Zenith Leisure Curriculum delivery

18th September 2015
Dear Parents,
As part of our outdoor PE curriculum Zenith Leisure are delivering outdoor
activities to your child’s class this half term, in school time, on Monday
Please help by making sure that your child has appropriate clothing. A
sweatshirt, tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt, trainers or old shoes are fine and if
possible a waterproof/showerproof coat. Depending on the weather your child’s
clothing may get dirty.
C Clemmet
Class teacher.
18th September 2015
Dear Parents,
As part of our outdoor PE curriculum Zenith Leisure are delivering outdoor
activities to your child’s class this half term, in school time, on Monday
Please help by making sure that your child has appropriate clothing. A
sweatshirt, tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt, trainers or old shoes are fine and if
possible a waterproof/showerproof coat. Depending on the weather your child’s
clothing may get dirty.
C Clemmet
Class teacher.