Sigmund Freud and his Theory of Motivation

Sigmund Freud and his Theory of Motivation
Sigmund Freud was a _______________________________ (1856-1939) who made
many contributions to the field of psychology.
Freud is most known for his method of ______________________________________:
the patient comes to an understanding of his problems by answering a series of probing
questions from the therapist. First, Freud would use _______________________- by
putting the conscious to sleep, the problems rooted in the subconscious can come to
light. The patient will wake up and have awareness of his problems. He will then be
treated with psychoanalysis.
Freud believed that the operation of the brain is controlled by three elements:
EGO: _________________________________________________________________
ID: __________________________________________________________________
Basically, the ________ tells us what we want, the _________________ reminds us
what we should do, and the __________ makes the decision. The ________ and the
_____________________ are constantly at war. The job of the _________ is to find a
compromise between the two.
Effects of excessive control of ID: ___________________________________________
Effects of excessive control of SUPEREGO: ____________________________________
Effects of excessive control of EGO: __________________________________________
Other theories Freud has created to explain why we do the things we do…
Freud proposed that all children experience a desire to have a _______________
relationship with their parent of the opposite sex. Boys want to have sex with their
mothers (________________ Complex) and girls with their fathers ( _______________
Complex). The child wants to eliminate the parent of the same sex who stands as a
rival for the affections of the opposite-sex parent. For example, a young boy may wish
that his father was ________________ so that he could have a mother to himself.
This desire comes from the _________ and therefore is ____________________. The
superego tries to convince the ego to say no. The ____________ fears the
consequences of expressing this desire and realizes that these drives cannot be
satisfied directly. As a result, it hold the original sexual wish in the unconscious and
seeks partial satisfaction for it. The ego gets a bit of satisfaction by spending more
time with the parent of the same-sex- the rival. Boys try to be as much like their
fathers as they can and girls try to be as much like their mothers. By being
______________ to the same-sex parent, children can vicariously enjoy the love that
the opposite sex parent expresses for the same sex parent.
According to Freud, _______________________________________________________
For example:
My son is under the doctor’s care and should not take gym class. Please execute
Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father’s fault.
Mary Ann was absent December 15 because she has a fever, sore throat,
headache and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, fever, sore throat; her
brother had a low-grade fever and ached all over. I wasn’t the best either, sore
throat and fever. There must be something going around- her father even got
hot last night