Fluorescent ‘energy saving’ bulb Connection with particle physics The electron collides with the atom of Hg and excites it The atom of Hg returns to the ground state and emits UV radiation The UV radiation excites the atoms of the fluorescent substance The atoms of the fluorescent substance return to the ground state and emit visible light Comparison between the old electric bulb and the new ‘energy saving’ bulb (when giving adequate light in the same room) Power Daily use Daily energy consumption Monthly energy consumption Monthly cost Life time Fluorescent bulb 20W 5hrs 0.1Kwh Electric bulb 100W 5hrs 0.5Kwh 3Kwh 15Kwh 90 greek drachmas 8000 hrs 450 greek drachmas 1000 hrs Conclusion The fluorescent bulb is superior to the electric bulb because it last longer and it saves energy. Its disadvantages are that it costs a more to buy and that its light is not as ‘warm’ as an electric bulb’s.