Robert Zimmerman, 560709-0270 Aggrregate quality and prospecting Bilaga A AGGREGATE QUALITY AND PROSPECTING S P E C IF IC A I M P A RT 1. T IL L The aim of this project is to develop methods for characterization of aggregate quality, for use in prospecting for both rock mass and till deposits that would, if exploited, yield good quality aggregate. The methods should be easily implemented and interpreted. Thus, these methods will be important tools in assisting the selection of the best site available in the local area of an engineering construction for aggregate production. This requires a suite of interrelated studies that attack the subject of aggregates from different disciplines. The project is divided into four parts. Part 1 - till properties as an indicator of the potential quality of local bedrock as aggregate; Part 2 - development of a geophysical methods for interpretation of frequency of horizontal or sub horizontal discontinuities in the rock mass; Part 4 - geophysical characterization and occurrence of coarse grained and thick deposits of till; Part 3 - Image Analysis to determine aggregate size and shape distribution and for interpreting the Los Angeles and Micro Deval tests. A future project will deal with testing the prospecting potential of the methods developed in this project. I N TRO D UC T IO N AND B A C K G RO U N D The source of aggregates is changing from natural to crushed rock. This has lead to several difficulties. Our present day standards are often based on the knowledge gained from decades of use of natural aggregates. However, crushed aggregates do not have the same characteristics as natural aggregates. Thus, there is a need to be able to quantitatively characterize the quality of aggregates. The choice of a rock quarry is dependent upon the rock quality and its potential usage as aggregate material. Since most bedrock in Sweden is covered by Quaternary sediments, bedrock maps can be misleading. New methods are needed that aid in the best choice of placement of a rock quarry. The better the rock aggregate, the longer will be the life of engineering products, and the lower will be the demand for aggregates – thus, fewer and smaller quarries will be needed. It is both economically and environmentally important that new and better methods for aggregate quality and aggregate prospecting are developed. P RO P E RI T IE S V E R S U S A G G RE G A TE Q UA LI TY O F LO C A L B E D RO C K Introduction – Till varies greatly in composition, grain-size distribution, and boulder content, as well as petrographic composition. The size, shape and frequency of the coarse particles should be dependent on the rock-mass quality. The fractures in the rock play a very important role in glacial erosion. The boulders transported away from the source rock are broken and crushed to finer particles; the size decreases with increased distance from the source. Till is primarily composed of local bedrock material and is transported only a few kilometers. Thus, a study of the till will give important information about the local rock mass, and can be used to determine its quality with respect to suitability as aggregate material. The aim – of this part is to determine a relationship between till properties and potential aggregate quality of the local bedrock. Theoretically, the size, shape, and frequency of till cobbles and boulders should be related to the bedrock composition and fracture frequency. Strong rocks with few joints should yield many large boulders, whereas weak rocks with numerous joints should yield smaller boulders. Also, the mineral composition and grain shape of the silt-to-gravel fraction of the till will represent the crushed rock mass. Furthermore, the percentage of coarse versus fine particles should be related to the physical properties of the local bedrock. Strong rocks produce coarser till, whereas weaker rock produces clay-rich till. Thus, samples from the local till can give important information about the potential aggregate quality. This can be difficult to determine from just a few isolated drill holes in the rock mass. The composition of the till can allow us to detect the occurrence of unwanted rock mass. Boulder size and frequency will be studied and correlated to the rock mass strength and fracture frequency of the local bedrock (associated with parts 2 and 4). The silt-to-gravel fractions in the till will be studied to determine the predominant mineralogy and particle form (Lindqvist et al., 2001, 2003; Åkesson et al., 2001a,b). It will be possible to determine if the local rock mass, when crushed, will produce extensive free mica, free quartz, clay minerals, alkali-silica reactive minerals or particles shapes which are not optimal for high quality aggregates. Robert Zimmerman, 560709-0270 Aggrregate quality and prospecting Field study – Three sites will be chosen, in cooperation with the Swedish Geological Survey Rock Quality Map project, where the bedrock is expected to yield aggregates of different qualities: very good, moderate, very poor. We will study both the bedrock and the till down-ice from the rock outcrops. The till will be studied in three areas, down-ice, from the rock outcrop. The primary target of the study is the petrography, size, shape and frequency of the boulders on the ground surface. Secondly, the till matrix composition will be determined, including mineralogy, grain-size and grain-form distribution. The till boulders – will be evaluated with respect to petrography, to determine which percent originates from the local bedrock or from a more distal source. The microstructures will be studied in thin sections (Lindqvist et al., 2001, 2003; Åkesson et al., 2001a,b) and related to LA and MD values. In association with Part 4, the size and shape of the particles will be determined, and LA and MD tests preformed, using EU standard methods and Fernlund’s 3-D IA method (Fernlund, 2005a,b,c). In association with Part 2, the local bedrock composition and fracture frequency will be studied. This will allow an evaluation of the till properties with respect to the properties of the local bedrock. The till matrix – We will study the mineralogy, microscope analysis, of the till matrix and compare this to the bedrock petrography. We will especially check for reactive minerals such as sulfates and strained quartz and % free mica. Study of the bedrock – The bedrock composition and fractures will be studied, in association with Part 2. The resistance to impact and wear, LA and MD values, will be determined, in association with Part 4. P A RT 2. F RA C TU RE F RE Q U E N C Y O F RO C K S Introduction – The fracture frequency of rocks can be assessed on rock outcrops with different techniques. It is difficult, however, to assess horizontal fracture frequencies from the surface of the rock outcrops. The frequency of horizontal fractures downward in the rock mass are not observed; instead, their frequency is normally estimated. The intensity of fracturing is related to several physical properties of the rock: electric resistivity, seismic sound velocity and electromagnetic wave velocity (Zimmerman and King, 1985; Zimmerman et al., 1994; Zimmerman and Main, 2004). At present there is no established correlation between fracture frequency and aggregate qualities. This should be able to be determined by applying several geophysical methods Bilaga A that indirectly measure rock fracture frequency. In connection with aggregate production, a depth range up to ca 10 meters is sufficient. The aim – of this project is to evaluate the threedimensional fracture frequency on outcrops using window mapping, radar measurements and electromagnetic resistivity measurements. Methods – To establish the possible correlation between results of geophysical methods and fractures a study of vertical sections is needed. Horizontal fractures can be observed in the vertical section; thus, we can assess how well the methods detect horizontal fractures. Suitable localities would be road cuts and rock quarries. Localities with variable fracture frequency, from strongly fractured to sparsely fractured, will be studied. Lithological features that affect physical properties will be analyzed in thin section. This includes the content of conductive minerals like graphite and sulphides, and the mica content. At each site the fracture-fill minerals will be identified, and several cores of unfractured rock will be taken to provide a reference for interpretation of the various physical properties. The design of the geophysical measurements has to take into account the sampling bias caused by structural anisotropy and by the orientation of fracture sets. This project will be carried out in close cooperation with Raicon Malå Geoscience AB regarding the radar aspect of fracture frequency estimation. The field studies of the bedrock will include fracture mapping on a horizontal surface and a vertical surface (road cut). Several geophysical tests will be made: seismic, geo-radar, geo-electric and gamma ray spectrometry. New geo-radar methods will be tested on the horizontal surface. The geo-radar measurements can facilitate a 3-D fracture frequency assessment when combined with surface estimates. We hope to determine the occurrence of nearly horizontal joints and fractures which are very important, since they define the third dimension of potential blocks that can be plucked by the ice. The gamma spectrometer measurements allow a determination of the uranium content and its variance to assess the potential radon risk if the aggregate is used in construction of homes. Finally, electromagnetic and seismic measurements are the tools that can be used in a prospecting situation to characterize the bedrock to a certain depth (King et al., 1988). The measurements made, in a wellcontrolled test, are used to calibrate the analysis particularly aiming at rock quality aspects. Cores of the rock will be studied in the lab for mineralogical composition, microstructure and strength. LA and MD tests will be made in association with part 4. The results will be compared to the till characteristics, in association with part 1. Robert Zimmerman, 560709-0270 Aggrregate quality and prospecting P A RT 3. G E O P HY SIC A L IN V E S T IG A TIO N S F O R D E T E R M IN A T IO N O F C O A R SE G RA IN E D A N D TH IC K D E P O S I T S O F TI L L Introduction – The size distribution of the till mass as well as the thickness of the till is difficult to determine from surface analysis. In order to be suitable as a source of aggregate the till should have a high proportion of coarse particles as well as be sufficiently thick so that excavation is both economically and environmentally feasible. This project will apply geophysical methods to study both the composition and thickness of till deposits. The aim – of this project is to develop geophysical methods to characterize till-types suitable for aggregate production, resulting in a prospecting method for coarse grained and thick deposits of till. Methods – Geophysical measurements will be made at sites with till of variable grain-size distributions and thicknesses. To verify the results, the till will be excavated. The geophysical measurements, seismic, geo-radar, geo-electric, and gamma spectrometry, will provide information about the thickness and the physical properties of the till. The till composition, petrography, size distribution and mineralogy can be coupled to the results of the geophysical measurements. Several methods will be used in combination to constrain the major geological features represented, i.e., the depth to the water-enriched zone of the till and the depth to the basement interface, which are expected to be represented in the seismic, geo-radar, and geoelectric data. Seismic – Refraction-seismic measurements are required to obtain a precise measure of the depth to the bedrock interface, which constrains the interpretation of the geo-radar and geo-electric data. Geo-electric methods – Characterization of the till can be made using several methods based on electrical resistivity variations. The clay content in till, together with the variation of the content of coarse material, is reflected in the electric resistivity. The electric resistivity can indirectly be assessed with both direct current measurements carried out as 2D and/or 3D imaging/tomography and electromagnetic methods operating with several radio frequencies, such as radio-magnetotelluric (RMT) measurements. The calibration of the relation between clay content and resistivity can be established by measurements of till with a large variation of clay content (Al-Mjeni et al., 2002). Geo-electric methods can also be used to determine the thickness of the till above the bedrock as well as the occurrence of zones where groundwater is abundant. More reliable results can be achieved, however, by combining these with other Bilaga A geophysical methods such as refraction seismics (e.g., King et al., 1988). Geo-radar – Measurements with geo-radar technique should be tested to identify, in the uppermost ten meters, any correlation between patterns extracted from radargrams and till properties. It is important to identify radargram characteristics that are associated with coarsegrained till and its thickness. Gamma radiation – Assessment of the uranium content, which is associated with radon risk, is essential. A correlation between the rock types and the gamma radiation can be made by image analysis; combining bedrock type, outcrops, and airborne gamma radiation measurements using GIS. The method requires strategies that admit fuzzy boundaries and that can incorporate estimated errors in aircraft position, in order to minimize the variance related to rock types and to identify varieties of the same rock type that may have different uranium contents. P A RT 4. E V A L UA T IO N O F I MA G E A N A L Y S I S ME T HO D A P P L I E D TO SIZ E A N D S H A P E D I ST R IB UT I O N S A N D E V A L UA T IO N O F T HE L O S A N G E LE S A N D M IC RO D E V A L T E S T S Introduction and general overview of the subject – The new EU standards for railroad aggregates include several tests, including size distribution, shape and resistance to wear and impact (LA and MD values). Theoretically, Fernlund’s 3-D Image Analysis method (Fernlund, 2005,a,b,c) can replace several of the EU Standard tests for roads and railroads. The size distribution for all three axes of each particle can be determined. All the shape tests can be carried out simultaneously to the size distribution. Additionally, the method can be used to evaluate the results of both the Los Angeles and micro Deval tests. The IA test is very fast and accurate. Only one test is needed instead of numerous tests, and results yield detailed information about individual particles and not just a bulk value. This means that the quality of the aggregate is more accurately determined than by the traditional methods. In the future, standards can be developed which require aggregates that are best suited for a specific application. This will increase the life expectancy of the engineering construction and decrease the total demand of aggregates needed. It can potentially be a dynamic tool in aggregate quality control and prospecting. These results will be useful for aggregate used in bound or unbound form, as aggregate size and shape are known to be key factors in controlling the mechanical properties Robert Zimmerman, 560709-0270 Aggrregate quality and prospecting of concrete (Zimmerman et al., 1986, Lutz et al., 1997). The aim – is to study the potential aggregates, from Part 1, 2, and 3 - different types of rocks from different places in Sweden, both with the EU standard tests and Image Analysis test. The purpose of this project is to compare the results and determine if this new 3-D IA method is more accurate, is better able to quantify the quality of aggregates, and is more cost efficient. Methods – Field-sampling sites will be those studied in Parts 1, 2, and 3 from different regions of Sweden. The aim is to test rocks that are different with respect to their petrology and physical characteristics. The choice of sites will be made together with Mattias Göransson from Swedish Geological Survey, SGU and with Jan Erik Lindqvist from the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, SP, working with Los Angeles tests and their correlation with petrography. The size distribution, the shape aspects and surface texture and angularity all will be determined both before and after the LA and MD tests. Tests to be done at KTH before and after the LA and MD tests Image analysis – is very simple and inexpensive. It requires a digital camera, a box, sand and glow-inthe-dark beads. A 5 cm thick layer of sand is placed in the box and covered with the glow-in-the-dark beads. The particles are first imaged by laying them on top of the beads in a dark room; in the field a dark drop cloth is used. Then, the particles are turned on end, by hand stuck into the bed of sand and beads so the longest axis is perpendicular to the sand bed and the smallest projected area is imaged. Particles are not touching, and there is high contrast between the background and the particles. Thus, no preprocessing is required for the image analysis. The results are very accurate. The images will be analyzed using “particles” software (Wang, 1999). EU standard tests will be done: Sieve analysis, L/T index, grain shape, maximum grain dimension, comparison to silhouette charts. Other tests to be done include Weight, and Danish Box test. The largest part of the project will be the evaluation of the results. Statistical analysis will be conducted. Each method will be evaluated. Some of the important questions that need to be addressed are: Sieve size and IA size are not exactly the same. Fernlund (in prep) shows conversion of IA size to sieve size is dependent upon the shape relationships of the individual particles that govern whether or not it would be retained on a sieve. The data Bilaga A obtained in this project will help us evaluate how the particles pass or are retained on a sieve. The L/T index is a value that represents the length-to-thickness ratio of the particle samples as a whole. In contrast, with IA we can determine the L/T ratio for each particle, and thus report the frequency distribution with respect to all the particles. We will evaluate the importance of such detailed results compared to the traditional bulk L/T index. How the IA measure of the longest dimension compares to the longest dimension as measured in true 3-D. The overall shape and angularity determined by comparison to silhouette charts will be compared to the Image Analysis 3-D shape and surface texture analyses. How the increased information from the IA evaluation can be compared to the LA and MD values. To what extent is there a potential use of this increased information. P R E L I M IN A RY RE SU L TS Project coordinator Zimmerman has worked for several years on image analysis of geological materials, and its use in estimating physical properties (Sisavath et al., 2001; Lock et al., 2002). The correlation between fracture frequency and the electro-magnetically resistivity has been studied for strongly brecciated rocks at the Lockne impact structure (Bäckström, 2004) and at the Björkö structure (Bäckström and Henkel, 2003). The 3-D fracture frequency calculation based on 2-D data could be confirmed from drill cores. Petrographic studies have shown that there is a correlation between the LA value and the microstructures in the rock. The research team at SP has worked with image analysis and with petrographic studies of microstructures in rocks (Lindqvist et al, 2001, 2003, Åkesson et al, 2001a, b). They have carried out Los Angeles and resistance to impact tests on the rocks, and have suggested a correlation between the LA value and the microstructures. Fernlund (2005a) gave a detailed presentation of the new 3-D Image Analysis method for size determination of coarse aggregates. Fernlund (2005b) presented how the 3-D IA method can be applied to shape determinations of coarse aggregates. Fernlund (2004, 2005c) presented the results of applying the 3-D IA method to the evaluation of the Los Angeles Test. Fernlund (in prep) describes the comparison of the size distribution based on Image Analysis to sieve analysis. This work shows that it is not necessary to Robert Zimmerman, 560709-0270 Aggrregate quality and prospecting accurately determine the mass of the particles, and that the difference between these methods is due solely to the how size is measured. “Size” with IA is defined as the intermediate axis of the particle, whereas for sieve analysis it is a complex relationship dependent upon shape and size. Fernlund (1998) showed that sieve analysis results were highly dependent on particle shape. P RO J E C T R E LE V A N C E , P A R TS 1-4 Part 1 – The bedrock in Sweden is almost entirely covered by glacial sediments, predominately till. Theoretically the till composition would be the same as the local bedrock when crushed. If this correlation is established, then the quality of the bedrock can be determined from analysis of till, and not be dependent upon a few drill hole core analyses. The till composition should reflect the average composition of the local bedrock, whereas the drill cores are only pinholes in the rock mass. This can be a helpful aid in prospecting for aggregate sites. It will be possible to established if the rock mass would produce unwanted minerals such as reactive quartz and flaky mica. It is important that the rock quarries produces aggregate of high quality, and not lots of waste material. Parts 2 and 3 – Increased use of detailed geophysical measurements for applications in soil and rock properties for prospecting is a new and exciting subject. In the future it will be increasingly important to locate aggregate sources at a low cost. The existing methods are not sufficient; it is difficult to quantify the quality of the rock mass based on only a few isolated drill hole cores. It is environmentally un-acceptable that quarries are opened that yield poor quality aggregate and result in extensive waste rock that will end up in land fills. The geophysical methods will be an added tool in identification of rock masses that potentially will yield high quality aggregates. Part 4 – The development of Image Analysis methods provides a means to more accurately and quantitatively describe the quality of aggregates. It is economically important for our society that the aggregates used in our engineering endure and function for as long as possible. Environmentally, there are two aspects that are enhanced by exploitation of high quality aggregate. Firstly, if the life expectancy of the construction is longer then there will be a lower demand for aggregate, and so fewer and smaller quarries will be needed. Secondly, waste material is produced during the maintenance and reconstruction process. If our engineering constructions last longer, due to the use of higher quality aggregates, the amount of waste material will be decreased. Bilaga A Most of all, it is important for the aggregate producer to be able to guarantee the quality of the product. With the IA method being so easy and inexpensive, more frequent tests can be made. Also, the accuracy of the method is greater that of traditional methods. An added extra is that this method for size and shape distribution can easily be carried out on site in the field. Thus, it can be used as a control method during construction. Samples do not need to be sent to the lab for analysis and, due to its low cost, more frequent tests can be made. P RO J E C T O RG A N I Z A T IO N The project is designed as a PhD research student project for four students, one for each part of the project. The project coordinator will be Prof. Robert Zimmerman, head of the Engineering Geology and Geophysics group (EGG) in the department of Land and Water Resources Engineering at KTH. Other members of the team will be Joanne Fernlund of the EGG group at KTH; Jan-Erik Lindqvist at the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (SP); Torleif Dahlin at the department of Engineering Geology, Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Lunds Universitet; Herbert Henkel at the EGG group at KTH; Mattias Göransson, responsible for the rock quality maps at the Swedish Geological Survey; Lars Stenlid at Skanska’s aggregate laboratory; and Per Morén, head of the aggregate group at NCC. Joanne Fernlund will work actively in projects 1 and 4, particularly with the image analysis aspects and the study of till. Jan-Erik Lindqvist, together with Urban Åkesson (also at SP), will work with the petrographic analysis and the correlation between microstructures in the bedrock and their LA and MD values, in parts 1 and 4. Torleif Dahlin will work actively with the geophysical studies, part 2 and 3. The geophysical company ABEM has collaboration with Torleif and will provide the geophysical instruments and computer programs necessary for the project. Herbert Henkel will work primarily with the geophysics aspects, parts 2 and 3. Robert Zimmerman, 560709-0270 COST Aggrregate quality and prospecting E S TI MA T E The equipment for image analysis is not very expensive (see table on right). It consists of a computer, image analysis program, high-resolution digital camera, a tripod, a drop cloth for making a dark room around the sample and camera, and some glow-in-the-dark beads. The tests: sieve analysis, LA and MD tests, and hand measurement of the particles for shape characteristics, are more costly. Some of these tests can be done in cooperation with NCC, Skanska, SP, and SGU in association with their normal testing. The costs for the tests are shown in the table to the right. Sampling of rock material will require fieldwork for documentation of the rock quarries and transportation of the samples to the lab for detailed analysis. Bilaga A Image analysis costs Computer and IA programs 30 000 Camera 10 000 Tripod 1 000 Glow in the dark beads 2 000 Box and drop cloth for dark room conditions Total 1 000 44 000 Laboratory tests 50 LA tests @ 2 600 125 000 50 MD tests @ 3 000 150 000 50 Petrographic thin section analysis @ 7 500 375 000 50 Sieve analysis @ 1 000 50 000 Total 700 000 C I TE D P UB L IC A T IO N S Al-Mjeni, R., Günzel, F., Jing, X. D., Grattoni, C. A., and Zimmerman, R. W., The influence of clay fraction on the complex impedance of shaly sands, Proc. 2002 Int. Conf. Soc. Core Analysts, Monterey, Calif., 20-23 Sept., paper A44, 2002. Bäckström, A. A study of impact fracturing and electric resistivity related to the Lockne impact structure, Sweden. In Ch. Koeberl and H. Henkel (eds) Impact Tectonics, Proceedings of the 8th workshop of the ESF program IMPACT. Springer Verlag. pp. 389-404, 2004. Bäckström, A. and Henkel, H., Geology and rock physical properties in the Björkö (Mälaren) area. Dep. Of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology Report to the Swedish Energy Agency, 2003. Fernlund, J. M. R., The effect of particle form on sieve analysis: a test by image analysis. Eng. Geol., vol. 50, pp. 111-124, 1998. Fernlund, J. M. R., Image analysis method for evaluation of the Los Angeles Drum test, GFF, vol. 126, pp. 143144, 2004. Fernlund, J. M. R., 3-D image analysis size and shape method applied to the evaluation of the Los Angeles test, Eng. Geol., vol. 77, pp. 57-67, 2005a. Fernlund, J. M. R., Image-analysis method for determining 3-D size-distribution of coarse aggregates, Bull. Eng. Geol. & Environment, vol. 64, pp. 000-000, DOI: 10.1007/s10064-004-0251-8, 2005b. Fernlund, J. M. R., Image-analysis method for determining 3-D shape of coarse aggregate, Cement Concr. Res., vol. 35, pp. 000-000, 2005c. King, M. S., Zimmerman, R. W., and Corwin, R. F., Seismic and electrical properties of unconsolidated permafrost, Geophys. Prospect., vol. 36, pp. 349-64, 1988. Lindqvist, J. E., Snäll, S., Solyom, Z., and Schouenborg, B., Quantitative determination of quartz in aggregate samples, in Aggregate 2001 -Environment and Economy, 2001. Lindqvist J. E., Åkesson, U., Malaga, K., Schouenborg, B., and Göransson, M., Assessment of mechanical durability properties of rock materials using quantitative microscopy and image analysis, SP Rapport 2003:06, 2003. Lock, P. A., Jing, X. D., Zimmerman, R. W., and Schlueter, E. M., Predicting the permeability of sandstone from image analysis of pore structure, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 92, pp. 6311-6319, 2002. Lutz, M. P., Monteiro, P. J. M., and Zimmerman, R. W., Inhomogeneous interfacial transition zone model for the bulk modulus of mortar, Cement Concrete Res., vol. 27, pp. 1113-22, 1997. Sisavath, S., Lock, P. A., Jing, X. D., and Zimmerman, R. W., Use of image analysis to study the effect of pore roughness on the hydraulic conductivity of reservoir rocks, Proc. 5th Nordic Symp. Petrophys. (Copenhagen, 1920 Aug. 1999), Nordisk Energiforskning, pp. 149-156, 2001. Wang, W., Image analysis of aggregates, Computers and Geosciences, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 71-81, 1999. Robert Zimmerman, 560709-0270 Aggrregate quality and prospecting Bilaga A Zimmerman, R. W., and King, M. S., Propagation of acoustic waves through cracked rock, Proc. 26th U. S. Rock Mech. Symp., A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 739-45, 1985. Zimmerman, R. W., and Main, I. G., Hydromechanical behaviour of fractured rocks, in Mechanics of FluidSaturated Rocks, Y. Guéguen and M. Boutéca, eds., Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego and London, pp. 363421, 2004. Zimmerman, R. W., King, M. S., and Monteiro, P. J. M., Elastic moduli of mortar as a porous-granular material, Cement Concr. Res., vol. 16, pp. 239-45, 1986. Zimmerman, R. W., Myer, L. R., and Cook, N. G. W., Grain and void compression in fractured and porous rocks, Int. J. Rock Mech., vol. 31, pp. 179-84, 1994. Åkesson, U., Lindqvist, J., Göransson, M., and Stig, J., Relationship between texture and mechanical properties of granites, central Sweden, by the use of image analysis techniques, Bull. Eng. Geol. & Environment, vol. 60, pp. 277-284, 2001a. Åkesson U., Stig J., Lindqvist J. E., and Göransson, M., Image analysis – a method to determine the mechanical properties of granites, in Proc. 8th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Buildings Materials, pp. 497-502, 2001b.