 200.31 crores during the year. Sh. Jha requested all banks to increase MSME Advances particularly MSE Advances. HOUSING FINANCE Sh. Jha informed the House that Direct Housing Finance has increased by Rs.4387.71 crores over the year. Indirect Housing Finance has gone down by Rs. 1940 crores over 11 the year. Total Housing Finance has increased by Rs.2448 crores over the year. He requested all banks to increase Housing Finance. The continuation of 1% Interest Subvention Scheme has been proposed in the Union Budget 2012 for the financial year 2012-13. Dr. Tarsem Chand informed the House about the benefits of the Scheme. Shri Jha requested all banks to generate more public awareness about the benefits of the Scheme and ensure vigorous implementation of the same. PMEGP/SJSRY: Sh. Jha informed that against a target of 304 projects, 294 loans have been sanctioned and 229 loans have been disbursed up to 31.03.2012 under PMEGP. This is a welcome improvement as compared to the last quarter figures. He requested all the banks to dispose of all pending application and achieve the targets. Under SJSRY Scheme, against 698 applications received, only 176 applications have been sanctioned and 110 applications have been disbursed. 151 applications were pending as on 31.03.2012. Shri Jha requested all concerned banks to immediately (i) disburse the sanctioned loans and (ii) dispose of all pending applications Shri S.P. Singh, Director, KVIC showed concern on the performance under PMEGP Scheme and requested the banks to achieve the target. Ms. Sonali Sen Gupta informed the House that during DCC meeting few banks raised the issue of non-receipt of subsidy under SJSRY Scheme. Ms. Vandana Singh from Mission Convergence informed the House that this could have happened in few cases where application for subsidy was lodged after a long time of disbursement of loan, making it difficult for them to verify the claims. She assured the House that subsidy was being processed promptly. RECOVERY POSITION Shri Jha informed the House about present percentage of recovery in various Schemes in Delhi as under Recovery percentage in Agriculture loans have increased from 79.03 to 81.04% over the year. Recovery percentage in PMEGP Scheme has decreased from 71.74 to 26.76 % over the year. Recovery percentage in SJSRY Scheme has decreased from 50.78 to 45.45 % over the year. Recovery percentage in DRI Scheme has decreased from 76.50 to 65.04% over the year. Sh. Jha reiterated that enactment of Public Monies Recovery Act would help banks in improving recovery position in loans under Govt. Sponsored Schemes. 12 KCC/SCCs Sh. Jha stated that the performance is not satisfactory as only 209 KCCs have been issued by all banks during the current quarter and 606 KCCs during the year. He requested all banks to look into the matter and initiate necessary steps to improve the position with regard to issuance of Kisan Credit Cards to farmers. SELF HELP GROUP/JOINT LIABILITY GROUP Sh. Jha informed that 3458 SHGs have been formed up to March,2012, 1864 Groups have been linked and loans amounting Rs.2257.38 lacs have been disbursed. He urged that the involvement of banks is required in formation and linkage of Self Help Groups. Special emphasis should be laid by the banks on the villages allotted to them under Financial Inclusion Plan for formation and linkage of Self Help Group in such villages. He also requested all banks to inform SLBC about progress made in JLGs. CREDIT FLOW TO WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS, WEAKER SECTIONS, MIINORITY COMMUNITIES AND DISABLED PERSONS: Sh. Jha informed that advances to women entrepreneurs have increased by Rs. 6.55 crores, Advances to Weaker Section have increased by Rs. 106.54 crores and Advances to ' Minority Communities’ have increased by Rs.596.76 crores during the year 2011-12 over last year. Shri Jha requested all banks to increase advances to women entrepreneurs, Weaker Sections and Minority Communities. Sh. Jha stated that advances to disabled persons have increased by Rs.4.29 crores during the year, from Rs174.92 crores as on March, 2011 to Rs. 179.21 crores as on March, 2012. Only 9 Banks have reported figures in respect of advances made to disabled persons. He requested all those Banks, which have not reported any figure, to report the same so that the data relating to this category gets correctly reported. He also requested all banks to consider the proposals received from borrowers belonging to disabled categories on priority basis. DRI ADVANCES Sh. Jha informed the House that Advances under DRI Scheme have increased by Rs.1.95 crores during the year and stood at Rs. 16.70 crores as on March, 2012 as compared to Rs. 14.75 crores as on March, 2011. He stated that the DRI advance is only 0.003% of total advances and we are far behind the prescribed benchmark. He requested all banks to intensify efforts for enhancement of advances under the Scheme. ADVANCES TO EX-SERVICEMEN AND WIDOWS OF EX-SERVICEMEN Sh. Jha stated that Advances to Ex-Servicemen and Widows of Ex-Servicemen have increased from Rs. 544.50 lacs as on March, 2011 to Rs.953.50 lacs as on March,2012. He requested all banks to increase their advances under this category. 13 IMPLEMENTATION OF REVIVAL, REFORM AND RESTRUCTURING PACKAGE FOR HANDLOOM SECTOR Sh. Jha informed that the Comprehensive Package for the Handloom Sector has already been approved by the Cabinet. The Government of India, Ministry of Textiles has already communicated the guidelines for implementation of Financial Packages for Handloom Sector with the advice to all concerned to ensure compliance of the same. He requested all banks to ensure that (i) necessary internal guidelines have been issued regarding Waiver of Loans to Handloom Weavers and Weavers’ Credit Card Scheme and (ii) the Package announced by the Government is effectively implemented. Sh. Tarun Sharma, MCM (Handloom) from office of Commissioner of Industries, GNCT Delhi informed the House that loan waiver Scheme is for handloom co-operative societies, which are registered under Co-operative Act and they can obtain loan from Delhi State Co-operative Bank only. He further informed the House that 471 registered handloom co-operative societies have been identified out of which loan amount of 175 societies is overdue. He stated that only those co-operative societies can be considered whose accounts as on 31.03.2010 have been audited and 25 such societies have been identified which are eligible for applying under loan waiver Scheme. AUTOMATION OF STATE TREASURY: Sh. Jha stated that the Ministry of Finance, Government of India has desired that the State Government Treasuries should be fully automated. He requested all concerned SLBC member banks to be prepared for dealing with all the works related to State Treasuries in electronic form. He requested the Delhi Government to direct the concerned departments to do the needful at the earliest. OPEN DISCUSSION I. II. III. Representative from National Housing Bank gave a presentation on Reverse Mortgage Scheme. Shri S.K. Harshvardhan, Asstt. General Manager from Office of Banking Ombudsman, RBI, Delhi informed the House that office of Banking Ombudsman is trying to gradually reduce the timeline for disposal of complaints. He requested all the Controlling Heads to ensure that all complaints received till the end of April, 2012 should be closed by June, 2012. He further informed the House that as per section 10(1), all such cases where there is delay on the part of the banks or refusal to share documents, the decision may go against them. He also informed that a special cell has been constituted at Ombudsman Office to specially deal with ATM related complaints which constitute roughly 33% of all complaints. Shri Manoj Kumar from Planman Consultancy provided his contact details to the House for any clarification with regard to usage of e-tracking system for tracking the status of applications under PMEGP. 14 VOTE OF THANKS BY SH. BRAJESH VERMA , DGM, STATE BANK OF INDIA Shri Brajesh Verma started his address by wishing all present. Shri Verma stated that deliberations of the 67th meeting were very meaningful, comprehensive and interesting. He acknowledged the contribution of each one of the participants for making the discussions live and effective. He expressed hope that number of no-frill accounts in FIP villages will increase now as all the villages except one have been covered under Financial Inclusion Plan and other banking products shall also be offered in these villages. Shri Verma opined that concept of Ultra Small Branch will definitely add to the credibility of the Business Correspondence concept. Shri Verma informed the House that SBI is paying special attention to the financial needs of the labourers and other migrant class and also assisting them in easy remittance of money. On behalf of SBI and entire banking community Shri Verma assured the House that the Govt./RBI guidelines on action to be taken on detection of forged and counterfeit currency note will be adhered to. Shri Verma concluded his speech by thanking all. ***** 15 ANNEXURE – 1 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS OF 67th SLBC MEETING FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 2012 GOVT. OF INDIA / STATE GOVERNMENT (NCT OF DELHI) S. NO. 1 NAME DESIGNATION NAME OF DEPTT. Dr. Tarsem Chand Director 2 Sh. R. K. Ahuja Dy. Secretary (Finance) 3 Sh. Vinod Kumar Supdt. 4 Sh. A. P. Saini Jt. Director (Agri.) 5 Sh. Tarun Sharma MCM (Handloom) 6 7 Sh. Vinod Kumar Sh. C.P. Singh Inspector Senior VLW 8 Ms. Vandana Singh Adv. Fin 9 Sh. S.P. Singh Director 10 Sh. S.S. Dhankar Asstt. Director 11 Sh. H.S. Hooda A.D. Officer 12 13 Sh. R.K. Gupta Sh. Manvir Singh Dy. Director Development Officer TELE/ MOBILE NO. Ministry of Finance 9818603070, 23340673 Govt. of NCT of Delhi 9958824141, 23392136 Finance Department, 9811871386, GNCTD Delhi 23392416 Govt. of NCT of Delhi 9654153129, 23712781 Commissioner of 9818021522 Industries, GNCT Delhi Govt. of NCT of Delhi 9868233667 Development 9968260467, Department, Govt. of 23714472 NCT of Delhi Mission Convergence 9810845674, 23813186 KVIC 9810025651, 23411651 KVIC 9953507518, 23418620 KVIC 9968854772, 23412796 KVIB 9811873920 DKVIB 8826268621 RBI/NABARD/CO-OPERATIVE BANK/FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS/PRIVATE BANKS S. NO 1 NAME DESIGNATION Sh. Chandan Sinha Regional Director 2 Ms. Sonali Sen Gupta Sh. Avinash Kapoor General Manager Asstt. General Manager NAME OF DEPTT./ TELE/ MOBILE BANK NO. Reserve Bank of India 23452145, 9582333369 Reserve Bank of India 23452145, 9560710063 Reserve Bank of India 8527833775 Asstt. General Manager Reserve Bank of India 5 Ms. Vandana Mahyeshwari S.K. Harshvardhan Asstt. General Manager 6 7 Ms. Joan R. Blah Sh. Subodh Kumar Asstt. General Manager Manager Office of Banking 8447256448 Ombudsman, RBI NABARD 41539356 NABARD 9718064234 3 4 16 9868208292 8 Sh. Niladri Bose Dy. Manager NHB 9 Sh. Ravi Menon General Manager SIDBI 10 Sh. Manish Sethi Asstt. V.P. AXIS BANK 11 12 Manager Manager AXIS BANK Axis Bank Vice President HDFC BANK 9313425230 14 15 Sh. Lalit Kumar Sh. Suryansh Sharma Sh. K.S. Swaminathan Sh. Bhavesh Gupta Sh. Rajendran Rm 9717660023, 24647949 981155113, 23682470 9971800906, 43506571 9971659292 9910818678 Joint General Manager Zonal Manager ICICI Bank ICICI Bank 16 Sh. Riyaz Ahmad Asstt. Vice President 17 Sh. Mukesh Mohan President 18 19 20 Sh. Kapil Vashishat Sh. Manoj Kumar Manoj Kumar Dy. General Manager Asstt. General Manager Senior Researcher 21 Sh. R.C. Pandey Senior Manager 22 Sh. A.K. Bansal Financial Analyst 13 9650193300 9560907543, 42523457 J&K Bank 9906665360, 2401209 Chamber of Indian 9811024647, MSME 23722345 IDBI Bank Ltd. 9560305559 IDBI Bank Ltd. 9871719927 Planman Consulting 9811035196 (I) Pvt. Ltd. Nainital Bank 9871890011, 23580323 D.S.C.B . 7838529252, 23281875 PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS S. No 1 NAME DESIGNATION NAME OF BANK Sh. Vipul Singla Dy. General Manager Allahabad Bank 2 Sh. G.K. Bhargava Senior Manager Allahabad Bank 3 Sh. D.K. Tyagi Asstt. General Manager Andhra Bank 4 5 Sh. S. Devaseelan Sh. D. Ganguli Dy. General Manager Senior Manager Bank of Baroda Bank of Baroda 6 Sh. Surendra K. Behera Sh. Amarjit Singh Dy. General Manager Bank of India Officer Bank of India Regional Manager Bank of Maharashtra 9 Sh. Nandkumar V. Pujari Sh. S. Sureshkumar Dy. General Manager Canara Bank 10 Sh. Rajiv K. Shukla Senior Manager Canara Bank 11 Dr. J.S. Bhatti Asstt. General Manager 17 Central Bank of India 7 8 OFF. TEL. / MOBILE NO. 9650778111, 23345518 9958987228, 23363757 8447660008, 0124-2581937 9717004757 9560212401, 49104928 9999399727, 28844103 9873478434, 28844095 9910800498, 26100400 9650502226, 26286219 9968235303, 26291260 9999917110 12 Sh. Manak Chand Senior Manager Central Bank of India 13 Sh. Sudhir Pradhan Asstt. General Manager Corporation Bank 14 Sh. Amit Kumar Manager Corporation Bank 15 Sh. D.S. Chhonkar D.R.M. (Credit) Dena Bank 16 Sh. Y.S. Negi Dy. General Manager Indian Overseas Bank 17 Sh. B.N. Meena Senior Manager Indian Overseas Bank 18 19 Sh. Amresh Kumar Sh. M. Somasunder Dy. General Manager Asstt. General Manager Indian Bank Punjab National Bank 20 21 Sh. Ved Prakash Sh. G.S. Sethi P.S. In-charge Field General Manager Punjab National Bank Punjab & Sind Bank 22 23 Ms. Harvinder Sh. H. R. Jat Asstt. General Manager Asstt. General Manager Punjab & Sind Bank State Bank of India 24 Sh. Brajesh Verma Dy. General Manager State Bank of India 25 26 Sh. H. P. Suman Sh. M.K. Sharma Lead District Manager Asstt. General Manager State Bank of India State Bank of India 27 Sh. Ravinder Prakash Dy. Manager State Bank of India 28 Sh. S.K. Aggarwal Asstt. General Manager 29 Sh. Ashwani Kumar Bali Sh. Abhay Patil Manager Asstt. General Manager 32 Sh. T.N. Chandersekaran Sh. B.S. Narang 33 Sh. J.A. Khan Manager 34 Sh. G.R. Prasad Asstt. General Manager 35 Sh. Dasari Balakrishan Sh. D.S. Tripathi Chief Manager State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur State Bank of 99711992476, Hyderabad 450526653 State Bank of Mysore 9818550870, 27021041 State Bank of Patiala 9810666287, 25897888 State Bank of 9818274886, Travancore 28751649 Syndicate Bank 9868394415, 23383154 Syndicate Bank 99683098187 General Manager Union Bank of India Senior Manager Union Bank of India 38 Sh. Nagesh Chaudhary Sh. Vinay Gandrotra Dy. General Manager United Bank of India 39 Sh. Kamlesh Prasad Chief Manager United Bank of India 30 31 36 37 Asstt. General Manager Asstt. General Manager 18 9818279267, 23311332 9910039557, 23753907 99589872228, 23355260 9582645454, 23719680 9650099677, 25730568 9971647931, 25757271 9818224968 8800496679, 25754001 9968279037 9810434488, 26342290 9810361309 9871114834, 23407125 9958555111, 23404301 9811807013, 9868392002, 23407105 9910047343, 23407126 9999229573, 28743971 9968603301 9650395888, 23346982 9810659396 9910379221, 23741565 971157879 40 Sh. K.P. Sahu Asstt. General Manager Uco Bank 41 Sh. Phulwar Singh Asstt. General Manager Vijay Bank 42 Sh. Arun Kumar Jain Manager Vijay Bank 8130644333, 23401120 9312941963, 23328497 9212303026 CONVENOR BANK S. NO 1 NAME DESIGNATION NAME OF BANK OFF. TELE NO. Sh. S. C. Sinha Executive Director 2 Sh. Ravinder Singh General Manager 9971337030, 0124-4126555 8130204555 3 Sh. S.N. Chopra General Manager 4 General Manager 5 Smt. Vidyavati Rudra Shri B.N. Jha 6 Sh. Arun Gupta Chief Manager 7 8 Sh. Bimal Kisore Pandey Sh. Arun Kr Miglani Asstt. Regional Manager Manager 9 Sh. Jitender Sharma Officer 10 Ms. Charu Gupta Officer Oriental Bank of Commerce Oriental Bank of Commerce Oriental Bank of Commerce Oriental Bank of Commerce SLBC, Oriental Bank of Commerce SLBC, Oriental Bank of Commerce SLBC, Oriental Bank of Commerce SLBC, Oriental Bank of Commerce SLBC, Oriental Bank of Commerce Oriental Bank of Commerce Dy. General Manager ****** 19 9810119572 8527355155, 49270901 8527331117 9899120077, 49270933, 8800169269, 49270908 9873480300, 49270908 9968315447, 49270908 8826469057, 40045738 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 2 (A) ACTION TAKEN AND PRESENT STATUS ON ACTION POINTS EMERGED DURING THE 67th MEETING S. NO. 1. ACTION POINTS 2. Annual Credit Plan targets All DCC should be achieved by all Member concerned banks. Banks 3. MSE Advances should be All SLBC increased. Member Banks 4. 5. ACTION BY Priority Sector Advances to All SLBC be increased to achieve Member 40% ratio to Total Banks Advances. Timely disposal of PMEGP All concerned and SJSRY applications. member Banks Banking outlets to be provided in all allocated villages having a population of over 2000 by 31st March 2012. All concerned Banks and relative SubCommittee. 20 ACTION TAKEN AND PRESENT STATUS Relative Sub Committee Meeting was held on 26/06/2012 and all banks were again advised to achieve the target. The percentage of Priority Sector Advances to Total advances was 11.82% as at the end of Jun-12 quarter. DCC Meeting was held on 08/05/2012 and all member banks were advised to achieve the targets. The achievement during the first quarter of the current year was 15.57%. All member banks have been advised in different meetings to increase MSE Advances. The MSE Advance in Delhi State has increased by 1597.80 crore over June 2011. All concerned Banks have been advised accordingly in various meetings. 75 applications were pending under PMEGP and 56 applications were pending under SJSRY Scheme. All SLBC Member Banks have been advised in different meetings and through various reminders from SLBC Convenor to achieve 100% financial inclusion. Only one village has been left now. IDBI Bank has assured to cover the village by opening their branch very soon. 6. 7. 8. Electronic Benefit Transfer(EBT) Scheme should be implemented in Delhi State. SLBC Convenor Bank and State Government Draft Recovery Act should Delhi be enacted in Delhi State. Government SLBC Convenor has taken up the matter with the State Government. The State Government has assured to start EBT at the earliest. The Delhi Government has proposed to give powers of recovery officers to Bank Officers. The proposal has been communicated to all SLBC Member Banks for their views. All SLBC Member Banks All SLBC The SLBC Convenor has made should provide quarterly Member vigorous follow up with the data to SLBC Convenor on Banks member banks and June 2012 time. data has been received from all member banks. ****** 21 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 (B) PERSISTING ACTION POINTS:S.NO. ACTION POINTS ACTION BY PRESENT STATUS 1. In order to improve Govt. of recovery position of N.C.T.of banks, Govt. of Delhi to Delhi enact Public Monies Recovery Act The Delhi Government has proposed to give powers of recovery officers to Bank Officers. The proposal has been communicated to all SLBC Member Banks for their views. 2. Priority Sector Lending to be increased in Delhi State. 3. All SLBC Member All Banks should cover the Concerned allotted villages under Banks FIP. All SLBC Member Banks have been advised several times to increase Priority Sector Lending. The present Priority Sector Lending is 11.82% to Total Advances. Despite various reminders from SLBC Convenor IDBI Bank is yet to cover the only remaining village Nithari. All SLBC member Banks ****** 22 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 MINUTES OF SUB COMMITTEE MEETING ON PRIORITY SECTOR ADVANCES HELD ON 26.06.2012 The quarterly meeting of Sub Committee on Priority Sector Advances for June 2012 quarter was held on 26.06.2012 at 3.00 pm in the Conference Room of Oriental Bank of Commerce, Harsha Bhawan, E - Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Smt. Vidyavati Rudra, General Manager, Oriental Bank of Commerce, SLBC Convenor – Delhi State. The meeting was attended by the following representatives of member banks and Government Departments:Sl. No. Name Designation Bank/Department 1. Smt. Vidyavati Rudra General Manager Oriental Bank of Commerce 2. Shri B.N. Jha Dy. General Manager Oriental Bank of Commerce 3. Shri Arun Gupta Chief Manager Oriental Bank of Commerce 4. Shri Mohit Bhagnagar Chief Manager Oriental Bank of Commerce 5. Shri Avinash Kapoor Astt. General Manager Reserve Bank of India 6. Shri P.P. Singh Joint Director (Agri.) Govt of NCT of Delhi 7. Shri H.P. Suman Lead District Manager State Bank of India 8. Shri Dipak Tiwari Manager Corporation Bank 9. Shri G.C. Vishwanatha Chief Manager Corporation Bank 10. Shri Subodh Kumar Manager NABARD 11. Shri Satish Kumar Bhatia Chief Manager Syndicate Bank 12. Shri M. Somasunder Asstt. General Manager Punjab National Bank 13. Shri Ved Prakash In-charge PS Cell Punjab National Bank 14. Shri Rajesh Thakur Manager Allahabad Bank 15. Shri Nagesh Chaudhary Sr. Manager Union Bank of India 16. Shri Dushyant Dash Senior Manager Canara Bank 17. Shri Nishith Kumar Asstt. General Manager State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur 18. Shri A.K. Bansal Financial Analyst DSCB 23 Smt. Vidyavati Rudra, General Manager, Oriental Bank of Commerce, SLBC Convenor – Delhi State welcomed all participants. Smt. Rudra informed the House that Priority Sector Advances(PSAs) stood at Rs. 69372 crore as on 31/03/2012 compared to PSAs of Rs. 67022 crore as on 31/03/2011, thus showing increase of 2350 crore. She stated that this increase is far from satisfactory level. Moreover, the PSAs are decreasing in terms of their percentage to the Total Advances. She stated that there is scope of MSE Advances in Delhi State. She requested all banks to increase PSAs and particularly MSE Advances. Shri B.N. Jha,DGM, OBC informed the House that RBI has given a list of MSE Clusters in Delhi and the same has been given to all banks during SLBC Meeting dated 15/05/2012. He also requested all banks to increase MSE Advances. Representative from Canara Bank informed that repayment in big loan accounts pertaining to Priority Sector has been the main cause for decline in PSAs in their bank but they are now hopeful of doing well. Sh. Subodh Kumar, Manager, NABARD informed that Canara Bank has been actively participating in JLG formation/linkage. He requested representative from Canara Bank to increase JLG formation/linkage. Representative from Syndicate Bank suggested that there is less scope in manufacturing sector in MSEs in Delhi and there is ample scope for service sector in MSEs in Delhi. As such, banks can increase their advances in service sector. He also suggested that banks should come out with innovative products for three wheeler Auto Loan for Delhi State as the State Government is planning to allow additional permits for Auto Rickshaws. Shri Avinash Kapoor, AGM, RBI requested that all banks should be aggressive in providing PSAs. Shri H.P. Suman, LDM also requested all banks to aggressively finance PSAs. The Meeting concluded with a Vote of Thanks to the Chair. ****** 24 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 MINUTES OF SUB COMMITTEE MEETING ON FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND DRI DVANCES HELD ON 26.06.2012 The quarterly meeting of Sub Committee on Financial Inclusion and DRI Advances was held on 26.06.2012 at 03.40 pm at Oriental Bank of Commerce, Harsha Bhawan , E-Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi – 110 001 under the Chairmanship of Smt. Vidyavati Rudra, General Manager, Oriental Bank of Commerce, SLBC Convenor – Delhi State. The meeting was attended by the following representatives of member banks and Government Departments:Sl. Name No. 1. Smt. Vidyavati Rudra Designation Bank/Department General Manager Oriental Bank of Commerce 2. Shri B.N. Jha Dy. General Manager Oriental Bank of Commerce 3. Shri Arun Gupta Chief Manager Oriental Bank of Commerce 4. Shri Mohit Bhagnagar Chief Manager Oriental Bank of Commerce 5. Shri Avinash Kapoor Astt. General Manager Reserve Bank of India 6. Shri H.P. Suman Lead District Manager State Bank of India 7. Shri Satish Kumar Bhatia Chief Manager Syndicate Bank 8. Shri Nagesh Chaudhary Sr. Manager Union Bank of India 9. Shri M. Somasunder Asstt. General Manager Punjab National Bank 10. Shri Ved Prakash In-charge PS Cell Punjab National Bank 11. Shri Nishith Kumar Asstt. General Manager State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur 12. Shri Dushyant Dash Senior Manager Canara Bank 13. Shri A.K. Bansal Financial Analyst DSCB 14. Shri Sudarshan Kumar Chief Manager Central Bank of India Smt. Vidyavati Rudra welcomed all participants. She apprised the House that 110 villages were allotted to SLBC Member Banks for coverage upto 31/03/2012. Presently 109 villages have been covered by all member banks. The remaining village, Nithari was allotted to IDBI Bank Ltd. which has been requested several times to cover the remaining village at the earliest. She again requested that IDBI Bank Ltd. should cover village Nithari under Financial Inclusion Plan immediately. Shri B.N. Jha, DGM, SLBC Deptt., OBC informed that one letter has recently been 25 written to the General Manager(Financial Inclusion) of IDBI Bank requesting him to cover the village at the earliest. Smt. Rudra informed the House that the Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India vide letter dated 18 th May, 2012 has directed to cover all villages having population of 1600 to 2000 as per 2001 census under Financial Inclusion Plan. SLBC Delhi State has identified two villages viz., Singhola (Alipur Block) and village Jhattikara (Najafgarh Block) and these villages were allotted to State Bank of India and Oriental Bank of Commerce respectively. However, both the banks have informed that these villages have already been covered by bank branches there. As such, no new village has been added to the already identified 110 villages. Smt. Rudra also informed the House that the Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai vide letter dated 19/06/2012 addressed to CMDs of all banks, has advised that all villages with population below 2000 as per 2000 census should be covered by banking facilities. As per the instructions the Lead Bank shall constitute a Sub Committee of the District Consultative Committee(DCC) to draw a roadmap for provision of banking services in every village having population below 2000. This Sub Committee will identify such unbanked villages and allot these villages to Scheduled Commercial Banks operating in the district. She requested the Lead District Manager, Shri H.P. Suman to take note of the instructions and act accordingly. The representative from Syndicate Bank requested that Village Shahur Pur has been allotted to them. However, very few transactions are happening there and as such, he requested to exclude this village from their bank. However, the chairperson requested Syndicate Bank to continue to cover the village under FIP. While speaking on the DRI Advances, Smt. Rudra informed the House that DRI advances were Rs. 14.75 crore as on 31/03/2012 and the same have increased to 16.70 crore as on 31/03/2012. There is increase in the DRI advances during the year 2011-12 but this increase is far from satisfactory. She requested all SLBC Member Banks to finance actively under DRI Scheme. The Meeting ended with Vote of Thanks to the Chair. ****** 26 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 3 CREDIT DEPOSIT RATIO Statements showing Deposits, Advances and CD Ratio of Banks are given in Annexure ‘A’ to Annexure ‘C’ (page no 58-60) The summarized position is as under:DEPOSITS AND ADVANCES (Rs in crore) POSITION AS ON MARCH 2012 JUNE 2011 JUNE 2012 Deposits Advances Deposits Advances Deposits Advances 540160.92 481464.46 590312.08 555821.08 582344.59 542710.53 C D RATIO JUNE 2011 88.44 POSITION AS ON MARCH 2012 JUNE 2012 94.16 93.19 VARIATION Over the Year Over the Quarter 4.75 -0.97 The C.D. Ratio of Banks operating in the NCT of Delhi has increased by 475 basis points over June 2011. CD RATIO (DELHI RURAL) JUNE 2011 72.21 POSITION AS ON MARCH 2012 JUNE 2012 126.60 190.16 VARIATION Over the Year Over the Quarter 117.95 63.56 CD Ratio of Delhi Rural has increased from 72.21 % as on June 2011 to 190.16% as on June 2012. This increase is mainly due to advance of Rs.4000 crore to Food Corporation of India by one rural branch of Central Bank of India. All banks are requested to further improve CD Ratio particularly in Delhi Rural. ****** 27 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 4 FINANCIAL INCLUSION PLAN-2012 Under Financial Inclusion Plan-2011-12, 110 unbanked villages having population over 2000 in Delhi State were allotted to 18 Banks for providing Banking Services. The bank-wise progress in implementation of Financial Inclusion Plan of villages having population of over 2000 is given in Annexure ‘C’ (page no. 61-63). The summarized position is as under:Total No. Achievement No. of Total No. of of Villages Villages yet BCs allotted to to be appointed the Banks covered Public Sector Banks Regional Rural Banks Private Banks 104 104 00 83 Total No. of Financial Inclusion Accounts Opened 37127 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 01 01 179 Co-operative Banks TOTAL 04 04 00 00 1602 110 109 01 84 38908 A Sub- Committee of SLBC on Financial Inclusion is monitoring progress under this plan. The quarterly meeting of the Sub-Committee was held on 26.06.2012. The minutes of the meeting have already been sent to all SLBC member Banks. Only one village ‘Nithari’ is left now for coverage. IDBI Bank is again requested to cover the village immediately. ULTRA SMALL BRANCHES In terms of directions of Ministry of Finance, Ultra Small Branches are to be opened in all Villages which are covered by BCAs and where opening of regular branch is not found viable presently. The detailed guidelines on Ultra Small Branches are given in the Master Circular on Strategy and Guidelines on Financial Inclusion dated 21/10/2011. All concerned banks are requested to open Ultra Small Branches at the earliest. VISITS TO THE ALLOTTED VILLAGES As per the directions of the Ministry of Finance bank officials should regularly visit the villages allotted to them under FIP. The name, designation of the officials designated for visiting the villages alongwith day and time of visits should be specified and informed to SLBC Convenor. 28 Further, the Branch Manager of the concerned branch should visit the allotted village atleast once a week with a laptop. All SLBC Member Banks are requested to adhere to the directions of the MoF and do the needful immediately. FINANCIAL INCLUSION - OPENING OF "NO-FRILL" ACCOUNTS AND ISSUANCE OF GCCs A statement showing number of "No-Frill" Accounts opened with "NIL" or “very low minimum balance” and number of GCCs issued by Banks upto June 2012 is given in Annexures A & B (page no. 61-62 ), respectively. The Banks have opened 19,81,299 "No-Frill" accounts. 3756 GCCs with loan amount of Rs. 244.63 lacs have been issued upto 30.06.2012. All Banks are requested to instruct branches under their control to open No-Frill Accounts and issue GCCs on priority basis. ICT BASED FINANCIAL INCLUSION : ICT Based facilities are being provided in 84 villages as on 30.06.2012. 26352 Smart Cards have been issued. 757764 Accounts have been opened so far. Member Banks are requested to provide ICT Based facilities to maximum villages. GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM The Ministry of Finance has sent user manual for Geographical Information System(GIS) to all banks and application to facilitate the PSBs to enter the data of banking amenities is available on the website of the Department of Financial Services, MoF. All SLBC Member Banks are requested to send the data called by the Lead Bank immediately. The Lead District Manager is requested to ensure that the data in GIS module is regularly updated as new branches get opened, BCAs get engaged, ATMs get installed and Currency Chests get opened. FINANCIAL LITERACY AND CREDIT COUNSELLING CENTRES (FLCC) & FINANCIAL LITERACY CENTRES (FLCs) Two FLCCs are working in Delhi State presently. Punjab National Bank opened first FLCC in Delhi at Gurdwara Road, Karol Bagh, on 01.06.2010. State Bank of India opened FLCC at Roshanpura, Najafgarh on 31.03.2011. Reserve Bank of India has sent new guidelines on FLCs recently vide circular dated 06.06.2012. The RBI Circular has been forwarded to all SLBC Member Banks by us. The circular is placed at Page No. 128 also. All banks are requested to ensure compliance of the RBI guidelines. ELECTRONIC BENEFIT TRANSFER(EBT) SCHEME The Central and State Governments have introduced several welfare schemes like Social Security Pensions, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS), National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS) etc. for the benefit of the poor. Payments in such welfare schemes are being made directly either in kind/cash or through indirect subsidies like the PDS. Such payments are being routed by the governments through various agencies. EBT is one of the products offered under Financial Inclusion which facilitates payments to reach the intended beneficiaries through bank accounts. 29 The Ministry of Finance, Government of India has recently sent guidelines on Strategy and Approach for Electronic Benefit Transfer vide circular dated 26.06.2012. This circular is placed at Page No.130 . All SLBC Member Banks are requested to ensure compliance of the guidelines. PROVISION OF BANKING SERVICES IN VILLAGES WITH POPULATION 1600 TO 2000 The Ministry of Finance, Government of India has directed that all villages of 1600 to 2000 population as per 2001 census shall also be covered under Swabhimaan, the financial inclusion campaign. Accordingly, exercise of identification of uncovered villages with population of 1600 to 2000 as per 2001 census has been done at our level and no village has been identified as uncovered with population of 1600 to 2000 in Delhi State. PROVISION OF BANKING SERVICES IN VILLAGES WITH POPULATION BELOW 2000 The Reserve Bank of India vide circular No. RPCD/CO/LBS/BC/No.86/02/.1.001/2011-12 dated 19.06.2012 has directed that all unbanked villages of population less than 2000 (as per 2001 census) should be provided banking facilities in a time bound manner. This circular is placed at Page No. 126. The Lead District Manager is requested to constitute a Sub-Committee of the District Consultative Committee (DCC) to draw up a roadmap for provision of banking servies in every village having a population below 2000 (2001 census) as per RBI guidelines. URBAN FINANCIAL INCLUSION – LAUNCH OF COMPAIGN TOO ENSURE AT LEAST ONE BANK ACCOUNT FOR EACH FAMILY In order to provide banking services to entire population residing in Urban and Metro Centres – so as to financially include the urban poor, slum dwellers and the inhabitants of urban/metro villages and facilitate electronic benefit transfer in respect of benefit/ subsidies under various Government schemes directly into the account of the beneficiaries residing at these centres, it has been decided by the Ministry of finance to take the campaign to ensure one bank account per family should also be launched in such Urban areas for the purpose of Urban Financial Inclusion. Detailed guideliens have been given in MoF circular dated 24.07.2012 (placed at Page No. 117). All SLBC Member Banks are requested to ensure compliance of the same. FINANCIAL INCLUSION DRIVE TO OPEN BANK ACCOUNTS OF MIGRANT LABOUR AND STREET VENDORS/HAWKERS IN URBAN AREAS To inculcate savings habits and to extend banking facilities to the migrant labour and street vendors/hawkers in urban areas, a drive to open accounts of migrants labour and street vendors/ hawkers in urban areas has been initiated by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. The drive has been initiated initially in Delhi and NCR which is being co-ordinated by SLBC Convenor Bank – Oriental Bank of Commerce. A 24X7 Call Centre has started functioning to reply to the queries of the persons intending to open accounts in any of the Public Sector banks. Toll Free Number is 1800-1800-124. SMS Number is 88267-31122 and e-mail ID is slbcdelhi@gmail.com. A Simplified Uniform Saving Bank Account Opening Form has also 30 been devised and format of the same has been sent to all banks by the Ministry of Finance. The MoF has advised all banks to nominate one “Nodal Officer” for this drive. SLBC Convenor has also requested all banks to send contact details of their Nodal Officers. However, some banks have not sent the details till date. All PSU Banks are requested to (i) immediately send contact details of Nodal Officers to SLBC Convenor immediately, if not sent earlier (ii) take active interest for making the drive successful and open maximum accounts (iii) send information on opening of such accounts to SLBC Convenor as per the format sent by us. ******** 31 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 5 ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER ANNUAL CREDIT PLAN (ACP) 2012-13 UPTO JUNE 2012 The performance of all Banks engaged in providing credit in Delhi (Rural) in achievement of their ACP 2012-2013 under various sectors is given as per Annexure (page no.64). The summarized position is as under :(Rs. in lacs) COMMERCIAL BANKS SECTOR COMMITMENT ACHIEVEMENT %AGE ACHIEVEMENT 6396.41 567.37 8.87 7599.00 11913.50 25908.91 1215.06 2664.74 4447.17 15.99 22.37 17.16 COMMITMENT 700 1000 1600 3300 ACHIEVEMENT 123.28 0 0 123.28 %AGE ACHIEVEMENT 17.61 0.00 0 3.74 PRIVATE BANKS - HDFC BANK SECTOR COMMITMENT Agriculture 50 MSE 60 OPS 40 Total 150 ACHIEVEMENT 0 0 0 0 %AGE ACHIEVEMENT 0 0 0 0 ACHIEVEMENT 4570.45 %AGE ACHIEVEMENT 15.57 Agriculture MSE OPS Total DELHI STATE COOPERATIVE BANK SECTOR Agriculture MSE OPS Total ALL BANKS SECTOR Total Priority Sector Advances COMMITMENT 29358.91 The achievement of 15.57% of ACP targets is not satisfactory. All concerned banks are requested to increase advances in Delhi (Rural) and ensure 100% achievement of ACP Targets. ****** 32 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 6 (A) CREDIT FLOW TO PRIORITY SECTOR The performance of all Banks under Priority Sector Advances is given as per Annexure “A” (page no.65). The summarized position is as under:- Priority Sector Advances Priority Sector Advances to Total Advances (%) POSITION AS ON JUNE 2011 MARCH JUNE 2012 2012 63572.47 65623.35 64136.44 13.16 11.81 11.82 (Rs. in Crore) VARIATION Over the Over the year Qtr. 563.97 -1486.91 -1.34 -0.01 The Priority Sector Advances have increased by Rs. 563.97 crore over June 2011 and decreased by Rs. 1486.91 crore over the last quarter. Due to comparatively higher increase in Total Advances, the percentage of Priority Sector Advances to Total Advances has decreased to 11.82% as on 30/06/2012 as compared to 13.16% as on 30/06/2011. Several Banks have achieved increase in Priority Sector Advances. However, the Priority Sector Advances of the following Banks declined in absolute terms by more than Rs.500 crore during the year:- Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Rs. in Crore) Amount 689.81 606.75 2431.78 739.69 3116.34 1117.93 Name of Bank Bank of India Canara Bank Indian Bank State Bank of Mysore Union Bank Axis Bank SLBC Convenor had sought the reasons of decline in Priority Sector Advances of these banks. The banks have reported that the repayment in big Priority Sector Loan Accounts has been the main reason of decline. All banks are requested to increase Priority Sector Advances. 33 (B) CREDIT FLOW UNDER EDUCATION LOAN SCHEME The performance of all Banks under Education Loan Scheme is given as per Annexure ‘B’ (page no.66). The summarized position is as under:- POSITION AS ON JUNE 2011 MARCH 2012 No. Amt. No. Amt. Loans granted under Education Loan Scheme 41836 968.38 44892 970.98 JUNE 2012 No. Amt. 45244 961.09 (Rs. in Crore) VARIATION Over Over the the Qtr. year -7.74 -9.88 There is minor decrease in total loan under Education Loan Scheme. Education Loans have decreased by Rs.7.74 crore over June 2012 and by Rs.9.98 over the quarter. All the Member Banks are requested to increase loans under this scheme. (C) CREDIT FLOW TO SC/ST UNDER PRIORITY SECTOR The performance of all Banks in credit flow to SC/ST is given as per Annexure ‘C’ The summarized position is as under: JUNE 2011 Loans granted to SC/ST 369.02 POSITION AS ON MARCH 2012 JUNE 2012 396.55 433.17 (page no.67). (Rs. in Crore) VARIATION Over the Over the year Quarter 64.15 36.62 The loans to SC/ST have increased by Rs.64.15 crore over June 2011 and by Rs.36.62 crore over the last quarter. All the Member Banks are requested to increase credit flow to SC/ST under Priority Sector. ****** 34 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 7 AGRICULTURE ADVANCES Due to fast urbanization in Delhi State, Agriculture Land is under pressure, resulting in continuous shrinking of land. There is continuous declining trend in Agriculture Advances in the State. Statements showing performance of various banks as on June 2012 in financing Direct & Indirect Agricultural Advances are given as per Annexure ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively (page no.68-69). Comparative Position of Agriculture Advances to Total Priority Sector Advances and Total Advances is given as per Annexure ‘C’ and Annexure ‘D’ (page no.70-71) respectively. The summarized position is as under:DIRECT AGRICULTURE ADVANCES ACTIVITY POSITION AS ON JUNE 2011 MARCH 2012 For raising crop Hi-Tech Agr. Other Activities Total (Rs. in crore) VARIATION 82.30 5.51 2925.50 3013.31 JUNE 2012 49.49 5.94 2695.12 2750.55 40.90 4.10 1977.19 2022.19 OVER THE YEAR -41.40 -1.41 -948.31 -991.12 OVER THE QUARTER -8.59 -1.84 -717.93 -728.36 INDIRECT AGRICULTURAL ADVANCES ACTIVITY Indirect Agr. Including institutional POSITION AS ON OVER OVER THE THE YEAR QUARTER JUNE 2011 MARCH JUNE 2012 2012 10149.04 10665.16 10191.26 42.22 -473.90 TOTAL AGRICULTURE ADVANCES Total Agr. Adv. 13162.35 13415.70 12213.45 -948.90 -1202.26 PERCENTAGE OF AGRICULTURE ADVANCES TO PRIORITY SECTOR ADVANCES %age as on June 2011 20.70 %age as on March 2012 20.44 %age as on June 2012 19.04 35 Variation Over the Year -1.66 Variation Over the Qtr. -1.40 PERCENTAGE OF AGRICULTURE ADVANCES TO TOTAL ADVANCES %age as on June 2011 2.73 %age as on March 2012 2.41 %age as on June 2012 2.25 Variation Over the Year -0.48 Variation Over the Qtr -0.16 Total Agriculture Advances have decreased by Rs.948.90 crore over June 2011 and by Rs.1202.26 crore over the quarter. The percentage of Agriculture Advances to total Advances was 2.25% as on 30/06/2012 as against 2.73% as on 30/06/2011. The scope of Direct Agriculture Advances being limited in Delhi State, all SLBC Member Banks are requested to increase advances under Indirect Agriculture category. ****** 36 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 8 ADVANCES UNDER MSE/MSME SECTORS Statement showing position of advances to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises as on June 2011, March 2012 and June 2012 made by various Banks in Delhi is given in Annexure A, B, C, D & E (page no.72-76). The summarized position is as under: (Rs. in crore) POSITION OF ADVANCES UNDER MSME SECTOR:POSITION AS ON JUNE 11 MARCH 12 JUNE 12 63572.47 65623.35 64136.44 10425.89 10523.89 10607.34 20972.65 22904.74 22389.00 Total Priority Sector Advances Credit to Micro Enterprises Credit to Small Enterprises Total MSE Advances % of Micro Enterprises to total MSE Advances % of MSE Advances to Total Priority Sector Advances Advances to Medium Enterprises Advances to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) 31398.54 33.21 49.39 13176.73 44575.28 33428.63 31.24 52.92 19127.24 53854.90 32996.34 32.19 51.05 22573.40 55315.21 COMPARATIVE POSITION OF MSE ADVANCES :POSITION AS ON VARIATION % GROWTH JUNE MARCH JUNE 12 Over the Over Over the Over the 11 12 Year the Qtr Year Quarter MSE 31398.54 33428.63 32996.34 1597.80 -432.29 .50 -1.29 Advances under MSE Sector have increased by Rs.1597.80 crore over the year. COMPARATIVE POSITION OF MSME ADVANCES:- MSME POSITION AS ON VARIATION % GROWTH JUNE MARCH JUNE 12 Over the Over Over the Over the 11 12 Year the Qtr Year Quarter 44575.28 52555.87 55569.74 10994.46 3013.87 24.66 5.73 Advances under MSME Sector have increased by Rs.10994.46 crore over the year. All banks are requested to increase MSME Advances particularly MSE Advances. ****** 37 SICK MSME ADVANCES The details of Sick MSME Units, Viability Study Undertaken are given in Annexure F to Annexure I (page 77-80). CGTMSE Coverage The details of units covered under CGTMSE Scheme are given in Annexure J and Annexure K (page 81-82 ). The summarized position is as under:- Amount No. of Units POSITION AS ON Jun.11 Mar.11 Jun.12 657.59 1849.42 1017.88 2084 6857 10010 (Amount in Crore) VARIATION Over the Year Over the Qtr 360.28 -831.54 7926 3153 All banks are requested to increase MSME Advances particularly MSE Advances. ****** 38 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 9 HOUSING FINANCE Statements showing Advances under Direct and Indirect Housing Finance by all banks are given as per Annexure ‘A’ and ‘B’ (page no 83-84. ). The summarized position is as under:A) Direct Housing Finance (Outstanding) Particulars JUNE 11 i) Upto Rs 25 Lacs ii) Above Rs 25 Lacs Total MARCH 12 (Rs in Crore) JUNE 12 VARIATION Over the Over the Year Quarter 8201.48 -1223.25 -1044.18 12998.98 4687.10 1397.30 9424.73 8311.88 9245.66 11601.68 17736.61 20847.33 21200.46 3463.85 353.12 2746.81 3945.18 706.60 1198.37 23594.15 25145.64 4170.45 1551.49 B) Indirect Housing Finance Total 3238.58 TOTAL HOUSING FINANCE Total Finance Housing 20975.19 Direct Housing Finance has increased by Rs.3463.85 crore over the year. Indirect Housing Finance has increased by Rs. 706.60 crore over the year. Total Housing Finance has increased by Rs.4170.45 crore over the year. All banks are requested to further increase Housing Finance. 1% INTEREST SUBVENTION SCHEME: The 1% interest subvention Scheme of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance is in operation since October 1, 2009. The Scheme provides interest subsidy on Housing Loans to eligible borrowers and is being implemented throughout the country by Scheduled Commercial Banks and Housing Finance Companies registered with National Housing Bank (NHB). The Scheme is quite simplistic in content. All Banks are requested to generate more public awareness about the benefits of the Scheme and ensure vigorous implementation of the Scheme. 39 Reverse Mortgage Scheme Most of the people in the senior age groups, either by inheritance or by virtue of building assets have properties in names, but they were not able to convert it into instant and regular income stream due to its illiquid nature. The Union Budget 2007-2008 had a great proposal which introduced the Reverse Mortgage Scheme. The concept is simple, a senior citizen who holds a house or property, but lacks a regular source of income can put mortgage his property with a bank or housing finance company (HFC) and the bank or HFC pays the person a regular payment. The good thing is that the person who ‘reverse mortgages' his property can stay in the house for his life and continue to receive the much needed regular payments. All banks are requested to be aggressive in implementation of the Scheme. ****** 40 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 10 PRIME MINISTER'S EMPLOYMENT GENERATION PROGRAMME (PMEGP) Government of India introduced a new credit linked subsidy programme called Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) by merging the two Schemes that were in operation till 31.03.2008 namely Prime Minister's Rojgar Yojana (PMRY) and Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP) for generation of employment opportunities through establishment of micro enterprises in rural as well as urban areas. This Scheme is administered by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME) and implemented through State KVIC Directorates, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs) and District Industries Centres (DICs) and Banks. A statement showing the performance of various banks as on June 2012 is given as per Annexure ‘A’ (page no.85). The summarized position is as under:(Rs. in lac) 1. Annual Targets(physical) 321 2. Total No. of Apps. Received 126 3. No of Apps sanctioned 31 4. Amt. Of Loan sanctioned 100.48 5. No. of Apps. Disbursed 24 6. Amt. Of loans disbursed 55.80 7. No. of Apps. Rejected/Returned 20 8. No. of Apps Pending 75 All concerned Banks are requested to immediately (i) disburse the sanctioned loans, (ii) dispose of all pending applications. ****** 41 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 11 SWARAN JAYANTI SHAHRI ROZGAR YOJNA Statement showing the performance of various Banks as on JUNE 2012 is placed at Annexure ‘A’ (page no.86 ) and summarized position is as under: (Rs in lacs) As On June 2012 1600 S.NO. 1. PARTICULARS Annual Targets (No.) 2. Total No. of App. Received 85 3. No. of App. Sanctioned 10 4. Amt. Sanctioned (Rs in lacs) 5. No. of App. Disbursed 6. Amt. Of Loans Disbursed (Rs in lacs) 7. No. of App. Returned/Rejected 19 8. No. of App. Pending 56 5.52 6 2.80 All concerned Banks are requested to immediately (i) disburse the sanctioned loans, (ii) dispose of all pending applications. ****** 42 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 12 RECOVERY OF ADVANCES Timely recovery of loans is essential for financial institution to complete the credit cycle. It has assumed greater importance ever since IRAC and Capital Adequacy Norms have been made the essential parameters for judging the health of Banks. The increasing NPAs has been a major cause of concern for the banks. The matter of NPAs was also discussed in the meeting chaired by the Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance. The delay in obtaining various permissions / clearances from the State Government has been a cause of project held up resulting in the account slipping to NPA category. The Ministry of Finance has desired that such matters should be taken up by the SLBC Convenor with the State Government where projects financed by banks are delayed due to delay in getting statutory clearances. All banks are requested to bring such matters to the knowledge of SLBC Convenor and the same shall be taken up with the concerned departments. The statements showing recovery position of various Banks in the NCT of Delhi under Agriculture, PMRY, SJSRY, DRI are given in Annexure ‘A’, ‘B’, 'C' and ‘D’(page no.87-90). The summarized position is given as under:- RECOVERY POSITION AS ON JUNE 2012 AGRICULTURE (Rs in Lacs) DEMAND RAISED JUN 11 22026.71 MAR 12 JUN 12 17155.91 29659.39 AMT RECOVERED JUN 11 MAR 12 19777.07 15586.15 OVERDUES JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 23186.10 2249.64 1569.76 6473.29 RECOVERY %AGE JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 89.79 90.85 78.17 PMRY-PMEGP (Rs in Lacs) DEMAND RAISED AMOUNT RECOVERED OVERDUES RECOVERY %AGE JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 596.53 674.32 692.46 316.72 350.92 392.31 279.81 323.40 300.15 53.09 43 52.04 JUN 12 56.65 SJSRY (Rs in Lac) DEMAND RAISED AMOUNT RECOVERED OVERDUES JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 272.84 275.39 255.78 122.50 118.35 110.35 150.34 157.04 RECOVERY %AGE JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 145.44 44.90 42.98 JUN 12 43.14 DRI (Rs in Lacs) DEMAND RAISED JUN 11 MAR 12 50.89 94.27 AMOUNT RECOVERED OVERDUES RECOVERY %AGE JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 JUN 11 MAR 12 JUN 12 95.94 33.59 67.29 66.75 17.30 26.98 29.19 JUN 11 MAR 12 66.01 71.38 JUN 12 69.57 ENACTMENT OF PUBLIC MONIES (RECOVERY OF DUES) ACT Enactment of the Public Monies (Recovery of Dues) Act has been a issue pending with the Govt. of NCT of Delhi since long. The State Govt. has now informed that the provisions contained in section 7 of the Delhi Land Revenue Act 1954, clause (b) sub-section (i) of section 27(i) (b) of the Punjab Land Revenue Act 1887 and section 15 of UP Revenue Act 1901 are adequate to effect recoveries of any outstanding dues, if the recoveries are certified as arrears of land revenue. The Revenue Department of Delhi Govt. has proposed that the bank officials can be conferred powers of Assistant Collector of Grade-I on the request of the concerned bank and such incumbent officer would be competent to effect recovery of outstanding bank dues. SLBC convenor has sent the above proposal of Delhi Govt. to all SLBC member Banks with the request to examine the same and send their views. However, no bank has reverted to this issue till date. All SLBC members are again requested to send us their views on the matter immediately. ****** 44 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 13 KISAN CREDIT CARD SCHEME The Statement showing KCCs issued by various Banks is placed at Annexure-A (page no.91). The Summarized position is as under: (Rs in Lacs) KCC CARDS ISSUED CUMMULATIVE Scheme Upto March, 12 During Current During the Year No. Amt. Quarter No. Amt. No. Amt. No. Amt. 8566 13004.04 449 2132.96 449 2132.96 9015 15137.00 Grand Total 449 KCCs have been issued by all the Banks during the current quarter taking the cumulative figure to 9015. Banks are requested to look into the matter and initiate necessary steps to improve the position with regard to issuance of Kisan Credit Cards to farmers. SWAROZGAR CREDIT CARD SCHEME The Statement showing SCCs issued by various Banks is placed at Annexure-B (page no.92). The Summarized position is as under: (Rs in Lacs) SCC CARDS ISSUED CUMMULATIVE Scheme Upto March, 12 During Current During the Year No. Amt. Quarter No. Amt. No. Amt. No. Amt. 71 44.42 0 0 0 0 71 44.42 Grand Total NABARD vide letter dt. 16/07/2012 has informed target of 500 SCCs for the State of NCT of Delhi for the year 2012-13. This target has been allocated among SLBC member banks. All concerned banks are requested to achieve the targets. ****** 45 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 14 SELF HELP GROUPS Self Help Group is a group of rural poor formed to initially engage in thrift activities and save out of their earnings for contribution to a common fund, which can be lent to the members for meeting productive/emergent credit needs. It is a homogeneous group voluntarily formed to save whatever amount the member can save conveniently. The statement showing SHGs formed and linkages made by various Banks in Delhi is placed at Annexure ‘A’ (page no.93). The summarized position is as under:- UPTO 31.03.12 SHGs FORMED 2011-12 DURING THE QTR DURING THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW 3458 62 62 CUMULATIVE 3520 SHGs LINKAGE 2011-12 UPTO 31.03.12 NO. 1916 AMT 2241.33 DURING THE QUARTER NO. AMT 37 57.40 DURING THE YEAR NO. AMT. 37 57.40 (Rs in lacs) CUMULATIVE NO. AMT. 1953 2298.73 3520 SHGs have been formed upto the quarter under review. Further 1953 Groups have been linked and loans amounting Rs.2298.73 lacs have been disbursed. The involvement of banks is required in formation and linkage of Self Help Groups. As only approx 55% of the SHGs formed have been credit linked, banks are requested to direct their efforts in linkage of SHGs also. ****** 46 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 14(A) JOINT LIABILITY GROUP Government, through NABARD and Banks is encouraging formation of Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) of farmers. The target of providing KCC to financially excluded farmers, particularly tenant farmers, lessees and farmers belonging to weaker sections can be best achieved by promotion of JLGs of such farmers. Only four groups of JLGs formation has been reported by banks during the quarter under review. Corporation bank has formed 3 JLGs and Oriental Bank of Commerce has formed 1 JLG during the Quarter under review. ****** 47 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 15 CREDIT FLOW TO WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS The need for strengthening credit delivery to women has been engaging the attention of the Government and other developmental agencies like RBI/NABARD for quite some time. In this connection, Government of India had constituted a Committee of Secretaries (CoS) to examine the issue, on how to meet the credit needs of women within the existing institutional frame work. To monitor the credit flow to women, all participants were requested to take into account credit extended to women directly for smaller projects, credit under different Schemes of banks/Govt. Sponsored Schemes and credit to companies where majority of the promoters share are held by women; partnership firms where majority of the partners are women and proprietary concerns where proprietors are women. Statement showing the performance of various banks as on June 2012 is shown as per Annexure ‘A’ (page no. 95) and summarized position is as under:JUNE.11 Total Advances to Women Entrepreneurs 7847.88 MARCH-12 JUNE.12 7259.50 8297.20 VARIATION (Amount in Crore) %AGE TO PRIORITY SECTOR ADVANCES OVER OVER THE Mar 11 Dec 11 Mar 12 THE QUARTER YEAR 449.32 1037.70 12.34 11.06 12.94 Advances to women entrepreneur have increased by Rs. 449.32 crore over the year under review and increased by 1037.70 crores during the quarter under review. All banks are requested to increase advances to women entrepreneur. ****** 48 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 16 CREDIT FLOW TO WEAKER SECTION Statement showing advances made to Weaker Section by various banks as on June 2012 is placed at Annexure (page no.96) and summarized position is as under:- Credit to weaker section JUNE.11 AS ON MAR.12 JUNE.12 3775.24 3738.31 3803.68 (Rs. in crore) VARIATION Over the Over the year Qurter 28.44 65.38 Advances to Weaker Section have increased by Rs. 28.44 crore over June-2011 and by Rs. 65.38 crore over the last Quarter. All banks are requested to ensure early disposal of proposals belonging to Weaker Section and increase advances under this segment. ****** 49 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 17 ADVANCES TO MINORITY COMMUNITIES A statement showing advances made to Minority Communities is given as per Annexure 'A' (page no. 97). The summarized comparative position is as under:(Amount in Crore) AS ON VARIATION JUNE-11 MAR.-12 JUNE-12 Over the year Over the Quarter Credit to 3620.28 4261.25 4441.16 820.88 179.91 Minority Communities It is observed that advances to 'Minority Communities' have increased by Rs.820.88 crore over the year and by Rs.179.91 crore over the quarter. ADVANCES TO SPECIFIED DISTRICT: NORTH EAST MINORITY COMMUNITIES IN IDENTIFIED A statement showing advances made to Specified Minority Communities in identified North-East District as on June 2012 is given as per Annexure 'B' (page no.98-100). The summarized comparative position is as under :- Credit to Specified Minority Communities Christians Muslims Buddhists Sikhs Zoroastrians Sub Total Others Total Share of (Sub-total) of (Total) in % JUNE-11 38.92 285.67 28.97 294.85 0.47 648.88 3271.83 3920.71 16.55 AS ON MAR.-12 JUNE-12 22.79 144.96 2.65 71.65 0.06 242.11 8033.32 8275.43 2.93 50 24.70 137.53 8.55 100.38 0.62 271.78 8298.53 8570.31 3.17 (AMOUNT IN CRORE) VARIATION Over the Over the year quarter -14.22 1.91 -148.14 -7.43 -20.42 5.9 -194.47 28.73 0.15 0.56 -377.10 29.67 ADVANCES TO SPECIFIED DISTRICT: CENTRAL MINORITY COMMUNITIES IN IDENTIFIED A statement showing advances made to Specified Minority Communities in identified Central District as on June 2012 is given as per Annexure 'C' (page no.101--103). The summarized comparative position is as under:(AMOUNT IN CRORE) Credit to Specified AS ON VARIATION Minority Communities JUNE-11 MAR.-12 JUNE-12 Over the Over the year Quarter Christians 29.67 25.16 34.92 5.25 9.76 Muslims 108.45 129.53 145.04 36.59 15.51 Buddhists 6.84 3.04 3.52 -3.32 0.48 Sikhs 517.56 366.08 379.86 -137.70 13.78 Zoroastrians 0.29 0.13 0.12 -0.17 -0.01 Sub Total 662.81 523.94 563.46 -99.35 39.52 Others 1822.38 43281.76 43437.54 Total 2485.19 43805.70 44001.00 Share of (Sub-total) of 26.67 1.20 1.28 (Total) in % ADVANCES TO SPECIFIED MINORITY COMMUNITIES IN ALL NON-IDENTIFIED DISTRICTS EXCEPT NORTH-EAST & CENTRAL DISTRICTS A statement showing advances made to Specified Minority Communities in non-identified Districts as on June 2012 is given as per Annexure 'D' (page no.104-106). The summarized comparative position is as under :(AMOUNT IN CRORE) Credit to Specified AS ON VARIATION Minority Communities JUNE-11 MAR.-12 JUNE-12 Over the Over the year Quarter Christians 139.65 237.23 230.95 91.30 -6.28 Muslims 1002.56 900.18 1073.80 71.24 173.62 Buddhists 12.98 13.81 12.96 -0.02 -0.85 Sikhs 1642.91 2151.85 2284.93 642.02 133.08 Zoroastrians 1.25 2.02 3.27 2.02 1.25 Sub Total 2799.35 3305.09 3605.91 806.56 300.82 Others 31584.89 332440.69 505641.71 Total 34384.24 335745.78 509247.62 Share of (Sub Total) of 8.14 0.98 0.71 (Total) in % All banks are requested to increase advances to Minority Community. The Reserve Bank of India has recently issued Master Circular No.RPCD.GSSD.BC.No.2/09.10.01-2012-12 dated 02.7.2012 on credit facilities to Minority Communities (placed at Page No. 111. All banks are also requested to go through this circular and comply with all instructions/guidelines contained therein. ****** 51 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 18 CREDIT FLOW TO DISABLED PERSONS A statement showing advances made to disabled persons as on June 2012 is given as per Annexure ‘A’ (page no.107 ). The summarized position is as under:- JUNE.11 Credit to Disabled Persons 74.27 As on MAR.12 JUNE.12 179.81 181.02 (Rs in Crore) VARIATION Over the year Over the Quarter 106.75 1.21 Advances to disabled persons have increased by Rs.106.75 crore over June 2011. Only 09 Banks have reported figures in respect of advances made to disabled persons. All those Banks, which have not reported any figure, are requested to look into it so that the data relating to this category is correctly reported. All Banks are also requested to advise branches under their control to consider and dispose of proposals received from borrowers belonging to disabled categories on priority basis. ****** 52 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 19 CREDIT FLOW UNDER DIFFERENTIAL RATE OF INTEREST SCHEME (DRI) A statement showing Advances under DRI Scheme is placed at Annexure ‘A’ summarized position is as under: JUNE.11 Credit Under DRI Scheme 13.21 As on MAR.12 JUNE.12 16.64 16.75 (page no.108 ). The (Rs in Crore) VARIATION Over the year Over the Quarter 3.54 0.11 Advances under Differential Rate of Interest Scheme, which are mere 0.03% of total Priority Sector Advances and 0.003% of total advances are far behind the stipulated benchmark of 1% of previous year’s Net Bank Credit. All the Member Banks are requested to intensity the efforts for increasing DRI advances so that we can move towards achieving the prescribed benchmark. ****** 53 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 20 CREDIT FLOW TO EX-SERVICEMEN & WIDOWS OF EX-SERVICEMEN A statement showing advances made to Ex-Servicemen and Widows of Ex-Servicemen by various Banks as on June 2012 is placed at Annexure A (page no. 109-110) and summarized position is as under :POSITION AS ON JUNE, 2012 (Rs. in lac) Upto JUNE 2012 2011-12 Credit to ExServicemen & their Widows No. of Beneficiaries Loan Sanctioned Loan Disbursed No. of Beneficiaries Loan Sanctioned Loan Disbursed 488 953.50 877.10 227 1076.00 992.00 Advances to Ex-Servicemen and Widows of Ex-Servicemen have been sanctioned aggregating Rs. 953.50 lacs to 488 beneficiaries during the year 2011-12 and Rs.1076.00 lacs to 227 beneficiaries during the year. SEMFEX SCHEME A statement showing advances made under SAMFEX Scheme by various Banks as on June 2012 is placed at Annexure B (page no.108) and summarized position is as under :POSITION AS ON JUNE 2012 Applications Recd 24 Applications Sanctioned 24 Applications Rejected 0 Applications Pending 0 (Rs. in lac) Disbursements No. Amt. 24 124.00 All Banks are requested to increase the advances to Ex-serviceman and Widows of ExServicemen. ****** 54 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 21 IMPLEMENTATION OF REVIVAL, REFORM AND RESTRUCTURING PACKAGE FOR HANDLOOM SECTOR The Financial Package of Rs. 3,889 crore for loan waiver of Handloom Sector has been approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on 24th November, 2011. The Comprehensive Package for the Handloom Sector for Rs. 2,362 crore has also been approved by the Cabinet on 18th December, 2011. The Government of India, Ministry of Textiles has already communicated the guidelines for implementation of Financial Packages for Handloom Sector with the advice to all concerned to ensure compliance of the same. All Banks are requested to ensure that the Packages announced by the Government are effectively implemented. All banks are also requested to send progress made in implementation of Packages to SLBC Convenor immediately. ****** 55 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 22 AUTOMATION OF STATE TREASURY The Public Sector Banks are providing banking services to various State Governments and are effecting payments on behalf of the State Government Treasuries. Presently all the works related to State Treasuries is done manually. Some of the State Government Treasuries have adopted some technological solutions for electronically authorization to banks. However, the processes of the treasuries have not been fully automated upto now to reap the benefits of technology. The full automation of interface of State Government Treasuries with the banks would have immense benefits for all the stakeholders including the concerned State Governments, the banks and the beneficiaries, such as, convenient and smooth processes, instant fund transfer and quick credits to all beneficiaries’ accounts, elimination of risks associated with human interference, cost and time efficient transactions, quick settlement of claims, automatic reconciliation of transactions, substantially reduced paper work, etc. The Ministry of Finance, Government of India has desired that the State Government Treasuries should be fully automated. The matter of Automation of State Treasury was taken up in the last SLBC Meeting also and SLBC Convenor Bank had made necessary follow-up with the State Government. Now, the Finance Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi has informed that they are in the process of automation of Treasury. The Government of NCT of Delhi is requested to expedite the work. ****** 56 68th STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NCT OF DELHI FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 2012 AGENDA NO. 23 DETECTION AND IMPOUNDING OF COUNTERFEIT NOTES The Reserve Bank of India has recently issued Master Circular No. DCM (FNVD) No. G16.01.05/2012-12 dated 02.07.2012 on Detection & Impounding of Counterfeit Notes (placed at Page No. 119). All banks are requested to go through the circular and comply with the instruction contained therein. ****** 57