Curriculum for Interventional Pulmonary Medicine (IPM) Fellowship Clinical Responsibilities: 1. Half day Clinics (3) with focus on evaluation of chest malignancy, pleural disease, bronchoscopy and interventional pulmonary referrals. Tuesday PM (Stather) Monday PM (Tremblay) – Cancelled if Sunday Call. Wednesday AM – Dyspnea clinic (Tremblay/Stather/MacEachern) 2. Inpatient consultations for IPM as needed. 3. Procedures (~4 half days) 4. Attendance at TBCC Lung Tumour Group case review (Wednesday 4-5pm) 5. FMC Extender call 1 weeknight per week and one weekend per month. Academic activities 1. Attendance at relevant academic rounds Monday 12h00-1pm: FMC Resp JC (fellow will present 2-3 times during the year) Tuesday 8-9AM: Medicine Grand Rounds as appropriate Thursday 4-5PM: Respiratory Research Rounds as appropriate Friday 7-8AM: City-wide Respiratory Rounds Friday 8-9AM: Division of Respirology Clinical Academic Rounds (fellow will present one session late in the year) Friday 12h00-1pm: Thoracic Surgery rounds Quarterly City wide Respiratory Journal Club 2. IPM rounds (Wednesdays 1-4 PM (1-3pm Lung Cancer Cases, 3-4 IPM Lecture - Friday 10AM for thoracic lectures). Rotation of: IPM Fellow presents IPM Guest lectures Attendance at TS, Resp fellows’s seminars as appropriate Morbidity/Mortality and Interesting Cases: We will meet on a bi-monthly basis to discuss complicated and interesting cases. The interventional fellow on service will be responsible for preparing and presenting cases for group discussion. The emphasis will be placed on improving quality of care and education 3. Research Participation in ongoing research program of the Interventional Bronchoscopy Service. The fellow will be expected to initiate and complete an independent research project with the aim of presenting data at an international meeting in the year following the fellowship. THORACIC SURGERY ROUNDS – Every Friday at noon IPM FELLOWSHIP CURRICULUM GUEST SPEAKER FELLOW’S SEMINAR RIGID BRONCHOSCOPY SIMULATION TRAINING WEEK Day/time JULY 9/08 Wed 1-4PM JULY 16/08 Wed 1-4PM JULY 23/08 Wed 1-4PM AUG 6/08 Wed 1-4PM AUG 12/08 Tues 9-12AM AUG 19/08 Tues 9-12AM Sept 517/08 Sept 25/08 OCT 1/08 OCT 8/08 OCT 15/08 OCT 29/05 NOV 5/08 Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed Topic Speaker Rigid Bronchoscopy SIMULATION TRAINING - Introduction Session Rigid Bronchoscopy SIMULATION TRAINING - Foreign Body Removal Rigid Bronchoscopy SIMULATION TRAINING - Self Expanding Metal Stents Rigid Bronchoscopy SIMULATION TRAINING - Silicone Stents and SEMS Rigid Bronchoscopy SIMULATION TRAINING - Bronchial Blockers (Arnt,etc) Rigid Bronchoscopy SIMULATION TRAINING – Stents and Massive Hemoptysis IPM Fellow writing RCPSC Respirology Exams Principles of Electrocautery and APC Malignant Pleural Effusions Dr. David Stather Locatio n ARC Dr. David Stather ARC Approach to Malignant Airway Stenosis Lung Cancer Screening Dr. Chris Hergott Lung Cancer Surgery Dr. Gary Gelfand Endobronchial Stents – Dr. Chris Hergott Dr. David Stather ARC Dr. Alain Tremblay Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern ARC Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern ARC Dr. David Stather U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P. MacEachern ARC Principles and Practice Endoscopic Approach to Benign Airway Stenosis Pre-op Assessment for Surgery & Pulmonary Function Tests Chemotherapy in Lung Cancer TBNA/Closed Pleural Biopsy -Pulmonary Fellows Session EBUS rm 680 Dr. David Stather U61 – rm 680 Dr. Alain Tremblay U61 – rm 680 TBNA/Closed Pleural Biopsy -Simulation Session Laser and Cryotherapy Dr. David Stather Bronchoscopic treatment of Asthma and Emphysema Dr. P. MacEachern Wed 3-4PM Thurs 8-9AM Wed 3-4PM Diagnostic Bronchoscopy Dr. Chris Hergott FEB 19/09 ALL DAY EBUS COURSE FEB 20/09 ALL DAY EBUS COURSE FEB 28/09 Wed 3-4PM IPM Case Reviews MAR 4/09 MAR 11/09 MAR 18/09 Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Radiation Therapy in Lung Cancer Part I Radiation Therapy in Lung Cancer Part II IPM Case Reviews MAR 25/09 Wed 3-4PM PDT & Brachytherapy NOV 12/08 NOV 19/08 NOV 26/08 DEC 3/08 DEC 10/08 DEC 17/08 JAN 7/09 JAN 14/09 JAN 28/09 FEB 5/09 FEB 11/09 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Mesothelioma Bronchoscopy for peripheral lesions / electromagnetic navigation / fiducial placement Dr. Don Morris Dr. David Stather Dr. Chris Hergott Dr. David Stather U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 ARC U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 Dr. Sean Grondin U61 – rm 680 Dr. Alain Tremblay U61 – rm 680 Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern Dr. Elizabeth Kurien Dr. Elizabeth Kurien Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern Dr. Chris Hergott U of C U of C U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 APR 01/09 Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Massive Hemoptysis Dr.Alain Tremblay Anesthesia for Rigid Bronchoscopy Bronchoscopy in Immunocompromized Hosts Dr. M. Chong MAY 06/09 Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM MAY 13/09 MAY 20/09 MAY 27/09 JUN 05/09 Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM Fri 8am Bronchoscopic Treatment of Dr. P.MacEachern Asthma and Emphysema IPM topic of fellow’s choice – Dr. Chris Hergott Topic TBA IPM Case Reviews Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern Autofluorescence Dr. David Stather Bronchoscopy Medical Thoracoscopy / Dr. David Stather Pleurodesis Lung Cancer Pathology Pathologist TBA JUN 10/09 Wed 3-4PM Wed 3-4PM APR 08/09 APR 15/09 APR 22/09 APR 29/09 JUN 17/09 Dr. David Stather PRESENTATION AT CLINICAL ACADEMIC ROUND IPM Topic TBA Dr. Chris Hergott IPM Case Reviews Dr. David Stather Dr.Alain Tremblay Dr. P.MacEachern Dr. David Stather U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680 Johns Theater U61 – rm 680 U61 – rm 680