Interim Report - Massachusetts Department of Higher Education

285 Old Westport Rd, North Dartmouth, MA 02747, Tel: (508) 999-8577 - Fax: (508) 999-9127
January 14, 2012
Ms. Patricia Crombie
Nurse Coordinator, Education Redesign
Nurse of the Future Initiative
Massachusetts Department of Higher Education
One Ashburton Place Room 1401
Boston, MA 02108
Dear Pat:
Attached is the Interim Project Implementation Report that is due on January 15th. The project
has been an exciting experience for all of the partners.
As of later this month, study activities will be well underway with participants in most of the
agencies. There has been a delay with Morton Hospital due to unanticipated needs in the agency.
However, I have been reassured that the project member and her Chief Nursing Officer look
forward to resuming their participation in the project.
Please contact me if any clarification is needed. I hope this report meets your expectations.
Very truly yours,
Kerry Fater
Kerry H. Fater PhD, RN, CNE
Principle Investigator
Associate Professor of Nursing
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
College of Nursing
Interim Project Implementation Report January 14, 2012
Project Title: An Education-Service Partnership to expand Implementation of Nurse of the
Future Core Competencies across the Academic/Practice Transition
Partnership Members: UMASS-Dartmouth (UMD), Southcoast Hospitals Group (SHG), St
Anne’s Hospital (SAH)-Steward, Morton Hospital and Medical Center (MHMC)-Steward
Completed by: Kerry Fater, PhD, RN, CNE Principle Investigator and Associate Professor at
UMASS-Dartmouth College of Nursing
1.Progress made towards stated goals (as noted on pp. 5-6 of the proposal):
A. Identify potential obstacles to acceptance, and effective methods to promote acceptance
NOFNCC in each of the three healthcare organizations (HCOs) and in UMD graduate
education in nursing.
No obstacles have been noted to date but we are early in the implementation of
NOFNCC. May be too soon to realize.
B. Integrate NOFNCC instruction and skill development into the transition to practice
orientation in the partner HCOs.
This has been completed in 2 of the three agencies: SHG, and SAH. Due to
circumstances in the agency beyond control, there has been a delay in this activity at
Morton. Since this project entailed a pretest of study participants using a newly
devised survey, no new nurses or their preceptors were recruited into the study during
the fall.
C. Pilot demonstration project on two transition to practice units for new graduates in one
healthcare organization which includes NOFNCCs.
This has been accomplished on one transition to practice unit. The organization is
currently studying the possibility of beginning another similar unit, once there is solid
data to support its benefits and cost. (A CNS was hired to work with the new
graduates and preceptors facilitating NOFNCC in practice.)
D. Provide preceptor update (education) on NOFNCCs… better equip them to facilitate the
development of knowledge, attitudes, and skills associated with the NOFNCC in
The preceptor education had been written in two of the three organizations.
However, the implementation has not occurred as yet. Preceptor education is planned
for February in two of the agencies.
Southcoast will offer three preceptor update sessions at the end of February. 10-12
preceptors, who will be paired with newly licensed nurses, will attend. They
anticipate six new nurses will be recruited into the study in February as well.
Saint Anne’s plans to invite all nurses who have served as preceptors to attend the
preceptor updates that will be offered. The education sessions will be scheduled late
January into mid-February. Two new nurses will be invited to participate in the study
when then come onboard at the end of January.
E. Provide instruction/education to select graduate students at UMD regarding NOFNCCs.
In the fall, the Graduate Program Committee approved revision of Standards and
Outcomes in Graduate Nursing course to include an objective under which
NOFNCCs will be addressed. In the spring term, the above named course and
Curriculum Development in Nursing, also including NOFNCCs, will be offered. The
enrollment in each course is currently 5 but is subject to change (become bigger) until
the beginning of classes on January 30th.
F. Demonstrate improvement in the ability of transitioning new graduates, their preceptors,
and graduate nursing students ….as reported in survey findings.
The Nurse Competency Assessment Test (NCAT) was created, reviewed by a nurse
expert(s) (for content validity) in each partner agency (N=5), pilot tested among
practicing nurses with varied practice backgrounds (N=17), refined, and loaded onto
an online platform. The NCAT will be used as a pretest, and for formative and
summative evaluation for the above study participants. Statistics will be gathered for
each group of study participants.
Human Subjects approval was obtained in all 4 of the partnering agencies. Potential
study participants will be recruited by the lead person in each agency who is on the
project team.
2. Update on Coordination of activities per proposed timeline
The project team meets monthly: This began in August. Revising of orientation for
transitioning new nurse (and other new hires as well), and preceptor education
intervention were completed in the fall. Deviations in the proposed implementation
timelines were due to two factors:
o The task of developing, and testing the competency assessment tool was complex
and time consuming.
o In one of the agencies, there was a diminished need to hire new graduates during
the fall.
o In a third partner agency, more pressing needs of the agency occurred. However,
I have been assured that they will resume their role in the coming weeks.
3. Changes in the scope/impact of the project
We do not anticipate any changes at this time. While initial numbers of participants are
lower than expected, these may be offset by larger numbers of new hires early in the
summer of 2012.
4. Status of relationship/support with practice partners
All project team members are committed to this work, diligent in their roles, and highly
supportive of each other’s efforts. Monthly meetings have contributed to moving forward
at a steady pace.
5. Budget issues
Kerry Fater created an error with regard to the budget. In the proposal there is discussion
of study participants completing the NCAT three times. However, there was only
provision in the budget for compensation for one time ($25). Lower than anticipated
numbers of participants at this point in time may result in adequate funds being available
within the partner agency budgets. However, if there is not, provisions will be made with
the UMD Grant Office for monies to be moved from K Fater’s summer stipend to the
deficit areas. Obtaining the NCAT data is vital to this project. The $25 compensation for
completing the survey each time is an attractive incentive to study participants.
6. Unexpected/major issues or potential barriers to success
While not a barrier to success, a challenge that the agencies not using a dedicated unit has
uncovered is related to tracking of participants. For example, a given new nurse may have
two preceptors. Agency partner will need to be sure that if the new nurse and both
preceptors have consented to participate in the study, that they complete the online
NCAT, and in the case of the preceptor, before attending the preceptor education and
working with the new graduate on the nursing unit. Tracking will also need to be done at
the post education time frames as well.