Continuum of Mathematical Learning Early Literacy Matters Three-Year-Olds Rote counts to 10. Counts and builds sets of one to five objects. Counts concrete objects to five or higher. Names how many are in a group up to three without counting. Understands that numbers always represent quantity. Recognizes numerals 1-5. Recognizes and describes concept of zero. Matches numerals to sets 1-5. Identifies first, middle, and last in series. Compares numbers of objects using language (more/less, same, equal, one more). Explores the concept of whole, part, and parts that make a whole. Explores U.S. coins. Combines and separates sets of objects to create new set. Uses numbers to predict, estimate, and make realistic guesses. Recognizes numbers in environment. Four-Year-Olds Number Sense and Operations Kindergarteners Counts by ones to at least 20. Conceptual subitizer to 10. Matches quantities to at least 10 with numerals. Identifies positions of objects in sequence (first to fifth). Compares sets of up to at least 10 concrete objects using appropriate language (none, more than, fewer than, same, one more than) and order numbers. Understands the concepts of whole and half. Identifies U.S. coins by name. Uses objects and drawings to model and solve related addition and subtraction problems to 10. Estimates the number of objects in a group and verifies results. Vocabulary extensions: Integration of process standards (making connections, representation, communication, problem-solving, and reasoning and proof): 10-26-10 Page 1 Continuum of Mathematical Learning Early Literacy Matters Three-Year-Olds Reproduces patterns of sound and physical movement. Reproduces simple patterns of concrete objects. Predicts what comes next to extend a pattern. Creates simple patterns. Four-Year-Olds Patterns, Relationships and Algebra Kindergarteners Identifies the attributes of objects as foundation for sorting and classifying. Sorts and classifies objects by color, shape, size, number, and other properties. Identifies, reproduces, describes, extends, and creates colors, rhythmic, shapes, numbers, and letters repeating patterns with simple attributes. Counts by 5’s and 10’s up to at least 50. Vocabulary extensions: Integration of process standards: (making connections, representation, communication, problemsolving, and reasoning and proof) 10-26-10 Page 2 Continuum of Mathematical Learning Early Literacy Matters Three-Year-Olds Recognizes, names, describes, compares, and combines shapes and solids. Constructs and sorts solid shapes and forms. Makes connection between 2-D and 3-D shapes. Understands and describes position, direction, and distance (up, down, above, below, near, far). Four-Year-Olds Geometry Kindergarteners Names, describes, sorts, and draws simple twodimensional shapes. Describes attributes of twodimensional shapes (number of sides, number of corners). Names and compares 3-D shapes. Identifies positions of objects in space and uses appropriate language (beside, inside, next to, close to, above, below, apart) to describe and compare their relative positions. Demonstrates an awareness of symmetry. Builds understanding of size related to space. Vocabulary extensions: Integration of process standards (making connections, representation, communication, problem-solving, and reasoning and proof): 10-26-10 Page 3 Continuum of Mathematical Learning Early Literacy Matters Three-Year-Olds Builds understanding of size as related to space. Measures length of objects. Explores the concept of capacity (volume). Explores the concept of weight and mass of objects. Estimates length, size, distance, and time. Explores using standard and nonstandard measures for length, area, weight. Names standard tools for measuring time, temperature, length, capacity, weight. Four-Year-Olds Measurement Kindergarteners Recognizes and compares the attributes of length, volume/capacity, weight, area, and time using appropriate language (longer, taller, shorter, same, heavier, lighter, same weight, holds more, holds less, holds the same). Makes and uses estimates of measurement from everyday experiences. Uses nonstandard units to measure length, area, weight, and capacity. Vocabulary extensions: Integration of process standards (making connections, representation, communication, problem-solving, and reasoning and proof): 10-26-10 Page 4 Continuum of Mathematical Learning Early Literacy Matters Three-Year-Olds Compares and contrasts objects. Four-Year-Olds Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability Kindergarteners Collects, sorts, organizes, and draws conclusions about data using concrete objects, pictures, numbers, and graphs. Sorts objects and explains how the sorting was done. Uses charts and graphs. Vocabulary extensions: Integration of process standards (making connections, representation, communication, problem-solving, and reasoning and proof): 10-26-10 Page 5