CLUB HOODIE ORDER FORM Please indicate which sweatshirt you wish to order, which size and the name you want on the Hoodie. Please use one form per order. Please also include payment by cash, cheque or internet banking. Your name: Your contact no: I wish to order (enter the The Kukri sweatshirt is designed to match the dresses, the navy sweatshirt has white embroidery for the club logo and your name and the junior sweatshirt is purple with white embroidery and for juniors only. The Kukri sweatshirt at £38 in size (choose from: 8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22) size against the type of sweatshirt you want): OR The navy sweatshirt at £18 in size (choose from: Small (35 – 37”), Medium, Large) OR The junior sweatshirt at £15 in size (choose from: Age 7-8. 9-11 (32”), 12-13 (34”), 14 – 15 (36”), Small (35 – 37”), Medium, Large) I want the following name on the sweatshirt: I am paying: Enter amount (either £38, £18 or £15) By: (either cash, cheque or internet banking) Payment details: Please make cheques payable to ‘Carol Anne Netball Club’ or give cash to Sally. If you wish to pay by internet banking directly into the Carol Anne account use the following details: Bank and Branch Name: NatWest Barnstaple, High Street Branch Account Name: Carol Anne Netball Club Account Number: 29337518 Sort Code: 60-02-03 Reference: ‘SWEATSHIRT’ PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDER BY 21ST AUGUST