Curriculum Vitae: Anna Phelps Current Address: 522 Minnesota Ave

Curriculum Vitae: Anna Phelps
Current Address:
522 Minnesota Ave. Apt. A
Missoula, MT 58902
Contact Information:
(651) 491-7166
Master’s of Science, Geology, in progress, expected 6/2015, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana.
Thesis: Facies characterization and stratigraphic architecture of the Sappington Formation (Bakken/Three Forks equivalent
strata), Bridger Range, Montana.
Relevant coursework: Sedimentary Petrology; Coastal Sedimentary Environments; Fundamentals of Academic Research.
Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Physical Geology Lab.
Bachelor of Arts, Geology, 2010, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Geology GPA: 3.65
Thesis Title: Sedimentology, Chemostratigraphy, and Depositional History of the Chaffee Group, Cement Creek, Colorado.
Relevant coursework: Introductory Earth Systems Science; Physical Geology; Historical Geology; Sedimentology and
Stratigraphy; Geomorphology; Plate Tectonics; Mineralogy; Petrology; Advanced Geomorphology: Uplift and Incision of the
Colorado Plateau; Structural Geology; Geophysics; Regional Studies in Geology: Argentina; Chemistry; Physics; Calculus I
and II; Probability and Statistics.
Myrow, P.M., Hanson, A., Phelps, A.S., Creveling, J.R., Strauss, J.V., Fike, D.A., Ripperdan, R.L., Latest Devonian (Famennian) global
events in Western Laurentia: Variations in the carbon isotopic record linked to diagenetic alteration below regionally
extensive unconformities: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. v. 386, p. 194-209.
Myrow, P.M., Hanson, A., Phelps, A.S., Creveling, J.R., Strauss, J.V., Fike, D.A., Ripperdan, R.L., 2012, Upper Famennian carbon
isotopic excursions in Western Laurentia linked to diagenetic alterations during lowstands: Geological Society of America,
Annual Meeting, Denver, Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 7.
Grants and Awards
The Patricia J. Buster Research Scholarship for independent senior research (Colorado College)
Geology Alumni Award (University of Montana)
Donald B. Gould Scholarship Award in Geology (Colorado College)
Darrell M. Putman Scholarship in Geology (Colorado College)
The Harrison Tout Scholarship Fund (Colorado College)
Geological Experience
Undergraduate thesis work, Cement Creek, CO
Spent a week in the field with Dr. Paul Myrow and Justin Strauss; measured detailed section, noting changes in lithofacies
and associated paleoenvironments; kept track of and traced potential sequence boundaries and geometries of various
stratigraphic units; collected samples for thin section petrography, carbon isotope analysis, conodont biostratigraphy, and
magnetic susceptibility analysis.
Instructional/field work, Colorado College
80+ days of field experience, mapped structural, glacial and rock formations; identified minerals, rock formations, degrees
of metamorphism, cross-cutting relationships, and paleoenvironments; surveyed with a Trimble GPS receiver, Trimble Total
Station, and laser rangefinder; used an array geophones to collect seismic refraction data; investigated the regional
geological setting in west-central Argentina; aided in a project investigating the rate of incision of the Green River, Utah.
Thin section petrography; magnetic susceptibility using MFK1 Kappabridges with the Safyr program (CalTech); stable
isotope mass spectrometer (St. Louis University); rock cutting, crushing, and drilling; GIS; Trimble GPS receiver; scanning
electron microscope; semi-automated x-ray diffractometer.
Other Experience
Assistant Barn Manager, J Bar 9 Ranch LLC., Cody, WY
Managed employees, barn, horse care and horse facilities; exercised and trained horses; helped care for cattle herd of 150+
head; guided rides taking into consideration safety and wishes of guests; taught horsemanship and riding; operated
miscellaneous tractors with implements; completed miscellaneous ranch work.
Editor of the Cipher art and literature magazine, Colorado College
Designed and laid out magazine with Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop; created and maintained website with Word
Press; proposed and acquired stories and art; worked with writers and other editors to develop, write, and finalize articles.