Construction Systems A 7830 Course Description and End-of-Course Assessment 10-12 High School Curriculum Writers: M. Durrant, K. Fredericskon, M. Carroll Prere Level (ESS/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Allotted (in hours) Obj. #1 Objective Resources Current Textbook and Supplementary Materials, Handouts, Videos, guest Speakers, Samples, Charts, Field Trips, Local Businesses, State-of-the –Art Construction Tools and Equipment Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Lectures, Classroom Discussions, Demonstrations, models, Class and Individual Projects, Performance and Written Assessments, Capture Sheets Standard 1: Introduction to the Construction Industry Goal: Acquire and practice positive skills and habits 1. Comprehend Employment skills and habits i.e. Demonstrate appropriate work behavior. Lectures Classroom Discussion ESS Handouts, ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 1 (2 Days) Level (ESS/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Allotted (in hours) Obj. #1 Objective Resources Current Textbook and Supplementary Materials, Handouts, Videos, guest Speakers, Samples, Charts, Field Trips, Local Businesses, State-of-the –Art Construction Tools and Equipment Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Lectures, Classroom Discussions, Demonstrations, models, Class and Individual Projects, Performance and Written Assessments, Capture Sheets Maintain a safe and healthy environment. Develop a professional image. Develop good working relationships with others. Communicate on the job. Adapt to change. Standard 2: Workplace Safety (2 days) Goal: Learn and Apply Safety 2. Identify work safety issues. Apply work area safety rules and procedures. Apply fire safety rules and procedures. Apply personal protection safety procedures. Apply proper material handling techniques to prevent injury and accidents. Apply electrical safety rules and procedures. Apply rules for hazardous materials and operations safety. Identify OSHA standards. Videos, Posters, ESS Rules Handouts Parent Permission Forms Demonstrations, Safety Exams, Discussions, Issue Safety Equipment ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 2 Level (ESS/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Allotted (in hours) Obj. #1 Objective Resources Current Textbook and Supplementary Materials, Handouts, Videos, guest Speakers, Samples, Charts, Field Trips, Local Businesses, State-of-the –Art Construction Tools and Equipment Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Lectures, Classroom Discussions, Demonstrations, models, Class and Individual Projects, Performance and Written Assessments, Capture Sheets Standard 3: BUILDING MATERIALS AND ENERGY CONSERVATION STRATEGIES (2 days) Goal: Recognize various building materials and Conservation strategies 3. Identify types of lumber and their uses. Demonstrate knowledge of plywood. Identify materials used for paneling, trim and moldings. Explain how wood products are measured and ordered. Demonstrate knowledge of building materials other than wood products. Demonstrate familiarity with energy-saving construction techniques. Describe construction methods for conserving energy. ESS Samples, Handouts, charts, Field trips Lecture, Class Discussion, Test, Standard 4: MATH AND MEASUREMENT SKILLS (2 days) Goal: Demonstrate and Perform Accurate Math and Measurement Skills 4. Identify basic mathematical terms and symbols. Perform mathematical operations using whole numbers. ESS Handouts, Worksheets, Enlarged Rulers ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 3 Class discussion, tests, Quizzes, Demonstrations Level (ESS/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Allotted (in hours) Obj. #1 Objective Resources Current Textbook and Supplementary Materials, Handouts, Videos, guest Speakers, Samples, Charts, Field Trips, Local Businesses, State-of-the –Art Construction Tools and Equipment Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Lectures, Classroom Discussions, Demonstrations, models, Class and Individual Projects, Performance and Written Assessments, Capture Sheets Perform calculations using fractions, decimals and percentages. Demonstrate knowledge of basic geometry. Perform measuring operations used in the building trades. Standard 5: BASIC BLUEPRINT READING AND DRAWING SKILLS (1 – 5 Days) Goal: Demonstrate and Perform Accurate Blueprint Reading and Drawing Skills Demonstrate plan reading skills. Use Drafting Equipment, Measuring Scales, Drawing Media, Drafting Instruments and Consumable Materials. Prepare Working and Pictorial Drawings. 5. ESS EXP Samples, Handouts, Drawing Worksheets, CAD Software, Lecture, Demonstrations, Standard 6: USE AND MAINTENANCE OF HAND AND POWER TOOLS (3 to 5 days) Goal: Demonstrate and Perform Accurate Use and Maintenance of Hand and Power Tools ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 4 Level (ESS/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Allotted (in hours) Obj. #1 Objective 6. Identify common carpenters' hand tools. Demonstrate proper and safe use of common carpenters' hand tools. Perform care and maintenance on common carpenters' hand tools. Use power tools correctly and safely. ESS Resources Current Textbook and Supplementary Materials, Handouts, Videos, guest Speakers, Samples, Charts, Field Trips, Local Businesses, State-of-the –Art Construction Tools and Equipment Handouts, worksheets, videos, Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Lectures, Classroom Discussions, Demonstrations, models, Class and Individual Projects, Performance and Written Assessments, Capture Sheets Quizzes, Demonstrations, Modeling, lecture and Class Discussions, Performance Evaluations Standard 7: SITE PREPARATION, CONCRETE FORMS AND FORMING (3 to 5 days) Goal: UNDERSTAND SITE PREPARATION, CONCRETE FORMS AND FORMING 7. Demonstrate basic knowledge of concrete footings and foundations. Determine concrete volume. Explain the use of reinforcing in footings and foundations. Set up and use a transit and a builders level. Demonstrate the ability to test concrete. Demonstrate the ability to recognize and use types of concrete forms, associated hardware and materials. Demonstrate the ability to construct, strip and prepare continuous and ESS EXP Filed Trips, Job Sites, Handouts, Videos, Math Texts, ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 5 Lectures, Demonstrations, Student Projects Level (ESS/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Allotted (in hours) Obj. #1 Objective Resources Current Textbook and Supplementary Materials, Handouts, Videos, guest Speakers, Samples, Charts, Field Trips, Local Businesses, State-of-the –Art Construction Tools and Equipment Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Lectures, Classroom Discussions, Demonstrations, models, Class and Individual Projects, Performance and Written Assessments, Capture Sheets pier footing forms. Identify types of special foundations and determine local minimum depth for foundations. Demonstrate the ability to construct edge and stair forms. Demonstrate the ability to work with wall forms. Demonstrate knowledge of abovegrade slab systems. Demonstrate knowledge of fireproof encasement forms. Standard 8: FRAME FLOORS, SILLS, WALLS AND CEILINGS (15 to 30 days) Goal: UNDERSTAND, DEVELOP, and CONSTRUCT FRAME FLOORS, SILLS, WALLS AND CEILINGS 8. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of floors and sills. Apply basic knowledge of floors and sills. Identify wall and partition members. Estimate materials required for a single-story structure. Frame a single-story structure. ESS EXP Demonstrate the ability to work with metal framing systems. Videos, Materials, Handouts, Working Plans, Scale Models, ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 6 Lecture, Discussions, Class and Individual Projects Level (ESS/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Allotted (in hours) Obj. #1 Objective Resources Current Textbook and Supplementary Materials, Handouts, Videos, guest Speakers, Samples, Charts, Field Trips, Local Businesses, State-of-the –Art Construction Tools and Equipment Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Lectures, Classroom Discussions, Demonstrations, models, Class and Individual Projects, Performance and Written Assessments, Capture Sheets Standard 9: ROOF CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES (5 to 15 days) Goal: UNDERSTAND, DEVELOP, and CONSTRUCT VARIOUS ROOF CONSTRUCTION 9. Discuss roof construction. Identify different roof framing members. Construct a roof, including all openings and sheathing. Understand roofing and flashing. ESS EXP Demonstrate the ability to construct trusses. Demonstrate the ability to erect trusses. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of cornices and gable ends. Videos, Materials, Handouts, Working Plans, Scale Models, ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 7 Lecture, Discussions, Class and Individual Projects Suggested Sequence of Objectives Connectivity (skills/concepts applicable to core areas of study) ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 8 End-of-Course Assessment Describe project, presentation, or product here and include rubric ( for examples) OR attach exam. Rubric [Revise as necessary or attach rubric] 5 4 3 2 1 0 Advanced: [All elements will be effectively presented] Proficient: [At least four elements will be effectively presented] Satisfactory: [At least four elements presented] Developing: [At least three elements presented] Beginning: [At least two elements presented] Insufficient: [substantial lack of preparationj] ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 9