Proposed training program Luz Elisa Tavera Mendoza

Luz Elisa Tavera-Mendoza
Post-doctoral Fellow,
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Harvard Medical School,
44 Binney Street, Dana 732
Boston, MA
Post-doctoral training.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
2007 -
Ph.D. Experimental Medicine
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec
2001 - 2007
M.Sc. Biology
Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec
1999- 01
B.Sc., Specialization, Biology
Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec
Member of the Science College Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec
Medical School
de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
Morelia, Mexico
Universidad Michoacana
2007Post Doctoral. Genome-wide analysis of the functional interactions of forkhed
transcription factor FOXO3A and estrogen receptor alpha in breast cancer
PhD. Molecular mechanisms of cell growth arrest by vitamin D and its analogs
M.Sc. Thesis. Influence of Atrazine on Gonadal Differentiation in Xenopus laevis
tadpoles during metamorphosis.
Science College Undergraduate Research Projects
Luz Elisa Tavera-Mendoza
Tavera Mendoza Luz., 1998. Reproductive Toxicity of Beluga Blubber in Mice.
Tavera Mendoza Luz., 1999. The Morphology of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae
on 17 species of indigenous ferns from Quebec.
Tavera Mendoza Luz., 1997. The Morphology of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae
on Uvularia grandifolia and Uvularia sessilifolia.
Summer Research Assistant - E.coli transformation, plasmid extraction and DNA
sequencing for construction of an EST’s database from cDNA library from
Lypophorium elongatum roots.
Technician - I worked as a laboratory technician for Natur/Air doing dust dilution and
colonies quantification and for the assessment of fungi and bacteria responsible for
sick building syndrome.
Teaching Assistant - Laboratory Courses in general animal, fungi and plant biology,
plant physiology , comparative animal histology and biostatistics.
Concordia University, Biology Department.
Research Assistant - Mycology laboratory doing field sampling and preparation of
plant tissue for the identification and description of mycorrhizae fungi.
Concordia University, Biology Department.
2007-2009, Fonds de la recherché en santé Québec. Bourse de formation
postdoctorale en recherché en santé. Postdoctoral Fellowship
2003-2006, Montreal Center for Experimental Therapeutic in Cancer. Graduate
student scholarship
2003, Endocrine Society Travel Award
2005, Endocrine Society Travel Award
2005/2006, National Cancer Institute of Canada Travel Award
2006, Best oral presentation. McGill Endocrine Retreat, 4th annual meeting.
Montreal, Qc.
2008, Endocrine Society Travel Award
2008, Endocrine Society basic Science Student Award
US Provisional Patent application: 060512 10565-014 US SPECIFICATION-002
Luz Elisa Tavera-Mendoza
Sylvia Ruby, Tavera-Mendoza L, Michel Fournier, Pauline Brousseau, and V.
Dégas. Reproductive System Impairment of Mice Fed Diets Containing Beluga
Whale Blubber from the St. Lawrence Estuary and Arctic Populations. Journal of
Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, vol. 66, no. 11, January 2003, pp.
Tavera-Mendoza L, Ruby S, Brousseau P, Fournier M, Cyr D, Marcogliese D.
Response of the amphibian tadpole Xenopus laevis to atrazine during sexual
differentiation of the testis. Environ. Toxicol. Chem 2002 Jun; 21(6) : 1264-7
Tavera-Mendoza L, Ruby S, Brousseau P, Fournier M, Cyr D, Marcogliese D.
Influence of Atrazine in the ovary of Xenopus laevis tadpoles during sexual
differentiation. Environ. Toxicol. Chem 2002. Mar :21(3) 527-31
Wang, T.T., Nestel, F., Bourdeau, V., Nagai, N., Wang, Q., Wu, J., TaveraMendoza, L., Lin, R., Hanrahan, J.H., Mader, S. and White, J.H. Cutting Edge: 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D3 is a direct inducer of antimicrobial peptide gene expression. J.
Immunol. 2004 Sep 1; 173(5):2909-12.
Wang TT*, Tavera-Mendoza LE*, Laperriere D, Libby E, Macleod NB, Nagai Y,
Bourdeau V, Konstorum A, Lallement B, Zhang R, Mader S, White JH. Large-scale
in silico and microarray-based identification of direct 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 target
genes. Mol Endocrinol. 2005 Nov; 19(11):2685-95. * Equal first authors.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, Wang TT, Benjamin Lallemant, Rui Zhang, Yoshihiko Nagai,
Véronique Bourdeau, Yolande Bastien, Sylvie Mader, and John H. White.
Convergence of vitamin D and retinoid acid signalling at a common hormone
response element. EMBO Rep. 2006 Feb; 7(2):180-5.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, Wang TT, and John H. White. P19INK4D and Cell Death. Cell
Cycle 2006 Mar; 5(6):596-8. Extra View.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, Sylvie Mader, and John H. White. Genome Approaches for
Identification of Nuclear Receptor Target Genes. Nuclear Receptor Signaling 2006
4, e018. Review.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, and John H. White. Vitamin D and Immunity. Sci Am. 2007
Nov; 297(5):62-5, 68-70, 72.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, Quach, T., Dabbas B., Gleason, J. and John H. White.
Incorporation of histone deacetylase inhibition into the structure of a nuclear receptor
agonist. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008 Jun; 105(24):8250-5.
Luz Elisa Tavera-Mendoza
Tavera-Mendoza LE, Dabbas, B., Libby, E. and John H. White. Induction of mitotic
catastrophe by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and histone deacetylase inhibitor TSA in
poorly differentiated squamous carcinoma cells. Manuscript in preparation
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2005. Convergence of vitamin D and retinoid acid
signaling at a common hormone response element. The Endocrine Society, 87th
annual meeting. San Diego, CA.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2005. Vitamin D and retinoid acid signaling at a
common hormone response element. Montreal Center for Experimental
Therapeutics in Cancer, 3th annual meeting. Montreal, Qc.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2006. Vitamin D signaling at a novel hormone response
element. McGill Endocrine Retreat, 4th annual meeting. Montreal, Qc.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2006. Genomic approaches to identification of 1,25Dihydroxyvitamin D3 target genes implicated in its anticancer properties. The
Endocrine Society, 88th annual meeting. Boston, MA.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2007. Induction of mitotic catastrophe by 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D3 and histone deacetylase inhibitor TSA in poorly differentiated
squamous carcinoma cells. Histone Deacetylases, FASEB Summer Research
Conference. Snowmass Village, Co.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2008. 1,25D3 and histone deacetylase inhibitor
trichostatin A cooperate to induce mitotic failure in poorly differentiated carcinoma
cells. The Endocrine Society, 89th annual meeting. San Francisco, Ca.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2008. Incorporation of histone deacetylase inhibition into
the structure of a nuclear receptor agonist. The Endocrine Society, 89th annual
meeting. San Francisco, Ca.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2007. Induction of mitotic catastrophe by 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D3 and histone deacetylase inhibitor TSA in poorly differentiated
squamous carcinoma cells. Histone Deacetylases, FASEB Summer Research
Conference. Snowmass Village, Co.
Luz Elisa Tavera-Mendoza
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2005. Identification and characterization of a common
response element
to vitamin D and retinoid acid. Cancer Research Across the
Spectrum: National Meeting for trainees. Mount Tremblant, Qc.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2004. Identification, mapping and characterization of
high affinity vitamin D response elements in the human genome. The Endocrine
Society, 86th annual meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2004. Convergence of vitamin D and retinoic acid
signaling through a common hormone response element. Montreal Center for
Experimental Therapeutics in Cancer, 2th annual meeting. Montreal, Qc.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2003. Cloning and Characterization of the ligand
dependent co-repressor (LCoR) in the mouse. The Endocrine Society, 85th annual
meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2000. Sex Reversal in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
following Methanol and Atrazine Exposure During Late Metamorphosis. 27 Annual
Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, St. John’s, Nfld.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2000. An Ecological Risk Assessment of Lake SaintLouis, Quebec: Multiple Toxicity of Copper and Zinc to Spawning Success in
Fathead Minnow and Bluegill Sunfish. 2 27 Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, St.
John’s, Nfld.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2000. An Ecological Risk Assessment of Lake SaintLouis, Quebec: Risk of Methyl-Mercury in Yellow Perch, Pike and Walleye to Human
Health. 27 Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, St. John’s, Nfld.
Tavera-Mendoza LE, et al. 2000. Influence of Methanol and Atrazine on Gonadal
differentiation in Xenopus laevis tadpoles during metamorphosis. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21st Annual Meeting, Nashville, TE.
Receptors and signal transduction in environmental toxicology. SETAC 21st Annual
Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.
Use of habitat selection functions in ecological risk assessment. SETAC 21st Annual
Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.
Probabilistic risk assessment. 27 Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, St. John’s,