saving fluorescent

How energy efficient are you? Answer Sheet.
1. Which type of light bulb is the most energy efficient?
Incandescent (regular light bulb)
Compact Fluorescent light bulb (energy saving light bulb)
Fluorescent tubes
(* a compact fluorescent light bulb uses one quarter of the energy that a regular light bulb
uses, and it lasts ten times longer)
2. How much energy do energy saving light bulbs save, compared to regular light
 30%
 50%
(* Energy saving bulbs uses around 20% of the electricity used by ordinary ones to produce
the same level of light – although the amount of light they give out does decrease as they get
3. In the winter, what should you keep your thermostat set at?
30 ºc
25 ºc
20 ºc
(* 20 c is the ideal temperature to set your thermostat in the winter. For every degree above
20 c you pay up to 5% more on your heating bill.
Turning down the thermostat will help decrease your energy bills)
4. If you have a ‘low flow aerator’ on your tap, what does it do?
Make more water come out of the tap
Clean the water
Make it seem like more water is coming out of the tap than there
(* an aerator restricts water flow without reducing water pressure. It introduces air into the
water stream so that the flow seems bigger than it is.
This reduces the amount of water being used by 30-50%)
5. A half tub uses less water than a shower and a short shower uses less water
than a full tub.
(* A full bath tub holds around 200 litres of water.
A regular shower uses 15 to 20 litres of water a minute.
Taking a 5 minute shower uses between 75 litres and 100 litres of water.
Taking shorter showers, of only half filling your tub means less water is used.)
6. The colour of a room can affect energy use.
(* white walls can reflect up to 80% of the light that hits it. It takes less energy to light up a
room painted in a light colour, as dark walls absorb light)
7. If your family needs to buy a new freezer, what type should they buy?
Chest freezer
Upright freezer
Downright freezer
(*Chest freezers open up instead of outwards unlike upright freezers, so they are better at
keeping the cold air in. Remember to look for energy star ratings!!)
8. To be energy efficient, where should soups or sauces be cooked?
In the microwave
On the stove
In an easy bake oven
(* cooking and boiling things like soups and sauces on top of an electric stove is twice as
energy efficient as using a microwave.)
9. What temperature should your fridge be set at?
Between -5 ºc and -2 ºc
Between 2 ºc and 5 ºc
Between 12 ºc and 15 ºc
(*these temperatures are safe for storing food, if the temperature is any lower then energy is
being wasted, and if it is any higher, your food will probably go mouldy and smell really bad)
10. If you are waiting in the car for someone you should ask the driver to ….
Keep the car running
Turn the car off
Drive around the block
(* sitting in the car with an engine running for more than 10 seconds uses more petrol than
just restarting the car.)