The Fool, The Diary, Chinese Punctuation Marks

Hui Wai Yi 51461928
Artist Statement
Chinese Punctuation Marks as a Poem:
It is a collaborative artwork. Audiences have to make a poem according to the rule that
is using Chinese punctuation marks. There is only one rule. It aims to reuse and transform
Chinese punctuation marks into poems. In Chinese text, punctuation marks are assistance to
text and they are not used in the past. Its function is to let readers know how to read a passage
in rhythm. Compared to Western punctuation marks, Chinese punctuation marks are various
and detailed. Each of them serves different function to the text. For example, there are many
kinds of quotation marks that are for citation of sentences, books and people. So, I think
punctuation marks can also give meaning individually. They can also be part of Chinese text.
In this work, I want to see how the transformation possibilities of Chinese punctuation
marks are by setting a rule. It, the rule, generates different forms of using Chinese punctuation
marks. With meaning themselves, Chinese punctuation marks can become text, but not a tool
providing reading rhythm only.
Use Chinese punctuation marks to make a poem.
Work 3 by Chu:
Work 4 by Yoshi:
「是終結也是開始, 到頭來還是繞了一圈回到原點」
Hui Wai Yi 51461928
Artist Statement
The Diary:
This work is a processed diary. A speaker is installed inside the book. Every time you
open the diary, the speaker will be switched off and sound will disappear. When you close it,
the speaker is switched on and sound comes out again from the book. When the book is closed,
audience can just hear an unclear sound from the diary.
Secret is supposed to be kept in mind and no one would know except the secret keeper.
But diary is a book which is usually keeping secrets. However, writing down secrets in diary is an
act to release it out and things in diary are preferred to be read by someone. This kind of
contradictory becomes the inspiration of making this work. I think traditional presentation of
artworks is in direct communication. Works are usually shown in a gallery and audience can get
the concept through understanding it. Through this work, I try to explore a new way of
presenting artworks. Is it a must to tell you a message directly? This work somehow tells
audiences a ‘secret’ in an unclear way. The secret is recorded by me and played inside the diary.
The diary can be seen, but the secret inside is hidden. When you try to understand it that is to
open the diary, the message and sound disappears. Secrets would not be spoken directly, but
the work is still there.
Hui Wai Yi 51461928
Artist Statement
Hui Wai Yi 51461928
Artist Statement
The Fool:
This work is inspired by Xubing (徐冰)’s “Book From the Sky” (天書). He created many
new Chinese characters. Chinese characters always combine different elements together to
become a new thing. For example, the word “好” (good) is formed by a woman and a son. That
means people who get a wife and a son is good. Since Chinese characters have been changing
for serveral times. For example, simplified Chinese is a typical change of Chinese characters.
There kind of changes are always determined by government. We just write those words
according what they said and write without thinking about its original meaning. Nowadays,
Chinese characters’ original meaning has been blurred.
I want to release the right of creating characters through this work. Characters was
made and remade by people, so everyone have the right to subvert it and create new words. In
this artwork, I create new words according to the up-to-date and my own meaning. For
example, I now think goodness is to have money and knowledge. Therefore, the word “好” will
be formed by ”金”(money) and “才” (knowledge).
“The Fool” is a story written by new words. People in a village believed what the fool
has said without thinking. I think this situation is like Chinese characters. We use it but never
think about it. Finally, who is the fool?
Hui Wai Yi 51461928
Artist Statement