Beamline Commissioning Ideas Kevin Tilley, CM19 1. ISIS Beam loss, detector calibrations, Particle production 2. Upstream optics commissioning 3. Downstream optics commissioning Caveats:- the presenter!, These ideas would benefit from more time for consideration! : ….but a number of people have provided me with some very useful help. 1. Beamloss / Calibration / Particle production: 0. Ascertain acceptable ISIS beam loss / target position. 1a. Calibrate TOF0,1,Ckov1,Trckr? Detectors. Use basic beamline ie: Q1-Q3off, DecaySolenoid & Q4-Q9 off. P(B1=B2). Momentum = Low setting of 50MeV/c for electrons? (maybe could use quads/sol on? No steering in fact for difft momenta. Question: we calibrate against the same thing we will attempt to measure later??? No – since is different particles? ) 1b. Characterise pion production from target versus momentum?? [useful for determining maximum yields and extrapolating to likely fluxes at MICE?] Here, uses basic beamline ie just B1=B2 on – to ensure measuring [production] only & not [ production x beamline transport. ] For flux of pion-‘s – do bl for 350MeV/c – st out of electron contamination etc Note we will only know exact flux at MICE when beamline optics is finally setup. 2. Upstream beamline optics Optics. Goal (proposed)= max pion flux at D1, minimum spot size. On-axis beam. 2. Set B1 for design momentum (expected to be near maximum ~ 444.71) 3. Check basic optics of Q1/2/3 ie. Off/off/on etc & measure intensity /beamsize /position change at U1. (could fit model ie. eff lengths of Q1Q3 or misalignment of target to optic axis to fit measurement) Insert study to check if effect of Q1/Q2/Q3 on/off/off easily visible at U1. 4. Fix eg Q1 fixed field. Change(reduce) target dip. Measure vertical centre changes at U1. Again, could fit model for misalignment of target/optic axis. clown Study for misaligned input beam & % chg to (Q1,2,3). Measurements at U1 /MICE U1 MICE Target/optic axis vertical alignment: Aligned: Misaligned by 10mm Normal optic Nml optic Q123+10% Q123+15% 0 4.8 5.4 5.8 1.2 1.7 1.7 ? 5. Set design optics for Q1,2,3 & for Decay Solenoid. Set momentum (B2=B1) 6. Check basic optics of Decay Solenoid – eg. phase advance & final beamsize = a nice measurement. Measure beamsize/position change at D1. 7. Set design optics & optimise. Aim is:- Ensure decent focus at U1 into solenoid. Aim for highest pion flux at D1 & smallest spot size. Measure beam centre at U1, watch if beam centre moves at D1. 7 ctd.. Optimisation methods:- scale (Q1,2,3) as single unit, scale Decay Solenoid Example of scaling (Q1,2,3) as unit:Q 1 ' IAB WIW iRi n n Q 2 ' Q 3 ' Q 1 ' U S D W IAB WIW iRi n n Q 2 ' Q 3 ' Q 1 ' U S D W IAB WIW iRi n n Q 2 ' Q 3 ' U S D W - after optimal found with (Q1,2,3) & Decay Solenoid, can make finer tuning via:- decouple Q1, tune 3 params: (Q1, (Q2,3), Decay Solenoid) etc until each parameter decoupled & tuned. Downstream beamline optics Note assume magnetic alignment to be ok. (having made measurements of Q4-Q9 magnetic axis & set positions of magnets accordingly. This can start ~ Nov 1st, but if wish to complete this, will need assistance. Awaiting alignment tolerance at MICE. So, with well aligned input-beam at central energy – beam should remain well aligned through downstream section. No collimation in Phase I – no beam based alignment procedures. At this stage decide if use momentum(B2=B1) for d/stream optics. -------------------------------------------------------Recommended by some:If B2=B1 – is it sufficiently useful to help us setup the later muon optics? Postulated advantages: - optics solution for pions is same as for muons. (source?!) - fluxes of pions higher:- aiding tuning speed. Useful at least for basic optics checks if muon flux impractically low - backgrounds (eg. large muon/pion background) much lower. If so, use pion- (~2:1) or pion+ (~3:1) (range out protons since energy drops/scattering v. difft) (could easily confirm by putting pions through scaled up downstream section & checking beam at exit. Also are solutions scaleable to different muon energies? Insert Study here from TTl (RIKEN or old beamline). If choose (B1=B2), scale B2,Q4,5,6,7,8,9 for pion momentum (444.71) & tune as below from 11 onwards. ------If B2=/=B1, set as muon transport.:8. Check basic optics with B2: explore backward muon momentum edge (there exists a maximum flux point just above end point where emittance is minimum) 9. Set B2 to design field. Optics. Proposed Goal = specific beamsize & waist at MICE still. (still holds, given diffuser thickness fixed? But requires calcn) 10. Check basic optics: Q4/Q5/Q6 off/off/on & measure change at D4b / TOF0? Insert Study here if TOF0 has suitable resolution. 11. Set design optics for Q4/Q5/Q6. Measure D4b/ TOF0. (check centred into Q789 using D4b if pions.?) 12. Check basic optics: Q7/8/9 off/off/on & measure change at D5 / (TOF1/Tracker)? (as before). Insert study here if TOF1 has suitable resolution/if Tracker is suitable after TOF1 13. Set design optics for Q7/Q8/Q9. Measure D5 / (TOF1/Tracker)? 14. Measure natural emittance: εo Postulate: need to calculate desired beamsize waist for match, given fixed diffuser. 15: Optimisation:Q: ? Optimise Q4/Q5/Q6 initially for maximum flux capture into triplet lattice? D4b/TOF0? (?inconsistent?) Optimise Q 4 - 9 for desired optical functions/beamsize at Tracker:-via single lens scaling of (Q4,5,6) and (Q7,8,9), then decouple and tune manually. - via: Transport envelope fitting: to obtain input beam after TOF0, then use Transport to derive Q7,8,9 for 3 parameters at MICE (or best fit for 4 parameters). (simulation to confirm utility or not) Generally thick diffuser for achieving good 4th parameter. q 7 C k 1 q 8 q 9 t 1 x x - Via: Response matrix. Everyones “at it” nowadays: ISIS, PSI… etc etc. eg. Derive d(optic function)/dK(Quad_n) (simulation to confirm) eg. - x Q1 x Q1 x Q 2 x Q 2 x Q3 . . . Although these may not be the right parameters – may want beamsize, or indeed beamsize^2 etc etc. - Via more involved (controlled) optimiser. (CR etc?) point 15 assumes a number of things ie. know what optics functions to furnish. (depends on incoming emittance/diffuser. Scan?). - also that we can measure what we want to change:ie. want to tune only on a certain momentum cut. May require kit arriving in Step II eg. Solenoid + tracker for good p-resolution. Solenoid available for optics functions May08.