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English Heritage, Heritage at Risk Register, 2013
Hallamshire Historic Buildings Society area
This document is a summary of the buildings and sites considered to be currently “at risk” by
English Heritage within the HHBS area.
The full Heritage at Risk Register, published October 2013 can be found at:
Page 2 – Chesterfield / Derbyshire
Page 4 – Rotherham
Page 7 – Sheffield
Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Chesterfield / Derbyshire
Chesterfield / Derbyshire - Buildings at Risk
Banqueting house at Barlborough Hall, Ward Lane,
Very bad
Grade II
Late C16 stone banqueting house, with attached range
of outbuildings, to the west. Faces south over the gazebo
or pool garden, with formal fishpond. Contains fine
ornamental plaster. Corrugated sheet roof. Not used and
in very poor condition internally. An English Heritage
grant was offered and accepted in 2013 for urgent
repairs. Work to include re-roofing, structural repairs,
plaster conservation and repair, which should commence
later in 2013 or early 2014.
Engine house, chimney and headstocks to the
former Pleasley Colliery, Chesterfield Road, Pleasley,
Grade II
Disused colliery buildings, late C19 with headstocks and
winding engines. Major programme of repairs funded by
East Midlands Development Agency commenced in
November 2009 and were completed in 2011, although
further substantial works are required. Winner of English
Heritage Angel Award 2011.
Brampton Manor Barn, Old Hall Road, Brampton
Grade II
Medieval barn. Massive cruck trusses under stone/slate
roof which require repair. Threat to timber frame inside.
Walton Works, Walton Fields Road, Brampton
Grade II*
Former cotton wick mill, late C18 and later; significant for
its early and novel fireproof construction. Mainly 3
storeys with 2 and 4 storey elements. The building is
vacant and for sale following closure of the
manufacturing business and clearance of the modern
buildings from the site. Proposals for conversion of the
mill within a mixed use scheme have been submitted to
Chesterfield Borough Council.
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Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Barn at Frith Hall Farm, Frith Hall Lane, Brampton
Grade II*
Cruck barn dated by dendrochronology to 1602. Seven
cruck trusses, later extension. Clad in coal-measures
sandstone. Corrugated asbestos and steel roof covering.
Roof needs some work, timbers are being exposed to
moisture. Repairs under a Natural England Stewardship
Scheme have been approved.
Coke ovens, Dronfield
Scheduled monument
Very bad
Coke ovens, C19. Divided ownership and in gradual
decline. Conservation plan and commissioned survey
completed. Vegetation now removed. Discussions in
hand for the future of the monument with local
archaeology and history groups.
Chesterfield / Derbyshire - Conservation Areas at Risk
Clay Cross Town Centre, Clay Cross
Very bad, improving
Eckington and Renishaw Park, Eckington / Killamarsh
Very bad, improving
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Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Rotherham - Buildings at Risk
25 and 27 High Street
Grade II*
Known as The Three Cranes. Late medieval house.
Signs of structural decay, faulty rainwater goods.
Keppels Column, Admirals Crest, Thorpe Common
Grade II*
Monumental column built 1773-80. Now on the edge of
Wentworth Woodhouse Estate. The building is closed to
the public, although emergency repairs have been carried
out to the viewing platform and stairwell. There are
significant structural cracks and stonework erosion. The
internal staircase is unsafe.
Thorpe Salvin Old Hall (ruins of), Ladyfield Road,
Thorpe Salvin
Grade II*
Gatehouse and imposing three storey south facade of
mid C16 stone-built mansion built by Henry Sanford (died
1582) standing in an open courtyard. Grant has been
offered for a condition survey.
Camellia House, Wentworth Woodhouse, Wentworth
Grade II*
Early C19 conservatory incorporating mid C18 section to
rear, situated approx 400 metres south west of the house
in the C18 and C19 gardens. Built as part of the
Wentworth Estate. Set within park remodelled by
Humphry Repton in the early 1790s. The condition of the
Camellia House has deteriorated, in part due to
vandalism and the roof and glazing are in poor condition.
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Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Stable block and riding school, Wentworth
Woodhouse, Wentworth
Grade II*
Stable block and riding school, 1760s, situated
approximately 300 metres north west of the house.
Church of All Saints, Church Street, Wath Upon
Grade I
Church with north arcades and lower part of tower dating
to C12. Nave and chancel rebuilt and added to in C13
and C14 and tower heightened in C14 or C15. Roofs,
high-level masonry and rainwater goods in poor
condition. Grant offered in December 2012 under Repair
Grants for Places of Worship.
Church of St Leonard, Doncaster Road, Thrybergh
Grade II*
Medieval church with fine monuments. Roofs in poor
condition. Two phases of grant offered in December 2010
and December 2012 under Repair Grants for Places of
Worship for repair. First phase almost complete and
second phase in project development.
Church of St Peter and St Paul, Todwick
Grade II*
Medieval church with C11 nave, C14 chancel and C15
tower with C18 and C19 alterations. Tower parapets and
pinnacles in poor condition.
Rotherham - Conservation Areas at Risk
Doncaster Road, Rotherham Town Centre
Very bad, deteriorating
Greasborough, Rotherham Urban
Very bad, improving
Rotherham Town Centre
Very bad, improving
Wales, Rotherham South
Poor, deteriorating
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Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Rotherham - Scheduled Monuments at Risk
Kimberworth motte and bailey castle
Generally unsatisfactory with major
localised problems, declining
Roman Ridge: section 110yds (100m) long, 450yds (410m) NNE of
Kimberworth Park Farm
Generally satisfactory but with
minor localised problems, declining
Roman Ridge: section 300yds (270m) long north of Birchwood (east of
Chemical Cottages)
Generally satisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
Roman Ridge: section 400yds (370m) long from Hill Top Lane to Little
Common Lane
Generally satisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
Roman Ridge: section 400yds (370m) long in Wath Wood
Generally satisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
Roman Ridge: south east of Hill Top (section 700yds (660m) long,
Meadowhall Road to Hill Top)
Generally satisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
Swinton Pottery (The Rockingham Works), 310m and 120m north
west of Keeper's Cottage
Generally unsatisfactory with major
localised problems, declining
Roman Ridge (Roman road): section 135yds (120m) long, east of
Hoober House, Brampton Bierlow
Generally unsatisfactory with major
localised problems, declining
Roman Ridge: section 300yds (270m) long on Birchcliff Bank, Brampton
Generally satisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
Roman Ridge: section 400yds (370m) long south of Abdy Farm ,,
Brampton Bierlow
Generally unsatisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
Roman Ridge: section 330yds (300m) long, south of Dog Kennel Pond,
Wentworth Park, Wentworth
Extensive significant problems,
Roman Ridge: section 500yds (460m) long, north of Dog Kennel Pond,
Wentworth Park, Wentworth
Generally unsatisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
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Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Sheffield - Buildings at Risk
Entrance Gateway to Green Lane Works, Green Lane
Grade II*
Very bad
Imposing entrance gateway, dated 1860, incorporating a
tripartite triumphal arch flanked by relief panels depicting
"Art" and "Industry" and topped with a pediment and
cupola with clock stage and lantern. Rear masonry
range, roofs and rainwater goods are in very poor
condition and water ingress has caused internal timbers
to decay. Grant application submitted for funding towards
investigative works and urgent repairs.
Gateway and adjoining walls at garden entrance to
Oakes Park, Norton
Grade II*
Early C18 and early C19 gateway with ornamental iron
gates leading to C18 gardens. The gates are rusty and
the gate piers are in poor condition. The park is also at
Leah's Yard, 20-22 Cambridge Street
Grade II*
Mid C19 cutlery/silversmithing works, with late C19
alterations. General decay, some fire damage. Use for
shops and food/drink agreed and included in "New Retail
Quarter" proposals. The scope of urgent repairs has
been agreed
Nonconformist Chapel, General Cemetery, Cemetery
Grade II*
Cemetery chapel built in circa 1836. Lead has been
stolen from the roof and not reinstated, risking further
structural deterioration. Fundraising is in progress to
restore the building and open it to the public.
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Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Loxley United Reformed Church, Loxley Road,
Grade II*
Former church, 1787. Closed in 1994. Recently suffered
from further vandalism, condition deteriorating.
Seventh Day Adventist Church adjoining school and
boundary wall, Andover Street
Grade II
Victorian chapel, now Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Roofs and rainwater goods in poor condition.
Church of St Mary, Howard Road, Sheffield
Grade II
Parish church in the Gothic Revival style dating to 1869,
with vestry added in 1928. Roof coverings and rainwater
goods are in poor condition and water ingress has
damaged internal finishes. Some glazing is in poor
condition. Grant offered in March 2013 under Repair
Grants for Places of Worship.
Church of St Paul, Wordsworth Avenue
Grade II*
1960s church by Basil Spence. Repairs carried out to
body of church, but extensive repair needed to the
concrete cloisters which extend from the front of the
church. Some grant-aided repairs offered in March 2009
under Repair Grants for Places of Worship have been
completed. Further phases are required.
Sheffield - Conservation Areas at Risk
Kelham Island
Very bad, improving
Sheffield General Cemetery
Very bad, deteriorating
Well Meadow
Very bad, deteriorating
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Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Sheffield - Registered Parks and Gardens at Risk
Oakes Park
Grade II
Gardens and pleasure grounds with early to mid C18
origins, an early C19 terrace and parkland probably of
early C19 date. Park and gardens compromised by
multiple use, condition of park is poor and listed
structures in very poor condition.
Sheffield General Cemetery
with major
Grade II*
Cemetery of 1836 designed by Sheffield architect
Samuel Worth (fl.1830) with a chapel, catacombs and a
cemetery office, and a layout which makes dramatic use
of a quarried hillside site. An extension of 1846 for
Anglican burials, laid out by Robert Marnock (1800-89).
The cemetery retains both its Anglican and NonConformist Chapels (listed grade II*) the latter a building
at risk. Site managed by The Friends of Sheffield
General Cemetery.
Sheffield - Scheduled Monuments at Risk
Roman Ridge: section 600yds (550m) long between Jenkin Lane (now
Road) and Tylers Street
Generally unsatisfactory with
major localised problems,
Little Matlock rolling mill immediately south and east of Olive Terrace,
Generally unsatisfactory with
major localised problems,
Handlands Romano-British settlement, 460m south west of
Woodseats Farm, Ecclesfield
Generally satisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
Willow Garth moated site and fishpond, Ecclesfield, Ecclesfield
Generally satisfactory but with
significant localised problems,
Mousehole Forge, Malin Bridge
Generally unsatisfactory with
major localised problems,
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Hallamshire Historic Buildings – Heritage at Risk 2013
Iron Age and Roman quern workings on Wharncliffe Rocks,
Generally unsatisfactory with
major localised problems,
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