Farm saved seeds in Poland Karol Marciniak Polish Seed Trade Association Plant breeder’s rights are the key issue for financing of plant breeding. The most important way of exploiting them are royalties paid on certified seeds. Since there are important crops where farmers use the intellectual property rights producing farm saved seeds breeders in some EU states have developed systems to collect relevant compensation for it. In Poland the system of collecting remuneration for using farm saved seeds by farmers have not been established so far. There is a number of reasons of this situation including legal base, structure of farms, political influence of farmer’s organizations, weak position of the domestic plant breeding and seed industry. This paper gives an overview on the most important aspects which may decisively influence the possibility and the way of the future collection of farm saved seeds remuneration in Poland. Legal base of the plant breeder’s rights in Poland The legal plant variety protection in Poland is based on a few sources: a) international - “sui generis” UPOV system and its conventions. Poland joined this organization in 1989 and the latest Act of 1991 have been adopted by Poland on 15th of August 2003, b) european – Community Plant Variety Rights based on UPOV Act 1991 and on the directive EC Nr/2100/94, c) national legislation stated in the Plant Variety Act issued on 26th of June, 2003. As details on the existing PBR’s are widely discussed in other presentations during this Seminar for the purposes of this presentation it will be enough to underline the following aspects of it: the national Plant Variety Act allows to use farm saved seeds of the following crops: wheat, barley, rye, oats, triticale, winter rape and potatoes – article 23.2. the definition of a "small farmer" according to the mentioned act described in the article 23.3 and 23.4: 23.3. "the holder of a farm below 5 ha can use farm saved seed for sowing without the necessity of paying remuneration to the breeder" or, 23.4. " the holder pays the remuneration if uses farm saved potato seeds of early type on the acreage bigger than 1 ha. In case of other types of potato varieties he pays the remuneration if uses farm saved potato seeds on the acreage bigger than 2 ha" no administrative or legal procedures to verify the information supplied by farmers or processors, infringement against the plant variety right even the serious one is treated as an offence not a crime and only a fine might be imposed – article 37.1. Cultivation of crops involved in the “farmer’s privilege”. As mentioned above in Poland the farm saved seed can be produced only in case of cereals, winter rape and potatoes. In the Table 1 the surface of cultivation of these crops is presented. There is almost 8 million ha of cereals cultivated in Poland. Apart from basic cereals there is ca. 1,4 mio. ha sown with cereal mixtures. Majority of this kind of cultivation are spring crops involving mainly barley and oats sometimes completed with some wheat seeds especially for using on better soils. As farmers usually prepare cereal mixtures for sowing themselves this will cause more difficulties to identify the varieties involved in the mixture when introducing fss remuneration system. Production and use of certified seeds For the purposes of sowing 1,5 to 1,6 mio. tons of cereal seeds are used every year. The certified seed production covers very small part of it. On the Figure 1 the cereal seed production area is presented. Last 10 years we have observed dramatic decrease of seed production and there is little chance to change it. Moreover the average selling of certified seed from one hectare of multiplication is below 2 tons. The usage of certified seeds of cereals is on the level of 7%, on average. There is no official data on it and especially on the volume of the illegal seed market. The calculation was made on the base of the information from Central Statistical Office, State Plant Health and Seed Inspection and the estimation of Polish Seed Trade Association. The usage of certified potato seed is even lower, the estimation of it is on the level of 3 – 4% in 2005. Table 1. Cultivation of cereals, winter rape and potatoes in Poland Crops 1995 2000 in thous. ha 2005 wheat 2407 2635 2218 rye 2452 2130 1416 barley 1048 1096 1113 oats 595 566 539 triticale 616 695 1194 cereal mixed 1366 1478 1436 cereals total 8484 8600 7916 rape 606 437 527 potatoes 1522 1251 594 There are many reasons and circumstances which have born the present dramatic situation. One of the most important is the structure of farms in Poland. According to the information based on the Agricultural Census 2002 there is almost 2 million farms – Table 3. Majority of these farms aren’t run intensively so they sell almost nothing to the market. They don’t use certified seeds at all. The bigger the farm the better the knowledge of the farmer on the advantages of using high quality seeds. However many farmers have an easy access to the illegally offered seeds. This is the next very important reason of decreasing seed exchange in Poland. Black market is growing and there are no tools to fight against. Controlled shopping is difficult to conduct and to prove that seeds not grain are sold. Moreover, the court decisions usually treat single infringement as a little harm for the society so the punishment is usually very mild, if any. The knowledge of judges in the courts regarding PBR is very low. Moreover, the geleral financial condition of the farmers is rather bad so they look for any possibility to control costs. Usually many of them buy certified seeds for small multiplication, then use harvested material as farm saved seed for commercial production. Fig. 1. Cereal seed multiplication in Poland in the years 1997 – 2006 (thous. ha) 200 184 180 164 160 143 140 120 112 106 100 81 80 62 61 60 48 40* 40 20 0 1997 * 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006* the estimation of Polish Seed Trade Association, March 2006 Table 2. The estimation of the usage of certified seed of cereals, potato and winter rape in Poland for sowing in 2005. crop certified seeds fss illegal market winter wheat 9% 61 % 30 % spring wheat 10 % 70 % 20 % winter barley 13 % 67 % 20 % spring barley 13 % 57 % 30 % winter rye 4% 76 % 20 % oats 5% 75 % 20 % winter triticale 6% 69 % 25 % spring triticale 8% 67 % 25 % potatoes 4% 81 % 15 % winter rape 65 % 25 % 10 % The decreasing seed market brings to seed companies serious financial problems. They try to survive mainly by decreasing the prices or offering uncertified seeds. Low prices not covering the cost lead to the lower quality of the seeds sold which is not an incentive for farmers to buy certified seeds. Both domestic and foreign breeders have started licensing PBR’s just few years ago. In the license agreements the seed company is granted the right to produce, process, offer and sell seeds of protected varieties. There is no direct license contract between the breeder and the producer to grant the right to multiply protected variety on the contract for seed companies. There are not any agreements or contracts between breeders and processors, too. Nevertheless in 2004 some state domestic plant breeders established a trust company called Agencja Nasienna. This body represents plant breeders in controlling whether the seed companies properly declare the amount of certified seed sold and pay royalties. Agencja Nasienna is the body which could organize the fss remuneration system in the near future in Poland. Table 3. The number of farms in Poland hectares at farm number of farms 1-5 1 146 890 5 - 10 426 869 10 - 20 266 623 20 - 30 64 265 30 -50 31 678 50 - 100 12 394 more than 100 7 422 total 1 956 141 based on the agricultural Census 2002 Royalties collected and potential volume of fss remuneration in Poland. The level of royalties collected in 2005 varied depending on the breeder and cereal variety from 8 to 18 PLN the most often on the level of 10 – 12PLN for 100kg of C1. The total volume of royalty collected in Poland for the certified cereal seed sold in 2005 can be estimated on the level of 10 000 thous. PLN. For potato and rape seed it could be 700 and 11 000 thous. PLN, respectively. The potential volume of fss remuneration on cereals and potatoes could be estimated as four times higher than royalty volume and 1/3 of the winter rape royalty volume. The varieties without legal protection After joining EU apart from varieties listed in Poland (NL) there is a number of varieties from Common Catalogue (CC) commercialized here – Table 4. There are mainly winter wheat, barley, potato and winter rape varieties. However in case of winter rape there is no exact evidence since some seeds are not produced in the country but provided by foreign producers. What is more interesting and important from the point of view of the possibility to collect remuneration on fss is that there is a number of varieties without the legal protection. Moreover, among the CC varieties commercialized in Poland there are unprotected varieties although many of them are quite new releases. It seems that the foreign breeders protect them in their countries on the national level, only. They don’t see the advantage of legal protection for these varieties in Poland. Table 4. Cereal, potato and winter rape varieties commercialized in Poland and their legal protection crop National List ‘06 protection EU PL lack Common Catalogue EU protection lack s. wheat w. wheat s. barley w. barley oats s. triticale w. triticale 37 56 51 17 31 7 30 37 26 7 22 5 2 14 16 6 30 20 8 s. rye w. rye 2 32 2 14 5 263 163 51 49 28 19 132 66 39 27 33 15 51 11 14 cereals total potatoes w. rape 5 5 9 4 9 2 1 15 4 4 1 1 2 1 13 (9 F1) 1 3 1 2 1 12 3 2 1 1 1 26 (12F1) 1 (F1) 10 (1 F1) 18 lack of data Table 5. Seed production area of cereal and potato varieties in Poland in 2005 crop ha listing National List s. wheat w. wheat s. barley w. barley oats s. triticale w. triticale s. rye w. rye cereals total potatoes protection CC PL EU lack 3 841 15 594 11 236 2 007 3 225 983 3 801 14 061 11 003 1 872 3 203 873 40 1 533 233 135 22 110 3 777 9 941 7 352 1 348 2 557 359 24 5 466 3 328 509 6 794 6 710 84 3 873 2 921 14 4 030 14 3 930 100 14 1 588 899 1 543 47 724 45 468 2 257 30 809 13 257 3 658 4 634 3 941 693 1 963 1 506 1 165 110 40 186 556 151 668 514 To realize the scale of the presence of the unprotected varieties the seed production area of cereal and potatoes is presented in the Table. 5. In 2005 the unprotected varieties of cereals were produced on the area of 3004 ha (6,4% of the total area). The highest share of unprotected varieties was noticed for spring triticale (52,3%), winter rye (29,6%, excluding hybrids) and oats (20,7%). In case of potatoes ca 25% of the area seed potato production is the area of unprotected varieties production. Plant breeders in Poland and their representatives When considering the possibility to create a system of fss remuneration we have to analyze who could be interested in it. Below there is a list of the breeders of cereals, potatoes and winter rape whose varieties are listed and/or commercialized in Poland. Some of them are the breeders of two groups of species. In case of cereals and potatoes the majority seeds offered to farmers belong to domestic breeders. In winter rape the situation is different. All together there is ca 40 breeders or their representatives who can act jointly and built common system of fss remuneration. Table 6. Breeders or their representative having listed and/or commercializing their varieties in Poland in 2005 cereals Danko HR Strzelce Lochow-Petkus Polska Poznańska Hodowla Roślin HRR Nasiona Kobierzyc HR Smolice SW Seed Saaten-Union Polska HR Szelejewo RAGT Semences Polska CN Środa Śląska DLG Polska PPH Womir Małopolska HR HBP Piast H.R. Łagiewniki Irena Szyld Marek Juś Stanisław Ramenda 18 potatoes PMHZ w Strzekęcinie Hodowla Ziemniaka Zamarte Hodowla Roślin Szyldak Norika Polska Europlant H.Z Farm Frites Poland C. Meijer B.V. Olznas-CN Distriban Frito Lay Poland Nasiennictwo Bałtyckie DLG Polska HZPC Agras Solana Polska PRH Bracia Buczak 15 winter rape DSV Polska KWS Polska Monsanto Polska Syngenta Seeds HR Strzelce Saaten-Union Polska SW Seed HR Smolice Rolagra 9 It is also important to underline that in Poland there is a breeder’s organization representing their interest. This is Polish Seed Trade Association (Polska Izba Nasienna - PIN) gathering 96 members who are breeder’s or seed companies both domestic and from abroad. Majority of these enterprises listed in the Table 6 are the members of PIN. Framer’s organizations in Poland There are many farmer’s organizations in Poland. Some of them have been created on political base (farmers’ parties) other on economical or organizational aspects. There is one which gathers all farmers, since the membership is obligatory. That are Agricultural Chambers in each province which make up The National Council of Agricultural Chambers. This organization seems to be relevant to discuss enforcement of PBR’s regarding fss and eventually sign an agreement with breeder’s representatives on the collecting remunerations on fss. The perspectives of building the system of farm saved seed remuneration in Poland Building an efficient system to collect fss remuneration is essential for the possibility to finance further breeding of new varieties in Poland. That would be an incentive for farmers to use certified seeds and moreover to discourage them from using seeds from illegal market. On the other hand there are some circumstances which seriously influence the possibility of effective system creation. The most important are connected with the structure of agriculture: agrarian structure of farms, huge number of small farms, mentality of farmers, political influence of farmer’s organizations and parties. Next group of factors is connected with the present organization of domestic breeders. During 90. of the former century the state aids were high enough to cover the cost of breeding. The licensing of PBRs and collecting royalties has started just 5 - 6 years ago with a strong opposition from farmers who had got used to cheap certified seeds and from seed companies forced to increase the price. Moreover, despite the end of state aids for breeding among the breeders there are different opinions whether to start or not building the system now. As reported in other presentations during this Seminar the existing legal plant variety protection law does not give the breeder in Poland the tools sufficient for enforcement of his rights. The proposed amendment which is now (April 2006) being discussed in our parliament should improve this situation. Taking into account the described situation it will be extremely difficult to built an effective system. Anyway it is high time to start.